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  1. StoriesWithLizzie_ StoriesWithLizzie_
    posted a quote
    June 5, 2011 2:56pm UTC
    chapter 10
    "Bon appetite". Ryan said as he set up the blanket and the little sandwiches. "You nerd". Kendall said jokingly. "Someone's going to pay the consequences". Ryan said looking at Kendall. "No. No." Kendall said getting up. Ryan got up and chased her around the beach as she laughed. "No. Ryan!" She yelled laughing as he grabbed her by her waist and pulled in her for a kiss. "Love you baby". Ryan said as they pulled away. "Love you too". Kendall said and they walked back hand in hand laughing together. "There so cute together". I said smiling to myself. "Your so cute". Hayden said. "Um. Thanks." I said and blushed. "Hey man, better speed it along". Ryan yelled as he walked up to us. "Dude". Hayden responded flipping his hair. "Were just friends". I said making it a statement. But the more I said it the more I wanted to change it. "That's not what Hayden tells me". Ryan said smirking. "Ryan!" Hayden yelled giving Kendall a look. She nodded and pulled on Ryan's arm. "Baby, let's go for a walk". She said and he turned toward her. "Is there something you wanted to tell me?" I said. "Yeah... um actually there is." He said. "M-Melissa, I-I really like you". He said nervously. "Sorry Hayden but I didn't come here for a summer romance". I said getting up and walking away. Hayden chased after me. God this boy wouldn't stop. "You like me too". He said smiling. I turned around and stopped walking. "I see it in your eyes". He said grabbing my arm. I shrugged him off and kept walking. "Melissa. Melissa!" He called getting closer towards me. "Why are you running off?" He asked. "I just do Hayden alright! Not everything includes you". I snapped in his face and kept walking. "Mel!" He called without any pain or hurt in his eyes. "What." I said and finally stopped and was face to face with him. "Why are you so afraid to love?" He asked. "Hayden I didn't come here for this. If I came here for a relationship, I would of gotten one at home!" I yelled. "Admit you like me". Hayden said poking me. "No." I said and rolled my eyes. He tickled me. "Hayden, stop!" I yelled laughing. "Theres your beautiful smile". He said standing there admiring me. "Say it." He demanded. "No." I responded. "Then you leave me no choice". He said coming up from behind and giving me a giant bear hug. "Hayden! Get off me!" I yelled laughing. "Admit it". He said. "Fine." I said. "I like you". He smiled. "Now let go of me". Before letting go he kissed my cheek and sent shivers up my spine. "Will you go out with me?" He asked as we walked back to the beach.
    Author's Note; Please comment and favorite. Sorry I haven't written in forever! <3

  2. StoriesWithLizzie_ StoriesWithLizzie_
    posted a quote
    May 30, 2011 6:58pm UTC
    chapter 9
    "We got to the beach and it was so nice. The water looked so peaceful as the waves crashed onto the shore. Little kids gathered around running as the water came up. Until they finally got hit with the water, cold on their feet and they'd shriek with joy. Ryan and Hayden set up an umbrella with a big blanket under it. Ryan sat down next to Hayden, as I sat down next to Kendall. "So are we going to go in the water, or just sit around and look good?" Kendall asked taking off her tank top and shorts. She grabbed Ryan's arm and they ran off into the water. I looked at Hayden, he already had his t-shirt off and was holding his hand out. "You coming?" He asked me. "Um, yeah." I said and took off my shirt and shorts. I grabbed his hand and we walked down to the water. We got to the shore, where the waves were crashing down I stopped to feel the water on my toes. It was cold. But it felt so nice. "Coming?" Hayden asked me as he went into the water. "Uh... yeah." I replied inching closer. It was so cold! I looked over and Ryan had picked up Kendall and was about to drop her in the water. When she came up she kissed his nose and he picked her up and spun her around. It was like a fairytale or a fantasy. "Come on." Hayden said grabbing me by the waist and hoisting me over his shoulder like a fireman. "No Hayden!" I screamed as he held me up about to drop me. He grinned and I came plunging down into the cold water. When I came up he splashed me. "Hayden! I'm going to kill you" I yelled. "Catch me if you can!" He yelled like a little kid, the way Kelsey did before she ran off. And I did try. But after 20 minutes of splashing and chasing and falling into the water. I became bored and just floated around. As I was floating I closed my eyes and let myself drift, I didn't care where. What was that? I said to myself. Something grabbed my hand. I yelled, opening my eyes to find Hayden holding my hand. "Shh, it's alright. Hayden's got ya." He said and held me in the water. "Isn't this beautiful?" He asked looking out in the horizon. There were birds flying happily, the water was so peaceful, and for about one second in my life. I didn't care what happened. "Yes. Yes it is". I replied closing my eyes.
    Author's Note: Comment? How do you like. Thank you loves.

  3. StoriesWithLizzie_ StoriesWithLizzie_
    posted a quote
    May 30, 2011 11:46am UTC
    click to see this quote

  4. StoriesWithLizzie_ StoriesWithLizzie_
    posted a quote
    May 29, 2011 8:58pm UTC
    chapter 7
    I walked down the stairs to dinner, along with Hayden and Kelsey. "Oh good, your finally down." Carrie said when she saw me come. "This is Susie, Hayden's mom." She said and I introduced myself. "Hello, I'm Melissa, this is my sister Kelsey. I'm sure Isaiah already introduced himself, he's fast like that." I said and Isaiah nodded at me to sit down. I pulled a chair for Kelsey and she sat down. "Food!" She yelled as she got into the chair. "Kelsey sit down normally!" I yelled. "Criss cross apple sauce". Hayden laughed as he picked up his fork. Kelsey didn't listen and started screaming. "Food! Food! Now!" She yelled. "No Kelsey. Behave." I said. She threw a tantrum. "Mel, maybe you should eat up stairs." Isaiah said to me. "Fine." I said and grabbed Kelsey's hand and her dish along with mine. "I'll come with you... for company". Hayden said. "Oh no. It's-". But before I could finish he was already picking up his dish and heading towards me. When I got up stairs I put Kelsey in the crib that was still in her room. She whined to get out. "No. Kelsey. If you do not behave you don't get food." I said. Hayden looked at me. "She'll be fine!" I snapped at him. He laughed. "Melissa. Melissa..." Kelsey cried. About 5 more minutes of crying Isaiah came up. "Melissa, you need to handle this better so Carrie and Mrs. Riviera don't think were incapable of taking care of our sister" He warned me. "But Isaiah we are incapable. We barely made it out alive of a plane! If mom and dad were still here-" "Melissa! Stop it. You know that plane incident wasn't our faults. And don't bring up mom and dad. Please..." He looked away. "Isaiah..." He turned to me. "I wish they were here as much as you do but they're gone and we have to get over it". He said and picked up Kelsey. "Ready to go downstairs and behave?" Isaiah asked her. "Yeah..." She said, and he wiped off her tears with a napkin. Isaiah was always emotional for a moment, then strick the next. It was as if showing emotion or caring was against his nature. He was always the one who acted strong when mom and dad died. He was the one who took care of me and Kelsey. Even though I got another job, and so did he. He was the one who paid most of the bills and kept us alive while I went shopping for food.
    Author's Note; Please comment. How do you like it? Let me know. Favorites are appreciated. Follow? Thanks Loves.

  5. StoriesWithLizzie_ StoriesWithLizzie_
    posted a quote
    May 29, 2011 6:01pm UTC
    chapter 6
    "So, I could show you around sometime. I mean Malibu has an incredible view". Hayden said to me when we got in the car. "Yeah I'd like that". I said looking out the window. "Can you surf?" Carrie asked me from the front seat. "Uh... no". I said looking at Isaiah. He laughed. "I can teach you". Hayden said putting a hand on my shoulder. "Thanks, but I'm good." I said slowly taking his hand off my shoulder. "Oh, alright". He said looking out the window. "You guys are going to love the house. It has a pool, a view of the beach. And it's very big!" Carrie said as we pulled into the driveway. "Whoa, Carrie this place is amazing!" Isaiah said helping Kelsey out of the car. "You guys have the rooms on the right corridor". She said pointing to a completely separate building of the house. Was I dreaming? I thought. This was unbelievable. "This is like a mansion." I told Hayden as he helped me carry my things. "Yeah it's pretty chill." He said flipping his swooshy, brown hair. Hayden was kind of cute. He had brown hair, bright, piercing green eyes. And he was the perfect height. But I wasn't interested in having a relationship at the moment. We walked into the house, or our part of the house. It was like a condo. He walked me up to my room and all my stuff was there. "It arrived yesterday. I helped Carrie, and my mom set it up". As if that was going to impress me? I laughed. Then said "Thanks". I went over to my closet and opened the door. It was a walk in closet. What are the odds of that? "This closet is pretty chill!" I said to Hayden as he walked over. "Yeah I thought you'd like that". He said resting his arm on me. "Um, so I'm going to go help Kelsey with her stuff". I said walking towards the door. "Hey, wait up!" He said and came towards me. "Here's my number. You know if you want to text me sometime and we could hang out." He said doing that half smile thing of his. He looked adorable. Snap out of it Melissa. "Um of course. But only for emergency's". I said and his smile faded. I walked out of the room to Kelsey's room. All of her stuff was there. "Melissa, look. My bed, and everything!" She squealed hopping around without her crutches. "Let me help you". I said, getting out her suitcases and putting away her clothes into her closet. After we finished Carrie called us down for supper. "Ready for dinner, my lovely lady?" Hayden said escorting Kelsey down the stairs like they were at a formal wedding. I laughed. Hayden was good with kids, he was adorable and I was falling for him. If he was running for president he'd have my vote.
    Author's Note; Please comment & favorite. Thanks loves.

  6. StoriesWithLizzie_ StoriesWithLizzie_
    posted a quote
    May 29, 2011 2:29pm UTC
    chapter 5
    We walked to the front entrance of the building to go back to the airport. It was an hour passed the time our flight originally left. Our aunt had called and gotten another flight in 30 minutes for all of us to fly out again. "Taxi!" Isaiah whistled and one pulled over onto the side of the street. "Where to?" The driver asked. "Airport. Step on it." And the driver did so, speeding as I clutched onto the side of the car door for life. We got to the airport and Isaiah paid the man and Kelsey got her crutches out. We walked into the airport and quickly went through the security checks. We boarded the plane and sat in our original seats from the other one. I opened the window and quickly checked out. No planes. Good I thought as we took off. We took off safely this time. No panic of the passengers or screams saying "we're going to die!". Half way into the flight Kelsey fell asleep. I fell asleep shortly after she did. When I woke up, the flight attendant was speaking to the plane. "Please evacuate the plane in an orderly fashion. Have a good day, and welcome to California." She said as we all stood up. I got Kelsey's carry on and helped her off the plane. Isaiah followed us and we searched for our Aunt. "Where do you think she is?" I asked. "I don't know". Isaiah responded. "Carrie! Carrie where are you?" Isaiah called putting his hands over his mouth like he was talking through one of those things you hold up to your eye, and you see all different shapes and colors. "Carrie!" Kelsey called, walking over to some women. "Kelsey, where are you going." I yelled walking after her. "Kelse" Isaiah called following me. When we got closer we saw that Kelsey was standing with our aunt Carrie, who was standing with a boy who looked about my age. "Why hello there, Kelsey, what happened to you?" She asked when she saw the crutches. "I got in a plane, and then boom! Crash." She told our aunt."We boarded the plane and just as we were taking off, another plane came down and hit us. It rolled over and burst into flames." Isaiah explained. "Oh my!" My aunt gasped. "Yeah, I blacked out, Isaiah got some cuts and burns. Kelsey was the worst. She has major burns and a broken leg." I finished. "Well, I'm glad you made it here alright and in one piece." She said. "Oh my, I'm so sorry. This is Hayden, he's Susie's kid." Susie was my aunt's best friend, they lived together in a really big house. "Hello I'm Isaiah, this is Kelsey and this is Melissa." He smiled at me, and for the first time I felt my heart beat a little faster.
    Author's Note; Comment and Favorite! Thanks Loves. You're beautiful

  7. StoriesWithLizzie_ StoriesWithLizzie_
    posted a quote
    May 29, 2011 11:19am UTC
    chapter 4
    "Melissa". I heard a voice say when I woke up. I looked around. I was in a hospital. "Melissa. Can you hear me?" The voice asked. "Isaiah?" I said squinting my eyes. "Yeah it's me. You blacked out after the plane rolled over and caught on fire." I shaked. Just remembering the near life death experience, was scary. Then something came to me. "Where's Kelsey?!" I yelled in a panic. I tryed to get up but Isaiah told me to lie down and relax for awhile. "Where's Kelsey!" I demanded. "She has a broken leg and burns. But they think she will be alright." He said looking away. "And what about you?" I asked. "I only had some cuts, and bruises. Others were badly injured. No deaths though." He said assuring me. "Were going to be a little late for California". I said laughing. "Yeah, they lied about the non-stop flight". Isaiah said jumping in. We laughed until some doctors gave us looks. A doctor came in the room and read my name of his clipboard. "Melissa Williams." He said. "That's me." I said. "Your free to go." "Aight". I said getting up and walking into Kelsey's room. She was lying down on the bed, burns covering her arms and her leg in a cast. "Oh my-". I couldn't finish the sentence looking at my little sister like this hurt me, knowing that I couldn't be there for her to stop this from happening, killed me. I starting sobbing as Isaiah pulled me into a hug. "She'll be alright". He said as the doctor came in. "Kelsey Williams." He read off his clipboard. "Yeah she's over here". Isaiah pointed to Kelsey. The doctor came over, as she lifted up her head. Her little eyes squinted up at me, then over at Isaiah. "Melissa." She called. I came over and she sat up and hugged me. Isaiah came over and hugged her too. The doctor explained that she would need to take medicine for her skin and that she would need to be on crutches for her leg. The doctor said that traces of the burns would still remain, but Kelsey didn't care as much about them. I showed her how to walk on her cructhes, and she tried it out herself. "I think I got it". She said smiling happily, going down the hallway anad back. Even in the darkest of times she was always smiling. She was always cheerful and she was always happy. I somewhat wished I could be like her, even though she was 5, going to be 6, she always handled everything in the best way and never complained.

  8. StoriesWithLizzie_ StoriesWithLizzie_
    posted a quote
    May 29, 2011 10:38am UTC
    chapter 3
    "Kelsey!" I called running around the airport. I had already been looking for her for about 15 minutes and we board the plane in like 15 minutes as well. "Kelsey!" I tried again. I ran back to Isaiah who was talking cheerfully in a small voice. I knew that voice. It was the one he always used while talking to Kelsey. I ran back to him and he had Kelsey in his lap. "And where have you been?" He asked with a look of concern on his face. "Forget about me! Where'd you find Kelsey." I snapped. "Alright first of all I didn't find her she came to me." He said. "What?" I asked. "Kelsey ran towards me while you were looking for her, she said she won the game." He said laughing at me. I took Kelsey out of Isaiah's lap and walked her over to an empty table, gripping her hand tight so I wouldn't loose her again. I sat her down and got down on my knees. "Kelsey, what were you thinking when you ran off like that." I looked at her. "Game!" She yelled trying to get up, laughing cheerfully. I held her down. "No, Kelse, not yet." She sat back down. "You can't do that here. In an airport, there's tons of people. Someone could of taken you away. I was so scared thinking I wouldn't find you." She looked at me with sad eyes. "I'm sorry." She said and hugged me. I picked her up and carried her back to where Isaiah was sitting. "All better?" He asked. "Yup". I responded. We sat down for a moment as Isaiah gave Kelsey some animal crackers. "Boarding flight 523, non-stop to California." The women at the desk called. We got up and I grabbed Kelsey's hand. The attendant checked our tickets and we boarded the plane. "Row J" I said as I looked at the numbers on the seats. "H, I, J!" Kelsey said smiling as she sat down. I sat in the window seat, Kelsey in the middle and Isaiah in the outside seat. "Please turn off your phones and fasten your seatbelts, we are preparing for take off." I grabbed my phone, and as I was about to turn it off I heard everyone on the plane start to panic. I opened the window and looked out. There was a plane. Coming straight towards us. I looked at Isaiah. He looked like he was in a panic. "Were all going to die!" One passenger yelled. Others screamed in disbelief while others prayed for their lives. The pilot tried to steer the plane out of the way, but it was no use. The plane came straight towards us and we rolled over, as it burst into flames. About a moment later I blacked out.

  9. StoriesWithLizzie_ StoriesWithLizzie_
    posted a quote
    May 28, 2011 8:19pm UTC
    chapter 2
    Isaiah packed the rest of our stuff in the truck. All of our stuff was being driven to California courtesy of my aunt and we were being flown out. I grabbed Kelsey's hand and smiled. "Ready to go on the airplane?" I asked, Kelsey was only 5 so it should be pretty exciting for her. I looked up at Isaiah, he nodded. "Voom! Vooom!" Kelsey spread out her arms like a plane and ran in a circle. "I'm an airplane!" She yelled with excitement. Isaiah picked her up. "Airport is closed". He said as she giggled. He put her in her car seat and hopped in the drivers side. I hopped in beside him and we drove to the airport. "Isaiah". I said. He turned towards me, holding Kelsey's hand. "What?" He asked. "Are we getting everything checked now?" "Yeah, we need to save as much time as we can. I wanted to get some food for Kelsey and use the restroom." He said looking around. "Over here". He said pulling me forwards. We walked towards the security people. We go our bags, passports, and selves checked and were ready for our flight. We sat down and waited with only 45 minutes to spare. "Potty!" Kelsey yelled tugging on Isaiah's shirt. "One second princess." I always found it cute when Isaiah called her this. "Mel, can you take her to the bathroom. I'll be waiting here. Don't be long." He said and pushed us towards the restrooms. Kelsey ran towards the bathroom full speed. "Kels, wait up!" I yelled. She didn't listen. She kept running. She got into the bathroom before and when I got in I couldn't see her. "Kelsey? Kelsey where are you?" I called. Women looked at me with strange looks, others rolled their eyes. "I'm sorry. Was I bothering you?" I snapped to a women who looked like she was in her late 30's, who rolled her eyes and snickered. "Kelsey. Where are you." I called. "One second!" I heard a small voice call out from a stall. It was Kelsey. "Kelsey. I'm glad your alright. You ran off so quickly." She came out of the stall and went towards the sink, I put soap on her hands and she rinsed them. "All set?" I asked as she dried her hands. "One more thing." She said. "What's that?" I asked. "Catch me if you can!" She yelled and swung the door open. Running full speed in the opposite direction of Isaiah. "Kelsey. Kelsey!" I called. I looked around but I couldn't find her. Oh no! I lost my sister in the airport. We're going to miss our flight and Isaiah will hate me.
    Author's Note; How's the story? Please comment. Thanks loves.

  10. StoriesWithLizzie_ StoriesWithLizzie_
    posted a quote
    May 28, 2011 4:53pm UTC
    chapter 1
    Hello my name is Melissa, Melissa Williams. I have bright, piercing, green eyes and long blond hair. I am a 17 year old Junior at Mount Saint Charles. I feel that I am an all around good person even though, I have my haters and my lovers, and my friends and my enemies. Me, my brother Isaiah, and my sister Kelsey are moving to California to live with my Aunt. Both my parents are dead. My father died fighting for our country and my mother died of cancer. She had been fighting for her life for years and then she became weak, and left us. So were moving to be with an adult figure, even though my brother is 23, and in his last year of college. Were leaving tomorrow, so I have today to say goodbye to everyone, and my best friend Allison. I've known her my whole life so, she's my whole life. I pulled up into her driveway and knocked on the door. She opened it with tears streaming down her face. "Ally!" I squealed pulling her in for a hug. "Mel. I'm going to miss you so much. Skype me every day!" She yelled into my ear. "I will." I said hugging her. I can't believe I'm leaving. But we both know this day would come. We knew since my mom died since I would be leaving, we just didn't want to think about it and now here I am saying goodbye. "This isn't goodbye Ally." I said reminding her of our many conversations to come. "I know. We have to hangout this summer." She said. "Yes we do". I said and hugged her for a last goodbye. She waved to me the whole time I pulled out the driveway and one lonely tear ran down my face of pain. My life wasn't the same without Ally, I loved her more than anything or anyone. But I have to leave, Kelsey needs me. My family needs me to be strong. Stronger than I've ever been. Life was offering me a challenge. And I had to accept it.
    Author's Note; How is it so far? Comment and favorite! Thank you<3


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