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&  I'm  s
 that I ever loved you, that I ever cared. 
That I've taken for granted the love we shared.
Sorry for the waiting, and wasting your time. 
Sorry if I'm not worth it, you don't have to be mine.
Sorry for mistaking something I thought was true.
Sorry if you don't understand why I do what I do.
I'm sorry for my feelings, as if they're not enough.
Sorry we can't work through all this stuff. 
Sorry if I'm cramped your lifestyle or got in your way.
Sorry if I don't say the things you want me to.
Sorry if I don't measure up to what you want me to be.
Sorry I can't be enough to make you just want me. 
Sorry for apologizing, but I don't know what else to do. 
Sorry if my dreams only consist of me and you. 
Sorry I ever met you, sorry I'm not enough for you.
I'm sorry I love you, the way that I do. </3

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& I'm sorry; that I ever loved you, that I ever cared. That

273 faves · 4 comments · May 19, 2011 5:10pm





break up

XxkeepsgettinbetterxX · 1 decade ago
I am in love with this quote. Try to keep your head up girl, i know its tough.

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briannanicole1107 · 1 decade ago
Aweeee so me! ... :/
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EmilyLovesYerFace · 1 decade ago
Hunny, don't ever let ANYONE make you feel like that. It's their loss. You will find that special person one day, who loves every part of you, and thinks you're TOO good for him. Don't ever let someone tell you you're not enough. You are enough, it just wasn't meant to be.
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xXstoryofmylifeXx · 1 decade ago
sadly. i can relate... i guess at some point in our lives we all can .
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