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Guardian Angel
Chapter; 1

A million thoughts ran through my head in those few short moments. It took me back to the first day. Meeting him for the first time. He was the bad boy, and I was the shy new girl. His hair, curly, brown, and amazing. “Hey, you look lost, can I help?” He said blinking those deep brown eyes at my light green ones. I accepted his offer, even though I knew I wasn’t lost. Maybe he even knew I wasn’t lost. “What class do you have?” He asked looking down at me. I could feel his eyes wandering me. I didn’t mind it, at all. His eyes mainly tried looking into mine, but they wouldn’t allow it. I guess, they were just afraid of getting hurt. “Bio.” I answered in my shy voice. Why would I answer like that? He probably thought I was such a nerd. “Oh, me too. It’s this way. Follow me.” He said leading us down the hallway towards the right. I followed without a word. “So, where did you transfer from?” He asked looking down at me. So, I guess you can say he’s a little taller than me. Or a lot, hey I’m 5’1.5’’. “I’m just from across the state.“ I said quietly. We walked into the class after the bell rang. The teacher opened her mouth ready to yell at him as I walked in behind him. “Sorry, Ms.Haple. I found her lost in the hall, when I was almost here.” He said flashing her his pearly whites. “Alright. Take a seat in the back. Miss, what’s your name?” She asked looking at me smiling. She seemed nice, but I was still unsure about her. “Aubrey.” I said smiling back at her. “Nice to meet you Aubrey, if you wouldn’t mind you can be Jacob’s lab partner.” She said looking at me. I nodded, even though I had no clue who Jacob was. Quickly I examined the room and to my luck, no one was without a partner beside my tour guide. I fled to the back of the room and sat down next to him. “You’re so quiet.“ He laughed after he found me on his way to lunch. “Not really.“ I said awkwardly. “I think so.“ He said starring at me. “I don’t think so, I just have to get used to you.“ I admitted. “Yoo, J.T. get it.“ Some ignorant idiot yelled as we walked down the hall next to each other towards the cafeteria. “Nah, chill man.“ He said seriously. “Sorry.“ He said looking at me and continued walking down the hallway. “Yeah, it’s cool.“ I said, even though I didn’t think it was cool, at all. I hate when guys act like that, but I guess it wasn’t his fault, at least not completely. But who would hang out with such pigs. Well, I guess I am right now. Such a hypocrite. “What are you thinking?“ He asked as we sat a table in the corner of the café. “Why are you dedicating all your time to me today?“ I asked curiously. I didn’t mind it much, but someone with friends like that aren’t likely to hang around a quiet girl all day. “You’re not trying to ‘get it in’ cause you won’t are you?“ I asked. “Wow, I didn’t think my friends comments would matter that much to you, I didn’t even say anything. I just like talking to you, you seem chill. Well, till like right up about now.“ He said. I could see him getting mad, it was in his eyes. “Sorry. I didn’t mean it, really.“ I tried to make him happy again. “It’s alright.“ He said looking down. Yep, the memories, they all flew back into my mind in those few short, short minutes. “Positive.” Great, I sighed to myself. 

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Guardian Angel Chapter; 1 A million thoughts ran through my head

10 faves · Sep 22, 2011 9:19pm






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