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& I Don't Understand,
What's wrong with mentally retarded people,
So what if they're different from you? What happened to
''don't judge a book by it's cover" ? Do you honestly think that they can help that they make weird sounds, or faces? No, they can't. So I suggest you stop using 'retarded' as an insult.

I would know. My little sister is mentally retarded, she has down syndrome, and it kills me inside whenever I hear somebody use 'retarded' as an insult. She's 11 years old. She cannot
walk, talk, understand, or eat by herself. She's helpless. She's like a baby. & can she control it? No she can't. Think about this next time you use 'retarded' as an insult :|

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& I Don't Understand, What's wrong with mentally

626 faves · 40 comments · Jan 29, 2011 9:27pm






emilyandthatsall · 1 decade ago
i stopped using "retarded" as in insult when someone told me something similar to this !! i was like "oh.. yea ill stop thats...oh i feel bad nowww :["
i havent used "retarded" as an insult since then :]
(but my brother always says it -_-'..)
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wishforyou156 · 1 decade ago
every single time I hear that word being used, I literally wanna walk up to the person and slap them. My sister is Austic and I hate that becasue she can't really talk and interact. We've been through so much, her behavior is so bad she can't live with us. I've never lived with her, I miss her, I see her every week. Its sad to think she'll never be normal or celebrate birthdays, or go out to dinner or even have a laugh with my family. I miss her. She is the only person I can believe in. Whenever I hear 'retarded.' i wanna do something about it. But I know I can't its hard, thanks so much for making this quote i love you!
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frenchie123 · 1 decade ago
this is beautiful. hoenstly, people who are actually "retarded" are the most special people in the world. they love you UNCONDITIONALLY. i am thinking about doing a projet at school for this. check out www.r-word.org its amazing. thanks for this quote. <3
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notperfect97 · 1 decade ago
well i dont have anyone in my family with down syndrome or autism buti've always felt the same way. Its incredibly rude&THEY CANT HELP IT!!!i totally agree they really are the nicest most sweetest people <3
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taylorswiftfanxx16 · 1 decade ago
my baby cousin has been diagnosed with some form of mental disability and it breaks my heart. but we didn't even know and he's almost 2..he's the strongest most beautiful baby though and he's perfectly normal, just like EVERYONE else. it bothers me when people say "retarded", i've started to tell people to stop...it's just wrong
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ilyboo · 1 decade ago
thank you so much for posting this its just so stupid!how pepole use it as an insult!!
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livlafluv95 · 1 decade ago
i totally agree with you. i hate it when people use that as an insult
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Fluorescent · 1 decade ago
I agree 110%. Personally, I think that even though people with Down's Syndrome are slower than most people, they are some of the nicest, sweetest, most loving people you will ever meet in your life. I would like to see the day when "" isn't an insult.

This movie hasn't come out yet, but I've seen interviews with some of the actors... And it seems to me that one of the overall themes of the story is that people who are mentally retarded are no different than the rest of us--they have dreams, and fantasies, and feelings. People seem to forget that sometimes, since people throw around the r-word all the time.
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ev3ry1luvzgabi · 1 decade ago
i know my brother has autism it kills me to and they tell me don't get offended like shut up it's my decision wether i wan't to get mad or not
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iLOVEyewx33 · 1 decade ago
Would you expect us to not agree with it or something?
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XxemmaleexX · 1 decade ago
my mom works with mentally retareded poeple and helps then be able to live on there own. she brings some of them home to do stuff, and they are the NICEST people i have EVER met. and runawaywithme97 it's okay to call them mentally retarded like its not an insult to call them that because they actually are. but this quote is really good. it made me cry. tell your sister i said heyyyy(:
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liljjx0 · 1 decade ago
I absolutely hate it when people use the word retarded as an insult. In my opinion, it's pretty much the most ignorant thing you can say, other than calling something gay. Some of the most truly amazing people I know are mentally challenged. My eight-year-old cousin can't speak, crawl, or even sit up on her own. She is the strongest person I know, and I really look up to her. She's honestly the reason I started having faith in God, because she in herself is a miracle.
Thank you so much for making this quote.♥
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kaassiieelynn* · 1 decade ago
okay so i have a habit of sometimes using the word or retarted.i hate it and im trying to stop so hard because i know 2 mentally retarted people and they are both amazing is there any way i can become more successful to stop saying it for good because i am half way there and i dont say it to often but i still do say it sometimes and i dont want to anymore
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runawaywithme97 · 1 decade ago
hi ohkay so my cousin has down syndrome and im really happy you made this quote. but you said retarded was an insult but yet you said we should stop making fun on mentally retarded people. sooo yeahhh but other then that i liked your quote(:
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SnowWhite · 1 decade ago
One of my brothers has autism and kills me when I hear people use the word "" so freely. It's the same as using the word "gay" for stupid. People that make fun of mentally retarded people or gay people, I have no respect for them. Thank you so much for posting this! :)
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BabyBlueForYou · 1 decade ago
i LOVE this!! i HATEEEEE it when people use that as an insult. i tell everyone to stop when they use it. no matter who it is. i also hate when people say "thats so gay"
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mkylie44 · 1 decade ago
my friends younger sister has down syndrome, she is honestly the cutest, sweetest little girl you will ever meet, shes also smart, she understands and everything. ever since i met her i stopped using "retarted"
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elloellie · 1 decade ago
gay is another one i hate when people use:p
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popdiva97 · 1 decade ago
My cousin has down syndrome And he is the nicest person I have ever met people could say I hate you to him and he would say I live you and mean it I wish more people were just like him <3
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justxanotherxgirl · 1 decade ago
my uncle has downsyndrome and he's literally the most amazing person I know! they're all amazing and unique in their own way. Gods gift to the world.
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