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movinatthespeedoflove17happy birthday!

  1. movinatthespeedoflove17 movinatthespeedoflove17 happy birthday!
    posted a quote
    August 12, 2012 1:33pm UTC
    how to properly handle a break-up
    Him: I just don't think this is working out
    Her: oh...
    Him: no hard feelings
    Her: You're breaking up with me. I'm allowed to have hard feeling, you f/ckface

  2. movinatthespeedoflove17 movinatthespeedoflove17 happy birthday!
    posted a quote
    July 26, 2012 11:40am UTC
    Us wittians fight about a lot
    Like one Direction
    and other dumb things.
    but you can bet your a/ss we will always agree

  3. movinatthespeedoflove17 movinatthespeedoflove17 happy birthday!
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2012 9:58pm UTC
    me: let's make this the best summer EVER
    *end of summer*
    me: wow this summer sucked.
    me:*goes back on the computer*

  4. movinatthespeedoflove17 movinatthespeedoflove17 happy birthday!
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2012 9:30pm UTC
    I believe marriage
    isn't between man and woman,
    but love and love
    -frank ocean

  5. movinatthespeedoflove17 movinatthespeedoflove17 happy birthday!
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2012 5:06pm UTC
    when I hear my favorite song,
    I know that we belong.
    you are the music in me.
    it's living in both of us.
    and it's brought us here because
    YOU ARE the music in me
    twopairsofshades made this format, not me.

  6. movinatthespeedoflove17 movinatthespeedoflove17 happy birthday!
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2012 5:00pm UTC
    Guy: Do you have a favorite song?
    Me: More than you.
    Guy: what?
    Me: more than me.
    Me: not a want, but a need.
    guy: so..?
    me: ah... haha never mind...

  7. movinatthespeedoflove17 movinatthespeedoflove17 happy birthday!
    posted a quote
    July 23, 2012 2:24pm UTC
    Well. I don't really know where to begin.
    This past year I was really good friends with these girls. Let's call them Debra, Sarah, Kathy, Alexandra, and Ingrid. We were pretty much best friends and never did anything apart.
    Well, most of us. Most of the time, they all hung out together and I tried my best to fit in with them.
    I was thought of last. They would go to dinner, the movies, arcade, and all these adventures together while I sat at home and stared at a wall.
    I was so sick of being alone, being left out, so I took a stand. I told one of my other friends, "Kara" about it. She told me exactly what I was thinking: to stand up for myself.
    So I told Ingrid, who's kind of their ring leader that I was tired of being left out all the time. She immediately apologized and said that "everything would change".
    I felt like everything was finally okay and I texted Kara, elated with the news. But she told me to look at an email Debra sent before I made any final decisions. Debra was no longer as good of friend with the other girls, so I hesitantly decided to read the email.
    MY heart shattered.
    My "BEST FRIENDS" had been talking sh/t about me the WHOLE time. They mocked me.
    They mocked my poetry, something I use to take pride in. My poetry was a way for me to let out my feelings in a way nothing else could. Writing was my purest form of emotion, and they ridiculed it.
    Now I can barely write this.
    They teased me about how I was overprotective of my brothers and the things they said about them. They called me names and all the while, I thought we got along absolutely great.
    In the two minutes it took to read that horrible email, I was completely broken. Shattered.
    My trust: BROKEN.
    My heart: shattered, torn apart.
    All I could do was run back to my room and sob, and sob into a pillow til two in the morning. I had to go to school the next morning and seeing them all together just... killed me. I ran to the bathroom almost every period to sob in the last stall. I remember it like it was yesterday. And then a few days later after collasping into tears randomly, I had completely changed.
    Kara who was there for me, started to drift away as well. I had no one. No one would text me, or call me, or even care if I was still breathing. I was so mad at myself. I was such an idiot. My poetry was stupid. My brothers didn't care if I protected them or not.
    And that's when it started.
    At first it was small. In school if I did something or said something stupid, I dug my fingernails into my arm, sometimes drawing blood. I read online about a girl who burned her skin with a pencil eraser. I started doing that too. It scared me, because it felt good. But it still was painful to go to school, to look in the mirror, to get out of bed. I was shattered.
    And then something hit me. I had known about one direction for awhile and I was a fan and whatnot, but I became steadily more interested. They were legitamately the only thing that could make me laugh on some days. And one day, when I was reading a fan tumblr, I saw that harry was in an artist's music video. Someone by the name of ed sheeran.
    I looked it up on youtube, interested. And the most beautiful, angelic voice I've ever heard in my life flooded out the speakers. It was love at first sound. Ed sheeran, my greatest love in the world. At that moment when drunk came on and started playing, I became immune to the burns on my wrist. And before I coul;d even make one cut on myself, I had found an anchor.
    It wasn't drunk that was the epiphany. It was the A team. I can honestly say, it was the song that saved my life. Everytime I thought about harming myself I sang a verse of the A team. Everytime I heard those b/tches laughing in class, I hummed the chorus. It is honestly the most amazing thing I have EVER heard. This song was my everything. I scribbled its lyrics over everything and anything.
    And now I see that without my little fascination with one direction, I would have never found ed sheeran in time.
    Nobody really understands how fate works. It's funny how if I scrolled past that little post on some random girl's tumblr, I could be dead.
    And now, I am seeing Ed sheeran in concert. MY guradian angel, the one who saved my life, I will be hearing live. It's still too much to handle.
    A BIG THANK YOU to those girls who stabbed me in the back and practically ruined my life, you led me to one direction, who led me to my angel.
    -Grace :)
    (maybe not as related to one direction or as interesting as the others, sorry about that, but it still means the world to me)

  8. movinatthespeedoflove17 movinatthespeedoflove17 happy birthday!
    posted a quote
    July 20, 2012 8:04pm UTC
    the youngest shot at the dark knight premier:
    was a
    three month year old infant.
    The youngest person killed:
    twelve years old.
    Please pray for the families who may have member(s)
    that were seriously injured
    or killed in Aurora, Colorado
    during the midnight screening of the dark knight rises.
    Another scary thought: my brother went to a midnight premier of the dark knight rises.
    It could have been him, if we lived in a different city.

  9. movinatthespeedoflove17 movinatthespeedoflove17 happy birthday!
    posted a quote
    July 19, 2012 8:42pm UTC
    Before I left witty for a few days: everyone fighting about one direction
    Come back to witty days later: People are fighting over nutella
    C'mon guys, REALLY?

  10. movinatthespeedoflove17 movinatthespeedoflove17 happy birthday!
    posted a quote
    July 10, 2012 3:49pm UTC
    when I was just a little girl,
    I asked my mother, what will I be?
    Will I be pretty?
    Will I be pretty?
    what comes next?
    oh, right. Will I be rich?
    which is almost pretty depending on where you shop.
    and the pretty question infects from conception.
    passing blood and breath into cells.
    The word hangs from our mother's hearts in a shrill, fluorescent floodlight of worry.
    Will I be wanted?
    BUT puberty left me this funhouse mirror dryad.
    Teeth set at science fiction angles
    Crooked nose, face donkey long and pockmarked where the hormones went finger-painting.
    My. Poor. Mother.
    you'll have porcelain skin as soon as we see a dermatologist.
    you sucked your thumb that's why your teeth look like that.
    You were hit in the face with a Frisbee when you were six otherwise your nose would have been just fine!
    Don't worry, we'll get it all fixed!"
    she would say.
    Grasping my face, twisting this way, then that.
    As though it were a cabbage she might buy.
    BUT this is not about her. not her fault she too, was raised to believe
    the asset she could bestow upon her awkward little girl was a marketable facade.
    By 16, I was pickled with ointments, medication, peroxides.
    Teeth corralled into steel prongs.
    Laying in a hospital bed.
    Face packed with gauze,
    cushioning the brand new nose the surgeon had carved.
    Belly gorged on two pints of my own blood I had swallowed under anesthesia.
    and ever convulsive twist of my gut, like my body SCREAMING at me from the inside out
    WHAT.... did you let them do to you...?
    All the while this never ending chorus, droning on and on
    like IV needle dripping liquid beauty in my veins.
    will I be pretty?
    Like my mother unwinding the gift wrap
    to reveal the bouquet of daughter her 10,000 dollars bought her.
    And now?
    I have not seen my own face in ten years.
    I have not seen my own face in ten years!
    this is not about me.
    this is about
    the self-mutilating circus we have painted ourselves clowns in.
    About women who will prowl 30 stores and 6 malls to find the right cocktail dress,
    but who haven't A CLUE where to find fulfillment or how to wear joy.
    wandering through life, shackled to a shopping bag
    beneath the tyranny of those two pretty syllables
    about men wallowing on bar stools, drearily practicing attraction.
    And everyone who will drift home, crestfallen tonight because not enough strangers
    found you suitably F/CKABLE.
    This is about my own someday daughter.
    When you approach me,
    already stung, stained with insecurity.
    mom? Will I be pretty?
    Will I.... be pretty?
    I will wipe that question from your mouth like cheap lipstick and answer
    The word pretty is unworthy of everything you will be
    and no child of mine will be contained in FIVE LETTERS.
    you will be
    but you will NEVER be merely,
    by ms. kaitie makkai
    a master slam poet
    here is her performance: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6wJl37N9C0
    it still brings tears to my eyes

  11. movinatthespeedoflove17 movinatthespeedoflove17 happy birthday!
    posted a quote
    July 9, 2012 5:48pm UTC
    "@spinthelouis lots and l ots of l ove to you.
    sweet dreams,
    sleep tight xxxx"
    - Louis Tomlinson ♥
    spinthelouis is a girl who died of cancer yesterday.
    her last tweet ever was to louis tomlinson
    and today he responded
    format credit to OneDirection

  12. movinatthespeedoflove17 movinatthespeedoflove17 happy birthday!
    posted a quote
    July 9, 2012 4:47pm UTC
    I am a teenage girl
    I spend a little too much time on the internet
    I draw on myself
    I laugh at the mirror
    take too many stupid pictues
    get way too slap happy
    trust people who let me down
    I laugh at stupid sh/t
    eat way too much than I'm supposed to
    text more than I should
    oh I'm just a stupid girl.

  13. movinatthespeedoflove17 movinatthespeedoflove17 happy birthday!
    posted a quote
    July 7, 2012 12:33pm UTC
    And I will try
    to fix you

  14. movinatthespeedoflove17 movinatthespeedoflove17 happy birthday!
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2012 2:10pm UTC
    I need someone prepared for
    long hugs
    strong frustrations
    crazy pictures
    quoted lyrics
    odd faces
    a million questions
    uncontrollable laughter
    my family
    my appetite
    musical outbursts
    random dancing
    my friends
    happy/sad tears
    deep talks
    my imagination
    walks in the rain
    random texts
    horrible singing
    madeup words
    intense wishes
    useless arguments
    sudden wishes
    unnescessary punching
    neverending insecurity
    wand duels
    harry potter talk
    cheesey peptalks
    thrown in facts
    loud car music
    earned smiles
    my laziness
    moments of pure joy
    a unique universe
    and acceptance of the real me

  15. movinatthespeedoflove17 movinatthespeedoflove17 happy birthday!
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2012 1:54pm UTC
    I'm sure I will eventually end up like erwin from the suite life of zach and cody:
    -a janitor in a hotel,
    -with a cardboard cutout of my crush, who I say is my spouse
    -who's best friends are a couple of kids,
    -and of course, I will be balding too.

  16. movinatthespeedoflove17 movinatthespeedoflove17 happy birthday!
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2012 12:57pm UTC
    was a
    at some point....

  17. movinatthespeedoflove17 movinatthespeedoflove17 happy birthday!
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2012 9:09pm UTC
    It's gotten to the point
    that my parents PAY me to leave the house....

  18. movinatthespeedoflove17 movinatthespeedoflove17 happy birthday!
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2012 2:56pm UTC
    seeing a cute little boy and thinking
    please don't become another
    as/hole like most of the others
    format by julietechoecho

  19. movinatthespeedoflove17 movinatthespeedoflove17 happy birthday!
    posted a quote
    June 27, 2012 10:40pm UTC
    seeing as the years go on,
    and girls wear less and less clothes,
    I say in fifty years, women will just walk around

  20. movinatthespeedoflove17 movinatthespeedoflove17 happy birthday!
    posted a quote
    June 27, 2012 7:06pm UTC
    just another WIDE-EYED girl
    who's D-E-S-P-E-R-A-T-E-L-Y
    in LOVE with
    nmq/heard it from my friend


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