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Member Since: 5 Feb 2010 05:06pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 100442

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just a simple girl=)
turning 16 soon,
boys drive me nuts... but i love them.
i love music, aaand yeah,
idk what else 2 say=)
  1. secret_wish94 secret_wish94
    posted a quote
    April 26, 2011 9:46pm UTC
    All I wanted was you,
    but this you will never know.

  2. secret_wish94 secret_wish94
    posted a quote
    April 26, 2011 9:42pm UTC
    & it amazes me,
    how even after all this time,
    you still have the power to hurt me.

  3. secret_wish94 secret_wish94
    posted a quote
    December 24, 2010 9:36pm UTC
    Today, when I signed into witty...
    I did something I haven't done in a long time. I visited my own profile, and read through all my old quotes. I saw the works of a heart broken girl, who truly believed nothing would ever get better. That the pain she felt because of him was permanent. I cannot believe that girl was me. I see that boy every single day, in the halls, just as I had before, but i no longer get that stomach renching feeling when I see him. He doesn't destroy me anymore. I will admit, that there are times i think back on what could have, or should have bee. but if it was meant to be, it would be. & it's not. So that means I have something better coming.
    I know this quote is long, and boring, but there is a reason I'm writing it....
    is to let you girls know, that no matter how hopeless you feel, or how badly he hurt you, I promise you, that it will be okay. I'm sure you here this all the time, but I am speaking from experience. What seems like the end of the world, is really just the beginning. So please,
    no matter what happens, never ever give up.
    IsI I wa

  4. secret_wish94 secret_wish94
    posted a quote
    August 11, 2010 8:00pm UTC
    & sometimes I wish my dreams were reality.
    I wish I could pick a few pieces out of each dream,
    and bring them to life.
    In dreams, you feel no pain,
    and have no reason to be scared.
    If my dreams were a reality,
    everyone would know everything I've been dying to say...
    he would know what he really means to me.
    I would truly be happy.
    Life still wouldn't be perfect, but it would be easier.
    The crazy, outrageous dreams where a gorgeous celebrity is in love with me,
    yeah those are great, and I certainly wouldn't mind them to happen,
    but I want the simple ones.
    The ones where I'm with him,
    or when I'm just down right happy.
    Life would be easier,
    and maybe... just maybe someday, my dreams will come true.
    all minee. credit please=)

  5. secret_wish94 secret_wish94
    posted a quote
    June 29, 2010 7:02pm UTC
    Dear Boy,
    I miss you. Please come back.

  6. secret_wish94 secret_wish94
    posted a quote
    June 13, 2010 9:30pm UTC
    & I need him in my life.
    I don't know why,
    but when he's around, everything feels right.
    Even though he was only here for a moment,
    I knew that was how I wanted it.
    & since the day he walked away,
    nothing has been the same.
    I'm waiting for the day that he returns,
    and I know that when that day comes,
    everything will be okay again.
    I just pray that day comes soon,
    so please, please
    hurry back to me.
    credit please

  7. secret_wish94 secret_wish94
    posted a quote
    June 13, 2010 9:13pm UTC
    You're a trainwreck
    but with you, I'm in love.

  8. secret_wish94 secret_wish94
    posted a quote
    June 13, 2010 9:06pm UTC
    It's much to quite in here . . .
    I wanna disappear. Y I'm hearing myself thinking to clear. Y It's just to quite in here, make it all go away.
    Y Why can't we break this silence, finally?Y

  9. secret_wish94 secret_wish94
    posted a quote
    May 14, 2010 5:47pm UTC
    What happened to her?
    What happened to the girl who was always happy?
    she was replaced with a broken heart.
    What happened to the girl who didn't care what people thought?
    it began to matter.
    What happened to the girl who didn't care if she had a boyfriend?
    she met him.
    What happened to the girl who had the best family relationship?
    they just don't understand.
    What happened to the girl with the straight A's?
    she couldn't focus.
    I guess she took a vacation.
    Who broke her down?
    he did.
    What changed her?
    he did.
    Where did she lose herself?
    in his twisted ways.
    When did she fall out of place?
    when he stopped caring
    Why did this happen to her?
    she doesn't deserve this...does she?
    What ruined her life?
    it started with him.
    What caused her to be so unhappy?
    What happened to me?
    credit pleaaase??
    all mine...needed to vent.
    please read??

  10. secret_wish94 secret_wish94
    posted a quote
    April 21, 2010 7:33pm UTC
    All my life, I've been like a tightly sealed book.
    Always hiding my feelings. To afraid to show the truth. Things changed though.
    When you came in a plucked me off the shelf, I was sure you were the one. As you read my summary, you accepted it and showed interest. I was so happy that I got a little over excited. I allowed you to open my cover and begin to read. I let you into my heart. For the first time, I thought I found someone who could handle it, but I was mistaken. You weren't ready for it, so you slammed my cover shut, and shoved me back onto the shelf.
    & now you have a new book.
    and everyday it kills me to see you with her. I've gone from being a tightly sealed book, to a diary, with a full blown lock and key. Im terrified because I truley believe you are the one with the key, to unlock my broken heart, and I know, that there is a chance you have already thrown the key away, and until you find it, or a new key is made...
    I will remain broken.
    Please read!
    100% mine.
    credit pleaasee!

  11. secret_wish94 secret_wish94
    posted a quote
    April 4, 2010 4:23pm UTC
    Dear Heart-Breaking Boys,
    We just wanted to give you a few pointers. In the future,
    when you are looking for a relationship, actually try to get
    to know the girl. Give us more then a few hours, who
    knows, maybe we will grow on you. Someday you're
    gonna look back and realize how great the girl you gave
    up on really was. You'll wish that you hadn't just gone for
    the easiest girl you could get, and actually looked deeper.
    You will come to see what is really important in life, and in
    love.You will also realize how badly you hurt that girl who
    loved you with everything she had. We know you don't see
    it now, but you will eventually. Try to get to know the quiter
    girls, the ones who don't put themselves out there as much
    and there is a chance they could be the best thing to ever
    happen to you, because love is worth the risk.
    Don't worry, we aren't going to give up on you,
    We are still wait here for you to see the truth. Even though it hurts like
    anything, we are still gonig to keep waiting, wishing, hoping,
    dreaming... because you are what we really want, even if we
    are to afraid to show it. So we are gonna stick around here and
    wait for you learn.
    The Heart-Broken Girls.
    P.S. Try to learn a little faster please!!!!!
    All mine!! Credit please??

  12. secret_wish94 secret_wish94
    posted a quote
    March 14, 2010 1:41pm UTC
    & for the first time in a long time,
    I can honestly say I'm alright.
    I'm not great, but I'm okay.
    I was always the girl with the smile on her face,
    who was always truley happy,
    but she took a bit of a vacation,
    and went missing for a while,
    but now shes making her way back.
    I have finally accepted the things I cannot have,
    and have learned that no matter what,
    I can't give up, and even if the result hurts like anything,
    I'll take it as a lesson learned,
    and I will grow from it.
    Things may not being going as I wish they were
    right now, but I'm realizing that thats life,
    & I need to suck it up.
    I've been broken for far to long now,
    and piece by piece,
    I'm placing myself back together,
    and I'm becoming me again.
    I've learned that I need to love myself,
    before anyone else can love me,
    and that no matter what life throws at me,
    even though it may be rough...
    I can pull through it.Y
    credit pleasee? click the [Y] =)

  13. secret_wish94 secret_wish94
    posted a quote
    March 14, 2010 1:27pm UTC
    Nobody understands why I still like him,
    and the only explination is,
    that its next to impossible,
    to give up on someone,
    who you can't go a day
    without thinking about.
    credit plz? click the [Y]

  14. secret_wish94 secret_wish94
    posted a quote
    March 14, 2010 1:18pm UTC
    I just don't get why I'm not over you yet.
    I only ment something to you for a few hours,
    but its been a few monthes since then,
    & you're still on my mind.
    All I want, is to know what I did wrong,
    but It's far to late to ask.
    I know thats it's my fault that there isnt an us,
    but I still keep hoping that its not impossible.
    I tell myself constantly, that I am not what you want,
    because you have her now,
    but I just cant drop something that I think about everyday,
    every hour.
    Anytime I see you together, I feel as if I've been punched in the stomach.
    I will never judge those girls who can't get
    over that boy, ever,ever, again.
    So that must mean, that there is a very
    slime chance that there is some hope for us.
    & I cant give up that belief,
    that somewhere inside you,
    maybe very very deep down,
    you want me too.

  15. secret_wish94 secret_wish94
    posted a quote
    February 24, 2010 4:59pm UTC
    I wish you knew how I felt.
    I wish you could hear my heart
    speed up when you were near.
    I wish you could see me smile whenever
    anyone says your name.
    I wish you could watch me cry myself to sleep.
    I wish you were aware of what you mean to me.
    I wish you acknowledged my existance.
    I wish you could feel the pain I feel
    everytime I think of you and her together.
    I wish you liked me too.
    I wish you could hear me vent to my mom
    about how upset you make me.
    I wish you noticed the pain in my eyes.
    I wish you would stop doing this to me.
    I wish that I didn't care about you.
    I wish I never met you...I take that back.
    I wish I was over you.
    I wish that she couldn't call you hers...
    I wish you were mine.

  16. secret_wish94 secret_wish94
    posted a quote
    February 19, 2010 6:02pm UTC
    it's disgusting...
    how I love you.

  17. secret_wish94 secret_wish94
    posted a quote
    February 15, 2010 9:25pm UTC
    I am absolutly terrified,
    that [he] will see these quotes.
    He will think I'm insane!
    My biggest fear,
    is that by finally expressing how I feel,
    even if its just with my witty girls,
    who I know will understand,
    that I am scarring him away.
    I feel like a creeper for making these...
    but I can't hold it in anymore.
    And the truth is..
    I think my quotes can relate to a lot of people,
    I just feel like he would be disgusted if he read this.
    if anyone i knew read these.
    I pray these quotes stay secret.
    I would be mortified.
    It would ruin me.
    Am I alone in these fears?
    comments please??

  18. secret_wish94 secret_wish94
    posted a quote
    February 15, 2010 9:16pm UTC
    What is wrong with me?
    Why can't I fight this?
    I just can't get over you.
    I used feel bad for the girls
    who are crazy about a total stranger.
    Well now I'm one of those girls.
    You don't care about me.
    I know that.
    But why do I keep waiting for you?
    Every now and then I feel like
    there is a tiny glimmer of hope,
    and it all floods back.
    All these feelings I have for you,
    that I have been holding back for monthes,
    dive right back in my mind,
    and here I am again,
    But for what?
    We are strangers to eachother,
    but there is something about you
    that I just can't drop.
    I just don't know what to do.
    This isn't me.
    I haven't even been,
    or felt like this.
    & it kills me.
    So I'll just sit here hurting,
    But maybe eventually all this waiting...
    Will be worth it.
    credit please?
    click the [Y]

  19. secret_wish94 secret_wish94
    posted a quote
    February 13, 2010 11:52pm UTC
    Thanks alot.
    Thanks for wasting my time.
    Thanks for making me sad.
    Thanks for making me believe you cared.
    Thanks for acting like I meant something to you.
    Thanks for hurting me.
    Thanks for keep me up at night.
    Thank you for helping me see my own stregnth.
    Thanks for breaking my heart.
    Thanks for making me cry.
    Thanks for lies.
    Thank you for being a mistake that has taught me.
    Thanks for being a jerk.
    Thanks for making up stories.
    Thanks for breaking me down.
    Thanks for the mixed signals.
    Thank you for the memories.
    Thanks for the hours I used to make myself pretty for you.
    Thanks for the heart ache.
    But mostly...
    Thank you for being a lesson
    I will learn from.
    [[thank's= negatives
    thank you's= poistives
    all mine...credit please?
    click the [Y]

  20. secret_wish94 secret_wish94
    posted a quote
    February 10, 2010 1:16pm UTC
    I have finally accepted it.
    You are not interested.
    I don't know why I couldnt get it
    through my head before.
    But I can't keep letting this hurt me.
    Of course I am still going to hope
    that there is a chance for us to be together,
    But I'm no longer going to tell myself
    that you want this same thing I do.
    I held onto that one conversation we had,
    I clung to it with everything in me.
    But I need to start to let it go.
    I haven't crossed your mind in monthes,
    because you are with her.
    We were never together and I just really
    need to stop hoping that you will come back.
    For those few days that we spoke,
    you made me feel amazing about myself,
    and now that you are gone,
    its been so difficult for me.
    But its time for me to see,
    that if you want me,
    you will come, and I need to stop waiting.
    I need to just let it happen.
    You don't like me, and even though
    it hurts, it's okay.
    I have accepted the truth,
    and can finally see what this really is.
    I won't give up on the possibility of an "us"
    but I will no longer depend
    on something nonexistent.
    Even though I am not going to stop
    I'm back to reality.
    i won't give up hope,
    credit please??


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