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Favorite Girl
Justin's POV.
Chapter 6

I was having a blast with Mellany. I saw a couple of people and paps pass by and take pictures. That's the only thing that bothered during the whole day. It'd be out tomorrow that I'd was hanging out with her, and they'd make up I'm going out with her. Which I really don't mind, but people can't just assume things. We stopped splashing each other,and we both just laid down in the sand and dried off, since we forgot to bring towels. After we were all dried off, the van met us by the boardwalk. My mom was in the van along with Kenny.
"Did guys have fun?" my mom said.
"Yes!" Mellany said.
"So did I!" I joined along with her. "What'd you do, today?"
"Did some sightseeing and bought some stuff." my mom said. "LA is really beautiful."
"Someday I'll go out to go sightseeing too." Mellany said.
"You mean we'll go out sightseeing." I said with a smile. She smiled back at me.  
She really did have a beautiful smile.
"Do you mind dropping me off at the hotel I'm staying at?" Mellany said. "This day has been fun, but I'm tired."
"Yeah, sure" Kenny said.
"Aren't you hungry?" I said.
"Not really, If I am, I'll just fix myself something up." Mellany said.
"You sure you don't wanna come out to eat with us?" I said.
"Nah, it's fine." she said.
We drove to her hotel. It was getting kind of dark, so I walked with her inside. I followed her all the way to her room. She opened her door, and just stood in the doorway. 
"So see you tomorrow?" I said. 
"Yeah definitely." she said. I gave her a hug, and she hugged me back.
"Cya." I said.
"Bye." she replied. I walked back downstairs, and got back into the van.
"So I see you have a thing for Mellany, don't cha?" Kenny said with a smirk.
"She seems nice." my mom said with a smile. 
I hit Kenny in the shoulder. "Yeah, she really is nice, you'll talk to her more often and find that out yourself." I said.
"I think you should go sightseeing with her tomorrow." she said.
"I think I will..." I said.

*coment, and favorite! thanks guys for ALL THE FAVES! <3 LOVE YOU! Dont forget to check my twitter and my formspring! (: hope you like the story and give me some ideas!
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Favorite Girl Justin's POV. Chapter 6 I was having a blast

12 faves · May 28, 2011 6:29pm






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