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  1. justice4jahar justice4jahar
    posted a quote
    May 28, 2013 3:18pm UTC
    "We live in a culture where people are more offended by swear words and middle fingers than they are by famine, warfare, and the destruction of our enviroment."

  2. justice4jahar justice4jahar
    posted a quote
    May 28, 2013 3:09pm UTC
    You guys should watch this video :
    The Boston Bombings- What you aren't being told

  3. justice4jahar justice4jahar
    posted a quote
    May 28, 2013 2:52pm UTC
    Dear America,
    Your 9/11 is our 24/7.
    Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq, Bosnia, Chechnya.

  4. justice4jahar justice4jahar
    posted a quote
    May 27, 2013 6:54pm UTC
    Here is a perfect example of how hateful our world is and how messed up the things our youth is being taught are.
    ~*True Story*~
    The other day I was taking a walk with some family. I was wearing a tanktop and a loose t-shirt over the tank top. It's really hot where I live right now, and so I took the top shirt off. While I was taking it off I kind of wrapped it around my head covering my hair so I could stop to check my phone really fast (yes I did have to check my phone before I finished taking my shirt off, haha). My little cousin walked up to me and said: "Are you trying to be a terrorist?"
    He assumed that I was trying to impersonate a terrorist just because I had something covering my head and my hair. Sort of like what some Muslim women can be seen wearing.
    I want to say right now that I love Muslims, I love the Islamic religion. Matter of fact, I believe I am going to convert to this religion. I was so horrified at what he said to me. I was mad at him at first, but then I realized something.
    Maybe it wasn't his fault that he associated the fact that my head was covered with being a terrorist. After all, the media makes people who wear headscarves look like terrorists, even though they are absolutely not. And then the people of our world take in the information they learn from the media, and they become very hateful towards those people the media calls bad. And then the people of our world pass that hate down to their children, so on, so on.
    I am determinded not to become part of that hateful cycle.
    I am not a part of that system.
    I am not conditioned by the media.

  5. justice4jahar justice4jahar
    posted a quote
    May 27, 2013 5:37pm UTC
    PROTECT RIGHTS, protect people.

  6. justice4jahar justice4jahar
    posted a quote
    May 27, 2013 4:21pm UTC
    Dear Tamerlan,
    You are a good man. You loved your family very much. You were very talented, and I admire you. I wish I knew more about you, but I do know in my heart that you are watching over your little brother and I know in my heart that you are helping him stay strong and carry on. You did not deserve to die. I will fight for your little brother forever for you Tam, because I know you want him to be happy again. I will fight for you. Even though it may seem that people have forgotten about you and that they only fight for Jahar, that is far from the truth. I pray for you every night, I pray that you are in a better place, a place far better than this cruel earth. I know you are. I love you Tamerlan, love you like a brother even though I have never met you. I miss you like we were very close. I keep you and your family in my thoughts.
    RIP Tamerlan <3

  7. justice4jahar justice4jahar
    posted a quote
    May 27, 2013 4:13pm UTC
    "the younger brother was captured on camera at a 7-11 store they attempted to rob."
    -The Washington Times, 4/19
    "an investigation determined that the robbery at a 7-eleven was UNRELATED."
    -CNN, 4/19
    We need to know the truth.
    Protect rights, protect people.
    Spread the word.

  8. justice4jahar justice4jahar
    posted a quote
    May 26, 2013 12:40pm UTC
    A lot of people think it's so terrible when people from other countries attack us and kill civilians here in America. It is, trust me it is, every innocent life lost is terrible.
    But maybe you should think about this---->
    In the bombing of Afghanistan, over 15,000 innocent civilians died, compared to the around 3,000 people of 9/11.
    The current death toll for innocent civilians in Iraq is 500,000, and that's rising.
    Maybe America should consider ourselves terrorists?
    Just a thought.

  9. justice4jahar justice4jahar
    posted a quote
    May 24, 2013 10:12pm UTC
    Why can't people understand that Jahar supporters are not hateful people? If anything, we are some of the least hateful people. Not saying non-supporters are hateful though =)
    We also do not hate our troops. I come from a family of American soldiers, and my father's best friend is a purple heart (wounded in battle).
    We do not hate the victims.
    We are not terrorist sympathizers.
    We are not terrorist lovers/supporters.
    We do not support Osama Bin Laden -_-
    We are not all fangirls.
    We do not support Jahar because he is "hot".
    Get that through your thick skull.
    #Justice4Jahar =)

  10. justice4jahar justice4jahar
    posted a quote
    May 24, 2013 2:41am UTC
    Here is a huge list of evidence I came up with supporting Jahar's innocence. This took some time, and a TON of research. Excuse me if there are some grammar or spelling issues ;)
    His friends were absolutely shocked, and that shows his character. The color of his backpack didn’t even match the backpack that was shown exploded in pictures by the FBI. Neither did Tamerlan’s. Jahar’s backpack was WHITE, and Tamerlan’s backpack was GREY. The backpack shown in pictures was dark black. It also happens to have a white square on it, which, happens to match the white cube shown on the backpack of another man’s backpack. To ADD to that, that man was shown with an earpiece in one ear. That man is also seen leaving the scene with NO BACKPACK. Jahar was unarmed. Why is there so many contradictions in the story? According to the Boston Globe, there was a bomb drill taking place on Boylston street. They tweeted this just before the bombs went off. And, when agents are questioned, they denied it despite the PROOF, and they started ignoring that question when it came up. Jahar returned to school and continued to hang out with his friend after the bombing. One could assume that the actual bombers fled. Innocent until proven guilty, not the other way around. Jahar once tweeted: “I’m not a lifeguard to chill, saving lives brings me joy” There are videos of a man being arrested by cops alive who bears a striking resemblance to Tamerlan Tsarnaev. However the man is not wounded, so this evidence is not solid. The story was changed many times. For example: Jahar did NOT run over his brother in a “ruthless attempt to escape”, a police SUV did. The media expects us to believe that even though Jahar thought he was dying, he somehow had time to write a note on the side panel of the boat? When coming out of the boat, Jahar is visibly not wounded in pictures provided. But, when being arrested and on the ground, he has visible wounds to his upper body.
    In the photo released to the public, Dzhokhar did not have his backpack. But the original photo is in the phone of David Green, and when that photo is examined closer, there is clearly a white object with Jahar that is NOT in the photo released by the FBI. Photoshop? Mr. Danny, AKA “the guy the Tsarnaevs kidnapped” said this to the Media: Jahar was forced to go inside the Shell Food Mart while older brother Tamerlan fiddled with a GPS, at which point Danny managed to escape. HOWEVER, this is what he declared in the police report: the TWO men got out of the car, at which point he managed to escape. That is proven by surveillance footage which shows both Jahar and Tamerlan standing outside the gas station store. After all, what kind of intelligent terrorist who can makes bombs would be so stupid as to not monitor the hostage? The media also reports that two armed med reportedly carjack a Mercedes SUV in Cambridge. Mr. Danny continues to lie and says that Jahar gets into the Mercedes and follows Tamerlan who is driving the other vehicle. THE AUTHORITIES CONFIRMED THAT LIE. Authorities lie and say both suspects were in the stolen Mercedes when they encountered police and hurled explosives at the officers. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has NEVER ridden in the Mercedes. He drove only his green Honda car. “Saudi Arabia warned the US about Tamerlan and denied an entry visit to Mecca” however, the Saudi Arabian ambassador DENIES that his nation warned the US about Tamerlan Tsarnaev Dzhokhar and law enforcement officers apparently engaged in a furious exchange of gunfire and Jahar wanted to commit suicide with a gun. HOWEVER, JAHAR WAS UNARMED WHEN ARRESTED. Tamerlan Tsarnaev met with the FBI several times. He attended workshops between January and July of 2012. SO WHY DID THE FBI AND CIA NEED THE PUBLIC’S ASSISTANCE IN IDENTIFYING TAMERLAN, SHOULDN’T THEY HAVE RECOGNIZED HIM? The Boston Marathon Bombing is a FALSE FLAG led by ELEMENTS OF OUR GOVERNMENT 9,000 law enforcement officers, people terrorized by the police, 3 black hawk helicopters, Members of a swat team, 20 military VAB, police dogs, Martial law 4th amendment ignored, city on complete lockdown, ALL FOR ONE MAN (Jahar) who was… unarmed. They shot Jahar in the mouth. He had visible injuries to his head, neck, legs, and hand. But their attempt to assassinate was FAILED
    Finally, here is a link to a video that I love very much that supports the last parts of information provided above, and shows some pictures and reports:
    Any Questions? Feel free to comment. Thanks!

  11. justice4jahar justice4jahar
    posted a quote
    May 23, 2013 10:25pm UTC

  12. justice4jahar justice4jahar
    posted a quote
    May 23, 2013 5:05pm UTC
    Some photo evidence that is tripping me up-
    Here is some photo evidence from the Boston Marathon prior to the explosions, and it really has me confused.
    In one picture of Jahar, you will see that his hat has a "3" on it.
    In the next picture it has a "7" on it.
    I'm really not sure what to make of this.
    Two very similary looking people, photoshop, I'm not sure.
    Decide what you think, here are the links:
    PHOTO #1 (hat has a 3)
    PHOTO #2 (hat has a 7)

  13. justice4jahar justice4jahar
    posted a quote
    May 23, 2013 12:18am UTC
    I will stand beside Jahar my entire life
    Even after this case is long gone
    I am certain of that
    I don't care what other people think
    I don't care how many times I am judged
    I don't care how many people hate me
    Because I will fight for the LION
    I will fight for JAHAR
    I will fight for TAMERLAN

  14. justice4jahar justice4jahar
    posted a quote
    May 22, 2013 10:49pm UTC
    You did not deserve to die Tamerlan. At the time of your death, it was uncertain that you were guilty. It still is. I pray for you and for your family, your wife, your little girl, and pray that they have strength to carry on. I pray for you, I pray that you are in a better place now, and I know you are. I know you are watching over your little brother, giving him strength and I know that you are proud of him.
    You did not deserve this. I will work very hard to help Jahar- for you, for your little girl, for your wife, for your family, for Todashev, and for Jahar.
    Peace Be Upon You, Tamerlan.

  15. justice4jahar justice4jahar
    posted a quote
    May 22, 2013 10:46pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  16. justice4jahar justice4jahar
    posted a quote
    May 22, 2013 10:42pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  17. justice4jahar justice4jahar
    posted a quote
    May 21, 2013 9:13pm UTC
    "Dreams really do come true, last night I dreamt I was eating a cheeseburger and in the afternoon today, guess what I was eating..." -Dzhokhar Tsarnaev
    He's a funny dude :)

  18. justice4jahar justice4jahar
    posted a quote
    May 21, 2013 9:08pm UTC
    This is for the people who are completely set on the fact that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is guilty... PRAY FOR HIM.
    Now, even though I do not believe Jahar is guilty, I know there are many people who do, the majority actually, and I am not mad about that. I respect your opinion even though I do not necessarily agree with it, so please respect mine. I found these from an article on http://facultyblog.eternitybiblecollege.com and found it be interesting, so I thought I would share. The main point of the article is even if it is the last thing you want to do, please pray for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.
    At some point, you have to have heard this. "Love and pray for your enemies."
    God loves wicked people. You might not be sure what is meant by that. It means that God wants to help wicked people and sinners repent and to return to their lives.
    Also, we should not underestimate the power of God. God can help the most sinful of people, and help them to repent.
    I wrote this from a general standpoint. No matter what your religious beliefs are, I believe that the above is generally correct, forgive me if I am wrong, I am only truly educated about two religions (Islam and Christianity).
    So please, even if you believe he is guilty, PRAY FOR JAHAR.

  19. justice4jahar justice4jahar
    posted a quote
    May 21, 2013 8:57pm UTC
    Hi, my name is Bradley.
    I was 22 when I went to the Maystate Parade with Emily. The fire broke out and killed 4. They said it was a serial killing.
    Two days later Emily and I went out. We heard gunshots behind us. There were hundreds of police screaming, running at us with their guns and shields. We had no idea what was happening. We both ran. Emily screamed, "Stop shooting! Please! We didn't do anything!"
    They rushed us, and I lost her. Scared, I ran. Six hours had passed, they found me hiding under a bridge with nothing but my wallet. Seconds later, I was out cold. I later woke on a stale table surrounded by police, unable to speak. They told me my sister was dead, and I was under arrest for murder.
    Imagine Bradley as Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.
    Emily as Dzhokhar's brother, Tamerlan.
    Maystate parade as the Boston Marathon.
    Still think he's guilty?

  20. justice4jahar justice4jahar
    posted a quote
    May 21, 2013 5:55pm UTC
    ~For Jahar (Dzhokhar)~
    You probably feel so alone. But I promise you that you are not. I support you completely, 100%, and I love and care or you even though I have never met you in person before. I miss you like you were my best friend, like you were my brother. I'm so sorry about Tamerlan, he didn't deserve to die like that. I want you to be able to smile and truly be happy again, that's all I want. I wish I could actually see you and talk to you. Jahar, whenever you feel alone, like the world's against you, I wish you could realize and know much I care for you and love you even though I've never met you, and how much your other supporters care for you and love you.
    Stay Strong Jahar c:
    No matter where life takes me, you'll always find me with a smile ~Dzhokhar Tsarnaev :)


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