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they've been friends forever
five years to be exact.  
no one knew she  liked him. she's  liked him pretty much since the first day.
well anyways;
they were hanging out together, they weren't suppossed to.
after school on the football field.
just laying in the grass telling eachother stories.
they were best friends you know.
she'd always request stories from him.
she was that enthusiastic about writing.
she would write in notebooks until they were full.
anyways; why weren't they  suppossed to see eachother?
the boy was found with a razor in his backpack;
his parents thought he had been cutting himself.
it was really the girls razor though...
his parents banned them from seeing eachother;
but instead of going to baseball and cheerleading practice,
they'd come out here instead.
either reading, or writing, or listening.
the girl; Nicole- she stole his hat.
the boy; Lucas- well, he put up with it most of the time.
Well, when Nicole stole it this time, he kind of got mad.
it was fall time- so i can imagine he was cold.
anyways, she ran off with the hat in her one hand.
and he came chasing after her.
She ran the length of the football field with that hat in her hand.
So... Lucas was catching up by now.
He grabbed her free hand, and twirled her around.
She giggled; not her usual laugh.
He was smiling as he reached for his hat back.
he wasn't very mad anymore.
Nicole said firmly, "if you really want your hat back, you have to kiss me."
Lucas was, as imagined, slightly shocked, but he was imagining the kiss anyways.
"Ok." He finally said.
and he lifted her up, and he kissed her so softly, it was like Heaven.
"was that your very first kiss?" Nicole asked, still slightly dazed from his lips.
"no, but it should've been."
She replied with,

"imagine a love story where the characters are blind until the very end. now imagine that story not ending like you expected it to. i didn't expect you to kiss me;
So that story should be us."


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they've been friends forever five years to be exact. no

678 faves · 7 comments · Aug 21, 2011 4:09pm






xXi_am_imperfectxX · 1 decade ago
so cute(:
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EmilyLovesYerFace · 1 decade ago
Omg. I love this.
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boylover13flirtz14 · 1 decade ago
thanx for all the favorites :D im sorry if i annoyed you guy, but i wanted to get the word around! im glad u guys like it!
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xokirstyleexo3 · 1 decade ago
adorable ♥
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Where_the_Lines_Overlap · 1 decade ago
I LOVE this (:
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LoveHateAppreciate · 1 decade ago
I love it <3

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you_know_you_want_me · 1 decade ago
thats so cute!
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