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Quotes added on Wednesday, April 8 2015

  1. mars* mars*
    posted a quote
    April 8, 2015 5:19pm UTC
    Alone we stand, together we fall apart

  2. OhStephh_* OhStephh_*
    posted a quote
    April 8, 2015 5:29pm UTC
    Story of your life…
    What should they have played when you were born?:
    Hate your guts- McBusted ft Mark Hoppus
    What song will people play at your funeral?:
    Warrior - Paradise Fears
    What song will you play at your wedding?:
    How's my hair - McBusted
    What song will play at your 50th birthday party?:
    Fought for me - Paradise Fears
    If you get your dream life…
    What song will you dance to when you win the lottery?:
    On the floor - The Vamps
    What song will play when you get your dream job?:
    Up - Olly Murs ft Demi Lovato
    What song will play when you discover your own island?:
    You & I - One Direction
    What song will play when you rule the world?:
    Oh Cecilia - The Vamps version
    What song will play when you’re in heaven?:
    Without the love - Demi Lovato
    What song describes how you feel when you're….
    Happy: Sippin on sunshine - Avril Lavigne
    Sad: Dance with me - Shane Harper
    Sexy: Another me - The Cab
    Angry:That Girl - McFly
    Jealous: Made in the USA - Demi Lovato
    Flirty: Taken - One Direction
    Evil: The only reason- 5 Seconds Of Summer
    Innocent: Golden - The Vamps
    Beautiful: Intoxicated - The Cab
    when you feel like you’re an armadillo?: Rock N Roll - Avril Lavigne
    when you feel like you can fly?: Long way home - 5 Seconds Of Summer
    when crying: Toublemaker - Olly Murs ft Flo rida
    When you feel like dancing: Back for you - One Direction
    when you're emo: High hopes - The Vamps
    when you feel like a donut: Summer love - One Direction
    What song reminds you of your childhood?: By the grace of god - Katy Perry
    What song reminds you that life sucks?: One for the radio - McFly
    What song makes you eat compulsively?: Act my age - One Direction
    What song makes you nervous?: Just friends - Shane Harper
    What song makes you need to pee?:Did you miss me? - Olly Murs
    This song describes…
    Yourself: Alive - One Direction
    Your mom: Last night - The Vamps
    Your dad: Sk8er boi - Avril Lavgine
    Your best friend: Temporary bliss - The Cab
    Your stalker: Shine a light - McFly ft Taio Cruz
    Your school: Why do I love you - Olly Murs (No)
    Your life: Somebody to you - The Vamps
    Your death: Animal - The Cab
    Your attitude towards life: Love me - Katy Perry

  3. OhStephh_* OhStephh_*
    posted a quote
    April 8, 2015 5:41pm UTC
    Name: Stephanie
    Age: 18
    Appearence: Short, brown hair and eyes
    Relationship status: Single
    1. Do you open up to others? Depends who
    2. When was the last time you cried? An hour ago
    3. Your life right now is: Eh
    4. What's one thing you wish you could change about yourself? Weight
    5. Do you think that you are good looking? Hahha.. No
    6. How well do you deal with stress and pressure? Depends
    7. Would you say you are "strong"? Yes
    Dreams and Goals: Be happy
    8. What do you want to be when you grow up? Something to with Childcare
    9. Want any kids? Yes I do
    10. How many? 2-3
    11. What would their names be? James, Thomas, Lily or Tabitha
    12. What's the thing you want to accomplish most in life? Idk
    13. 5 things on your bucket list:
    1. Meet one direction
    2. Meet 5 seconds of summer
    3. Meet Dylan everett
    4. Meet The Vamps
    5. Go to New Zealand
    14. A goal you always set but never carry through: Losing weight
    15. Ever been kissed? If so by how many guys/girls? No
    16. How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had? None
    17. Virgin or no? Virgin
    18. How long did your longest relationship last? Look at number 16
    19. Ever gotten drunk/high? No
    20. Ever kissed a stranger? No
    21. What is your biggest secret? It's a secert
    22. What do you fear the most? Death
    23. What's worse, paranormal fears or fears of robbers/rapists/etc? Robber/Rapists/Etc
    24. Do you fear death? Yes
    25. Your crush asks you to come to a party with him and a bunch of people you don't exactly talk to and like. Do you go? Proably not, unless I can bring a friend
    26. Bungee jumping or sky diving? idk
    27. What do you think happens after you die? Heaven or Hell.
    28. Color: Blue
    29. Date idea:idk.. basic.. like movies
    30. Wedding theme: Haven’t thought about it
    31. Healthy food: fruit
    32. Junk food: Chips
    33. Year of your life so far: mm..idk
    34. Song: Broken Strings
    35. Holiday and why: Christmas cause I love that everyone is happy
    36. Season and why: Winter cause snow(well, not much in the UK but still)
    Feel free to take the survey yourself and please follow me. I always follow back! :)

  4. OhStephh_* OhStephh_*
    posted a quote
    April 8, 2015 5:50pm UTC
    24 Q'S
    1. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, find line 4 and write the sentence here: Then Michael and I started sitting toegther in music class and playing songs.
    2. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can. What’s there? nothing
    3. What is the last thing you watched on TV?Home and Away
    4. Without looking, guess what time it is: 23:00
    5. Now look at the clock. What is the actual time?22:47
    6. With the exception of the computer, what can you hear? Music
    7. When did you last step outside? What were you doing? Today, to get a drink
    8. Before you started this survey, what did you look at? other surveys
    9. What are you wearing? PJ
    10. Did you dream last night?Yes
    11. When did you last laugh?This afternoon
    12. What is on the walls of the room you are in?Posters
    13. Seen anything weird lately?Nah
    14. What do you think of FacebookCraze.com? Never heard of it
    15. What is the last film you saw?The Hunger games - Catching fire
    16. If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?IDK
    17. Tell me something about you that I don’t know. i am wearing a red top
    18. If you could change one thing about the world, what would you change?
    19. Do you like to dance? no
    20. What do you think of the president? hes cool
    21. Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her? Lily
    22. Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him? James
    23. Would you ever consider living abroad?Yes
    24.hat do you want to say to God when you reach the pearly gates?idk.. hi

  5. OhStephh_* OhStephh_*
    posted a quote
    April 8, 2015 5:56pm UTC
    - Top 10's Survey -
    01. televison show: right now it's the 100
    02. flower:idk
    03. color:Blue
    04. sport: Trampling
    05. mall: idk
    06. music: Type? PopRock
    07. food: Bacon/Pasta
    08. season:Winter
    09. animal:Dolphin
    10. city: London
    01. hometown:Jersey
    02. hair color:Brown
    03. hair length: mid lenght
    04. hair style: curly
    05. eye color: brown
    06. shoe size: 7
    07. mood: happy
    08. orientation: Straight
    09. available?: Yes
    10. lefty/righty: Rightyy!
    01. have you ever been in love:no
    02. do you believe in love:yes
    03. why did your last relationship fail? havent had one
    04. have you ever been heartbrokenz: no
    05. have you ever broken someone's heart: no
    06. have you ever fallen for your best friend: no
    07. have you ever loved someone but never told them: no
    08. are you afraid of commitment: no
    09. have you ever had a secret admirer: idk
    10. do you believe in love at first sight: maybe
    01. love or money: Love
    02. hard liquor or beer: idk
    04. one night stands or relationships: Realtionships
    05. televison or internet: omg thats hard! ... internet
    06. pepsi or coke: coke
    07. wild night out or romantic night in: romantic night in
    08. colored or black and white pictures: depends
    09. phone or in person: depends
    10. facebook or myspace: faceboo
    01. have you ever been caught sneaking out: no
    02. have you ever skinny dipped: no
    03. have you ever done something you regret: yes
    04. have you ever bungee jumped:no
    05. have you ever been on a house boat:no
    06. have you ever finished an entire jaw breaker: no
    07. have you ever wanted someone so badly it hurt: no
    10. have you ever been caught by your parents doing it? no
    01. are you missing someone right now: no
    02. are you happy: yes
    03. are you talking to anyone right now:no
    04. are you bored: yes
    05. are you german: no
    06. are you irish: no
    07. are you french: kinda
    08. are you Italian: no
    09. are your parents still married:never been married
    10. do you like someone right now: no

  6. OhStephh_* OhStephh_*
    posted a quote
    April 8, 2015 6:02pm UTC
    Cell phone survey
    1. What type of phone do you have?
    Iphone 4s
    2. What network is it?
    3. Who's first on your missed calls?
    4. Who's first in your received calls?
    5. Who's first in your dialed numbers?
    6. Who last texted you?
    7. What does your last text say?
    8. What does the last text you sent say and who was it to?
    eat to amanda
    9. Whose the first person under the letter C on your phone?
    10. Whose the last person under S on your phone?
    11. Who calls you the most often?
    12. Who do you call the most often?
    home, dad, mum
    13. Who is number 13 in your contacts?
    my nan
    14. Who is number 27 in your contacts?
    I don't have that many
    15. Who is number 69 in your contacts?
    see 14(i have no friends)
    16. Where is your phone now?
    next to me
    17. What's your ringtone?
    18. How many texts are in your inbox?
    19. How many texts are in your outbox/sent?
    20. Do you use the internet on your phone?
    All the time

  7. OhStephh_* OhStephh_*
    posted a quote
    April 8, 2015 6:06pm UTC
    the witty girl survey <3
    []i love justin bieber!
    []nope, jonas brothers rock my world!
    []i like both JB
    []they both suck
    [i like her]taylor swift is amazing
    [x]i am a fan of LADY GAGA
    []my nails are painted right now
    []i have lots of bii/gay friends.
    []i'm bisexual.
    [ ]i'm a beatles fan!
    []i hate chocolate
    [x]i'm team jacob
    [] hell no! team edward!
    []ewww i hate twilight!
    [x]i think taylor lautner is cute
    [x]i make quotes based on what really happens in my life
    [x]my quotes are mostly song lyrics
    [x]i'm religious
    [x]i like michael jackson
    []megan fox is HOT
    []i straighten my hair everyday.
    []i have a boyfriend
    []nope, I have a girlfriend ;)
    [x] i'm single and loving it!(both)
    [x]i'm single and not loving it lol(both)
    []i have lots of blonde moments
    [x]blue is my favorite color
    []the notebook has never made me cry
    [x]i saw new moon when it came out
    [what]i can not eat un-buttered popcorn because it tastes weird
    (Didn't Make This. Have no clue who did.) xD

  8. QueenAminah QueenAminah
    posted a quote
    April 8, 2015 6:20pm UTC
    Not a day goes by When i'm not knocked off my high

  9. teej96 teej96
    posted a quote
    April 8, 2015 6:25pm UTC
    I'm honestly so tired of people.. Especially my step mother.

  10. Princelect* Princelect*
    posted a quote
    April 8, 2015 6:31pm UTC
    true love never die a natural death
    it's always murdered by someone who is not willing to fight for it.
    nothing good comes easy & good things don't always last

  11. Princelect* Princelect*
    posted a quote
    April 8, 2015 6:32pm UTC
    the end of a day is a step closer to destiny
    *goodnight dear*♡Ѽ♥★☆

    posted a quote
    April 8, 2015 6:34pm UTC
    I walk toTHE RHYTHM OF THE RHYTHMof your heart

  13. Witty-Throwbacks* Witty-Throwbacks*
    posted a quote
    April 8, 2015 6:37pm UTC
    Survey Quotes???

  14. Witty-Throwbacks* Witty-Throwbacks*
    posted a quote
    April 8, 2015 6:39pm UTC
     I run my fingers through your hair
    and watch the lights go
    Just keep on keeping your eyes on me

  15. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  16. Delicate* Delicate*
    posted a quote
    April 8, 2015 6:51pm UTC
    can't help but to fall in love
    with the sound of thunderstorms and your voice.

  17. Delicate* Delicate*
    posted a quote
    April 8, 2015 7:02pm UTC
    These Are The Things I Never Told You (VII)
    I fell in love with thunderstorms when I was a child, with the scent of earth and the ting, ting, ting of rain on my roof. I wrapped myself in the darkness of the clouds and buried myself in the roll of the thunder.
    And then you came around and you became my storm clouds. I could hear your voice, deep and wonderful, and you lit up my life like lighting when it strikes. Oh, what a thing it is to be in love with danger.

  18. Witty-Throwbacks* Witty-Throwbacks*
    posted a quote
    April 8, 2015 7:19pm UTC
    The Thing About Mistakes 
    Sometimes, even when you
    something's a
    you gotta make it anyway,♥

  19. Witty-Throwbacks* Witty-Throwbacks*
    posted a quote
    April 8, 2015 7:21pm UTC
    Life Has MomentsHard To Describe,
    Feeling Great &
    Never coming down
    from this mountain
    we're on... 
    ♥ ♥ ♥
    The view is so clear
    & it's crazy up
    Life is amazing with
    you on the ride.♥♥♥

  20. trap queen * trap queen *
    posted a quote
    April 8, 2015 7:21pm UTC
    the beer i drink is as cold as my ex's heart


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