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Member Since: 11 Mar 2012 09:30am

Last Seen: 13 Apr 2012 06:03am

user id: 282768

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  1. thestoryaccount thestoryaccount
    posted a quote
    March 24, 2012 7:02am UTC

  2. thestoryaccount thestoryaccount
    posted a quote
    March 23, 2012 11:44pm UTC
    The Day that Changed my Life :
    Chapter 12
    I couldn't stop panicking, me and Drake split up. I thought she might be in the bathroom, so I went looking there. In fact, she was there. Man, I was so relieved. "HANNA , where were you? You scared me to death!" I yelled. "I'm sorry, I just needed to go to the bathroom. I didn't mean to scare you" she said in a sad tone. "It's okay" I said. I went back to where we were and I found Drake sitting there, he seemed so worried. I told him what happened. We got our baggage and went looking for some place to stay. We found a motel that wasn't so far from the station. We decided to stay there until we found some place to stay. We thought we should go get know the place. First, we went to Times Square. It was beautiful and there was a parade too. We took a lot of pictures together. It was an amazing day. We went ice-skating in Rockfeller Center, The we got Starbucks. That was one of the best days of our lives. We went back to the motel. We decided that tomorrow we would go look for jobs. We got changed and went to bed. We woke up early, got dressed and went out. We had breakfast and some diner that was beside our motel. We stayed the entire day looking for jobs, We both got jobs as waiters but at a restaurant but we're gonna work there until we found a better job.

  3. thestoryaccount thestoryaccount
    posted a quote
    March 20, 2012 6:58am UTC
    Oh i just thought you might want to know what the pople in the story look like
    Abigail-15 , She has shoulder length dustly blonde hair and blue eyes just like her mum did , she is fairly tall and has really pale skin.
    Drake- he has dark blonde hair and green eyes like his dad , he is also tall and is not skinny not fat but very fit.
    Hanna-lee- She has Dustory brown hair , and blue eyes with green flecks through them , she is pale skinned , skinny and short .

  4. thestoryaccount thestoryaccount
    posted a quote
    March 19, 2012 5:22am UTC
    The day my life changed
    chapter 11
    The day's and weeks seemed to go by quicker and quicker , my money was building up and i was getting skinnier , I was happy with myself , but now the day was here to move out get away from this hell , It was 3 am , i woke Hanna-lee up , she yawned and looked at me " whats going on ? " She ask's in a tired voice . i looked at her " we are leaving , moving away, " I smile , she looks at me confused " where are we gonna go ? " I look at her in awe , " New york , and our train leaves in forty minutes hurry up. " i tickle her and she giggles , the truth was , I had no idea what we were going to do once we arrived in new york , i was thinking a hotel or something , but i'm not sure , we left to go to the train station with Drake leaving a note to my Aunt , who would most likely not care , on the Train , I looked out the window the whole way , I was so so nervous but so excited , I left Matt , i never told him I was leaving , but I will call him every week , or every second day , no maybe I will call him everyday , the Train pulled up at the station , Drake carried Hanna's bag and his own and I carried mine , Hanna bolted off the train annd was spinning around in the rain , laughing " we are here. " she sounded excited , rain drops dripping down her face , I pulled my suit case along the dirty foot path and looked around " what now ? " Drake said smiling, I looked at him " i don't know , i didn't book us a motel or anything , i just didn't think " i say while bringing a palm to my face , the Train trip took ages , it was now 11pm way to late to find a motel , I sighed " we can just stay in the train station for the night.." i tilted my head to the side , he nodded and looked around " i guess , it's safer then out there. " he was referring to the streets , we walked over to a few benches , I gace Hanna the only sleeping bag we brought nd she used one of Drakes jumpers for a pillow , me and drake sat on either side of her and fell asleep , the next morning I woke up , people rushing every where around us , i looked down beside me , where was Hanna , she was gone , i woke drake up panicing " Drake , Drake she is gone ! " He looked at me and stood up she was no where to be seen......

  5. thestoryaccount thestoryaccount
    posted a quote
    March 19, 2012 5:11am UTC
    The Day that Changed my Life:
    Chapter 10
    I realized that it was getting late. "Hanna, we have to go. It's getting late" I said. "Five more minutes please, I'm having so much fun!"she cried. "Hanne, if we don't go now we're gonna get in trouble and our aunt is gonna get mad at use and I don't think you like seeing her mad don't you?" I told her. The guy that was teaching Hanna some cords came up to me and said "Hi I'm Alex. I was leaving now and I was thinking if you want I can drop you home". "Thank you so much, by the way I'm Abigail and I think we should get going " I said with a smile on my face. H e dropped us home and as I was going out of the car he asked for my number so I gave it to him. Hanna and I went inside and we found our aunt sleeping on the couch and for me that was a great relief. Hanna went to play with her dolls and I went to my brother's room and told him about my plan. He told me that he heard that some restaurant downtown was looking for some waiters and he'll go check it out. I went to my room and went searching online for a good diet that wasn't that strict but that will help me loose weight fast. I stayed searching for almost two hours then I found the prefect diet and I also found this gym near by which is great and I'll be able to workout there when I have the time and I also thought to myself " New day , New me".

  6. thestoryaccount thestoryaccount
    posted a quote
    March 18, 2012 7:46am UTC
    The day my life changed
    Chapter 9
    Seeing Hanna smile like that, i realized it had been the first time she's smiled properly in a long time. I had to get her away from this life, start a new one maybe. Our parents had died but that didn't mean our world had to be turned upside down. I couldn't take the bullying but for me it was only words, Hanna was getting punched and that was more than i could take.
    I spent that night thinking up a plan. I needed to get a better job maybe if i had one that paid better i could get my family away from my beastly aunt. I'll do it in secret though i thought to myself and hide the money i get under one of the loose floorboards under my bed. I'll pretend i still work at the ice cream shop and give her the money i would have earned with that. Drake can get a job too, he can pretend he's got a band practice or whatever to get him out of here. Hanna can stay out of it. If i tell her my plan then she'll end up blurting it out if our Aunt picks on her. I smiled at the thought of the shock our Aunt will get when one day she wakes up and we'll all have left, just packed our bags and moved on.
    And while i'm at all these new changes, i'll try going on a diet as well. Maybe even go on a run once in a while...

  7. thestoryaccount thestoryaccount
    posted a quote
    March 18, 2012 5:19am UTC
    The day my life changed
    Chapter 8
    Matt came up to me and smiled "Ignore them." he said calmly , I nodded " I am , don't worry Matt." , thats when I saw Gracie , she walked up to me and looked at me " Are you pregnant ? " her and her group were laughing their heads off , they walked away giggling like a bumch of 10 year old girls , i looked down at myself , i looked at Matt " hey i'm gonna skip school today , " He looked at me confused " Abi , don't let those blitches get to you. " He went to hug me , I hugged him back for a quick second and gee it felt so right , i stepped back " i'm sorry " I left the school , I was wondering the street's , I was a street awat from Hanna-lee's school and I saw her sitting in a laneway alone , crying , I ran over to her ' Hanna , are you.." but before I could finsih my sentence she looked up at me she had a blackeye , i pulled her into a hug " What happend sweet heart ? " i asked rocking her back and forth , she looked at me " Amy said that i'm un wanted.." My face paled and the word's circled in my head , i hugged her even tighter
    " Don't you ever think your unwanted alright ?!? I want you , Drake wants you , and i bet even our Aunt want's you . " i give her a weak smile " why did she punch you ? " i stand up taking her hand , she looked at me " because she was talking to me but I was talking to Paulina.." I looked at her a little dazed " Paulina ? " She smiled and nodded " shes my friend , she is right next to me you know.." Then it clicked she had an Imaginary friend , I knew this could get to an un heathy stage but i will just let it slide for now , I nodded and smiled and pretended to wave at Paulina " Hanna you can have the rest of the day off school , " I nod , she smiles " Thanks Abi. I love you." We continued walking down the streets , we were walking through the park when we saw a guy aound my older brothers age singing , Hanna-lee stood there for an hour amazed , the guy then offered to teach her a few cords , I smiled she was so happy

  8. thestoryaccount thestoryaccount
    posted a quote
    March 18, 2012 5:11am UTC
    The Day that Changed my Life
    Chapter 7
    As me and Hanna-lee walked up to the front door , all I could hear were my heart beats. I opened the door and I found my aunt sitting on her chair waiting for us. I told Hanna-lee to go upstairs and get changed so it would be me and aunt. She came up to me and started yelling "Where were you ?! , Do you even know what time it is ?! , Why are you so late ?! , What have I told you about being late ?". I told her about Hanna-lee getting lost and how me and Harry were searching for her, but all I could think of was "What is she gonna do to me now?". God , was I terified. She whispered in my ear "If you're ever late agai, don't expect to come in this house". As soon as she said I went running not knowing what to think, when I went to my room i found that Hanna-lee was already asleep. I lied on my bed as Drake came into the room. "What happened ?" He asked. I told him everything then he said to me "From now on , I'll go pick up Hanna-lee from school". I was relieved when I heard him say that. He went to his room and I got changed and went to sleep. This morning morning I didn't wanna go to school because I had a feeling that Gracie spread the news. I got changed and had breakfast and left to school before Drake and Hanna-lee. As I was walking up to school people were saying "ice-cream girl ........ice-cream girl". At that moment I was 100% sure that Gracie was the one that spread the word.

  9. thestoryaccount thestoryaccount
    posted a quote
    March 17, 2012 11:25am UTC
    the day my life changed
    chapter 6
    Gracie Heim looked at me and smirked " awh fatty got a job at an ice-cream job surprise , surprise. " she laughed , " i'll ake a double chocolate scoop.." she said smilig " please don't eat it" she laughs , i put the scoops on there with an angry face and hand her the cone , after my shift I went home , My Aunt was lying on the couch painting her nail's , i look around " wheres Hanna-lee ? " I asked tieing my hair back , my Aunt looked at me " how am I suppoused to know , she is not my responsibility..she probly missed the bus the stupid girl.." I went into the stage of panic , my sister could be any where right now , I grabbed my jacket and ran out the house , i ran down the street calling my sisters name , I bumped into Harry he grabbed my shoulders " whats wrong Abi ? " he said , I looked at him " my sister she is lost.." i say stressed , he looks at me " don't worry we will find her , " he smiled at me , i Nodded ,sure enough after an hour we found my sister at the bus station , sitting on a bench outside crying , she had taken the wrong bus , she looked up and ran over to me , I picked her up and hugged her " it's okay Hanna , what happened ? " She looked at me with big eyes " I went on the wrong bus , and all these kids from your school were asking me stuff , they stole my bag and went threw my things.." i could see see dry tears all down her cheek , she sniffed and continued talking " i got lost and no one came to pick me up..i didn't know how to walk home." she shook her head , Harry , smiled at me and Hanna-lee " i have to go.." he said before rushing off , when we got home was aunt was in a rage , because it was past 7 and i hadn't started dinner and because Hanna-lee got lost..

  10. thestoryaccount thestoryaccount
    posted a quote
    March 17, 2012 11:00am UTC
    The Day that Changed My life :
    Chapter 5
    As soon as they walked in I was trying to act casual so I asked Hanna-lee "How was school today?". She said " It was good , my best friend sarrah introduced me to her dad" with a happy tone. I asked my brother "why was our aunt shouting at you?". He told me "it was because i got fired" then he whispered to my ear "she also said that she might kick us out if you don't get a job". As soon as he said that , I thought to myself "I HAVE to get a job tomorrow" . Dinner was ready so I asked Hanna-lee to go call our aunt. We were all sitting having dinner while she asked me "Did you get a job?". I shook my head. She asked me in an angry tone "Why didn't you?". I said "There weren't any jobs available at the moment". The rest of the dinner was silent. Everyone was done having dinner, my brother was cleaning up the table while I was washing the dishes. He came up to me and said "You really need to get a job tomorrow". I replied "I know, I know........" As soon I was done washing the dishes I called Hanna-lee to tell her that it was time to sleep. We went upstairs , wore our pyjamas and slept. I couldn't sleep at first , I couldn't stop thinking of what kind of job I was gonna do , how much will my salary be ? Will it be enough for our family? All of those thoughts kept running through my mind. After a while of over thinking I finallay slept. I woke up the next morning anxious about the job I might get. Hanna-lee and I got ready for school, had breakfast then left. I dropped her then went to school. The day passed really fast , I still got the comments that I'm used to getting but I didn't pay any attention to them. I didn't really see harry today but I got to talk to him at lunch. The rest of the day wasn't that bad. As I was walking home I walked past an ice-cream shop that needed employees so I gave it a shot and I got the job but the salary wasn't the greatest but it was better than nothing. I went and picked up Hanna-lee. As soon as we reached I told my brother and my aunt that I got a job. I could the look of relief on my brother's face but my aunt was kind of happy. The rest of the day passed fast and I was already in bed. I feel asleep quickly and it was already the next day. I woke up happy this morning because I was starting my job today and honestly , I couldn't wait. I got and woke my sister and we got ready fast , had breakfast and were on our way to school. I dropped my sister and I went running to school. I was looking for harry, then I found him and told him about new job and he congratulated me. School passed slow today and I still got those like always, but as soon as school was done I went rushing to my new job. My job was to serve ice-cream. While I was working , I looked and to find out that the next customer was Gracie Heim.

  11. thestoryaccount thestoryaccount
    posted a quote
    March 17, 2012 8:20am UTC
    The Day that cahnged my life
    Chapter 4
    Hanna-lee , she held my hand as we walked up the veranda steps , I look at my Aunt a little confused " is everthing Okay ? " I asked , helping Hanna-lee take her book bag off her back , My Aunt looked at me " You need to get a job , your useless brother , lost his job. " she snapped , Hanna-lee looked up at me a little worried , I looked at my Aunt ' i mean i would but , i need to pick up Hanna-lee from school ' i picked up Hanna-lee , my Aunt stood up " She can learn to take the bus , you are getting a job Abigail." she opened the door and pointed for me to go inside , I shake my head as I get pushed inside my my Aunt , I start walking up the stairs , until I feel a thump on the back of my leg , i turn around and see a phone book my Aunt had thrown at me " Get calling fatty " she said before walking into the living room , I sighed and put Hanna-lee down and she scattered to her room , i picked up the phone book and walked into Hanna-lee's and i's room , i flipped through the phone book , but didn't make any calls' , When my brother got home , i could hear my aunt yelling at him , Hanna-lee and I walked down stairs and saw My older brother looking stressed out , we walked into the kitchen , Hanna-lee sat on the counter and watched me cook dinner for everyone , she swung her legs " Abi , what were mom and dad like ? " , I looked at her and took her hand " Hanna , darling , they were the two most amazing people , ever , they are always watching over us sweet heart don't ever forget that." she looked at me in awe " I wont ever forget that abi." she gave me the tightest hug , my Aunt and brother walked into the room...

  12. thestoryaccount thestoryaccount
    posted a quote
    March 17, 2012 7:47am UTC
    The Day that Changed my Life:
    Chapter 3
    I was on my way to class as I saw him running down the hallway. He looked so hot! His name is Harry , he's 17 and he's also my best friend. He's so amazing and guess you can say I have a cruch on him but I never told him. I was afraid it would ruin our friendship and the thought of being rejected intimidated me. Anyways, I walked into class as I heard people whispering to each other names like " fatty, trash eater, b*tch" but I just ignored them. As I sat there in class day dreaming about him my teacher said to me "Abigail , for once in your life stop day dreaming and pay attention", but I couldn't . The way she talks always made me sleep and I barely could keep my eyes open. Finally, class was over. I was on my way to the cafeteria and as I stood there putting food in my plate , everyone was saying out loud " fatty, fatty, fatty..........." . I couldn't take it anymore , I dropped the plate and went running outside crying. Harry saw me running so he came after me. He was comforting me and he eventually cheered me up. That was one of the things that Ioved about him. We went back in but I completely ignored everybody. The rest of the day passed fast and I was on my way to pick up my sister. When I reached there I found her crying . I went up to her and asked "Why are you crying beautiful?" She said " One of the girls was making fun of me because dad wasn't here and her dad was" . I told her to ignore her and stay strong , she wasn't worth it. As we reached home I saw our aunt sitting on the porch waiting for us, all I could think of is "what is going on?"

  13. thestoryaccount thestoryaccount
    posted a quote
    March 17, 2012 4:11am UTC
    Someone please write a story with me on witty ? (: please please please (:

  14. thestoryaccount thestoryaccount
    posted a quote
    March 16, 2012 12:14pm UTC
    Who wants to help write the day that changed my life ? I need help please ? :))))))

  15. thestoryaccount thestoryaccount
    posted a quote
    March 16, 2012 11:54am UTC
    The day my life changed ( This is a Fiction story ! )
    Chapter 2 .
    november 17th 2011
    So today was going horrible already , I woke up to Hanna-lee in the bunk bed above me crying , she didn't want to go to school today , because is was father day , Bring your dad to school , have a father daughter dance you know the usual , but of corse our Aunt would make her go , I sigh " Hanna-Lee , don't worry about what they all say to you , stay storng your beautiful alright ? " i slightly smile , she nods and runs off down stairs to get ready , I look in the mirror , I turn to the side , " I am fat. " I mumble to myself , I look down and put jeans on and a pink and grey stripied top on , I wasn't that picky with my clothes , My brother was all ready at work , I dragged myself down the stairs , Hanna-lee came up to me , she was wearing , white tights , with a pink skirt and and white top with a love heart on it , she had two white ribbons in her hand " Abi can you put these in my hair please ? " she smiled showing where her two front teeth had fallen out , i smiled " sure , thats what sisters are for arn't they ? " I smile ad tie two bows in her hair " you are cuter then a button.." i smile and pinch her cheeks ,and she laughs , we both look at each other when we hear my Aunt's bedroom door open , We jump up and stand tall and run to the kitchen , Hanna-lee start's packing her book bag and i put some toast in the toaster making sure to not say a word , my Aunt looked at us " Well hurry up girl's , you will miss the bus and I am not taking you to your scumming schools. " She snapped , she looked over at Hanna-lee , only then it clicked to me , Hanna-lee had stolen those ribbions on our Aunt's bathroom , She looked at Hanna-lee " you little brat stealing ? don't I give you enough in this house ?!? " She growled and pulled the ribbons out of Hanna-lee's hair , Hanna-lee kept her head down " i'm sorry.." she said in a shaky voice , out Aunt just sigh angrly " Fine. off to school both of you. " She slammed her hand down on the desk and Hanna-lee and I started walking to school , After I dropped Hanna-lee at school , I got my usual greetings ' hey fatty' ' Hey trash eater..' I just shrugged it off , until Gracie Heim , came over to me , and pushed my into a locker " why did you look at me freak ? " I mean who the heck does she think she is , i never even looked at her , and why would I want to is an even better point , her deep blue eyes scared me more then anything ...

  16. thestoryaccount thestoryaccount
    posted a quote
    March 11, 2012 4:09pm UTC
    The Day that everything feel apart .
    Chapter 1.
    On the 25th of November 2005 everything changed , My family's house caught on fire , when my brother sister and I were at my grandparents house , My parents were home and didn't make it , A lot of things ran through my mine when this first happend , Why me ? Why my family ? What about my brother and sister ? where are we gonna do ? .... My life has sucked ever since this , and now 7 years later , I'm living with my great aunt , There is a list of other family that I have lived with before but they say they can't 'handle' us , like we are just to much trouble , yet I try to stay out of there way everyday. My sister Hanna-Lee is 7 , she was only a baby when this all started so this confusing life is all she has ever known , My Brother Drake is 17 , he helps me a lot with everything , He is my best friend , and then theres me Abigail i'm 15 , boring , plain and FAT , as everyone tell's me at school everyday , the thing is , when my parents passed away i started over eating , i mean i'm not that big i just have a little belly , but kids at every school i go to can't seem to get over that , Hanna-Lee gets upset a lot because in 2nd grade , parents are involved a lot in there school , and my great Aunt wants nothing to do with our school , so on parent days , Hanna-Lee goes all alone , and it brakes my heart. My brother has a job and he helps pay money for us to stay here , and I dream one day it will just be me , my big brother and my storng little sister.


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