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  1. killmeryan killmeryan
    posted a quote
    May 26, 2011 4:34am UTC
    To want to feel love on my skin is to be without saying I'd die to come alive.♥ -RYAN.

  2. killmeryan killmeryan
    posted a quote
    May 26, 2011 4:30am UTC
    My friends and I. Walk around screaming and singing any songs we all know. Jump around in rain like crazy people. Get excited when mom buys us chalk. Mature if needed. And party when not. We don't care what people think. We have our own opinions, Be comfortable and exactly who you are ! <3

  3. killmeryan killmeryan
    posted a quote
    May 21, 2011 10:45pm UTC
    You all think you're cool, stabbing my heart-
    Bloodsucking vulchers, ripping my life apart-
    Thought you'd take a loser, feed on her pain-
    But you're gonna pay-
    I'm not running again.
    Revenge-how sweet is the word
    Revenge-seems so absurd
    But justice will find you
    She's just biding time
    So suffer and bleed
    Pay for your crime
    Victims are running-
    Frightened and blind-
    Lost in a world that's sadly unkind-
    The vicious and cruel fed on their souls-
    Left them their shells-
    Empty and cold-
    Their eyes are full of hate-
    They've vowed to get vengeance-
    To defy their fate.

  4. killmeryan killmeryan
    posted a quote
    May 21, 2011 10:38pm UTC
    True and totally scary ! People are actually horrible.
    He extended his hand to her. She thought this was peculiar. He'd never tried to hold her hand before, but she was excited that he was being nice to her. When she reached out to take his hand, he grabbed her wrist and started twisting it until her knees began to buckle. Then three girls grabbed her and several more came from behind. They grabbed her hands and feet and dragged her across the parking lot behind the main building of her school. Chanting : "we're going to kill you." They starting kicking her and spitting on her. They ripped her book bag open and threw the contents all over the ground. She thought, being killed held only promise of relief. And she wasn't frightened.
    Lying on the pavement, she was curled in a ball. Listening to them laugh hat her. All she could think of was how she was going to hide it from her parents when she arrived home. Once the students left, she continued in the fetal position rocking back and forth, until the bell rang.
    This is a very true and very brutally realistic. She was twelve years old. Her name was Jodee Blanco. She is now an author, who wrote the book "Please stop laughing at me". I read this book almost in tears, because I felt the same things she has gone through. <3 - Ryan.

  5. killmeryan killmeryan
    posted a quote
    May 21, 2011 10:27pm UTC
    Bullying, should be a crime. trust me, you should read.
    Hello. My name is Ryan Mackeigan, and i am going to share with you a story about an underdog- someone who everyone made fun of, some who never got invited to parties, and who was so lonely, she left lost. This girl has wild, wiry hair that never looked as if it was combed. She wasn't like the other kids at school. She would rather write poems and make up songs than hang out and talk about bous. She ached to havefriedns, but wasn't interested in the same things as her peers. They thought she was weird. The disliked the way she dressed. They didn't understand why she was different, and they chose not to try. Rather than opening their hearts to this strange, beautiful bird, she was cast of from the flock. She didn't fit in. As the years passed and the rejection was endured in school became buried in a secret place in her memory, she discovered she has a girl for turning those songs she used to hear inside her head into music that reached people's souls. Millions of poeple. That misfit who everyone picked on, who was the butt of every josh and the target of so much cruelty, was Janis Joplin. You all know her music. It helped define a generation. Your children will listen to her, just as your parents did. And as I bet many of you do, too. Janis Joplin died in her twenties from a drug overdose. She was so full of pain and hurt that she tried to numb it with drugs. Eventually, they killed her. I'll always wonder: If the kids in her school had tried to get to know her, and instead of ridiculing and shunning her for being different, had embraced her for being special, would she still be alive today? We'll never know. But on thing we do know for sure. There are people just like Janis Joplin among us now. M<aybe that guy with the glasses who you make fun of at lunch will be the next Steven Spielberg or the next Elton John. The chubby girl with the acne who you snicker at during gym class could be the next Bette Midler. They could also end up being so damaged from loneliness, so frustrated and sad, that they go through life never being all they could have. What you should understand is that to the underdogs at this school, some of you are liike royalt. You're important. Your acceptance would mean so much. Nect time you think of laughing at someone, stop for a second and think of Janis Joplin.
    Thanks for reading.

  6. killmeryan killmeryan
    posted a quote
    May 21, 2011 10:06pm UTC
    Wrote a song for music class, singing it and playing guitar.Creative criticism would me greatly appreciated! When you go I've been on a long, long stretch. Been waiting for some kinda sign, But now I'm done with hedging my bets. I don't wanna look for some, silly rhyme. We're all stuck in a place, That don't make sense. You wonder if the look on my face, Means I have other intentions. ~ You were askin' me a question- What I meant that day, I said "-Never let me go" If you hold me, just one more second, I'll hold on to it when you go. Every moment lives and dies. Just like the days, I felt so close to you. And than the days I cried.. Questions swirl all through my mind, Ones I'll never ask. Questions with answers I don't want to hear from you.. ~ You were askin' me a question- What I meant that day, I said "-Never let me go" If you hold me, just on more second, I'll hold on to it when you go. Don't ask, don't wonder, Or think about what you don't know. Just remember that sweet moment, When you go. -ryan :D
    ( all mine )

  7. killmeryan killmeryan
    posted a quote
    May 16, 2011 5:57pm UTC
    Some people think the glass is half empty, Others think its half full. I just drink whatever the hell is in the glass. - ryan.

  8. killmeryan killmeryan
    posted a quote
    May 14, 2011 11:28am UTC
    Mother thinks I'm fat. So here I am, not aloud to eat lunch..Because she told me not too.. Just anoter day.. Three months left of starving myself. I hope I loose the weight, because if I don't... She'll be infuriatively disapointed.. - ryan.

  9. killmeryan killmeryan
    posted a quote
    April 28, 2011 8:22pm UTC
    I don't want to just make love, I want to make love last ♥ ryan.

  10. killmeryan killmeryan
    posted a quote
    April 28, 2011 8:17pm UTC
    YOU got dreams, and therefore I believe in YOU. ryan.

  11. killmeryan killmeryan
    posted a quote
    April 28, 2011 8:13pm UTC
    Egli e perfezionare. He is too perfect.
    <3 Italian
    Lei e perfezionare. She is too perfect.

  12. killmeryan killmeryan
    posted a quote
    April 28, 2011 8:08pm UTC
    Egli è bello. ♥ Italiano. He is attractive. ♥ Enlgish. - ryan.

  13. killmeryan killmeryan
    posted a quote
    April 28, 2011 8:04pm UTC
    This time, lets be bullet proof.. ryan.

  14. killmeryan killmeryan
    posted a quote
    April 28, 2011 8:00pm UTC
    When the violence causes silence,We must be mistaken.

  15. killmeryan killmeryan
    posted a quote
    April 28, 2011 7:53pm UTC
    You were once a summer fling.
    Now your just..
    ...Everything. - ryan

  16. killmeryan killmeryan
    posted a quote
    March 30, 2011 1:49pm UTC
    Sitting home sick, swollen throat and mega migraine. Lunch time rolls around, and my boyfriend flies threw the door. Grabs a pot makes me soup <3 And gives me Advil :D Like I love this boy !!

  17. killmeryan killmeryan
    posted a quote
    March 30, 2011 1:44pm UTC
    Roses are red,
    Violets are blue,
    There's a clip in this gun,
    And it's pointed at you. -ryan

  18. killmeryan killmeryan
    posted a quote
    March 29, 2011 12:07pm UTC
    Sitting here listening to my stove buzzing.. Realizing, how ever much I want those fries. By the time my lazy butt gets up, their burnt. -ryan.

  19. killmeryan killmeryan
    posted a quote
    March 29, 2011 12:05pm UTC

  20. killmeryan killmeryan
    posted a quote
    March 29, 2011 12:01pm UTC
    L.O.V.E is like H.E.A.V.E.N,
    but - it can H.U.R.T like H.E.L.L! ryan.


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