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Member Since: 21 Jul 2011 11:50pm

Last Seen: 21 Feb 2012 04:47am

user id: 197875

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The little "stories" I write are never going to be finished.
Usually, at night before I go to sleep, I find these stories floating around in my head, and I just write them down.
Whether the story is about an experience I've already had, want to have, or know I never will have, I can honestly say that the things I write come from my heart.

This is my favorite family in the world, btw.

  1. n_anonymous n_anonymous
    posted a quote
    February 21, 2012 12:19am UTC
    As I rounded the corner with tears in my eyes, someone slammed into me and gave a small shout. "Cristina!" he called, as I mumbled an apology and tried to walk away. He grabbed my wrist, and pulled me to face him. "Are you okay?"
    I tried to hide my wet eyes with my hair, "Yeah, I'm fine." I said as smoothly as I could manage. But he didn't fall for it. He tilted his head to the side and squinted suspiciously. "No, you're not." he informed me. He still hand a firm grasp on my arm. With his thumb, he gently stroked the back of my hand in a comforting way. I sighed, and let the tears escape. "I know."
    "It's okay," he said gently, with a reassuring smile, squeezing my hand again. "I don't know what's upsetting you, but whatever it is, everything is going to be okay. Alright?"
    I couldn't help but genuinely smile back. "Alright."
    Then he dropped my hand, but reached up to wipe my tears. "Besides, you have a beautiful smile." He said as he patted me on the back and walked me back into the school.

  2. n_anonymous n_anonymous
    posted a quote
    October 11, 2011 10:58pm UTC
    He was the epitome of popular. He was the hot senior guy that every girl was dying for; tall, totally fit, and tan. Not only did he look the part, but he played it too. He was incredibly endearing, and a natural comedian. Not to mention, he was single.
    I on the other hand, was the epitome of normal. I was never popular in my life, and I only had a few really close friends. I wouldn't have called myself a nerd though either, because I could have fun like nobody else when I was in the mood. I wasn't nerdy or popular, I was just a completely and utterly average freshman girl, and I'd been single my whole life.
    Yet, here he was,
    standing across from me backstage, looking at me with those huge brown eyes of his. They were swallowing me completely, and I could barely remember what we were talking about. We were completely alone together, waiting for the main characters of the play to finish rehearsing their biggest scene. Bringing myself back to reality, I remembered that we had just been talking about our favorite bands? "I know, The Strokes are awesome. Like, definitely one of my top five favorite bands." he said, smiling. I was taken aback. "Wow, that's really cool," I said enthusiastically. "I've never met anyone who likes the same music as me! All my friends listen to Taylor Swift and stuff like that... Ugh."
    When I finished talking, I looked up at him, and to my surprise, he was smiling warmly. "I know, its awful! It's all any girl your age listens to!" he laughed as he leaned against the wall. Me being the awkward freshman I am, I just stood there. Luckily, we were both the semi-quiet type; neither of us felt the need to fill the silence.

  3. n_anonymous n_anonymous
    posted a quote
    October 8, 2011 4:26pm UTC
    The Unknown: Chapter Three
    I woke up in a daze the next day to the irritating sound of my alarm clock. Getting dressed without any thought, I drifted through my morning routine as if sleepwalking. As I stepped out the front door to wait for the school bus, I noticed that the weather outside even matched my mood--it was cloudy and so foggy that you couldn't see anything that wasn't five feet away from you. I felt as if everything had disappeared, and that I was floating in the middle of nothingness. Unlike the night before, when my brain was hyperactive and busy processing emotions, I felt nothing at all, as if I had been wiped of feeling any feelings at all. Suddenly, I was awakened from my reverie by the sound of a school bus screeching to a halt in front of me. The same hazy feeling spread over me once more after I was seated, and continued right up until the walk to my locker, when I finally spotted what I'd been looking for.
    He was looking as gorgeous as ever, his hair perfectly wavy and rumpled, his skin smooth and soft-looking like caramel, his eyes a warm chocolate brown framed with thick lashes, and his smile bright and white and topped off by the dimples in his cheeks. But, to my dismay, he was walking down the hall arm and arm with another girl... And it was honestly no contest--she was more worthy of having him than I was. She was tall and blonde, the usual cliche kind of beauty... but she had everything any guy would want. Suddenly self-conscious, I tried to smooth out my skirt, but it never seemed to want to stay straight. I moved on to do the same thing to my unruly hair, but my waves just didn't seem to want to be straighter... so I just continued walking to my locker, head down, pretending I never saw him.

  4. n_anonymous n_anonymous
    posted a quote
    October 7, 2011 4:10pm UTC
    The Unknown: Chapter Two
    I went home in a trance that night, and on the verge of tears the whole ride home.
    For some reason I couldn't explain, I felt like he'd unhinged me. I was struggling to hold myself together.
    My brain was whirring; I could feel it every time I tried to replay what had happened.
    He was just messing with a scared little Freshman girl, why else would he have been acting like that?
    For the love of God! I ran into him in the hall and next thing I knew, we were kissing?
    We were kissing...
    Then I felt the moistness in my eyes threatening to spill over, but lucky for me the car was just pulling into the driveway. My mother seemed aggravated as she got out of the other side and slammed the door; I suspected that she'd been trying to talk to me, and realized that I was obviously not paying attention.
    As soon as she was gone, I begun to cry. The tears slipped silently down my cheeks. This boy I'd just met decided to kiss me all of a sudden. The look on his face when he pulled away... I couldn't get it out of my head. And everything he said to me... It was all so crazy. I had to keep reminding myself that he was a Junior, and someone as gorgeous as him must have girls dying for him everywhere he went. He'd pick a girl who lives up to his standards, so it didn't matter anyway.
    Besides, I had no idea what he was like, other than the fact that he likes pushing vulnerable freshman around just to get a kick out of it.
    Then again... "That was great." ? "You seem cool enough." ? Why in the world would he say that if he didn't mean it?
    When I finally stopped crying and got out of the car, I still hadn't made any sense of what happened.
    Was he a jerk that I should stay away from? Maybe, maybe not. Did I like him? Maybe, maybe not. Was it even logical for me to like someone after one kiss? Probably not. Did he like me? Probably not.
    But there was still that one shred of hope that kept me hanging on.

  5. n_anonymous n_anonymous
    posted a quote
    October 5, 2011 11:21pm UTC
    The Unknown: Chapter One
    The whole reason I was at school in the first place was because of the Art Club, but the meeting had ended over an hour ago. I decided to stay behind and do some work on my own, but now it was almost eight-thirty, and the school closed its doors at nine. Becoming aware of how late it was getting, I stepped back and looked at the drawing I'd completed. It was decent, so I brushed the eraser shavings off of my rumpled uniform skirt, gathered my books, tucked the pencil that was currently in my mouth right into my messy hair, and left the art studio. Unfortunately, I had just stepped through what I thought was the back door, and discovered that it was actually the entrance to the hallway.
    I let out a squeak of surprise as I now stood face-to-face with a handsome-faced junior boy who I recognized from school, but I didn't know his name. The no-namer looked at me up and down with a sparkling broad smirk on his lips, and finally spoke. "Lost?"
    Even though I heard him say something, I wasn't paying attention to his words... I was too busy looking at the boy saying the words. His body was long and lanky, but fit at the same time, and had distinctly broad, yet thin shoulders. His skin was a light, even-toned caramel brown, his hair black as night... and he had a breathtaking, blindingly white, dimpled smile.
    Finally, I found my voice and responded. "Huh?"
    He stared at me, one side of his mouth turned up in amusement. "Are you lost? I don't recognize you, so I'd be willing to bet you're a freshie."
    His words registered in my mind, and I forced a laugh. "Oh! Haha, yup, I guess I am. Umm... Do you know where the back door is?" I asked sheepishly.
    The mystery boy shook his head, and took a step closer to me. My heart skipped a beat, as I realized how suddenly attracted to him I was... "You don't really have to leave so fast." he chuckled, as he ran his hand through his soaking-wet hair and smirked again. I swallowed and shifted my weight nervously as he spoke again, this time his voice taking on a mischievous tone. "I just met you, and you're cute for a freshman, you know. Stay a little while. Let's get... acquainted."
    Now my heart was pounding against my chest, and he was so close to me that I was sure he could hear it. I had never kissed a boy, never had a boyfriend. What was going on? I thought dizzily as he gripped my waist with his hands. Unable to comprehend the sudden turn this conversation had taken within a matter of sixty seconds, I shut my eyes. I could feel my body swaying, when suddenly the boy's hands closed around my wrists as he lifted my arms up above my head and pushed me against the wall. Before I could even think of protesting, his lips found mine. Surprisingly, it was a short kiss, which I hadn't expected... I opened my eyes as he suddenly pulled his face away from mine, stepped back to look at me, and an expression somewhat thunderstruck rushed across his face. Since he still had a firm hold on my wrists, (he saw that they were still pinned up against the wall above my head) he released them and dropped them to my sides.
    I looked at him, bewildered and confused. What changed his attitude so abruptly? Was it really that awful?
    His eyes wide, he slowly cupped my face with his hands, and placed another kiss on my lips. But this one was different. First of all, it was much sweeter, and it was gentle and reassuring. Almost apologetic, somehow? Secondly, this one was longer. It felt like hours later when he finally moved his mouth away from mine and stood back to look at me again. I couldn't help it; a smile erupted across my face. I spoke first. "I don't know what just happened." He smiled, and shook his head. "Me either."
    For whatever reason, tears pricked at the corners of my eyes. But, I ignored them and laughed anyway as I slid back down onto the floor and crossed my legs Indian-style. "Did you know you just gave me my first kiss?" This was, apparently, news to him. He sat down next to me tiredly. "Never would have guessed, actually." he said, shock evident on his face. "You were a natural, then. I don't know how to explain it, that was just great... so thanks I guess."
    He flashed a sweet smile and patted me on the hand. Just then, the tears spilled over, and his smile faded into more shock. For a moment, I thought I saw concern in his eyes. But no, I must have been mistaken. "Oh god," I laughed out hoarsely. "I'm so sorry, I'm just... being stupid. Can we pretend you never saw this?" I said, gesturing to my eyes, which were filling up with tears again. I looked up at the boy who I still didn't know, and expected to see the same startled expression. But he just smiled and squeezed my hand. "Sure, no problem. Um... and I was thinking... we should get acquainted for real sometime. You seem cool enough." He said, grinning at me. "My name's Sam, by the way."

  6. n_anonymous n_anonymous
    posted a quote
    September 16, 2011 11:38pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  7. n_anonymous n_anonymous
    posted a quote
    September 14, 2011 12:45am UTC
    It's definitely one of those "cry yourself to sleep" kind of nights.
    It's one of those nights when you just feel so alone and so angry at everyone that you can't even put it all into words.

  8. n_anonymous n_anonymous
    posted a quote
    September 10, 2011 12:12am UTC
    click to see this quote

  9. n_anonymous n_anonymous
    posted a quote
    September 9, 2011 12:50am UTC
    Puzzle Pieces: Chapter One
    We were sitting under the shade of a dark and cloudy summer morning. Fog rolled off of the ocean, surrounding the spot where we were seated on the rocky shore. Under our legs were different colored pebbles rather than sand, but it was nice because our feet didn't sink in and become coated with sticky grains after we walked through the splashing waves. Gray water crashed onto the shore and chilled the air, even though it was June.
    He and I decided to perch ourselves on the shoreline after he noticed me walking about the empty streets that morning. "What brings you out here so early, kitty?" He'd called from his driveway just a few hours earlier as I passed his house, already dressed in black jeans and a yellow hoodie. I was surprised at the sound of his nickname for me, for I hadn't expected to be spotted by anyone. Looking up at him, his bright blonde hair was rumpled and he was in athletic shorts and a tee shirt---the clothes he had slept in, I suspected. But I had smiled and beckoned him forward anyway.
    I didn't know why I'd waved him over to me anyway, but he jogged backward and signaled for me to wait for a moment while he changed. After about five minutes later (which I spent sitting on the curb of the road) he emerged looking fresh in a white long-sleeved crew-neck shirt and long gray sweats, his hair combed through and gelled. He never failed to amaze me with his constant beauty... his white skin and blonde hair always looked stunning when he wore white, and I had to force myself not to stare.
    We had become friends about three months ago, when he and I had both scored the two leading roles in our school musical, and the friendship clicked right away. Our personalities clicked like puzzle pieces, and he was like my best friend.
    Now here we were, sitting silently and hearing nothing but waves and seagulls in the distance, for the fog was so thick that not a single thing further away from you than five feet could be seen. "You never answered my question," He smirked at me abruptly. I looked over to him and smiled sheepishly, assuming he was referring to his question about why I was out of bed.
    "Oh! I was awake because, well, I just wanted to think." I stated simply, but quietly.
    "Loads of things. But mostly..." I trailed off, unsure whether I should continue or not.
    He smiled warmly. "Mostly what? You can tell me. Don't be afraid," he cooed softly to my neck as he leaned down to kiss my shoulder reassuringly. Although we were just friends, he still was very physical. But, I actually never minded it because of the fact that the furthest thing I'd ever done with a boy was a hug.
    His crisp, minty breath was distracting as I felt its coolness on my skin, but nevertheless, I continued as he lifted his head to smile at me in soothing encouragement.
    I swallowed hard.
    "I was thinking about, well, it's just that... something happened that made me realize that there is a lot you don't know about me."
    Suddenly his face filled with questions... and another emotion I couldn't decipher. Was that a flicker of realization? "Actually, now that you mention it there was something I wanted to ask you about." He said daringly.
    I took a deep breath and readied myself for the question. He knew, and I could see it written on his face as he continued to speak.
    "Last night, at the party, remember when we were sitting on the edge of the pool?"
    I nodded at him as the memory flooded back. It had been a warm summer night, and we were enjoying ourselves at a friend's pool party. There was a tangible comfort in the air that night as smoke from the bonfire mingled with the steam of the Jacuzzi and the fog rolling off the cold pool water. Music softly trickled from the fingers of the skilled guitar-playing girl in the hammock. People crooned lyrics to the song she was playing while others were splashing about in the pool or lounging on the patio, munching on pretzels or chips.
    He had slipped into the pool water stealthily and swam to the edge of the water where I was sitting with my hands folded in my lap. Suddenly, his hands swooped up to ensnare mine. I laughed, but reflexively jerked them away and covered my right leg with one hand. His eyes trailed down to the leg I was covering protectively, and I could've sworn something flickered in his playful expression before he looked away and then abruptly tugged me down into the water.
    Although I decided to let it go, I had worried late into the night as I slept in my comfortably warm bed. What if he'd see the scars and suspected something? Now his question was proof that I was correct: He had seen the scars.
    "I saw tons of scars on one of your legs; long white horizontal streaks... and they looked intentional." He added meaningfully. "I was wondering if... you've been hurting yourself?"
    I was composed at first, ready to explain... Until I saw the understanding in his eyes. Utter compassion flooded his face, and I knew he cared about me, not just for some piece of juicy gossip. I stared into his warm, caramel brown irises... I could see the concern deepening in his eyes. My throat constricted as I tried to utter a response, and I swallowed twice before I finally found the ability to make any noise come out... But when I tried to speak, the only sound that escaped was a watery sob. His gaze softened immediately, and his hands moved to cup my face tenderly.
    My eyes closed, I couldn't comprehend anything but the feeling of him against me. Slowly, he lowered his head and pressed his lips to the base of my neck.
    As he wrapped his arms around my shoulders, he whispered into my throat.
    "Everything is okay. I'm here. I'll hold you as long as you want me to."
    And he stayed true to his word. We sat like that for hours, and he simply listened to me talking. He didn't look frightened or grossed out, even when I explained why I liked to cut myself in the first place. It was the greatest thing anyone had ever done for me. The fact that he cared enough to hold me and let my cry and spill everything to him relentlessly was unbearably sweet... He didn't press me or ask questions, but that's what made me want to tell him everything. The fact that he didn't shove information out of my mouth or try to seem like he knew how I felt... Well, that's when I realized that he was more than just my best friend... I was in love with him. This compassionate, sweet, gorgeous boy... the only person who ever truly tried to understand why I am the way I am.
    The morning, however, could not last forever. The sun was higher in the sky, and I suspected it was about lunchtime. That's when he raised his head from my shoulder to look at me. All the while I was speaking to him, he hadn't once uttered a single word or so much as looked me in the eye. Every once in a while he would squeeze my hand a bit tighter in his palm, or place a kiss on my wrist to assure me that he was still listening... As soon as he lifted himself off of my shoulder, I noticed the moistness in his honey colored eyes. Tears maybe? However, I hadn't gotten the chance to examine it further, or even ask him about it. Because before I got the chance to speak, he silenced me by pressing his lips softly to mine. He kissed me for what felt like an eternity, until he finally pulled away, stood up, and offered me his hand to help pull me off the ground. We walked off the beach together, hand in hand, and from that day on, he was mine and I was his.

  10. n_anonymous n_anonymous
    posted a quote
    September 7, 2011 1:47am UTC
    I wish nothing but the best for you too.
    Don't forget me, I begged.
    I remember you said,
    Sometimes it lasts in love,
    But sometimes it hurts instead.
    You know how the time flies...
    Only yesterday It was the time of our lives.

  11. n_anonymous n_anonymous
    posted a quote
    September 6, 2011 11:54pm UTC
    Sometimes I just feel like breaking down.
    Curling up into a ball, and just crying for hours...
    I wish that somehow, someone would realize,
    finally realize how desperately lonely I am.
    small, vulnerable, and helpless,
    I want a boy to just hug me and listen to me cry,
    and just comfort me until I felt better.
    I wish there was some simple way to explain everything;
    why my life is always lonely,
    and why I have never been kissed, why no one has ever just loved me.
    I wish there was an explanation.
    I wish there were a way for it to all be better,
    but it never will.
    Even when I'm grown, if I ever truly do become loved,
    if I find someone I can lean on,
    I feel that the scars on my leg will always be ghosts,
    mocking me for ever being so sad and unloved,
    constantly reminding me that I was never good enough for anyone.

  12. n_anonymous n_anonymous
    posted a quote
    September 6, 2011 11:42pm UTC
    Invisible Monsters. Chapter One.
    "Oh my God, oh my God!" Stephenie blurted, as she rushed down the hallway towards me. "Guess who's no longer single?!"
    A smile crept across her face, and her face turned pink with excitement. Stephenie grabbed my shoulders in a fit of happiness, shook me and squealed, "Ben is my boyfriend now!"
    I listened patiently as she spilled out all the details. "Of course, it happened last night because I would never wait too long to tell you. I mean, obviously you're the only one who knows so far, except maybe some of Ben's guys..." Her fluttering speech started to slow as she began to realize that I wasn't as happy as she was.
    "What's wrong?" Searching for an explanation, she hurled questions my way. Worry cracked her voice as she spoke. "Aren't you happy for me at all? Ben and I have had a thing for like, months now, so this can't be a shock. I mean... is it?" Her eyes were wide with fear as she waited for me to speak, and explain myself.
    I hung my head. "I... I don't know where to start."
    Stephenie waited some more.
    "I don't know if there's anything I could say that would help you understand," I muttered.
    "You can't even tell me what it's about...?"
    At this I raised my head, looked her in the eyes and put my hand on her shoulder. "I just have one thing to say, and I want you to trust me. Just promise me that you'll trust what I tell you, okay? Promise?" Stephenie nodded vigorously. "Yes, yes, absolutely. I promise. I pinky swear!" she half laughed half cried.
    "Okay." I sighed. "Just believe me, please, please, please. I am begging you... Believe me when I say that I never have and never will have a crush on Ben. I will never, ever, ever try to take him from you, and I will never, ever purposely flirt with him. I will also never, ever break this promise, ever. Okay? Do you believe me? Oh God, please say you believe me Steph!" I cried, tears welling in my eyes.
    Stephenie was staring at me, a look of speechlessness splattered across her face, frozen. Slowly her mask melted away, and she looked at me and promised that she believed me. "Of course I believe you. Why wouldn't I? You're my best friend." she smiled at me and then opened her arms wide. I opened my arms in response, and went in for a hug.
    "Well then in that case, I'm so happy for you!" I laughed into her shoulder. We parted from our hug and laughed again, Stephenie's face practically glowing. "It was so magical, I can't even explain it. I feel like Ben and I could probably last forever!"
    I felt a knife through my gut. Before I could interject, the bell rang and Stephenie blurted out a goodbye, and skipped to homeroom with the rest of the crowd from the hallway.
    "I feel like Ben and I could probably last forever!" Those words echoed through my brain, over and over. I crumpled to the floor in defeat as a surge of pain washed over me. I felt it soak right through my skin, and I could feel it pumping through my veins.
    We are so vulnerable, I thought to myself.

  13. n_anonymous n_anonymous
    posted a quote
    September 4, 2011 4:41pm UTC
    We were both sitting on the very top of the roof, and everything in the night was quiet as I removed my gaze from the starry sky and turned my head to face him, my best friend. His gorgeous wide eyes had already beaten me there, and I could see little white reflections in his deep bluish eyes. When he fixed them on me, a wide smile broke across his face, flickering in the light of the kerosene lantern between us. I returned the grin, and then suddenly his lips were on mine.
    Surprise was my first feeling. Then guilt, because I knew this was wrong. Uncertainty, and also fear, because I knew we would both me in trouble if anyone found out about this encounter. I'd always known we could never be together, because of where we come from. Whenever I found myself with butterflies because of him, I'd needed to remind myself that everything about the way we were raised in told us to hate each other. So, naturally it was a shock to finally realize that none of it mattered... The only thing that really mattered, I now I realized, was him, and the feel of his tongue tracing my bottom lip, as if he were asking permission for entry to my mouth. His lips forced mine open, but the long, unstopping kiss that followed was gentle.
    I had always been that nerdy girl, the one people asked for homework answers, but otherwise paid no attention to. I was always the girl with her nose buried in a book. The girl with the wild curly hair and crooked teeth who always kept to herself. It was a stroke of luck that we met... Being assigned as partners for the trimester science project on Astronomy was, in fact, what brought us to this moment. Over the course of a few weeks, we'd grown closer, but we both knew that our friendship was one that would be ridiculed. But it didn't matter now, because we were with each other. Momentarily, my shock to even be lucky enough to be kissing this boy in the first place was forgotten.
    After what seemed like hours, we finally pulled away gasping for air as he placed his arms around my hips, carefully rolling me onto his back. His body, propped up on his long, muscular arms, hovered over mine as he kissed along my jaw, tracing a pattern down my neck and shoulders.
    I leaned into him, burying my face in the crook of his neck. Against the top of my hair he whispered, “Beautiful, you are,” as he gently placed his thumb under my chin and lifted my face to his. His soft mouth murmured against my cheek, “So beautiful… So beautiful…”
    Tears pricked at my eyes, threatening to spill over. Treacherous, wet drops finally escaped, cascading down my cheeks. Lips kissing at my shoulder, he sat up, finally feeling the salty water trickling down my neck. Suddenly, to my terror, sobs broke free from my lungs. I looked up at him, horror etched across his beautiful features. “No! No, no, no,” he whispered, quietly shushing me, grabbing my face he frantically but gently wiped away the tears pouring across it. I could feel my cheeks growing hot with embarrassment, and a small cry escaped my trembling lips. “What’s wrong?” He crooned, shock dripping from his voice with every word. Scooping me up into his arms, he tried, but to no avail, to wipe away all my tears as he rocked me back and forth. I sobbed harder, not knowing why I couldn’t control it. He continued to sway as he crooned soothing words, an expression somewhat like a mixture of fear and concern plastered across his face.
    When the tears stopped coming, I looked up at him apologetically, but he wasn’t looking back. His eyes were half closed, gently caressing the palm of my hand as he slowly and gingerly took each of my fingertips and kissed it. A single tear emerged from his almost-shut eyes and dropped onto my hand. He wiped it away and finally turned to me hopefully. He released my arm as I tugged it away and buried my face in my hands. He was still rocking me, and seemed to be waiting for an explanation. “Oh, Dan, I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! I don’t know… what… just… happened to me…” I shuddered and convulsed again, and he only gripped me tighter, frantically shoving his face to my neck and kissing it. I gasped as his lips met the cold skin on my neck, and as much as I enjoyed the warm sensation, I took his head in my hands and lifted it away. “Can you forgive me…?”
    He ignored my plea, and just looked at me, his grey eyes widened. “What’s upsetting you?” he whispered.
    I looked down. “I don’t know,” I murmured.
    “Yes, you do.” He said softly. He smiled and gently stroked my cheek with his thumb.
    We stared at each other wordlessly for a minute, until I finally burst.
    “Oh… I’m so sorry! I just… I don’t know what’s happening to us… Why are you doing this?! Why me? You can have any girl in this whole school, why me?! I-I-I just don’t believe it… This cannot be happening! And it probably isn’t… n-no matter how much I want it to! Oh, I’m such an idiot!”
    I sobbed into his chest, and without seeing his face, I knew he understood what I was talking about. But he just sat there anyway and held me tighter, rubbing my arm soothingly. "I want you." He whispered.


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