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We have the popular, the jock and then there's me
Chapter 35-

                "I can't believe you didn't wake me up!" I yelled running downstairs to see Willow and Miles eating ice cream and soda...in the morning. For breakfast...
                "Is that my clothes?"Willow asked eyeing me. "Dimitri picked it out. Sorry" I mumbled. "I would but you guys look so cute together!" Miles said as an excuse. "Liar, you told me you wanted them to be late" Willow said.
                "Traitor!" Miles yelled .
                Dimitri slide down the stair case handle and grabbed his school bag along with mine. "Doesn't Willow have school...?" I asked. "I have a personal tutor who comes at 9. Now hurry up and leave" she shooed us out.
                I jumped inside the car as Miles speeded down the street. "Slow down will you?!" I demanded. "It's not that bad when I was in the gang I had street racing that went much faster than this."
                I glared at Dimitri, "Not helping."
                "So are you going to let the whole school know you guys are dating?" Miles asked. " I say not yet, I mean the most popular guy in the school with a geek? I don't want to be hated on just yet."
                Dimitri chuckle before he kissed my forehead making me blush.
                "Dude how about you ditch Dimitri and hang with us? You look like a babe today without your usual anime baggy clothes" one of the jock said. I mentally cursed, Willow's clothes is to revealing for me. Just as I was about to leave school they come along.
                I sometimes wonder if Dimitri only liked me because I started to wear contacts with glasses and was wearing these clothes. Did he liked me only for my looks?
                I lost my thought when someone placed a hand on my head. Dimitri. "She's taken" he growled. The jock gulped and walked off without another word.
                "Willow's clothes is not ever going to be worn by you ever again" he said to himself. "Hey D-Dimitri?" I asked. He looked at me. "Do you....only like me...because of my look?" I questioned.
                He flicked me on my forehead, "Idiot. I like you for you. You can be wearing your glasses and cap for all I care. I'm thinking you should so I can have you all to myself." I blushed at that last comment he made.
                "Now hurry up before I leave you. We have alot of homework today" he said. As I passed by Dimitri's friends everyone glared at me, Kathy especially. I groan, why did I deserve this?!  
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We have the popular, the jock and then there's me Chapter

21 faves · 1 comments · Sep 16, 2011 8:49pm






alexsis · 1 decade ago
Wait, I'm confused, when did he Ask her out????
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