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you see,
sometimes i think i'm getting over you.
but then i remember.
i remember all we went through.
i remember all the things you said to me.
i remember the way you made me feel.
i remember how you held me like you never wanted to let go.
i remember thinking that forever was actually going to happen.
i remember believing in us, and in a fairytale ending.
and i remember you.
i remember your bright blue eyes, and your gorgeous smile.
i remember everything i fell for in you.
i remember that i'm still in love with you.
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you see, sometimes i think i'm getting over you. but then

15 faves · 1 comments · Jun 22, 2011 5:29pm






behindxthexsea · 1 decade ago
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Can you click on this link
I will do anything in return!

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