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Why are all the top quotes
"comment for a rate",
or "Fave this for a rate",
or "fave this and I'll tell you your future child's/husband's name"?!
First off, why would you want to be rated
by someone you don't even know!
wtf happened to not caring what others
thought of you?
and second, No. you cannot tell me what
my future husband/child's name because
you don't know who i'm going to marry
and don't know what we'll name our
child. they just want faves. Half of them
don't even respond to your
fave/comment. They want attention.
I'm so sick of every top quote saying "fave
this for" or "comment on this for" the
stupidest things.
-.- it's getting annoying. Just a rant


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Why are all the top quotes "comment for a rate",

9 faves · Jul 1, 2011 9:58pm






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