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*Coool collection of MLIA`s.*
`Today in math’s I stole my friend's cellphone and changed my name in her contacts to our teacher's name. Half way through class she got a text saying
[("Stop talking and do your work!")]
 and looked up at the teacher, with a very worried look on her face.
`Today, I was sipping tea with a spoon because it was too hot to put to my mouth. My Mom saw and said,
[("Stop that, you're not supposed to drink tea with a spoon.")]
 I then responded, "Then why is it called a teaspoon?" I have yet to hear an answer back.
`Last week I met some new friends on my vacation. When I left we shared a big goodbye and said how we would never see each other again. I ended up sitting next to them on the flight home. It was awkward.
`Today, while impatiently waiting for a website to load I was reading the page. Down the bottom it said "If you think this load is taking too long, think about how long it would take to find this information in the library." Touché internet.
`Today, I was putting on sun screen that said 'water proof'. I looked on the back. It said to remove, use water. I feel I've been deceived.
`Today, I was at a restaurant with my family and I left to go wash my hands. When I came back I heard my niece having an in depth conversation with our waiter about how I'm a ninja and that I'm save the world daily. He asked for my number. Best niece EVER.
`Today I had accidentally left the door open a bit while using the restroom. My puppy walked in and stared at me for a few seconds until I said
[("Well this is a little awkward".)]
 He then proceeded to sit facing the wall. I'm glad he knows how to get out of such a situation.
`Yesterday I saw an ice cream truck following a school bus around. Every time a kid got off they'd buy ice cream. Best. Strategy. Ever.
`Today, in the showers after football, a teammate of mine said, "This one's too hot", to which I replied; "This one's too cold". Not expecting a room full of football players to get my reference, the entire room in unison said; "This one's juuust right".
`Today, I walked into the kitchen to see my parents staring into each others eyes. I assumed they were having a romantic moment until I heard my dad say "Darling, I will always be the Champion of Staring Contests so save yourself the trouble and just blink".
`For the past week my family has been looking at houses to buy. In every house my two little sisters look for the best room and scream "I CALL THIS ONE" even though if we did get the house...they probably wouldn't get that room. Today, we entered a room with pink walls and a disco ball on the ceiling and before my sisters could say anything my dad screamed "I CALL THIS ONE." I love him.
`Today, my English teacher got really upset at my class and issued a pop quiz. When my teacher was handing out the tests, he slipped in a note to me that said, "In about five minutes, I want you to get up, rip your paper in two, and start cursing at me. I then want you to walk out the room and not come back. You're welcome." I did exactly what he wrote. My classmates thought I was a hero.
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*Coool collection of MLIA`s.* `Today in math’s I stole

8 faves · 1 comments · Sep 21, 2009 2:08am






xo_BrunetteBabe_xo · 1 decade ago
OMG! This quote is soo long! I just love MLIA though so I just HAD to read it! :) shows how average my life is. :)
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