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  1. xdramaxmamax xdramaxmamax
    posted a quote
    November 28, 2010 8:17pm UTC
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  2. Moozie98 Moozie98
    posted a quote
    November 28, 2010 8:25pm UTC
    Burned-Chapter 24
    I was just sitting on my couch and then all of the sudden my stomach started to hurt really bad. I didn't know what was going on. I'm not due for another week so I was very scared. I yelled for Alex and his mom, and Alex's mom drove us to the hospital. The pain started to get worse and worse, and I couldn't take it anymore. Finally we got to the hospital, and they got me into a room as soon as they could. We waited for about 10 minutes, and a doctor finally came in. She was very nice and helped me get into the hospital gown. I told her about all of my pains, and she said I was in early labor. I was going to have to get an emergency c-section, or the babies or I might die. She gave me this medicine that would make me fall asleep. Alex and his mom had to leave the room, and it was just me and like 4 other doctors. I woke up with the pain gone. I was so happy because I was a mommy now. They brought my babies over to me. They were both so beautiful. Anna had lighter hair than Mason. But something didn't look right to me about Mason. I didn't do anything wrong at all during the pregnancy. I drank a lot of water, and I didn't even have to worry about drinking or smoking, because I don't do either of those things. I was going to ask the doctor about it, but she was talking to Alex and Alex's mom. Then about 5 minutes later she came over to me, and told me that Mason has down syndrome. I was upset and happy about it. At least they are both alive and doing well. Then I started to tear up and I looked over at Alex and his mom and she was crying. I guess it's just one more obstacle we're going to have to overcome in our lives, but I think we'll make it.
    comment? fav? should i keep going??

  3. foreverandalways22 foreverandalways22
    posted a quote
    November 28, 2010 9:23pm UTC
    (Little Girl Drawing a Picture)
    Little Girl: What am I drawing?
    Me: I don't know. What are you drawing?
    Little Girl: You know.
    Me: ??? I'm not sure. What is it?
    Little Girl: Its a beavers tail.
    Me: Ohh (I would have never guessed that)
    Gotta Love Little Kids' Imaginations :)

  4. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  5. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  6. xosaxo xosaxo
    posted a quote
    November 27, 2010 8:00pm UTC
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  7. xosaxo xosaxo
    posted a quote
    November 27, 2010 6:25pm UTC
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  8. xosaxo xosaxo
    posted a quote
    November 26, 2010 9:46am UTC
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  9. xosaxo xosaxo
    posted a quote
    November 25, 2010 11:29pm UTC
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  10. xosaxo xosaxo
    posted a quote
    November 25, 2010 11:15pm UTC
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  11. xosaxo xosaxo
    posted a quote
    November 25, 2010 11:03pm UTC
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  12. xosaxo xosaxo
    posted a quote
    November 25, 2010 9:31pm UTC
    Just you&&me.
    Chapter 1 - starting a new story, I might continue with the old one..
    idk yet...lettme know if you like this one! (:
    "Honey!, wake up you're going to be late!!" my mom called from downstairs. i jumped out of bed like a ninja and picked out my outfit for school. I picked out a flowey pink shirt and some ripped jeans with my black button uggs. I ran over my hair with my straightener and put on some make up. I ran down the stairs and quickly ate my eggo. Before I go on, maybe I should introduce myself first, my name is micalea. I'm a freshman. I am captin of cheerleading and I also play lacrosse. I love hanging out with my friends, especially my best friend or more like sister, paige. We were inseprable. I also have a boyfriend named matt. He is really cute and a lot of girls in my school wish they had him;). Anyways, I ate my eggo and quickly got to school. I went to my locker, as usual, and saw matt standing there. he kissed my lips and then squeezed me tight. "heyy baby" he said smiling kissing me again. "hey" i said back. we talked in the hallway and got to homeroom. "so tonight is chris's party...were going right?" matt asked me. "yeah deff!" i said back. Today was friday so matt and i usually went to parties tonight. school went by pretty fast and before i knew it, it was time to get ready for the party! I picked out a really cute free people shirt with black solo's and my chestnut uggs. I sprayed on some of my PINK perfume and put on some make up. I did my hair and by then matt was at my house. "hi hun ready to go?" matt said kissing me. "of course" i said smiling. Matt and i have been together for a while now and I really do like him a lot. we got in the car and went to the party. we started drinking a little. matt took me to a part of the party and everyone was like making out. he pinned me against the wall and kissed me roughly. at first i played along with it, but then he started going up my shirt. i didn't care when he touched my boobs, I actually kept kissing him even more. but when he started to go down my pants...it got a little weird. "babe, not here..please" i asked him. "why!?" matt said putting his finger down my solo's. "fine" i let him do it and he liked it a lot. "im gunna go get some air" i said. i ran outside and started to cry a little. when I went back to go back inside i saw matt pinning another girl to a tree making out with her and putting his hands up her shirt!
    fav and comment?
    should i continue!?

  13. xlovexwritingx xlovexwritingx
    posted a quote
    November 28, 2010 3:27am UTC
    Kidnapped For What?
    You know how in some movies, someone is kidnapped for love or for money? Like a ransom? You know, a guy kidnaps someone and leaves a note or gives a call for money? Yeah. This man was not like the people in the movies. He was crazy, he kidnapped people for his own pleasure. For his own entertainment.
    ~ ~ ~
    I'm 16. Suitable age, I know. I already have my own car, my own license. My dad gave me about everything I wanted but sometimes, I hated being called spoiled. My dad was always busy because he was a banker. My mom had passed away and I was an only child but my mom had given me great looks.
    I had slightly curled, blonde, hair but no, I was not like all those blondes. I always kept my grades up in the A and B range. I was popular at school too and had a crowd of friends. I was in 2 relationships, both guys breaking my hearts.
    Right now, i'm in a current relationship with a special guy name, Sam. We have been dating for almost 3 months now <3. He had black skater hair like all cute guys with icy blue eyes to match my spring green eyes.
    I have almost full C cups and i'm 5'1. I was sometimes proud of my looks but I never knew that my looks would get me into this much pain, confusion, and crap.

  14. _elli_ _elli_
    posted a quote
    November 28, 2010 5:58pm UTC
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  15. _elli_ _elli_
    posted a quote
    November 28, 2010 5:33pm UTC
    I Can Be A Rebel If I Want
    Part 1
    Hello, my name is Melody Jayni. I am 15 years old, nearly 16. I have naturally bleach blond hair and green eyes. I also have naturally dark and thick eyelashes. I am about 5"1' and I am a little bit chubby. Not fat, not thin, but right in the middle. I can't help it, but I looooove chocolate cake, so sue me. Oh, and did I mention that I'm filthy rich? Well I am.

  16. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  17. storiesleftunspoken storiesleftunspoken
    posted a quote
    November 28, 2010 2:37pm UTC
    Wishing on 11:11
    Chapter 2
    At 15, most people haveboygriends and say 'I love you' to their signifigant other. They go on dates and enjoy themselves. Its all great until they break up (which they eventually will). 95% of first relationships end in break up. Oh, and before you go thinking im a lonely bittter person and someone broke my heart-your wrong. I just never beleived in love. I havent found that person yet. To be completely honest, I dont even know if love exists. Do you know almost 50% of marriages fail nowadys? Or that the chances you end up with your high-school sweetheart are extremely slim. My names Scarlett. I', a cheerleader, I love life, and I'm popular. You could say I'm pretty-I guess. People tell me I'm "stunning" or "cute" but I dont see it. I guess I never heard it enough growing up. See, my dad left when I was 9. He broke my mom, and I was the only one there to pick up the pieces. What do you do when the one perosn you trusted to never leave-left? I'll tell you what you do, you pick up all the shattered specs and pieces of your heart, glue it back together the best you can (dont trust someone else to do the job for you, it might never get finished) you build a bridge, try to get over it and move on with your life the best that you can. Right now I'm a fresh,am and there is only 4 more years till I can leave this place. Beleive me, I cant wait.
    Comments are appreciated :)

  18. redapplecandy redapplecandy
    posted a quote
    August 8, 2010 10:35pm UTC
    Ten fingers to form a heart
    Nine hours of sleep, daydreaming
    Eight love notes written but then thrown away
    Seven days a week in love
    Six pieces of paper used for doodled hearts
    Five minutes wasted to find enough courage
    Four minutes wasted letting out my heart
    Three days crying full of regret
    Two pieces of one heart
    [all because of]

  19. redapplecandy redapplecandy
    posted a quote
    September 10, 2010 5:06pm UTC
    ____________________________ $$$$$ $$$$
    $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$_$$$$$____$$$________ $$
    $$$ $$$_________________$$$$
    ______ $$$______$$$$______________$$$$
    ________$$$__________ $$$$$__ $$$
    _________________$$$$$_____$$$$____$$$ $
    $$$$$__________$$$$________$$$$______$ $$
    _$$$$$$$$____$$$$__$$$$$$$_$$$$$______ $$$
    ____$$$$$$$_$$$$_$$$$___$$$_$$$$______ _$$$
    _______$$$$$$$__$$$______$$$_$$$$_____ _$$$
    _________$$$$__$$$_______$$$__$$$$$_ $$$
    _________$$$__$$$$____$$$$$_____$$$$$$$ $
    _____ $$$ $$$$$$$$____________________
    [<3] press the heart? [<3]

  20. redapplecandy redapplecandy
    posted a quote
    November 26, 2010 4:02pm UTC
    ♥ He's helping me fix the pieces..
    that you broke.. ♥


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