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jerseygirl part one
It was the point of time that we were driving for about 8 hours . Between Dad's pointless pit stops , moms bathroom breaks it felt like i was stuck in our van for 10 years . It was also that point of time were you were annoyed with practically everyone inside the car cause you had to much "family bonding time." Dad said it would be good for us . Then again he also said moving to Jersey would be good for us . "Oh Athena isn't this just gorgeous!" My mom cooed passing pointless shops in the middle of no where . I rolled my eyes . Ever since I was told we were moving I refused to saying anything but a couple sentences to my parents . "Oh Jersey is going to be so much fun guys aren't you excited?" My mom asked excitedly her short brown hair pulled back into a pony tail , her glasses on the tip of her nose . Aphrodite barely looked up , sneering a little in reply . My other sister Thanatos , looked out the window watching farms pass by , the pastures sparkling in the bright sun outside . Thanatos whipped the tears on the side of her blue eyes and nodded . I couldn't take it anymore i was in the brink of tears myself. "No mom , none of us are excited! We had lifes back in Wyoming you act like you don't even care that were leaving everything behind !" I yelled trying to hold back that lump in the back of my throat . "Athena! You think that I'm leaving nothing behind! I'm giving everything up for you all!" My mom cried out , cramming her body to gesture to the guys sleeping on the floor . Anger bubbled up inside me . My mom couldn't be more stupid . She left nothing back there. "You sure act like it! We had a life and we left everyone everything you didn't even ask us!" I yelled whipping the tears off my tan skin . I played with the end of my Hollister short cut tank top . It was blue with hot pink , yellow , and orange flowers covering it . "Well what's done is done." My mom whispered and whipped her head around to hide her tear stained face in her Oprah Whinfrey : behind the scene book . I tried to cover up my pain and look out the window . This move was tearing the family apart . Life was just getting more and more sucky . It all seemed to happen at once . The farm land started turning into beach land . Sand covered the not so very well paved road , sea weed starting showing up on the side of the road . Just a little above the plants was a beautiful beach . All the different people , in different colored bathing suits , picniks , and balls being throw around . The deep blue waves crashing down on people . For a second I thought everything was gunna be okay . At that moment we passed a signs in big bold yellow script letters that wrote welcome to New Jersey , covered with a little spray paint that said fist pump in the corner . Right as I was about to smile , for the first time in weeks i got the text . It was from Mike . My mike . The words made my heart break and I knew moving here was the worst thing yet . I could barely look at the text again . It bubbly letters read : Athena ill never forget you.
should i keep going(: press the organ

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jerseygirl part one It was the point of time that we were driving

13 faves · 4 comments · Aug 29, 2010 4:41pm






stephanielynnn · 1 decade ago
This is so good (: I did laugh though when you said "We had lives in Wyoming" because imo Wyoming is like the most boring place on the planet.
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Athenafollowerx3 · 1 decade ago
thaanks guys it means a lot(:
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ximxalwaysxhere4youx · 1 decade ago
It's awesome!
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whishingheknew123 · 1 decade ago
i like it keep going!
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