Witty Profiles

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Quotes added on Tuesday, February 1 2011

  1. Gabs Gabs
    posted a quote
    February 1, 2011 12:47am UTC
    Your the one who decided to leave us here,
    and now you expect us to be happy,
    and be able to trust you again?
    F u n n y !
    cause' that's not going to happen!

  2. Baby_Brown_Eyes_2014 Baby_Brown_Eyes_2014
    posted a quote
    February 1, 2011 12:48am UTC
    Will you be my

  3. Runaway_love Runaway_love
    posted a quote
    February 1, 2011 12:49am UTC
    Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus
    Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus
    Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus
    Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus
    Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus
    Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus
    Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus
    Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus
    Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus
    Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus
    Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus
    * For the Religuo s of Witty Profiles , We respect you .

  4. EricaCandy EricaCandy
    posted a quote
    February 1, 2011 12:50am UTC

    How can you just walk on by
    Without one tear in your eye?
    Don't you have the slightest feelings left for me?
    Maybe that's just your way
    Of dealing with the pain
    Forgetting everything between our rise and fall
    Like we never loved at all...

  5. jazzylove777 jazzylove777
    posted a quote
    February 1, 2011 12:50am UTC
    I just got the best complement
    I walk past a cute guy at the grocery store and here I am looking all sloppywith my hair braided to the side and no makeup on my face, and I go look at the hair die as I stood there look at the different colors the same guy walks past me and says you look beautiful natural

  6. xxxxLaurenxxxx xxxxLaurenxxxx
    posted a quote
    February 1, 2011 12:52am UTC
    & Dear Witty Girls,
    I think we should start a revelation:
    where we
    -don't straigten our hair for him,
    we let it go nautrally,
    -don't wear the "perfect outfit",
    but something that makes us feel comfy,
    -don't cake on the make up,
    but wear none,
    -& for the glasses/contact wearing girls,
    we actually wear our glasses.
    THis year is the time to change...
    we don't always have to be "perfect".

    who agrees?
    my quote
    not my format (changed a little)

  7. xxpurplexbubblesxx xxpurplexbubblesxx
    posted a quote
    February 1, 2011 12:55am UTC
    &I'm a dinosaur..
    so like,
    rawr and stuff..


    posted a quote
    February 1, 2011 12:56am UTC
    -thinking about your crush
    -making up scenes in your head where he tells you he loves you
    -remembering what homework you forgot to do
    -missing friends
    -thinking of what to say to people about something bad that has happened
    -wanting to stand up to your parents
    -remembering passed relatives

  9. iloveyounotxx iloveyounotxx
    posted a quote
    February 1, 2011 12:58am UTC
    And by 'K'
    I mean potassium.

  10. maddi_2015 maddi_2015
    posted a quote
    February 1, 2011 1:00am UTC
    Having the love of your life break up with you and say, we can still be friends, is like your dog dying and your mom saying you can still keep it. </3
    Sorryy if its already on herr(:

    posted a quote
    February 1, 2011 1:01am UTC
    when you answer the door in your pjs and its your twin brothers hot friend.

  12. hippygirl203 hippygirl203
    posted a quote
    February 1, 2011 1:04am UTC
    i know this quote isn't pretty but i told one of my best friends parents that there daughter was cutting herself fav if you think i did the right thing comment if you think i didn't

  13. xxxxLaurenxxxx xxxxLaurenxxxx
    posted a quote
    February 1, 2011 1:06am UTC
    You know what I love most about us?
    I love how we are so comfortable with each other, even in the most awkward situation. I love how we tease each other endlessly, but never really take it to heart. I love how you laugh when I tickle you and automatically start tickling me back. I love how when we're having another one of our stupid arguments and I walk away and turn my back on you, you try to stay mad but you turn and run up and say how sorry you are. I love the way your lips fit perfectly on mine when we kiss each other. I love how when I get sleepy when talking with you on the phone, you stay up with me until I finally fall asleep. I love how when I'm about to break down, you're the one who always makes me smile. I love how you need me. I love how you want me.
    Basically, I just love how you love me.
    not my format.

  14. holyroyd holyroyd
    posted a quote
    February 1, 2011 1:17am UTC
    People say you don't know what you have until its gone, Truth is, you knew what you had you just never though you'd lose it
    not my format.

  15. xxxxLaurenxxxx xxxxLaurenxxxx
    posted a quote
    February 1, 2011 1:19am UTC
    When tomorrow starts without me...
    and I'm not there to see if the sun should rise and
    find your eyes all filled with tears for me.
    I wish you wouldn't cry the way you did today,
    while thinking of the many things you didn't get to say.
    I know how much you love me, as much as I love you, and each time that you think of me , I know you'll miss me too.
    But when tomorrow starts without me, please try to understand, that an angel came and called my name,
    and took me by the hand.
    But as I turned to walk away, a tear fell from my eye.
    For all my life, I'd always thought, I didn't want to die.
    I had so much to live for, so much left yet to do.
    It seemed almost impossible that I was leaving you.
    I thought of all the yesterdays, the good ones and the bad.
    I thought of all the love we shared and all the fun we had.
    You have been so faithful, so trusting and so true.
    Though there were times you did some things you knew you shouldn't do, but now you have been forgiven and now,
    at last, you're free.
    So won't you come and take my hand and
    share my life with me?
    So when tomorrow starts without me,
    don't think we're far apart.
    For every time you think of me, I'm right here in your heart.
    not my format.

  16. What_ever What_ever
    posted a quote
    February 1, 2011 1:31am UTC
    I'm on a seafood diet,
    I see food and eat it.

  17. Electric_Rainbow Electric_Rainbow
    posted a quote
    February 1, 2011 1:32am UTC
    Maybe shes born with it..
    >Maybe its been photoshopped<

  18. iloveyouforevr iloveyouforevr
    posted a quote
    February 1, 2011 1:34am UTC
    The other day i went to get my hair cut and I saw this man he had great hair and he told the lady to shave it all off. The lady asked why. He said "Because my wife has cancer and lost all her hair. So I told her I will be just like her and shave all my hair off." I almost cried that day <3
    sorry this is so ugly I was tired and didnt feel like it .

  19. EssRox EssRox
    posted a quote
    February 1, 2011 1:47am UTC
    How to change your background colour on your profile!
    1. Go to your profile and click on the link that says "Edit Profile"
    2. Click onto "Source" and put this code above everything else: <style type="text/css">body {background-image: url('INSERT URL IN HERE with http:// and keeping the brackets and quotation marks'); background-repeat: repeat;}</style>
    3. Click "Save" and you can fix it as much as you like!
    (c) EssRox - credit if used

  20. cheerdancevolleyballshopping cheerdancevolleyballshopping
    posted a quote
    February 1, 2011 1:56am UTC
    Don't bother
    Reserving a s•p•a•c•e in
    You're heart for someone
    W h o d o e s n ' t m a k e a n e f f o r t t o
    {allmine && creditforedit}


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