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You Can Be My Queen
Chapter 16.
Justin's POV.

Jessica and I woke up back at the beach house. I don't remember ever going back here, but we got there. Maybe we were half asleep when we went back. Who knows. My phone started ringing.
"Hi, this is an interviewing station in the Bahamas. We heard that you and Jessica were going to be here. Would you guys mind stopping down for a few minutes tomorrow?"
I looked at Jessica. She was listening through the phone and heard what the lady had said. She shrugged and nodded. "I guess so." She mouthed to me.
"Yeah, sure." I said to the lady.
"Okay, thank you so much."
"No problem." I said and hung up. It was a little annoying that everyone wanted us to do an interview, but oh well. That would have to do. Jessica looked up at me after looking at her own phone.
"Selena's here." She said. "She came to do some concert at the mall a block away from here. She said that she's staying for this weekend."
"Cool." I said. I didn't really know what to say. I didn't really care, if anything.
"So, what are we doing today?" Jessica said after a short moment of silence.
"I dunno. What do you want to do?"
"Hmm. I don't really know. What else is there to do?"
"Well, we have done a lot." I said.
"Why don't we do something with the fans? I don't know. I just feel bad that we haven't been doing things with them."
"What do you want to do?"
"Not a concert. That would be too crazy all unplanned and stuff. Why don't we video chat?"
"Good idea." I said. I stood up to get my laptop and sat down right next to Jessica. I went on Tinychat and made a chat room. I tweeted the chat room. Within seconds, it was full. Amazing how fast word gets around. But then again, I had more then 15 million followers. Crazy to think, huh? Everyone went bananas.
"Oh my gosh, you guys are so cute together!" One girl squealed. They all started adding comments to that and it got a little crazy.
"Hey, hey, hey. Please. One at a time." I said.
"You first. The Guccigirlisachick." Jessica said. "What do you have to say?"
The girl immediately started breathing heavily.  
"What's wrong?" I asked her. "Are you okay?"
"Is this really happening?" She choked out. "Am I really talking to Justin and Jessica Bieber?! Pinch me."
"This is really happening. Don't worry, we won't leave. So calm down. Inhale, exhale." Jessica said and laughed. The girl calmed down a bit.
"Okay, so how's your honeymoon going?" She asked when she chilled off. Everyone was listening intently. This was probably the most exciting thing that happened in the whole year. Maybe some's lifetime. The chat room below the video chat was going crazy.
"Our honeymoon is great." I started.
"Yes, it is." Jessica agreed. "Other than a few things."
"Like what?" Everyone started asking.
"You know, the stuff on the news. But I'd rather not get on that topic." Jessica said.
"Alright, next. How about BieberIsMyLife1234?" I asked into the camera.
"Do you love your fans?" The blonde asked.
"Of course I love my fans!"
"Why don't you follow us on Twitter then?"
"I try so hard to follow as many as I can. What's your Twitter?"
"The same as this Tinychat. Don't even tell me that you're going to follow me." She went into panic mode. I got out my phone and followed her. Jessica did the same.
"We've both followed you." The rest of the chat room all started talking at once. They held up papers with their usernames on it. We tried to follow all of them. We stayed on for a little while longer, surfing through random chat rooms just to surprise a couple people. Then, we called it quits.
"had a good time chatting with you guys on tinychat. jessica and i enjoyed it. now, it's time for a little dinner."

*And we don't know how, how we got into this mad situation. only doing things out of frustration
that song has been stuck in my head ALL DAY. so yeah, sorry i haven't been posting AS FREQUENTLY, but i'm trying.
P.S. DON'T GO SEARCHING TWITTER FOR THOSE USERNAMES. I'm just coming up with them as we go along....so if there is someone with that username, it's nothing to do with the story. sooooo yeah. bye!
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You Can Be My Queen Chapter 16. Justin's POV. Jessica and

49 faves · 5 comments · May 20, 2011 10:13pm






_Rhi_ · 1 decade ago
i would have died if i ever got to talk to him on tiny chat :o

awesome chapter :D
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penguinluv · 1 decade ago
It's okay for you not to post as much. I'm glad you have a life lol:)
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skigrl741 · 1 decade ago
more tommorrow?

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ToxicBubbles · 1 decade ago
My friend spoke to him on tinychat yesterday. :o
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cocobunny1999 · 1 decade ago
First to favorite! Hey i must be pretty obsessed, kinda stalkerish lol
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