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  1. Jade672 Jade672
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2011 9:37am UTC
    Four main reasons why
    a girl stops texting a guy.
    1.You got her mad.
    2. You got boring.
    3. She fell asleep.
    4. You said the letter k.

  2. Jade672 Jade672
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2011 3:25pm UTC
    That sexy face
    you make when you eat something super sour.

  3. BlackButterflies BlackButterflies
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2011 1:33am UTC
    click to see this quote

  4. BlackButterflies BlackButterflies
    posted a quote
    November 29, 2011 11:50pm UTC
    my head says, "go to the gym."
    but my heart says, "stay on the internet forever and eat tacos!"

  5. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  6. JustDropItLikeItsHot JustDropItLikeItsHot
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2011 3:43pm UTC
    "You're the man. Captain of the basketball team, dates pretty girls, high school is your kingdom.
    But people, Stan is a bully. Why? It'd be way to easy to say Stan preys on the w e a k / /
    simply because he's a dick. No.. no...Stan here is much more ( c o m p l e x ) than that..
    See according to leading psychiatrists, Stan is a bully for o n e of t h r e e reasons ;
    One: underneath all that male b r a v a d o there's an i n s e c u r e little girl just banging
    \ \ \ on the closet door trying to get out. Two: like a ( caveman ) Stan's b r a i n is..
    underdeveloped, therefore Stan is unable to use self control so he has to act aggressively.
    T h r e e :
    Stan has a small wiener."
    -17 Again.

  7. TeddyBear_81 TeddyBear_81
    posted a quote
    November 29, 2011 11:13pm UTC
    MY 100TH QUOTE!!!!!
    WITH LIKES!!!!!

    Format by Sandrasaurus

  8. young_and_reckless young_and_reckless
    posted a quote
    September 24, 2011 4:35pm UTC
    between all of the
    texting, late night talks on the phone,
    memories, stupid fighting, laughter,
    secrets, hang outs & constantly
    making fun of eachother..
    I fell in love with you.

  9. young_and_reckless young_and_reckless
    posted a quote
    September 24, 2011 4:44pm UTC
    You only live ONCE.
    When you die, nobody will even care about or remember the mistakes you made in your lifetime.
    This means you have one opportunity to have fun and screw up.
    one opportunity to tell him how you really feel.
    one opportuninity to show everyone who you are and be who you always wanted to be.
    one opportuninty to let lose and not care of other peoples opinions.
    so go ahead, scream on the top of your lungs. kiss him. back talk your teacher. run in the rain. blast your music. dance. be loud. date the one who makes you smile. take chances.
    Because if you don't, you'll never be happy. ♥
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  10. young_and_reckless young_and_reckless
    posted a quote
    September 24, 2011 5:09pm UTC
    The other da y
    I looked up at the sky and noticed
    how beautiful it looked
    The n I thought;
    "oh yeah, it's because your up there.."
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  11. young_and_reckless young_and_reckless
    posted a quote
    September 24, 2011 5:27pm UTC
    No, i'm not mad at you or
    ignoring you, or anything
    i'm just waiting (and hoping)
    that you'll make an effort to
    talk to me first for once. <3

  12. young_and_reckless young_and_reckless
    posted a quote
    September 24, 2011 5:33pm UTC
    & I'M SO SORRY
    that i still love you, even though you stopped months ago,
    that your out trying to have a good time while i'm still here texting
    you and having hope that we'll eventually be happy together again,
    that it kills me seeing you talk to her like you used to talk to me,
    that i can't move on and forget all of our memories, (unlike you),
    that i can't even have a normal conversation with you because
    i know that i'll never have you like i did before,
    that i miss you so much, & can't get over you.

  13. young_and_reckless young_and_reckless
    posted a quote
    September 28, 2011 2:48pm UTC
    You may say you want to die
    but in reality,
    you really just want to be saved.

  14. young_and_reckless young_and_reckless
    posted a quote
    October 8, 2011 2:33pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  15. young_and_reckless young_and_reckless
    posted a quote
    October 8, 2011 11:15pm UTC
    I've convinced everyone that
    i'm strong enough to do this and that i'm happy without him.
    i think it's time to start convincing myself its true too. </3

  16. young_and_reckless young_and_reckless
    posted a quote
    October 12, 2011 8:19pm UTC
    Haters Make Me Famous.
    Now, I know I'm no genius here..
    but I'm pretty sure that haters make you hated. & that sure as hell isn't something to be proud of.

  17. young_and_reckless young_and_reckless
    posted a quote
    November 23, 2011 6:09pm UTC
    those nights..
    where you lay in bed, over thinking everything,
    until you're upset & nothing seems right anymore. </3

  18. young_and_reckless young_and_reckless
    posted a quote
    November 23, 2011 6:23pm UTC
    I can't be the only one
    Who imagines everything being so
    perfect, but in the end you just had
    your hopes up the whole time.

  19. young_and_reckless young_and_reckless
    posted a quote
    November 23, 2011 6:51pm UTC
    I h o p e y o u w a k e u p &
    i t s u d d e n l y h i t s y o u .
    There isn't anyone that loves you and will put up with you like I did.
    But after all the pain you've put me through, you lost me for good.

  20. young_and_reckless young_and_reckless
    posted a quote
    November 24, 2011 12:33pm UTC
    while you're ignoring her:
    another guy is giving her attention.
    while you're giving her problems:
    another guy is listening to them.
    while you're too busy for her:
    another guy is making time for her.
    while you're making her cry:
    another guy is making her happy again.
    while you aren't sure if you want her or not:
    another guy has already figured it out.



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