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Favorite Girl
Mellany's POV.
Chapter 3

I handed my camera over to Justin. Justin turned it on, and we smiled next to one another. He clicked the button, and the flash came on. Didn't expect that, that was extremely bright. We took a couple more of pictures, ones with funny faces, and other expressions on our face, until he handed me my camera back. He didn't let go, he had something on his mind I could tell.
"Do you mind If I keep some?" he said, with a smile.
"Sure, as long as I get to upload one?" I said with a smile.
"Of course, as long as I get to choose." he said, and we both laughed together.
I let go of the camera, as he took out the memory card, and stuck it into his laptop. He looked through the pictures, and I'm guessing the other pictures that were also taken.
"Should I keep this one?" he said.
We were just smiling, at the camera. I thought we looked extremely cute, and could actually pull off that we were going out and in love. 
"Yeah, of course." I said.
"You sure? Yeah, you're right." he said.
He clicked on some other ones, until he finished and gave the camera back to me with the memory stick. I grabbed the memory stick, and looked through the pictures. I handed my laptop over to him.
"Will you do the honor of choosing out a picture?" I said.
"Why of course!" he said, and we both laughed again.
Thankfully he choose one that I loved, and we both looked good in. I wrote the tweet:
guess who I'm sitting next too?! (: 
I added the link to the picture right next to it, and tweeted it.
I took out my Blackberry to see if any of my friends had texted me. My friends Alexa, and Kacie did. Alexa was asking whether or not I was nervous of traveling or not. And Kacie was texting me how this kid she liked asked him out. She must've been freaking out. Replying to both of them took about 15 minutes.
I looked back on my Twitter, and saw some people replied on my picture. Some were saying how I photo shopped it, and others were saying I'm a bad liar. I frowned at this. I guess Justin saw me frowning at the laptop and he asked me "Are you ok?" he said.
"Yeah, yeah, I am it's just that I'm getting some weird replies to the picture I uploaded of us" I said.
He frowned too. "Don't worry, I'll tell them it's real." he said. 
I saw he went onto my picture, and replied saying
Don't worry guys it's real, I am really with her, right now. (:
I smiled at that, even though I was still upset that people didn't believe me.
"That ought to stop that" he said, while smiling at me.
He quickly turned back to his computer, and started typing stuff down. I could see that he was still on his Twitter. He smiled at himself as he wrote whatever he was typing.
"Now look at your timeline." he said.
I refreshed my timeline, and saw what he tweeted. He was so cute. 
Just met this amazing girl on the plane, in the seat next to me (: Follow her @mellanymatos!
At the end of that tweet, he added the link of that same picture I tweeted.
"Thanks" I said.
"No problem! Now let's see what shows they have on this TV" he said, as he grabbed the remote that was sitting next to him. As I continued smiling to myself.

*Hey, you guys should comment, and leave ideas, or how my story is, and what I should change or add! (: thanks, also go visit my formspring or follow me on twitter! comment! I WILL LOVE YOU SO MUCH! 
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Favorite Girl Mellany's POV. Chapter 3 I handed my camera

14 faves · 2 comments · May 26, 2011 10:45pm






melllllaniax3 · 1 decade ago
AW! thanks, already added another chapter! (: hey, you're follower of the week, lol (:
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TheFlash1234 · 1 decade ago
Keep Writing ! Its Reallllly Good :)
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