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The Unknown: Chapter Two

I went home in a trance that night, and on the verge of tears the whole ride home.
For some reason I couldn't explain, I felt like he'd unhinged me. I was struggling to hold myself together.
My brain was whirring; I could feel it every time I tried to replay what had happened.
He was just messing with a scared little Freshman girl, why else would he have been acting like that?
For the love of God! I ran into him in the hall and next thing I knew, we were kissing?
We were kissing...
Then I felt the moistness in my eyes threatening to spill over, but lucky for me the car was just pulling into the driveway. My mother seemed aggravated as she got out of the other side and slammed the door; I suspected that she'd been trying to talk to me, and realized that I was obviously not paying attention.
As soon as she was gone, I begun to cry. The tears slipped silently down my cheeks. This boy I'd just met decided to kiss me all of a sudden. The look on his face when he pulled away... I couldn't get it out of my head. And everything he said to me... It was all so crazy. I had to keep reminding myself that he was a Junior, and someone as gorgeous as him must have girls dying for him everywhere he went. He'd pick a girl who lives up to his standards, so it didn't matter anyway.
Besides, I had no idea what he was like, other than the fact that he likes pushing vulnerable freshman around just to get a kick out of it.
Then again... "That was great." ?   "You seem cool enough." ? Why in the world would he say that if he didn't mean it?
When I finally stopped crying and got out of the car, I still hadn't made any sense of what happened.
Was he a jerk that I should stay away from? Maybe, maybe not. Did I like him? Maybe, maybe not. Was it even logical for me to like someone after one kiss? Probably not. Did he like me? Probably not.
But there was still that one shred of hope that kept me hanging on.

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The Unknown: Chapter Two Aftershock I went home in a trance that

1 faves · Oct 7, 2011 4:10pm






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