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Today, I asked my friend who lives about a mile away to borrow some brown sugar and that I would meet her half way, but she insisted I meet her at dusk under a rather creepy street light that flickers. When I got there, she looked around suspiciously, and then handed me a brown paper bag from under her jacket that was label "The Stuff" and ran away. The looks from the elderly couple walking past us was priceless. MLIA
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Today, I asked my friend who lives about a mile away to borrow

8 faves · 2 comments · Nov 29, 2009 6:01pm






cariixoxo · 1 decade ago
same me and my friend would do it to
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onetime12345 · 1 decade ago
OMG,that is soo funny!! u luv this quote! that is sumthing my friend would do!!
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