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Member Since: 21 Nov 2011 08:39pm

Last Seen: 31 Jul 2012 12:00am

user id: 241398

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  1. potterhead555 potterhead555
    posted a quote
    November 21, 2011 8:53pm UTC
    The end: part three
    I started to see the highlights of my life. I guess this is what people mean when they say “you see your life flash before your eyes”. I remembered good things, and bad things. I remembered when I was two, and my mom and dad were fighting. There was so much yelling. I was about to cry just to break them up and change the subject. I don’t even know what they were fighting about. All I knew is that my mom was out the door before my dad could say sorry. He ran after her. He must have been looking for her for hours, but never found her. She was gone.
    Then I remembered our sixth birthday. Boy, was that fun. Even though my dad was still depressed about my mother, he made it the best birthday ever. We had cake, balloons, even a pinata. Every other birthday Seth and I have had we just went out to eat at some restaurant.
    I really wish this hadn’t come to mind. It was the time we went sailing. My dad rented out a boat so our whole family could see what it was like to be out on open sea. Seth, Shaun, and I were there. We all used to be triplets. Until that wave hit us. It was smooth sailing until my dad saw something in the distance. I didn’t know it was a wave until after it happened. My dad was frantically trying to strap us all to the safety ropes. Seth and I were secured. Shaun wasn’t. When the wave hit us our entire boat was thrown under water. When we surfaced, Shaun wasn’t there. We never saw him again. I was about 8 years old.
    Then I remembered one year later, when Will, my older brother, was drafted. Something strange occurred to me then, Will wasn’t on the boat ride. I wonder if things would’ve been different if he was there. Anyway, when the army officials came to the door, I could see the fear in my dad’s eyes. He would not lose another child. My dad told me to find Will and have him hide. I was too late. Will came downstairs from his bedroom. The army officials saw him. They tried to get into the house, and my dad punched one of them. It turned into a nasty fight. Either way, they got Will and dragged him out of the house. I couldn’t imagine what my dad was feeling. Then, a few months later, we were informed that Will was missing in action.
    Now, here I am, thirteen years old, days away from my birthday, and about to make my dad the most miserable man in the world. I couldn’t believe we were going to die. On the bright side, we would see Shaun again. Maybe even Will. I peeked around the curtain. She was steps away, knife in hand. I was terrified. The end was coming.
    “Seth, she’s really close. This could be it.” I whispered.
    “I didn’t think I was going to die like this,” he whispered back, “ Well, goodbye Riley.”
    “Goodbye Seth,” I said.
    The woman ripped away the curtain and raised her knife.

  2. potterhead555 potterhead555
    posted a quote
    November 21, 2011 8:50pm UTC
    The end: part two
    The only reason we were in this house was because of the man in the black. It all started when we left school. Seth and I walked home through the woods like we usually do. Although, as we were walking, I felt as if someone was watching us. I guess I was right.
    He popped out of nowhere. We turner around a corner and there he was. Dressed in all black from head to toe, including a ski mask, made him look just like a robber. However, the only thing he would be robbing was us. He ran at us at full speed, also he was starting to pull something out of his jacket. I was so not going to stick around and find out what it was. We ran. We ran as fast as we could. I had no idea where we were going. I started to follow my brother as he pulled ahead of me. Trees were whipping at my body, and I was stumbling over rocks. These woods just seemed to go on forever. Suddenly I saw some houses. Maybe we could find our way home from here, I thought. I looked back at the man. He was still chasing us, with a gun.
    We broke onto a road. There was houses, but they were really old. I had never been in this part of town. Then I saw a house with a door open. Maybe we could hide in there. Boy, was I wrong. As soon as I walked into that house, I knew we had made a mistake. Seth probably felt the same way. There was a loud SLAM. The door had closed.Worst of all, there was a woman at the end of a long hallway. I couldn’t get a good look at her because the next second we were dashing up the stairs on our right. That brings us to where we are now. Finding another staircase, running down, only to find the back door locked. Great.
    There was one option coming to mind. Maybe Seth and I could hide from her somewhere. It could buy us some time to find an unlocked door. I looked around. There was lots of furniture and tables. I didn’t think they would hide us well though. There was some curtains by the windows. They looked heavy and puffy. I guessed they would have to do.
    “Seth follow me I have an idea,” I hissed. I made a dart for the curtains and dashed behind them. Seth wasn’t far behind and was there in a flash. Those curtains smelled horrible! It was like they hadn’t been washed or cleaned in years. They were VERY dusty too. I then decided to peek around the curtain to look for the woman. She was at the top of the stairs. Her and I locked eyes for a moment. She knew we where we were. She had probably known the minute we came here. It was all over. The woman with the knife was going to get us.

  3. potterhead555 potterhead555
    posted a quote
    November 21, 2011 8:45pm UTC
    The end: part one
    I’d never been so scared. Every muscle in my body was tensed. I was running so fast my feet barely touched the ground. I could feel the adrenaline pumping through my body. The only thing that mattered was getting away from her.
    My brother, Seth, was running along side me. I could tell he was scared too. This may be because we’re twins, but I could always tell what he was feeling.Then again, maybe I just knew him well enough.
    It was then that I toke in my surroundings. Usually my mind doesn’t work properly when I'm running. This time it did. A little more than I expected, too. I was running down an upstairs hallway in what seemed to be a very old mansion. There was cobwebs everywhere and wallpaper from probably the early 1900s. Also, there was paintings of people everywhere. One similarity connected them all - all the people in the paintings had bright green eyes, exactly like mine.
    I had just realized something. This house reminded me of the spooky houses you hear about in ghost stories. The cobwebs, dust, and strange paintings were all aspects of a haunted house. All the ghost stories I’ve heard start with some kids entering a haunted house, and end with the kids never coming out. I really hoped this wouldn’t be like that. All of a sudden, the stairs came into view. There must be a door at the bottom of them (or at least a back door)! We were so close to being free.
    I looked back at the woman chasing us. She had grayish-brown hair that was matted into knots and tangles. She had few wrinkles, which was surprising to me. She walked odd, as if she had a limp. However, I don’t see how she could have been walking. We were running, and she was keeping up with us fine. She also had red eyes. Blood red eyes. However, the thing that scared me the most was the knife she had in her hand.
    “Seth,” I whispered, “Go down the stairs, I think there might be a back door down there.”
    “Okay I was thinking the same thing,” he whispered back.
    We both dashed down the stairs. I was going two steps at a time. I saw it! The door! I was right! The door out was right near the bottom of the stairs. I got to the bottom and reached for the knob.
    It was locked! Of course it was locked. I twisted and turned it, but the door must have been bolted shut on the outside. I had a feeling I knew who did it too.


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