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Love Never Dies
I yawned and nudged Alex. "It's already 1:30, Alex," I whispered. "Are you getting tired?" he asked quietly. "A little bit, but I'm fine." The nurses had taken Nate off the respirator and he seemed completely normal. He was laughing and smiling and joking with everyone, and I could tell how much happier this made Alex. When Nate suffered, his whole family suffered. When Nate was happy, so was everyone else. The marrow transplant was already done, and Nate was sore, but he said he'd take that over the stomachaches from the chemo anyday. He was going tomorrow to have some tests done to see if it had any effect on the cancerous cells. "Probably not," Nate had told me. "I'll have to take chemo for a couple more sessions, at least." The doctor had decided that she would need to give Nate some time to recover from his episode, so they would resume chemo tomorrow, and start radiation the next day. "So, Nate, do you think you'll be better by the wedding?" I asked casually. He shrugged and asked, "Why?" I smiled at Alex and took his hand. "Well, Alex and I were talking last night, and we want you to be our best man." Nate's whole face lit up. "Really? That's awesome! Thanks, guys," he smiled at both of us and we both gave him a hug. "Oh, my goodness! The wedding!" Mrs. Coleman cried. "I'd forgotten all about it!" I bit my lip. Charlotte joined in the conversation. "You haven't picked a dress, or even chosen a date. You need a venue, food, music, invitations, oh my god, we have so much work to do." I nodded and agreed, "We really need to hurry up and at least set a date. What do you think, Alex?" He thought for a moment. "Well, it's already the end of December, and we take the throne in six months, so I think the wedding should be in four or five months. Maybe the end of April, or the beginning of May?" Charlotte nodded. "That's perfect. It's not too warm, but not too cold, and it's usually sunny." She pulled out her iPhone. "How does Saturday, May 9th sound, Kate?" I smiled, tearing up a little bit. "It's perfect." Alex squeezed my hand. "Why are you crying, baby?" Nate groaned in response, "She cries all the time!" I smiled up at Alex. "I'm crying because I'm so happy. I'm crying because I love you, and on May 9th, I'm getting everything I've ever wanted." he kissed me gently. "I love you too, Kate." Charlotte "aw"ed while Nate made gagging noises. "You guys are so adorable," Charlotte cooed. "Mom and I are going to give you the most beautiful, fantastic, amazing, most perfect wedding in the world!" Alex and I laughed. "We trust you, Charlotte," I told her. "Well, I think we're going to go home now. Bye, Nate." I hugged him tight. Then we said goodbye to Charlotte and Mrs. Coleman, and while we were heading for the door, Charlotte yelled, "Oh, Kate?" I turned around. "Yeah?" "Tomorrow morning, we're going to make invitations and go dress shopping." I smiled. "Okay, Charlotte, see you then."
*Sorry that it's short. Thanks for reading!*
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Love Never Dies CHAPTER 26 I yawned and nudged Alex. "It's

14 faves · 2 comments · Nov 27, 2010 5:21pm






xomiaxo1198 · 1 decade ago
lol they're gettin married on my biirthdaay:D
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GandK4Eva · 1 decade ago
Keep writing!!!!! Go go go!! Lol haha :] <333
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