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Favorite Girl
Justin's POV.
Chapter 2

I looked up at her from where she was standing. She had brown eyes, and dark brown hair, and had a tan complexion to her. She was really chill about meeting me, well I guess seeing me. She looked like she had a hard time putting away her bag, so me being the gentleman I am, got up to help her.
"Looks like you could use some help" I said, laughing.
"Yeah, thanks." she said.
She sat down, while I put her bag into her area. I sat back down. She was opening her laptop that she carried with her. I did the same, thankfully we had a plane that had WiFi. I set my laptop open, and took out my headphones, and IPhone. I looked back at her.
"So what's your name, didn't quite catch it." I said, trying to act cooled around her.
"Oh yeah, sorry, my name's Mellany." she said.
"Nice, so where you staying?" I said.
"Oh, L.A., what about you?" she said.
"Same, I'm staying there for a couple of weeks on vacation, until I head back to New Jersey, and hang out there with an editor and producer I know" I said.
"Cool, I from New Jersey." she said.
She took out her IPod, along with her headphones, and she looked up something on her computer. Next to me on my left was my my bodyguard, Kenny. Behind me was my mom, Pattie, and Scooter, my manager. I knew what I could do, I thought, I could go onto Twitter, tweet, RT, and reply to couple of fans. Something I didn't have time to do lately.
I saw a couple of:
omb! just finished seeing @justinbieber in #nsn. great film, shows that dreams do come true!
@justinbieber you've come a long way! 2 years have flown by, and look at you now, living your dream!

I tried looking on her screen, and see what site she was on. She was on Twitter, just like me, I knew I had to ask what her username was, so I could follow her.
"What's your username?" I said. She looked up at me.
"Oh, yeah, my user is @mellanymatos." she said.
"Cool, I'm about to follow you..." I said.
She recently tweeted: OMG! Just might have a great trip to LA!
I looked at her, and smiled. She was looking at me, too, and she smiled back.
Before I knew it, I felt a tug by the plane that showed we were speeding our pace on the track. I don't even remember seeing all the people pass by to go to their seats on the plane, that was fast, I thought.
This was going to be a fun flight.
I felt that the airplane was lifting us into the air, and my stomach sorta twisted to the feeling of the airplane turning sideways. When we were in the air and back to normal she asked
"Do you mind if we a take couple of pictures? My mom would've wanted to see you, after I tell her of course." she said.
I actually didn't mind since, this was going to be a long flight and I wasn't going to do anything important on the laptop either.
"Of course, why not?" I said. She smiled at me.

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Favorite Girl Justin's POV. Chapter 2 I looked up at her

11 faves · 2 comments · May 26, 2011 9:27pm






melllllaniax3 · 1 decade ago
will do ! [: thanks.
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TheFlash1234 · 1 decade ago
Write More Please !!!
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