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We had a band concert.

There was a woman there

that stuck out to me.

She was swaying to a little bit of

the wrong rhythm.

She didn't clap right when

the song ended. She clapped

a little late.

She sat isolated from the rest

of the parents. She was in the middle of

the bleachers but she wasn't

sitting next to anyone

She held up her

video camera like she

was the luckiest person alive.

It took me a moment to recognize her.

Her kids are in band.

She is deaf.

My heart nearly broke in half.

She came to a band concert

that she couldn't hear.

So she could see her children play.

That is called
true love.

true story
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We had a band concert. There was a woman there that stuck out

212 faves · 1 comments · Jan 26, 2011 9:30pm






xRainGirlx · 1 decade ago
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