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You support gay/lesbian marriage[♥] /////////////////////
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323 faves · 56 comments · Jun 29, 2011 2:18am






Phunkie070 · 1 decade ago
Dear people who is against it
Blame it the staights for having them
Sicerly think about it
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KanzenFukanzen · 1 decade ago
I find it ironic that the add on the top of this page for me says "Register to view gay singles in Denver." Just thought I'd share that. I support gay marriage btw.
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LetsDoItTonightx3 · 1 decade ago
You know, the world can still reproduce even if everyone went gay.
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WhoahhxIngrid · 1 decade ago
Love can go for all genders. Gay marriage all the way! "uraskinme". You sound ignorant. It's not "natural". It's a FREE country, genders should be able to do as they please.
In the bible it said being "gay" is a "sin", but in Churches it is said god made everyone different. And he loves everyone. Hell ; I don't go to church, but being gay.. There is nothing wrong with that.
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b1air · 1 decade ago
Not everyone believes in God though. That seems to be everyone's only reason. I support gay marriage.
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monkeykool150 · 1 decade ago
Well You cant help urself if u fall inlove with the same gender. But i Dont support Gay/Lesbian marriages. Whether you blieve it or not God made two genders for a reason. Not to have the same gender get married. But people are turning it around and thinking there all cool and all they think about is . But is not imporant in life. Only once or twice when u want to have children after you are married. And NOT the same gender having because that is just turning what God made for us around. I dont support Lesbains or Gays at all. Men are ment to be the thougher ones, and fall inlove with women so they make babies. And the women were met to have the babies and ment to fall in love with Men not Women. And not because they have boobs, the boobs are for the babys drinking, for the poor little babies health. So anyway, I do not support Gays or Lesbains at all. It's just twisting everything around. By the time you know it, people will be falling in love with Chairs or Water or something.
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uraskinme · 1 decade ago
I dont support gay marriage...at all! why do you think they cant reproduce together? clearly because god didnt decide to make it that way! its not natural!
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LetsDoItTonightx3 · 1 decade ago
No offence, but you can't really put a quote up about gay rights. Then, not expect people to get in to arguments over it. It's one of the most controversial topics.
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cocopopsticles · 1 decade ago
I think I'm going to start a fuucking protest. I'M SICK OF GAYS/LESBIANS GETTING LESS RIGHTS THAN US! Whoever said that it's not right is wrong! Woulden't you be heartbroken if you wern't aloud, or people told you not to marry the one that you love with all of your heart. That's how homosexuals feel, some people love the same , and there's absolutely no reason what so ever that they shouldn't be aloud. They're humans! Let them be, Let them love, Let them live!!
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cocopopsticles · 1 decade ago
Ok, when I made this quote, I didn't want arguments! My uncle is homosexual, yes... He has with men. There's NOTHING wrong with getting married. Marriage is a celebration to prove your love to one another, and I dont think that it's wrong for two of the same to get married, they're human and so are we... gays/lesbians should get perfectly equal rights.
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LetsDoItTonightx3 · 1 decade ago
Everyone has their own definition of love. And gays just so happen to find it in that of the same gender.
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karalynn714 · 1 decade ago
We don't believe it is the same type of love between two people of opposite genders and two people of the same gender.
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LetsDoItTonightx3 · 1 decade ago
I support gay marriage, because why do people try to stop love? For the ones saying "It's Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve". God told Adam and Eve not to eat the forbidden fruit, did that stop them from going after what they wanted?
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karalynn714 · 1 decade ago
Whether you believe in God or not. Humans were created as two separate genders, male and female. The only way to naturally create more human beings is through between a male and a female. We are made the way we are for a reason. So no, I don't support marriage between two people of the same gender in any way. I actually did part of a poster for school on this topic with more reasons and found research that there were actually negative effects on children brought up by two parents of the same gender. I don't hate gay people, I just don't really respect their choice, which is what I believe it is, a choice.
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ngstoriesx3 · 1 decade ago
i'm hindu, and i think homosexuals have the same amount of right as any other human being. if you love somebody, why does gender have to matter?! you can't help falling in love.
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iceberg124 · 1 decade ago
love is love. nuthing to it
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daniellegaleloveskelsey · 1 decade ago
did you know; the suicide rate has gone up because of the unjust hate against gays? did you know that Tennessee is making it illegal for teachers to mention anything having to do with homosexuality, which means that a kid can be bullied right in front of her because of his sexual orientation, AND SHE CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT. there is a video that talks about why homosexuality should be made illegal, but in that video the points made are points to prove the homosexuality should in fact be made legal in all states. it says that people think being gay or lesbian is 'unnatural', isn't birth control unnatural? and SO many other things among that. it also states the because gays and lesbians can not reproduce themselves they are of no help to society so they should not be allowed to get married. do you see us discriminating against infertile people getting married? or old people? NO, we don't. what is the difference either way. also, it is said that 2 men or 2 women could not adequately raise a child or children, DO WE DISCRIMINATE AGAINST SINGLE PARENTS? no we surely don't. so all of you who think gay or lesbian is wrong, you have your own opinion, and ill honor it because we live in AMERICA, where we have FREEDOM OF SPEECH, and where we're supposed to have 'EQUAL RIGHTS'. i don't see gays or lesbians getting equal rights, and that in my opinion is unjust.
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NeverReallyEver · 1 decade ago
it was adam and eve
not adam and steve
or amanda and eve
haha jk i dont even believe in the bible :P
just don't think gay is real.
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xxandreaxx6789998212 · 1 decade ago
Personally, i think you should be able to love who you want and I'm not gonna judge you for that, but marriage is for a man and a woman. Not a man and a man or a woman and a woman. For everyone saying that marriage isn't about gender and its just a ceremony to show your love for one another, than whats the reason for genders? Don't you think that God would just make everyone one gender?
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XxRaaawrrxX · 1 decade ago
Because it's wrong,and gross. Men were made to love Women,not men love men or women love women.
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