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Favorite Girl
Mellany's POV.
Chapter 1

I rolled luggage, through the terminal. Wow, I thought, going to L.A. all by myself, for 3 weeks. I was quite surprised, my parents letting their 16 year old daughter go on her own for 3 weeks. I never thought I'd get this opportunity, even though I've been dying to go to Cali since I was kid! I already showed the woman at the desk my passport. And had gone through the scanner. Now I just need to wait here, until the plane can be boarded. Not saying that my family is really rich and we live a 34-bedroom mansion, but thankfully they put me in in first class, so I get to go in early, and wait as long. My dad works on the set of Madison Square Garden, and my mom is a chef. I have been so grateful for them, and them doing anything for me. They may be busy all the time, but I know they both love me and each other.
Soon enough, I heard the call for first-class flyers, with their tickets, to board onto the plane I had seat 3C. Wonder who I'd get the pleasure to sit next to for at least another 5 hours. As soon as I got up from my seat to walk on over to the line, I see a bunch of cameras flashing, and about 2 body guys covering up somebody from each side. I wonder who it was. I saw that this special somebody was a guy, and he showed his ticket and flew by to board onto the plane. Must be someone important I thought. I waited in line with the other few people who were going to be first class, same as me. I wondered who it is, I kept on thinking to myself. I would soon see for myself. I was next in line. I showed my ticket, the attendant scanned it, ripped it in half, and handed it back to me. I walked, and followed the other people that were walking toward the plane, too. Once I reached the plane, I walked inside to find out where 3C was. I was looking until my phone dropped. Clumsy me. After I got it, I bumped into someone. I looked back up to apologize, and to my surprise it was Justin Bieber.
"Sorry." mumbled out of my mouth.
I probably looked like a fool, looking at him with awe. He was putting his stuff in the area above his chair, and sat down.
"It's OK." he said.
I got back up so I could put my stuff, in my area. I knew I would make a fool out of myself, cause I could barely make my luggage go in the area. I felt someone get up behind me.
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Favorite Girl Mellany's POV. Chapter 1 I rolled luggage,

12 faves · May 26, 2011 8:42pm






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