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Don't Scroll Past This.
This is About my Friend


Ok, The Other Day
My BEST Friend Kiley Had To Go To The Doctor
She was having Trouble Breathing, She's Been Getting bad Chest Paint, And Her HEART Has Been Hurting
So When she got to the doctor, they told her that she has a hole in her heart
They said it was caused by stressed and they don't know what it is
They have never seen anything like this.
They told her she has another appointment soon
She has also had a problem with migraines, too
But There has been alot of Drama between Her and My Other Best Friend Gabby, And Allee.
And the doctors and her parents told her to talk to them about this, and about what is happening,
And Try To settle things.

She said "HELL NO! I Will never try to get along with them again. We were once friends, but they treated me horrible, So no! I'm not going to talk to them about it and 'Settle it'."
Her Doctor said if she has any more stress, Then this might be the last of her. So she needs to settle it.
She still doesn't want to
She might possibly Die Because of them.
I don't want that to happen.
She's my 'Sister'.

Fave To Support Her.
I Love Her, And I Would never want her to die because of a stupid Fight.
Please, Just Press The Heart. <3

I Love You Kiley.

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Please! Don't Scroll Past This. This is About my Friend LONG

181 faves · 2 comments · Mar 2, 2011 10:57pm






kileyj · 1 decade ago
tiffany if u loved me sooo much then y do u hate me now?
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popdiva97 · 1 decade ago
Some advice j wouldn't tell the girls about kiley's heart they wouldn't believe it and it would make matters worse I say she takes time off school and let's it rest
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