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+things that make life worthwhile+

hot chocolate.
being told you're beautiful.
slow dancing with the person you like.
having car dance parties.
hearing your favorite song on the radio.
screaming your favorite song at the top of your lungs in the car.
the feeling of the sun kissing your skin.
black and white pictures.
going out to the movies.
recieving mail.
getting new clothes.
the smell of freshly baked cookies.
winning a game at the fair.
finding a quote describing exactly what you feel.
completing a puzzle.
the gentle breeze blowing your hair.
eating cookie dough right out of the bucket.
feeling great in that perfect pair of jeans.
laughing uncontrollably until there's tears in your eyes
and your stomach is in agony.
taking long walks.
feeling the warm sand in between your naked toes.
dancing to the full extent.
getting your hair just right.
smelling your favorite cologne.
acing a test.
laughing at an inside joke with your best friend while looking
like an idiot because no one else is laughing but you two because no one else
understands what's so funny.
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+things that make life worthwhile+ hot chocolate. being told

144 faves · 4 comments · Nov 26, 2009 3:46pm






Zebrafreak22 · 1 decade ago
today is a good chocolate day! :D i made a quote about hot chocolate, and i've seen a lot of quotes with chocolate in it. (:
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halz456 · 1 decade ago
omg loveeee itt

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cklovesyouu · 1 decade ago
:) i like the slow dancing with the person you like one..
and all of them. Verry cute
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musicluver417 · 1 decade ago
this is soo cute. gives me a stomach sensation thinking about it. lol(: so i faved.!
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