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Member Since: 27 Jul 2011 03:12pm

Last Seen: 21 Aug 2011 08:12pm

user id: 200288

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Hello witty! Its wittywriters_collabx5! Hope you like our story!
This collab contains:

We love all our readers and followers! (: hope you like the story! 


hello, loves(: the name's Carmen and I'm thirteen, turning fourteen in December. I write stories and quotes on the account name shown above. I'm boring too. Oh, and I'll probably write the longest chapters.. I mean compare the other two to chapter three xD
STATUS: singing obnxiously while watching Awkward. and Teen Wolf. ;) 



Heyy, I'm Erin. I've written stories under the account follow_the_garden_road, and quotes under multiple others, including the above. I'm 15 going on 16. I'm a very spontaneous person, and I enjoy being unpredictable :D 
Status: Sick. 



hey i'm alexa (: i usually write stories on the username above.i'm 14 and writing and making quotes are my obsessions..
 Status 2:24 PM : listening to music xD

Credit:FudgebagLayouts ♥
  1. wittywriters_collabx5 wittywriters_collabx5
    posted a quote
    August 21, 2011 1:43pm UTC
    Chapter 11
    (Riley's P.O.V.)
    Katherine and I spent the whole night chattering about the things we could do until I left. Her friend Auden came up to her, and she introduced us. Her family was the one who was buying my house. Soon enough we were all chattering together.
    Katherine's phone rang at 10, and after a quick hug she ran out of the yard to meet her mom in the car. Auden and I talked for another half hour till she had to leave as well.
    Around 11 I decided it was best if I went home to meet the home wreckers. Not fair, I tell myself, I really don't even know what she's like.
    I walk in the door, and see Marylin and Dad cuddling, God, he looks happy. Smiling at them, I answer their questions and bolt up to my room. Dad was saying something to me, but I didn't catch it as I flipped on the light and flopped onto my bed. Or, rather, onto the people in my bed.
    "WHAT THE HELL?!" The girl screeched at me, as my door opened and Dad and Marylin walked in.
    I just stared in shock. Marylin looked at the girl, "Karen, what are you doing?! One, I told you to sleep on the air mattress, this is Riley's room. Two, why is Bobby here?! I told you no." She said nodding to the boy in bed with her.
    He looked at Karen shocked, and then said "I'm sorry Ma'am, she told me you said it was okay. I'll go. I didn't mean any harm." From the look in his eyes I could tell it was the truth, and Marylin believed him. Watching as he put on jeans and a shirt, and grabbing his shoes left the room, walked down the stairs, and out of the house.
    "Three-" Marylin began. But Karen cut her off, yelling all sorts of mean things at Marylin and me, she threw on a shirt and shorts, slipped on flip flops, grabbed her phone and then left to meet Bobby. Leaving Marylin looking like she was about to cry.
    And granted she probably was, but at that moment Samantha walked in having been woken up by all the yelling. She wanted Marylin to come stay with her. And I couldn't help but feel bad, after all Karen just said, she was putting on a brave face for Sammi.
    I shook my head at her as she agreed to go with Sam. "No, you go back with Dad, I'll sleep with Samantha." I say smiling at the little girl, who's happy to be able to hang out with her 'new big sissy'. Marylin tried to decline, but I was already being led from the room.
    "Riley," shw said as she touched my shoulder. I turned to look at her. "I'm sorry you saw her like that, she can be really nice. She's just difficult. Please, don't be too angry with her." I just smiled and nodded. Marylin looked down, obviously upset, with Dad comforting her. Samantha dragged me to the guest room. And I looked back at Marylin and Dad one more time.
    Maybe she wouldn't be so bad after all.
    Short? Boring?
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    ~Posted by fire_and_ice
    Sorry for the wait. I'm sick. And then witty wouldn't let me post! :(

  2. wittywriters_collabx5 wittywriters_collabx5
    posted a quote
    August 9, 2011 12:15am UTC
    click to see this quote

  3. wittywriters_collabx5 wittywriters_collabx5
    posted a quote
    August 1, 2011 1:36pm UTC
    Chapter 9
    (Auden's P.O.V.)
    I was passing a cute little park. Little kids were playing on a jungle gym while their parents all gathered on the benches, talking and laughing and cheering their children on. I slowed down and watched them for a moment. Peace and quiet to think and miss my friends.
    Well, I had peace and quiet until I heard whistling.
    I whipped my head around and saw a few guys on the other side of the street walking buy. They were hollering and whistling and a few other obnoxious things. I rolled my eyes and sped up.
    When I got home, I found my brother and some girl on the couch. Oh God, wasn't he to young to do that? Aiden was actually making out with his girlfriend, and he was tugging off her shirt!
    "Whoa! Hey there, buddy," I burst out laughing. They jumped apart and I found Aiden blushing. "AUDEN!" He shouted. I grinned, "Would you like a little snack with that?"
    Aiden's face was now turning red from anger. The girl just stared down at her hands. I could see her cheeks starting to flush. I smiled, "Its alright. Keep doing what you were doing. I'll just.. you know." I laughed again and headed into our kitchen. I opened the fridge and stared at the contents.
    I groaned and slammed it shut. I headed out into the living room to see my brother and his little friend sitting there in awkward silence. I rolled my eyes and headed up the stairs into my room.
    I opened my closet and started planning my outfit for the bonfire. I wanted a dress, or maybe just shorts and a shirt again.
    I scrunched my eyebrows together and stared at my collection of clothing.
    No matter how filled my closet was, I had nothing to wear.
    Short? Boring?
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    ~Posted by XxLookDeepIntoMyEyesxX
    Sorry guys, that's really, really short. Especially comparecd to my normal chapters...

  4. wittywriters_collabx5 wittywriters_collabx5
    posted a quote
    July 31, 2011 2:16am UTC
    click to see this quote

  5. wittywriters_collabx5 wittywriters_collabx5
    posted a quote
    July 29, 2011 2:12pm UTC
    Chapter 7
    (Katherine's P.O.V.)
    "Okay class today we will be doing partner work to
    make something..."
    I didn't listen. How could I listen if my best friend is moving!
    It wasn't right. Riley was like one of my first friends.
    I had my first sleepover with her, we always played dress up together.
    We did everything together.
    "Katherine. Katherine!" I heard my teacher shout.
    "huh? Yeah?"
    "Find a partner."
    "Oh sorry Mrs. Clain."
    I looked around the room and noticed everyone had a partner.
    Everyone except Auden. She looked sad. Maybe she missed her old friends.
    It must be hard for her to leave all of her friends I thought. I looked at her.
    Maybe she and I could be partners. "Auden! Want to be parntners?" I asked.
    "Really? Sure!" She replied happily. We sat at an empty table
    "So Auden how do you like New Jersey?" I questioned.
    "Its cool, but I miss my friends from Virginia." I nodded.
    "It must be hard for you," I said as we started the project.
    "Yeah it is. But my mom wanted to move back to New Jersey. She's happier here." She said. I didn't know what to say.
    "Kids, no more chit-chatting. Get to work even if it's your last day," Mrs. Clain exclaimed. "Oh yeah sorry," I said.
    "Um, Auden.. what are we supposed to do??" I whispered.
    "I dont know.." She whispered back. Soon enough
    the bell rang. "No!" I sobbed and sobbed. Knowing Riley would never come back. "No" I whispered. I ran out of the class said a quick good-bye
    to Auden and Mrs.Clain and ran over to the front entrance.
    "RILEY!" I yelled. "Katherine!" She yelled back. I ran over to hug her.
    "No, it can't be true!" I announced. Tears streaming down my face.
    Riley didn't answer instead we hugged and hugged tears pouring down our faces. "Come on Riley, we have to go." Riley's dad announced.
    "No, Come back to visit Riley!" I sobbed.
    "I will. I promise Katherine." We hugged one last time. Then soon enough, I was watching Riley's car zoom down the street. I cried more and more.
    "It can't be true," I whispered.
    Short? Boring?
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    ~Posted by wittystories13

  6. wittywriters_collabx5 wittywriters_collabx5
    posted a quote
    July 29, 2011 12:27pm UTC
    Chapter 6
    (Auden's P.O.V.)
    Now that I think about it, this is really the first time I've been genuinely happy since the move. I've only lived here for about five months, but I was never happy. I was in the hoodie phase. My hoodie phase consists of a sweatshirt, sunglasses, an iPod, and a hair tie. Meaning, I tried hiding from view because of my depression from the move. What can I say? I used to live in Virginia, then I'm forced to move to New Jersey. I mean, what's up with that? All of my friends back home told me that Jersey wasn't good for surfing, and my friends and I spent our whole time at the beach, just surfing. I really hate this! Until now, on the last day, people have been talking to me. And I've been talking to them. I even have someone to hang out with on Saturday! Who knew that I could actually get friends? That was me, my brother was always popular like me back at our old school. We always hung out with the same people, and we did everything together. We were close then. When we moved, we grew apart. He was excited to check out the girls from a new school, while I was eager to get out of school and go home. I wished I had chosen to stay with my dad. He stayed in Virginia, and my mom moved to her home.
    Just thinking about my friends brought tears to my blue eyes. I wiped my eyes and started toward my last class of the day.
    The last class of this year, this grade. The last class of middle school.
    I'd be a high schooler! I grinned and walked past my brother. He looked at me, "Hey Auden."
    I glanced over at him with a smile, "Hey Aiden."
    And then, I pushed through the door. My last class of the day was supposed to be pre-algebra, but since it was the last day, we could just screw around. Mrs. Rye smiled at everyone and gave us a speech about how we were becoming young adults in high school and how we would become more mature and intelligent and blah, blah, blah. I really wasn't paying attention. I was too absorbed in thinking about the bonfire tonight. I had forty-five minutes before heading home on the bus, then I would get dressed in something appropriate, or not, and then head down to the bonfire. It was something for new high school kids, or kids going to high school to experience something close to a high school party. I didn't understand much about it, but Aiden was the one who knew everything suddenly. Seriously, that kid could get information. And then, I wasn't paying attention because some guy was staring at me. I raised my eyebrow at him, and he winked. I shook my head and decided to attempt to listen.
    Yeah, it didn't work well. But now that the day was over, I was excited. I mean, my first party/bonfire for New Jersey. And it was like a high school one. I watched as girls cried with their friends, and as guys clapped hands, as people hugged their best friends, as teachers waved goodbye, as everybody promised to hang out over the summer, which they never would do. Boyfriends and girlfriends were making promises they wouldn't keep, and hugging each other. And here I was, walking towards the front door. Up ahead, I saw the girl I had met in the bathroom. Katherine, her name was. I grinned and shouted, "Katherine!" She was crying and hugging some girl, and she had another girl with them, who was also crying. Emotional! My friends and I never cried on the last day, we hung out everyday of the summer. It was like a tradition. A tradition that had just ended. I ran forward and smiled at everyone, but that smile quickly faded when the one girl glared at me for being so happy.
    Short? Boring?
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    ~Posted by XxLookDeepIntoMyEyesxX

  7. wittywriters_collabx5 wittywriters_collabx5
    posted a quote
    July 28, 2011 10:54pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  8. wittywriters_collabx5 wittywriters_collabx5
    posted a quote
    July 28, 2011 2:32pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  9. wittywriters_collabx5 wittywriters_collabx5
    posted a quote
    July 28, 2011 12:28pm UTC
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  10. wittywriters_collabx5 wittywriters_collabx5
    posted a quote
    July 27, 2011 6:35pm UTC
    Chapter 2
    (Riley's P.O.V.)
    My alarm clock blared, but I was already up. Tear's streaming down my face. My last day of eighth grade, my last day of middle school. My last day in this town. I grabbed the shorts, and T-shirt I had left out of my suitcase, and slid them on. I looked at my face, there was no point in makeup today, I'd just cry it all off.
    As soon as school got out today, I was being whisked away from all my friends, I wouldn't even see them this summer.
    I walked downstairs, grabbed a fruit bar, slipped on my flip flops, and got in the passenger seat of my dad's jeep.
    "Ready, hunny?"
    "Daddy, do we really have to move in with Marylin?" I said, giving him my best pouty face.
    "She makes me happy, Ri. And she thinks you're adorable, it'll be good for you. To haveamother...mother like figure."
    The rest of the ride was quiet. I got out of the jeep, shut the door and walked up the doors to school.
    It could be worse, I thought.
    Short? Boring?
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    ~Posted by fire_and_ice

  11. wittywriters_collabx5 wittywriters_collabx5
    posted a quote
    July 27, 2011 5:19pm UTC
    Chapter 1
    (Katherine's P.O.V.)
    "Katherine Elizabeth Jones! Wake up this instant! You're going to be late for your last day of school!"
    I took a quick shower. Washed up and applied some mascara.
    "Katherine! Come on time is wasting!" Mom yelled.
    "Okay! JEEZ MOM!" I yelled back.
    "Don't you dare give me that attitude missy."
    Ugh whatever. I thought. I grabbed my clothes that I picked out yesterday changed quickly and ran down the stairs.
    "Hurry up Katherine five minutes till Abbey gets here."
    "Okay mom. Bye! See ya later alligator!"
    "In a while crocodile," mom chuckled.
    I grabbed a gronola bar and ran out the door just as Abbey got at my house.
    Five minutes later we arrived at Masonville Middle School. "Thanks Mrs. Smith!" I called to Abbey's mom.
    "Anytime, Katherine!"
    Abbey and I walked out of the car. "I can't believe were going to High School soon." Abbey told me. "I know right,"
    "I guess I'll see you at lunch!" I called to Abbey
    "Yeah! See ya Kath!" She called back as we went our seperate ways.
    Short? Boring?
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    ~Posted by wittystories13


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