Witty Profiles

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  1. xStoryTimeSmile xStoryTimeSmile
    posted a quote
    October 26, 2011 5:29pm UTC
    Other Side Of The World.
    Chapter 2.
    It was the day before he was leaving; I decided to go to his since he was packing things up. Mom told me to split up with him and to find someone else. But how am I supposed to split up with my boyfriend who is also my best friend?
    I rang the doorbell leaving his sister Grace coming to the door. Her brown hair was tied up in a ponytail; Grace is 14 years old she’s pretty much like my sister.
    “He’s in his room” she said holding a box full of stuffed toys.
    “Thanks Grace” I said smiling which of course was fake. I knocked on his door but he didn’t answer, I walked in to see him sat on his bed he was looking at a picture. My body flopped next to him allowing myself to look at the photo it was a photograph of Alec and I when it was homecoming dance in Freshman I remember that dance like it was yesterday he left me for some girl but he had the photo taken before.
    “I hate that memory” he said putting the photo down beside him, “I left you for her”
    “Look that’s the past” I reassured him, “This is the present”
    “The present I want to be with you, not in England” he said pulling me into his arms, I let out a smile and stood up.
    “We ought to get your stuff packed” I said going red, he looked at me and pulled me down back to the bed.
    “You know whatever happens I love you. I always will” Alec said pulling out a silver ring, “Look I know we can’t tell what’s going to happen but I got you something”
    I opened it, it was a promise ring I smiled and placed it on my finger.
    “I promise to always be with you” he said kissing me on the cheek. I let out a huge grin and hugged him, “I promise”
    “I love you” I said holding him by his waist “My mom wants me to split up with you...”
    “She does?” Alec said stroking my cheek, “Are you going to listen to her? I mean I understand if you do because you and your mom are close”
    “For once I’m not going to listen to her” I said giving out an unsure smile. After dad left us mom and I are close. Dad was an alcoholic he left us when I was 5 years old but now my mom is engaged to a man named Paul who works as a surgeon. He’s not the best man I’d put with my mom but he makes my mom happy then I’m alright with it.
    I've decided to leave it as this title as I don't want to confuse anyone.
    Here's some photos of Evie + Alec:
    Alec: http://weheartit.com/entry/16638134
    Evie: http://weheartit.com/entry/16639403

  2. xStoryTimeSmile xStoryTimeSmile
    posted a quote
    October 25, 2011 4:50pm UTC
    Other Side Of The World.
    Chapter 1.
    “You can’t go” I said looking into his blue eyes. Looking into his eyes made me fall for him even more. His eyes looked soft and full off sorry.
    “I have to” he said rubbing my cheek in a circular movement, “My dad really wants this job; I’ll only be a few...”
    “You’ll be at the other side of the world” I said, I could feel my eyes swell up with tears, “England’s 8 hours forward”
    “Alright, but we’ll make it work, I promise, Evie” Alec’s voice got softer as he pulled me into a hug.
    “But we’ll rarely see each other” I said pulling away, washing the tears away from my eyes, “You’ll meet better girls”
    “No one’s better then you, darling” he said holding my hand. Alec and I have been dating for 2 years now, we’ve been going out since 9th grade and we’re now in 11th grade, we’ve been friends since 3rd grade but we took it to the next level.
    He pulled me in for a kiss and I kissed him back knowing that his kisses I won’t be able to feel for much longer. His smell of his cologne smelled strong which stung my nose.
    “You’ll always be my girl, we can skype and everything” Alec smiled.
    “Won’t be the same” I said sitting down in the car switching on the radio.
    “Look Evie, do you want this to work out because if you say no we may as well split up now” he said, my eyes stared straight ahead did I really want a long distance relationship? But I loved him sure he's got to be worth a shot.
    “I do” I mumbled but I could tell he wasn’t convinced with the answer I gave him. He drove off and we travelled in silence. I looked out the window and back at Alec who was looking frustrated. My heart was pumping hard why did he have to move to England? Why did his dad have to get a damn job in England?
    By the time he's awake my day will almost be over and by the time I get home from school he'll be in bed. The distance is going to affect us, why can't time be the same everywhere in the world?
    I'm still trying to figure out a title for the story, is this one good enough to fit this type of story? I'm still trying to find a good format for the story :).
    But I'll just stick with the title and format for now, I'l probably keep it anyway because I don't want to confuse anyone.
    Hope chapter 1 sounds good :).
    Comment if you think I should carry on(:

  3. xStoryTimeSmile xStoryTimeSmile
    posted a quote
    October 25, 2011 12:52pm UTC
    That's What She Thinks...
    Chapter 44.
    *5 years later*
    It was my first day of University in Texas along with Casper. Unlike me Casper attended Boarding School till 12th grade.
    “I love you babe” Casper whispered into my ear. I smiled and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. “I’m only 2 floors above you”
    “I’m 2 floors below you” I said smiling. Casper and I have been dating since 3 months ago when he got on summer. Nancy and I fought over it but she understood, funny enough she's attending University of New York City.
    “I’ll meet you at 3.30pm near the shop, right?” Casper said his blonde hair was even shorter, he kind of looked good. I smiled and gave him another peck on the cheek, “Remember everything is going to be alright”
    “I know” I said smiling, “This is what I want just to finish something”
    “I know, right I’ll allow you to unpack” Casper said walking off giving out a wave. I sighed and opened the door to see the room clean and spotless least this time I didn’t have to share, no drama. I checked my phone for messages but the only one was from my Aunt which was telling me good luck.
    Poppy is now 9 years old she’s having drama of herself especially with mom she’s at that age where she’s adjusting to more things and understanding. Mom and I talk but not as much as we used to. I hung up a photograph of Poppy and I during the summer when Casper took us swimming, Casper was like Poppies brother.
    I went down to meet Casper once I finished unpacking, I saw his blonde hair shine in the sun and his blue eyes look at me. He gave out a cute smile and kissed me. Just behind Casper I saw Michael, what is he doing here?
    Michael and I haven’t spoken since I left. Just then I looked around his wrist where he was wearing the silver watch I bought for him, the one I gave to his dad to give him.
    The End.
    Hope you enjoyed the story(: I'll be posting more stories hopefully it'll be as good as this one! I might do a sequal to this since it kinda left on a cliffhanger (I think). I'll maybe get my new story posted later on! :)
    Thanks for all the fans and everyone who read it. I love each one of you don't forget that! and each and every feedback I get I try to work on.
    Remember this is my second completed story so hopefully I've got better then my first story 'Love Looks Easy But It Really Isn't' or I've improved.

  4. xStoryTimeSmile xStoryTimeSmile
    posted a quote
    October 21, 2011 5:10pm UTC
    That's What She Thinks...
    Chapter 43.
    I touched my cheek which felt swollen. I looked at him with horror the look on his face was speechless no one spoke for 3 minutes not even the boy who smacked me.
    “That’s it I’m off back to Texas, I don’t care what you say I’m fed up of you” I said running off. I walked down to the principal’s office.
    “Nadine, what would you like?” he asked looking at me with worried eyes, “What happened to your cheek?”
    “It doesn’t matter, I want to leave boarding school” I demanded, he looked at me.
    “Are you sure?” he asked looking at me sitting down.
    “I’m sure” I said letting out a smile even smiling hurt.
    “Alright, I’ll go on the database and take you off” he said smiling, “We’ll get you a flight right away”
    “Thanks” I said smiling, “I’ve enjoyed it here, I really have I just feel like it’s my time to go home, my priority is protecting my little sister, you do understand that right?”
    “I do Nadine” he said, “Bye Nadine”
    “Bye sir” I said, I walked back to the dorm where I saw the girls looking at me I grabbed my suitcase and packed my stuff.
    “Nadine where are you going?” Amy asked kneeling down next to me.
    “Texas” I said. I heard all girls gasp with surprise. I smiled and carried on packing my things. Once I finished I went to the reception where I saw a man waiting.
    “Your Nadine right?” the man said, “I’m Michaels dad, please don’t leave he needs you”
    “It’s a little late, sir. I’ve already left” I said looking at the bald man, “He’s angry at you he wants you to get back together with your wife”
    “I know that but I have other priorities right now” he said, I looked at him and scanned his facial expressions, “Look stay, he didn’t mean to slap you”
    “How do you know?” I asked with confusion.
    “He came to see me, he told me. Look he wanted to tell you before you... left” the man said, “Think about it, please”
    “I’m going home, Texas” I said. I could see the man wasn’t going to give in.
    “Nadine, your cab awaits” the reception women said smiling sweetly at me.
    “Thanks, look after Michael” I said handing him something, it was something I bought for him in Texas but I didn’t want to give it to him.
    I ran to my cab where the man smiled at me, I put my case in the boots as I got in I saw Michael run out.
    “Want me to stop?” the man said looking at me. I thought about it should I or not?
    “Just carry on going” I said, maybe it’s for the best. I looked back to see him crying maybe I should just get out and hug him and give him one quick kiss letting him know everything is okay. No, I need to stop been such a little pushover, my life with him was now gone.

  5. xStoryTimeSmile xStoryTimeSmile
    posted a quote
    October 20, 2011 8:38pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  6. xStoryTimeSmile xStoryTimeSmile
    posted a quote
    October 7, 2011 4:29pm UTC
    That's What She Thinks...
    Chapter 41.
    I was sat in the library doing some work, till the librarian came towards me I looked up and saw her with a concerned face.
    “You’re Nadine right?” she asked above me, I looked towards her and stood up grabbing my stuff.
    “Uh yeah” I said awkwardly. I wasn’t being too loud so that couldn’t have being the problem.
    “Principle wants to talk to you” she said looking at me, what’s happened now? I’ve been sent to the office more then I have been to classes, well not literally.
    I walked down the corridor with people staring at me and laughing, some with shocked faces others smiling at me.
    I knocked on the door and a woman came towards me smiling, she opened the door to the principle where he stood up.
    “Nadine, I think you best sit down” he said, I did what he said while I looked around, I saw an atlas on his filing cabinet and his jacket hung up on his hanger, “It’s about Michael...”
    “Ugh he did it! He cheated on me” I blurted out; he looked at me suspiciously then stood up.
    “Ugh teenagers these days, it’s all about love. Believe me we have enough with that at home with my daughter, she’s too over emotional when it comes to love...” he said, I put one eyebrow up, “He’s in hospital”
    “What?” I said sitting on the edge what did he do?
    “He didn’t turn up for lesson, we went to knock as we looked through a little gap we saw him hung...” he said.
    “Committed suicide?” I asked crying, “Is this my fault?”
    “No it isn’t. He wants to see you” he said. I smiled and stood up, “I’ll get someone to drive you to the hospital”
    As I got to the hospital the teacher took me to the reception. I saw Michael laid there in his hospital gown. I walked through the doors and his eyes opened.
    “You stupid boy” I said sitting on the edge of the bed sitting near him, “Why did you do this?”
    “I didn’t want to lose you, I couldn’t imagine life without you” Michael said, I let out a big gulp. What was I supposed to do, “She came onto me. It was a set up between Adam and her trust me. I didn’t want this I knew I shouldn’t have kissed her but she kissed me for 2 seconds that was it and in that time Adam saw it.”
    I sat there speechless, what should I say? Should I take him back? I looked around the room and stood near the window. I saw patients with their families and birds chirping.
    “I’m sorry” he said.
    “It’s alright. I still...” I said, “Like you”
    “Like not love?” he said laughing.
    “Ugh I guess I do” I said smiling.
    “What about Casper?” Michael said, I looked to the roof then at Michael.
    “You’re joking right, He’s just a friend” I said laughing.
    He smiled and I went to hold his hand. I can’t believe he’s done all this, the stupid fool. I let out a laugh with my thoughts. I kissed him on the cheek and stroked his hair.
    “Don’t ever do that again” I said, I couldn’t bear the thought of him dead.

  7. xStoryTimeSmile xStoryTimeSmile
    posted a quote
    October 5, 2011 12:35pm UTC
    That's What She Thinks...
    Chapter 40.
    After school Michael and I was going to meet each other for a talk. I put on some jeans and a pink shirt that one sleeve ran off my shoulder, I re-straightened my hair.
    I ran up to him and jumped on him; he gave out a smile and laughed. Adam walked over to us with his hands folded; I scooped a piece of my hair behind my ear.
    “Having a good time with lover boy?” he said smirking, I looked at him and smiled.
    “Yeah thanks” I said putting my head on Michaels shoulders, Adam got his phone out and put it in front of me.
    “What is that?” I said looking closer, it was a brown haired boy kissing a girl, a girl that looked like Chelsea.
    “It’s him” Adam said pointing, just then Michael pulled away and stood up.
    “That isn’t me jerk” he said, Michael and Adam were 3 inches away from each other, I stood up with grass in my hands and on my body.
    “I can zoom in” Adam said laughing, “See what they did when you was gone”
    “Don’t believe him” Michael said getting closer to me trying to touch my hand I stepped back and let tears slip out.
    “That’s Chelsea, you kissed Chelsea” I spat out running off, “I wish I quitted boarding school when I said I was”
    “What?” Michael said running after me, “You weren’t going to come back?”
    “No, I came back because of you” I said, “Wish I didn’t”
    Michael remained silent. I sat down behind a tree and cried, why did nothing good happen in my life? Nothing was simple anymore. Michael sat at the other side of the tree.
    “It just happened” Michael said. I looked at him and walked off; I saw a familiar face enter the grounds pulling a suitcase around. He turned around and saw me.
    “It’s me Casper” he said laughing, Michael looked him up and down.
    “What are you doing here?” I said smiling; I hugged him and pulled away.
    “I came because of you” Casper said in a handsome way.
    “How did you persuade your mom?” I asked laughing.
    “What you don’t know is my mom knows the principle” Casper laughed “Mom persuaded the principle to let me in”
    “Awesome” I smiled as we walked to his room; he was 5 floors below me, which you could say was good right?
    I allowed him to go unpack, I went for a walk around to get Michael out of my head, I couldn’t face going back in the dorm I was in. I couldn’t face Chelsea. What could I do? Could I pretend I do nothing? Act like normal and tell her? Least I had my best friend from Texas here with me. Maybe I could have a word with the principle to allow me to share rooms with Casper, but no boys allowed in females rooms unless you sneak. What could I do?
    I bet that Chapter you didn't expect to happen! >:D
    Casper: http://weheartit.com/entry/15645927

  8. xStoryTimeSmile xStoryTimeSmile
    posted a quote
    October 3, 2011 4:48pm UTC
    That's What She Thinks...
    Chapter 39.
    It was the day I was going back to boarding school, I kissed Poppy goodbye and hugged my Aunt Jenny. I got on the plane I sat next to a business man who was reading his newspaper.
    Once I arrived in New York, a man was stood waiting for me just like the first time I came it was awkward silence. I got out the car once we arrived and went back to my dorm; I saw party balloons and party poppers in the room. I saw Michael stood there smiling.
    “I’m glad to have you back” Michael said kissing me, I smiled it was actually nice to be back, “How did you get on with your mom?”
    “10 years” I said hugging into Michael; I smiled trying not to show I was weak she would live, right?
    I laughed and Michael grabbed me and took me somewhere.
    “I want to show you something” Michael said holding my hand, we went to the top of the building and he held out some doors which led to a balcony. We saw New York City skylines in the distance.
    “This is beautiful” I said kissing him on his cheek, I saw him blush. He put his hand around me and his body brought warmth to my body, he felt like a radiator. I laughed and watched the lights from NYC light up the city. I never realized we were this close from NYC. Suddenly he pulled in from the right and kissed me on the lips.
    “I love you Nadine” Michael said pulling me tighter.
    “I love you too Michael” I said kissing him on the cheek.
    We stood up and I stood on the balcony rail and put my arms out and Michael held me, it felt like the scene out of Titanic. As we finished we went back down and saw the girls cleaning up, I flashed a smile as Michael pulled me apart from him.
    Chelsea smiled and hugged me. It was good to have my girls back and my boy of course. Times like these you realize who you you’re real friends are, they’re there for you for the good and the bad times, and this was certainly good time except from my mom but that was days ago, nothing matters anymore. I’m doing this for myself to get something good out of life.
    Boarding school people think it’s strict but it really isn’t, it’s just like going away for a while and going back to a hotel. Once you get used to it, it’s good. Nothing good is at home for me except from Poppy. Here I have a wonderful boyfriend and friends, boarding school it’s like a family full of friends.
    2 chapters in a night...whoa. I wanted to get another chapter up before I went sleep... well to watch a movie in bed. I know this chapter isn't good but the next one will get better or I hope so.
    Here's a photo of Michael + Nadine :D :
    Nadine: http://weheartit.com/entry/13396673
    Michael: http://weheartit.com/entry/15571198

  9. xStoryTimeSmile xStoryTimeSmile
    posted a quote
    October 3, 2011 1:32pm UTC
    That's What She Thinks...
    Chapter 38.
    *Back to reality*
    I looked through the room nothing interesting except from clothes, if you call that interesting that is. It was the day before I was going back to boarding school, which was if I was going to go back. I walked downstairs to see Poppy eating more Fruit Loops.
    “Morning Nadine” Aunt Jenny said smiling; I smiled and poured out some Pop Tarts and placed them in the toaster.
    “I was thinking, maybe I should stay here instead of going back” I said, Aunt Jenny looked at me and she didn’t look happy.
    “Your mom wanted you to go back to boarding school” Aunt Jenny said, I knew why she wanted me to go because she couldn’t cope with a hormonal female.
    “That’s mom, this is me” I said smiling, I grabbed the Pop Tarts and Poppy smiled at me.
    “Well it’s your choice but let your mom know” Aunt Jenny said kissing Poppy on her head.
    “I’ll look for a job as well” I said before taking a bite, well I would have to pay Aunt Jenny for keeping me of course.
    “Well if you wish” Aunt Jenny said, “I mean you could have the room you have now”
    “Thanks” I said, What about Michael? Would we still be together? He’d understand right?
    I went to get changed and did my makeup and curled my hair. Poppy grabbed my hand when I went downstairs and pulled me to the sofa, I laughed.
    “Please stay” Poppy said sitting on my knees, I looked and her and kissed her on the nose, “I love you”
    “I love you too, I’ll have to have a word with Michael” I said, she looked at me and giggled.
    “Michael your boyfriend?” she giggled sweetly, I laughed and laid her in my arms like she was when she was younger and kissed her on the nose.
    “You could say so” I said laughing, “But we’d make it work out”
    “Yay” she giggled more sweetly, I laughed and poked her in the arm.
    I somehow wish mom was here, it would be more fun. I wanted to know why she’s gone down for 10 years, I know she deserves it since she killed dad but it was years ago. No one deserves death and people deserve punishment for whoever did it. I knew someday she’d get caught out just not now; she needed to see Poppy growing up.
    So I want your readers choice in this ;D.
    Should Nadine go back to Boarding School or should she stay with Aunt Jenny?
    Your choice, comment :D.

  10. xStoryTimeSmile xStoryTimeSmile
    posted a quote
    October 2, 2011 2:33pm UTC
    That's What She Thinks...
    Chapter 37.
    *Flashback to when I was 9 years old*
    It was the day of dad’s funeral; funerals are nothing happy not at all. Mourning over your dead dad is something no child should have to do especially at a young age. Mom put me in a black shirt and a black skirt with black shoes and she put a black headband in my hair.
    “You made daddy die” I said crying. She kneeled to my height the hatred in her eyes; I knew I got to her. I knew it felt like I stabbed her in the heart. She stood up and held my hand as the car came around.
    “You hate daddy” I mumbled, she nudged me on the back. I managed to keep quiet about it.
    “Be strong daddy loves you” mommy said tears stung to my eyes. Every girl wants their daddy, right? Every daddy is different but my daddy was the best.
    We got to the church, church bells rang loudly in my ears. They got the coffin out and my Aunt Jenny picked me up and kissed me on the lips. Daddy’s dad came it seemed weird him living longer then my daddy.
    “Be strong today sweetie” grandpa said kissing me on the lips. I smiled at him and hugged him then my mummy pulled me away.
    “Keep the secret or you’re been sent away to a bad children’s house” mommy bellowed.
    I kept quiet, what did I except? I didn’t want to be sent away from mommy. She did some wrong things but bad children get treated badly, right? Or that’s what I mommy said
    I let my body sit on the stiff wooden seats, emotions ran through my body. I let out tears and choked on them. Mommy didn’t comfort me; she didn’t offer me a tissue. She didn’t even cry she killed daddy.
    Once we got home she slammed the door shut, she sent me to my bedroom. I know I’ve been a bad girl because mommy was cursing downstairs. She was saying how I was a mistake saying how she wanted an abortion but daddy wouldn’t let her. Mommy was never happy, she did nothing with me. She didn’t love me she didn’t love anyone but herself.
    She came up to me and slapped me around my face, I was traumatized I felt worthless and horrible. No one knew she did that to me, she hated me and I hated her. I wish daddy was here, he would have protected me. He was the only person who loved me.

  11. xStoryTimeSmile xStoryTimeSmile
    posted a quote
    October 1, 2011 8:47am UTC
    That's What She Thinks...
    Chapter 36.
    I woke up the next morning, I took a quick shower, dried and curled my hair and put on my court clothes, since the court was 2 hours away we would have to be gone soon as Poppies gone to school. Poppy was sat downstairs eating her Fruit Loops, I forgot how crazy she was over them.
    “Why are you two dressed in black?” Poppy said, before I could get any word out “You going to a funeral when you go to a funeral you wear black we did to nannies funeral. ”
    “No poppy we’re not going to a funeral” I said kneeling down kissing her on the head.
    “Why are you wearing black? It’s hot outside, black attracts heat” Poppy said putting another scoop of fruit loops in her mouth. She was smart for her age, I never got told black attracted heat.
    “Well whatever happens, I love you” I said, she wrapped her hands around me and kissed me on the lips.
    “When are you coming back, Nadie?” she said in a baby voice, I looked at her and tears welled up to my eyes.
    “I’m staying for a few more days Pops” I said brushing her hair into two plaits, something she loved when it was just me doing her hair.
    “Yay” she screamed while jumping up and down, she went off to catch her bus and we drove to the courthouse. The buildings were big and loads of stairs, the building looked scary. We went to the nearby cafe for 20 minutes I ordered a chocolate latte while Aunt Jenny ordered a coffee; I guess we needed caffeine today.
    We arrived in the courthouse, the judges were preparing. More of our family came of course my mom’s mom and dad were there, they looked at me with terror like this was my entire fault. Mom came out wearing a black dress; she looked at me and gave me a smile with a look of terror that read ‘Don’t hate me’. The judges began, words whirled around my head. Suddenly once they got to the conclusion.
    “Guilty or not guilty” the judge said, I looked at her with frustration, don’t say guilty.
    “Guilty” she said, my eyes widened and she saw them.
    After they spoke to each other they came down, “We are sentencing you to 10 years”
    I’ll be 24 years old when she gets out, Poppy will be 14 years old, she’ll have changed massively. I felt tears stung my eyes. The old man from the shop walked in, I wanted to shout at him. Mom went down in handcuffs. The old man looked at me and said sorry. Sorry is just a word that can’t be explained it’s a word that doesn’t mean anything. I was going to quit boarding school; I had to be here for Poppies sake. Michael would understand so would Chelsea, Amy and Georgia. We went home and picked Poppy up from her friend’s house.
    Sorry, I was planning on posting it tonight D: but it's my best friends 18th today and she comes back from Spain as well :D and I'm sleeping over at her house tonight... So sorry for the early upload(: 2 chapters in 2 days... that's a damn record for me haha. I have a great idea for the story ;D.

  12. xStoryTimeSmile xStoryTimeSmile
    posted a quote
    September 30, 2011 3:31pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  13. xStoryTimeSmile xStoryTimeSmile
    posted a quote
    September 19, 2011 6:25pm UTC
    That's What She Thinks...
    Chapter 34.
    It was the day I was going back to Texas, in a way I couldn’t wait to see Casper and Nancy even though we couldn’t do it in a group since they split up but whatever. I also didn’t want to see my mom go down, I hate her for what she’s done but who’ll look after Poppy?
    I packed my suitcase and smiled.
    “You’re coming right back?” Michael said placing his arms around my waist, I smiled at him and kissed him on his soft lips.
    “Of course I’m coming back silly, you can’t get rid of me that easily” I said kissing him again.
    “Good, I’m going to miss you even if you’re going for 5 days” he said kissing my forehead I tucked my head under his chin and smelled his after shave which somehow burned my nostrils.
    “I’m going to miss you” Georgia said hugging me, “Good luck with your mom”
    “Thanks babe” I said clinging to her.
    “Who will we have with the drama?” Amy said smiling, I laughed and bear hugged her.
    “We’ll keep your bed warm right, Michael?” Chelsea said winking; I hit her playfully and hugged her. Gosh they were making this like I was going forever, suddenly I saw a shadow appear, it was Adam stood behind Amy. I looked at him with horror, I was scared why was he here?
    “Nadine, I know we’re not on the right line now but good luck” Adam said putting his hand out, I looked at it and then back at his face, he had a smile that any girl would fall for. I took his hand and shook it, I guess this was his way of a truce. Well that’s what he got.
    I wheeled my suitcase to the car park where I saw a man stood near a car; I walked over and placed my suitcase in his trunk of the car. I got in and waved everyone goodbye. The man put the radio on and I smiled at the soothing sound of music, we arrived at the airport an hour later, people were wheeling their suitcase out of the car and were heading for the airport. I smiled and entered it I waved to the man who took me and handed my ticket to the boarding staff. I remember this place like the back of my hand.
    I went to sit in the café and ordered a Latte, I sat down and read a magazine it was boring but I guess it will pass time by. I checked my texts and I had one text from Michael, I smiled.
    Michael<3: Missing you already \: come back?
    I smiled and replied but I felt stupid for going back just for my mom’s court order I mean what’s so special about it, it’s no good reason to go home. I was glad I could still go to this boarding school, who’d of thought I’d like this place?
    Sorry I haven't wrote for a while \: I've been kinda busy to write a chapter or I've been doing something else. Don't think I forgot about you :D College isn't that bad, I've only got 20 assignments this year... ones due in this Friday (23rd) and I haven't started it yet! So I'll be doing that most of this week but I'll make room to write another chapter (:

  14. xStoryTimeSmile xStoryTimeSmile
    posted a quote
    September 6, 2011 4:43pm UTC
    That's What She Thinks...
    Chapter 33.
    I got up and put on a floral top and some light pair of denim jeans.
    I put on some make up and put my hair into a ponytail, I looked at myself in the mirror, perfect. We went down for breakfast.
    “Nadine you need to stop getting so gorgeous” I heard Amy said, I blushed.
    “Thanks Amy but you’re beautiful and you know it” I said smiling, she gave me a side hug.
    “Girls, I might be going back home for a few days” I told them they looked at me.
    “Why?” Georgia asked.
    “Moms got court” I said confidently. I knew it wasn’t a good thing but they looked alright.
    “Oh. I’m so sorry! I hope everything goes well” They said hugging me. I smiled and grabbed a piece of toast and some milk. We sat in the same seats as yesterday. I saw Michael enter with a huge grin on his face. I looked down and bit into my toast.
    “Do they have to burn the stupid piece of toast” I said banging it against my plate.
    “Well you must have picked the worst toast up” Amy said laughing chewing her perfect piece of toast. I smiled and chewed it.
    “You know when you go back to Texas I’m sure going to miss you” Amy said smiling.
    “Guys I have no clue if I’m going back yet” I said smiling, “I’ll sure miss you but it’ll only be for 5 days or so”
    We walked back and got our school and wash bags. I got into the first lesson and the principle made an announcement.
    “CAN NADINE MICKEY PLEASE COME TO MY OFFICE!” he shouted, I sighed and walked down the quiet corridor. I knocked and he allowed me in, I sat in the leather seat facing his, “Nadine, you’ll be going home next Wednesday till the Saturday”
    “Yes sir” I said looking at him.
    “We’ll get your ticket and you’ll be getting on the 11am plane” he said.
    “Thanks sir” I said.
    “Alright get back to your lesson” he said standing up shaking my hand, I walked out and smiled. I couldn’t believe I was going back to Texas just to see my mom in court.
    I went to lesson where I saw Michael sitting there he looked upset probably because I wasn’t in the lesson but as soon as he saw me he smiled. I looked toward the teacher and smiled. I had to be strong for my sister; my sister was now my priority. I hope my mom gets off but I know she won’t but she deserves what she gets with killing my only dad. She tried to get me to call Poppies dad, dad but we fight because he wasn’t my dad, my dad was dead.
    I jotted down the notes and did my answers, I hated school but it was my only escape to get my thoughts together. My mind these days were like a jigsaw I had to fix them together and get them into place to make them fit.
    So I'm back :D but sadly I start college tomorrow ._. So I'll be quite busy but I'll make sure I get a story up at least once a week if not twice a week! So I'm sorry ): But I'll work hard to get one up at the weekend if not on my day off ):
    I know this chapter is boring.

  15. xStoryTimeSmile xStoryTimeSmile
    posted a quote
    September 1, 2011 6:16pm UTC
    Sorry for not writing, I've being extremely busy with stuff since it was my birthday yesterday and I enrolled for college today and I'm packing for my weekend away in London.
    I'll add another chapter once I get back on Monday.

  16. xStoryTimeSmile xStoryTimeSmile
    posted a quote
    September 1, 2011 6:12pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  17. xStoryTimeSmile xStoryTimeSmile
    posted a quote
    August 28, 2011 5:50pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  18. xStoryTimeSmile xStoryTimeSmile
    posted a quote
    August 27, 2011 2:37pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  19. xStoryTimeSmile xStoryTimeSmile
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2011 11:28am UTC
    That's What She Thinks...
    Chapter 29.
    I felt tears escaping from my icy blue eyes. Everything got good but then everything turned into bad. In life I realized once I was happy for 5 minutes the glass would break and I’d be sad again.
    “You have freedom Nadine” Adam said pulling me close, I wiped the tears from my eyes.
    “I’m getting tears on your shirt” I mumbled.
    “It’s alright Nadine. I used to be exactly like you” Adam said smiling, “I used to think my dad had no freedom neither did I since this place is completely like prison you just have to find the right people that takes your mind off this”
    Maybe he was right, Prison and boarding school was different. The only difference is meeting people, in prison they’ll meet murderers, people who take drugs and people who have done bad things or innocent people who got caught up in people’s problems.
    “I guess so” I mumbled, “We better get back”
    He held my hand and we got through the bushes and he took me back to my dorm.
    “I got you something” Adam said smiling, “You saw me buy them”
    “T-Thanks” I said smiling. He smiled and hugged me.
    “Whenever you need me I’m here. Whenever you want to talk even if its 2.00am come to my dorm, 595” He said, I gave out a smile and kissed him on the cheek. His cheeks went red and suddenly the door opened.
    “NADINE, KISSING THE HOTTIE OF THE GRADE!” Amy said teasing; I pulled away from his cheek and looked at Amy.
    “Eh” I managed to say, “Not what it looks like”
    “It’s exactly what it looks like” Adam teased, I slapped him.
    “Cheating on Michael?” Chelsea winked.
    “We don’t even go out” I said.
    “That’s what you think” Amy said laughing.
    “Anyway I got to go see you girls later” Adam said walking off.
    “Where’d you get the teddy from?” Amy said looking confused.
    “U-Uh it was his sisters, he gave it to me” I said quickly, okay they’re now suspicious now shut up Nadine.
    “It looks clean” Amy said asking.
    “U-Uh yeah he cleaned it” I said, I put the stuffed bunny on my bed and went to the bathroom, I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. Adam or Michael?
    Michael was challenging and something about him made him fun to tease and make fun off, that’s what I tend to do when I love somebody. But Adam, Adam makes me feel butterflies, no boy has made me do that not even my ex boyfriend, Adam and I are in the same ship almost except his dads in prison and my mom isn’t yet. Why is love so eh confusing? I promised myself I wouldn’t love another boy after my ex, even if it was me that split up with him.
    I got out the bathroom where I saw Amy waiting for me.
    “We’re going to the shop, want to come?” Amy asked smiling.
    “Sure” I said smiling. We walked down to the elevator.
    That’s when I saw him, he had his arms around another girl. Amy looked straight at me and put her arm around me. I felt pain and hurt, maybe I should keep them promises to myself, not another boy to hurt me.

  20. xStoryTimeSmile xStoryTimeSmile
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2011 3:52pm UTC
    That's what she thinks...
    Chapter 28.
    I ordered fried chicken and some fries with Pepsi. While Adam ordered a burger and fries with Mountain Dew.
    “You know people will be suspicious when we don’t eat dinner” I said laughing.
    “We’ll just say we’re not hungry or we’re slowly becoming anorexic” Adam said laughing.
    “Good one Adam” I said smiling. I looked straight in his eyes and for some reason I got butterfly in my stomach.
    “Is your dad surviving in prison?” I blurted out, it’s bugging me, and if his dad can survive prison my mom can.
    “Eh, guess so. He finds it hard not seeing me and stuff but we talk” he said, “I’m sure your mom will be alright. She sounds a tough cookie”
    I looked at me hard; I squinted my eyes and bit my lip.
    “She’s sure a tough cookie to kill my dad” I said looking at him.
    “I didn’t mean it like that Nadine, sorry” Adam said, I gave out a fake smile.
    “Eh, it’s alright. I’m used to it” I said, Actually I’m still not used to my dad not around, I expect him to turn up and come through the door, I expect him to say goodnight to me and read me a story, even though I’m too old. I still expect him to take me fishing; I’ve never being fishing since. I got lost in my thoughts till the waitress snapped me out of them.
    “Earth to Nadine” Adam said. I smiled and grabbed the knife and fork like they were weapons.
    “Sorry” I mumbled, munching on the fries.
    “You know you’re beautiful” Adam said smiling.
    “Eh thanks” I said trying not to smile.
    “No probs.” He said looking at his burger.
    After we were done we went to a store along the road. Which sold candy and other things, you know like gifts and that lot.
    “We can’t buy anything from here” I mumbled. He looked at me and laughed. He picked up a stuffed bunny and took $20 out of his pocket and picked up a bar of chocolate.
    He went to the cashier and bought them, I blushed as the women looked at me. She smiled and I looked away, don’t do this Adam.
    We got out the shop and made our way to the school. I stopped for a minute. Adam looked at me and ran back up to me.
    “Nadine?” he said looking confused.
    “I can’t do this Adam” I said looking into his eyes, I could see he was more confused.
    “Do what?” he asked, he grabbed my arm as we sat on a bench outside the mail office.
    “My mom will be going to prison and this boarding school is like prison, we’re in the same place. I want freedom” I said messing with my fingers.


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