Witty Profiles

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Types of people on witty;
Jockers: We alll know what these are; the people that jock because they can't think of anything better to say.
The accusers: I don't know about you, but these people seriously make me mad. They accuse you of jocking their quote, when you've never seen them, or their quote in the first place. And it's not like their the first people to ever come up with it, either.
The Inspirational people: They make you feel a lot better about yourself, and realize what you're going through will soon be better, even when it feels like it'll never end.
The Layout changers: These people constantly change their layouts, mostly because they get bored of it.
The Funny quoters: These quotes are the funny ones, they always make you laugh, and most people like these types of quotes.
The series starters: Some of these series even end up on the top quotes, and basically flood them. Sometimes this can be annoying; but it can also be very funny, or interesting.
The Normals: They make quotes about their everyday lives, don't jock, and if they do always give credit. They don't get a ton of faves, and if they do, they're beyond excited.
Format Lovers- They go all out to make the best format possible, and the format is usually much better than the quote itself.
Plains: They make quotes, but they don't have a cute format, so it is usually ignored.

Comment what category you fall under
& Add your own category if I missed it :)

Format by Sandrasaurus

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Types of people on witty; Jockers: We alll know what these are;

7 faves · 5 comments · Aug 13, 2011 2:33pm






emilynicole1313 · 1 decade ago
Normal, and a victim of an accuser (hahahaha ;) )
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cHeErGuRlxo14 · 1 decade ago
mix of normal and plain
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ELIZA_GRACE · 1 decade ago
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l0velybelieber · 1 decade ago
you forgot the story writers. :)
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mcarrxo · 1 decade ago
normal, layout changer:D
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