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Friday night, i was at a football game.
I was hanging out with one of my best friends who brought me,
and the new girl who is good friends with me
We were walking up the bleachers to watch the game,
And we all see the most unpopular girl in the school sitting up there with her dad.
We're not the most 'popular' people in school.

but she was probably the most unpopular.
People talk about her behind her back;
She's very quiet;
And if she doesn't move to sit by someone,
no one will sit by her.
She's not annoying.
or anything horrible.
Then,  ______ (new girl)  says 'Let's go hang out with _____"

The biggest smile appeared on the girl's face,
And right then i felt bad.
People are too afraid of there reputation being demolished,
when reputation doesn't count; character counts.
So the next time your hanging out with your friends,
and you see some girl sitting all alone,

go to her.

I hope someone, somewhere, is very touched by this story,
almost as touched as i was.


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Friday night, i was at a football game. I was hanging out with

88 faves · 2 comments · Sep 6, 2010 10:54am






xnevershoutnicole · 1 decade ago
I like this so much. :D
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boomboomlove · 1 decade ago
i love this. <3
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