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Broken Tears

We sat there on that boat dock. Talking and telling each other how much we missed one another. He broke the subject saying. "Don’t you have school tomorrow?". I forgot all about school. It had to of been at least 2am. My parents were in bed when i left. So hopefully they didn’t get up and see me gone. "Yeah i have school, come on, we can walk back together" i said. "No it's alright you can go back, i think ill just stay here" he said. "Wait, don’t you have to go to school tomorrow too? Aren’t you starting tomorrow?" i said with a hope he was. "Yeah, but i cant go to sleep. Trust me" he said. "What's wrong?" i said with worry. "We'll talk about it next weekend or something" he said. I didn’t know what else to say to him. So i just started walking off. "See you tomorrow" i called over my shoulder. "You too" he called back at me. I slowly walked back to my house, i was still wore out from running earlier. I got home And got into bed. I was so tired. It was 2:45am by the time i got home. I fell asleep. And it seemed like i was asleep 10 minutes and my alarm was going off. I had to take another shower because i had dirt on my knees from when i fell last night. I took a shower. Blow dried my hair. And got ready for school. I was actually kind of happy i got to see Jordan. I drove my moms car to school. Because she was off work on Mondays. I seen Jordan as soon as i pulled into the drive of the school. "Hey Maddie!" he called after me. I got out of the car. And ran over to him. "You seem in a good mood today" i laughed. He smiled back at me. We didn’t have any classes together. But during that week we hung out every night. Luke didn’t try talking to me but on that Thursday. I didn’t talk back though. So we didn’t even have a full conversation. The week passed pretty fast. That Friday night, Jordan asked me if i was doing anything. And of course i had no plans. He smiled and said "Good, i was hoping we could hang out". I’m glad he told me that because at that moment, i remembered he was suppose to tell me something this weekend. I didn’t bring it up until that Friday night. We were sitting outside in my mom & dad's swing. Swinging back & fourth. "So, why is your family never home?" i asked. He just ignored me & looked up at the stars. He didn’t say anything, although his face went from happy, to disappointed. "I was hoping this wasn’t going to come up for awhile" he said. He had tears in his eyes. "Jordan, i didn’t know it was like this. We can change the subject" i said. "No you need to know, Well, I -- I have cancer" he said. I was shocked, i couldn’t move. "And, when we first found out my parents both were devastated. They traveled to the best doctors around" he trailed off. "That's why we moved, i found out when i was 11" i started to cry. "But recently we were going to go to Mexico because we heard they had the best doctors. And on our way there we got into a car crash, a semi hit our car. And it killed my parents. I was in the hospital for two weeks. But i made it. They doctors told me i only had a couple months to live because of my cancer. And i knew i had to come see you my last few months. Your the only thing i thought about the whole time, now i live in my old house by myself, my grandma lives across town, but i stay at my house by myself!" his eyes were watery now. His hand touched my hand. "Don’t cry" he said. "Ill have some time to spend with you". I couldn’t believe what i was hearing. "But your so perfect, and gorgeous, your only 17" i cried. "That doesn’t matter babe, cancer isn’t just going to skip me because I’m only 17. That's not how it works". I sat there holding his hand in my lap. Feeling like a semi just ran into me. I couldn’t even say another word. "If i only knew i had a couple months, trust me i wouldn’t of ever left. I only left because i thought i could get a cure, & i could come back to you." he said. He pulled my head over to his shoulder kissed my forehead, and left it there on his shoulder. "Maddie Danielle Wright, your the first girl I've ever loved, & the last one" he said. I held his hand tighter. As i cried and cried.

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Broken Tears We sat there on that boat dock. Talking and telling

11 faves · Aug 25, 2010 1:09am






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