Witty Profiles

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  1. jsz21 jsz21
    posted a quote
    November 8, 2011 11:26am UTC
    A Change Of Mind
    Chapter 9
    We walked into the pizzeria not so far away from the school, the boys ate while I tried once again to talk to Shawn but ONCE AGAIN he shut me down any chance he got, eventually I just gave up. Since our first day of school was on a Friday this year (which I found completely pointless) I was gonna be out most likely most of the weekend. “Jackie the fairs in town tomorrow and I know your going,-“ shawn cut him off mid sentence “smooth man everyone goes to the fair” I ignored shawns comment “yeah im going with jane and some other people but im sure we can meet up at some point” he just smiled and nodded and continued to eat while I sipped on a ginger ale thinking about my dream which once was my reality. When they were finally done with what seemed like a feast I was just about ready to go home. I texted vinny and asked him for a ride, when he finally got here we all got in the car. But then the weirdest thing happened, vinny and shawn knew each other. Well. Apparently vinny and donny were cole and shawns mentors for the summer intensive football camp. Oh this just suddenly got awkward. I remained silent until the boys were out of the car and the second I got home I went up to my room, took one of the longest showers ive ever taken washed my hair 5 times. Showers help me think. I began thinking about all the good times brian had the tears came faster but disappeared with the beating water from my shower head. My bestfriend, my everything, gone. I heard my playlist shut off on my ipod and that’s when I realized I had been in the shower for an hour and a half. I got out and dried my self off and tied up my hair in a towel. I walked down the hallway into my room and found a single rose on my bed with a note attached.
    – You looked sad today, I know you were thinking about brian, I know he was what you were dreaming about, you said his name. let yourself be happy, let yourself love.-
    No one but my family knew of the hurt I felt when it came to brian, who was this person and how did they know me?
    New layout:D thought it was time for a change upppppp.

  2. jsz21 jsz21
    posted a quote
    November 8, 2011 10:55am UTC
    A Change Of Mind
    Chapter 8
    ( sorry that last one was supposed to be 7! )
    I continued to watch the practice while blasting my brains out with my music. It got dark pretty soon and eyes grew heavy,knowing I was the only one on the bleachers I layed back,I began to watch the sunset and then slowly fell asleep.
    *“No im okay really brian, I don’t wanna go, you don’t know how to drive.”
    “Jacks come on im your bestfriend don’t you trust me?”
    “I guess so”
    “lets go than!”
    he walked off into a distance and followed then all of the sudden the empty road appeared before me. I saw a black Acura cruising at about 60 mph and then I saw it, the red escalade speeding towards it. “BRIAN YOUR GOING TO FAST SLOW DOWN STOP IT IM SERIOUS” I heard a girl call out. I knew this was a bad idea, how could I have been so stupid as to let him jump in that car, were only 13! BOOM. They collided, I watched the girl in the passenger seat bleeding all over. I ran and ran to try to get to her but I just wasn’t getting anywhere, Brian was blacked out I just kept screaming his name louder and sadder and stronger each time. “BRIAN PLEASE” I sobbed, finally I got close enough to the car to do what I thought was saving the two kids. I pulled Brian out first who seemed so young and helpless. I laid him down knowing the ambulance would soon be on its way, then I sprinted to the other side of the totaled, flipped car and pulled out the girl, when I flipped ehr over I looked down and realized that little girl. She was me. My crys grew louder and my sobs harder. I screamed to the top of my lungs BRI-*
    “Jackie” I began hearing my name being repeated what seemed like 100 times. I suddenly opened my eyes and saw cole and shawn staring back at me, “oh sorry” I said rubbing underneath my eyes so I wouldn’t ruin what I hoped was left of my makeup “its all good” cole said helping me up so I was balanced again “I figured we’d go get something to eat” the second those words escaped coles mouth I got nervous, he cant see my eat, ill be gross. “Oh, um- uh…. Im not hungry but id be fine with coming with you guys” when I finished my sentence shawn rolled his eyes, hes under my skin. I ignored it and walked away with cole “we cant really go to a fancy place with you smelling like this now can we buddy” I said sarcastically and cole laughed along while shawn just trailed behind us.
    New layout:D thought it was time for a change upppppp.

  3. jsz21 jsz21
    posted a quote
    November 7, 2011 6:08pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  4. jsz21 jsz21
    posted a quote
    November 6, 2011 12:45pm UTC
    A Change Of Mind
    Chapter 6
    What was this? Jane checking out cole? Cole inviting shawn to sit at my table without asking me if it was alright first? Shawn sat directly across from me and cole next to him, me and jane moved to the corner so I poped my ear buds in my ears and turned up the volume on my ipod. I reviewed all the papers which would go to my mom until jane riped the paper out of my hand. I zoned back into the reality above my head and realized shawn and cole were gone. “Dibs on Cole hes the hottest thing ever.” Jane said rolling her eyes. I just nodded and shoved the ear bud right back in. When jane wants something she gets it. No matter who she has to knock down in the process. I sat silent all through out lunch ignoring the world, I have no time for boyfriends and friends and a social life its annoying and I have too much on my mind twenty four seven anyway. When I looked up while putting all the papers back into my folder I noticed Shawn staring at me. The bell then rang and I got up and got my books I walked out alone, all the sudden sadness washed over me. Im not surprised this happens often. My stomach made a noise and I realized I went another mean without eating, it’s okay though I mean cheerleaders aren’t supposed to have big appetites right? I got to through the rest of my day and began my way out of the school, I didn’t have cheer today considering it was the first day of school they gave us a day off and I had my bag already with all my different cheer outfits for the rest of the week in my bag at school. I was walking out of the school infact out the door when I began hearing my name being called. Before I was able to turn around I felt someone poke my back. “Hey Jackie” I smiled realizing it was Cole “hey” I was trying to walk away but he kept to following me. “You walk home?” I nodded and picked up my pace “you know it’s like 4 miles right?” I nodded again but stopped walking “why don’t you stay and watch me and Shawn’s practice?” I shrugged “well I mean you don’t have to if you don’t want to but I just figured-“ I cut him off mid sentence “ill come, I guess walking wouldn’t be that fun anyway” he smiled around and told me to follow him. We walked over to the bleachers and I sat my stuff down and took out my phone, set down my books and grabbed my iPod, I looked up and noticed Cole was still there. “Don’t you have to go get dressed or something” I said while untangling my head phones “oh uh y-yea” I popped in my head phones as he walked away put my sweatshirt on and threw up my hood. Some time to think outside in the cold may be something I needed.
    New layout:D thought it was time for a change upppppp.

  5. jsz21 jsz21
    posted a quote
    November 3, 2011 11:29pm UTC
    A change of mind.
    I grabbed my books and stood up; I continued to walk to the side of the room by the window and put my books on the ledge. Soon I saw cole and his friend walking over and I got a little tense.” Jackie this is Shawn. Shawn this is Jackie” cole said with a weird tone to his voice. “nice to meet you shawn” I said with a big warm fake smile plastered across my face, I must have looked horrible. I looked up at the giant person who looks like he could be 6 foot tall “boy” standing in front of me with one of the most adorable smiles ive ever seen in my entire life. He was hard looking, kind of cold to be honest. He just looked at me, and stared then waved kind of awkwardly. The teacher began to call out our names, when she called coles name I felt weird having to be with shawn alone, he clearly wasent too fond of me. When the teacher called my name I was 3 desks away from cole which was kind of a good thing that way I don’t get too attached to him during school.
    Then all of the sudden the person sitting next to me was him. Shawn. I tried to ignore it but I couldn’t, people usually warm up right away around me, but I was getting mixed signals with him. Something about him was making me tick but I don’t know what. I tried to make conversation with him the entire class but he dismissed me every chance he took, I finally took a deep breath and just stayed silent until the bell rang. I got up and walked over the door where cole was waiting for me. We walked to math together and found out name cards we sat down and we were separated once again, which again I was good with. But something in the back of my head was telling me shawn was familiar, something about him was sticking to me like glue. And I needed to figure it out. While I was zoning out in class my thoughts were interrupted by the bell. I walked out of the classroom and continued about my schedule, at lunch I invited cole to sit sit with me and a few of my friends, jane being my best friend had her eye on him the entire time, little did I know cole and shawn were a package.

  6. jsz21 jsz21
    posted a quote
    October 23, 2011 4:20pm UTC
    A change of mind.
    We walked in the room together but when he saw someone he knew he asked if I wanted to sit with them, but I just nodded no and told him to go to ahead and assured him I would be fine. I found my way over to an empty room over in the back corner. Before I knew it the bell rang which meant we had to be in our seats and that class would begin. Cole looked over to me and smiled, I smiled back while trying to hide the obvious staring I was doing at those icy perfect eyes. Mrs. Montahue began to speak, so I shifted my eyes to her, she was also my cheer coach so every now and then while she was explaining the rules of earth science 101 she would shoot me a small smile to assure me things were going to be alright. She began to hand out all the papers for our parents to fill-out at the conclusion of the class she explained that since it was a “double” period we were allowed to leave in between the bells for the 1st to 2nd period. When the bell rang cole and his friend stood up and walked over by the door, I just stayed in the seat I was sitting in and looked down. “Jackie don’t be nervous its just highschool” mrs. Montahue said patting my back three minutes had passed and the bell rang. Mrs. Montahue continued to explain the classroom rules when I felt my bag vibrate on my lap, I slowly hide my phone and checked who it was from and what it said.
    Hmm so we have a teachers pet already?
    I smiled a little bit and looked over at him still obviously on his phone
    This isn’t what you have my number for.
    He shot me a look and laughed a little bit.I began to play with my hair out of boredom. My long brown hair swayed side-to-side along my back sweeping it softly.But I zoned back in when the teacher announced “ If you would all pick up your books and move to the front back and sides of the room so I can put you all in alphabetical order”. I picked up my things and walked over to the window and put my books on the ledge

  7. jsz21 jsz21
    posted a quote
    October 21, 2011 11:25pm UTC
    A change of mind.
    Vinny helped me out of the car and before I knew it I was standing in between my big brother and cole. I walked into school and instantly people came up to vinny and donny. Me and cole gave each other a look and ducked out of the crowd around us. “ BYE GUYS” they screamed as we walked away and I just gave vinny the finger behind me. “so, where’s your locker?” I asked attempting to begin a conversation “oh its 147” his voice, something about his voice just got me, I don’t know it was raspy but not and soft yet hard, and perfect, just perfect. “Wait really? Mines 160” I said smiling as we approached his row of lockers “you can use mine since yours is a bottom if you want, my cheer bag just takes up a lot of room” I said kind of softly. Im really not the best at starting conversations, he smiled nodded and said thank you as we walked a few feet over to my locker, I shoved my cheer bag in and pushed it down so he could put his drawstring bag with all his football information in; I took his binder and opened to a piece of loose leaf, I wrote the combo and locker number on the paper and gave it back to him, “there you go” I smiled and picked up my books.” what do you have right now?” he asked me while I made my way to the steps “2nd floor double period science, how about you?” he smiled and me “I have that too and im guessing on even days you have single science and then double math?” I laughed ,” I do “ I let go of my books with one hand and rolled my wrist, “you okay?” he asked kind of softly “yeah I just fell on my wrist stunting in cheer, buts all good it happens all the time” he took my books from my hand and put them on top of his,” you and your brother and driving me and my brother to school everyday it’s the least I can do Jackie, do you think I can call you jacks? It just seems kinda more you” I nodded “ I can really handle carrying my books thanks though” I reached for my books but he pulled them away ” nah im good, I think the pink folder really makes my eyes just POP.” I giggled as we walked into science together. What’s going on? I don’t usually click like this, with guys or girls, I can tell. Cole Monticarlo was going to be me Jackie Tribbiani’s best friend. And I couldn’t be any happier(: .

  8. jsz21 jsz21
    posted a quote
    October 21, 2011 6:40pm UTC
    A change of mind.
    The other boy climbed into the back and smiled at me as he sat down. “Jacks I don’t know If you remember him at all, but this is Evan” Vinny said keeping his eyes on the red light in front of him nodding to the music with Donny and I tilted my head and looked at him again kind of skeptical this time. “you guys used to be together all the time when you were younger kissing and all that weird puppy dog baby love kinda stuff” Donny basically screamed over the music, Cole began to turn red and I think I did too so I decided to change the subject “so we aren’t picking anyone else up this time?” I asked with my voice kind of shaky. “naw that’s it for now” I looked out the window with my back vibrating from the bass of the music vinny was playing, “hey Jackie can you just put you and vinny’s numbers in coles phone mine keeps breaking and we all know vinnys luck with phones too” Donny said looking back at us, my jaw was kind of dropped to the floor so it must have looked awkward. “oh uh sure..” Cole passed me his phone and I added both contacts.” here you go” I passed it back to him and for the first time I looked all the way up to his eyes, they were beautiful a blue-green icy color that I could barley describe in words, just pure beauty our hands touched for about a second or two while our eyes were locked but I broke it and looked back out the window. We pulled up to the school and I began to get my books together when suddenly my door opened “ready to walk in with the captains of the football team sis?” I smiled, “I would be honored”

  9. jsz21 jsz21
    posted a quote
    October 20, 2011 9:07pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  10. jsz21 jsz21
    posted a quote
    September 25, 2011 9:24pm UTC
    If you LIKE, LOVE, OR MISS someone right now And can't get them out of your head Then Re-post this within One Minute and Whoever you are missing will surprise you ♥

  11. jsz21 jsz21
    posted a quote
    September 22, 2011 10:36pm UTC
    I've been through alot;
    if i can still laugh at myself and smile,
    you should too.

  12. jsz21 jsz21
    posted a quote
    September 14, 2011 10:13pm UTC
    Its amazing how many times a day he can some how remind me hes hers.

  13. jsz21 jsz21
    posted a quote
    July 25, 2011 9:45pm UTC
    shes the
    girl with,Blue
    eyes, Blue skys, No
    ties, But cold lies.

  14. jsz21 jsz21
    posted a quote
    July 4, 2011 11:41pm UTC
    Thank you...♥
    for making me :
    -inside out
    -upside down
    -out of my mind
    -on a different planet
    to bad i cant just fall out now...

  15. jsz21 jsz21
    posted a quote
    May 11, 2011 10:51pm UTC
    He'll Never know
    But i always will. . . . .
    format to whoever

  16. jsz21 jsz21
    posted a quote
    May 11, 2011 6:02pm UTC
    If this isnt falling,
    i dont know what is...

  17. jsz21 jsz21
    posted a quote
    April 23, 2011 12:56am UTC
    Shes Quite Unique.
    Shes Different. Shes Outrageous. Shes Gorgeous. Shes Loud. Shes
    Outgoing. Shes Beautiful. Shes Talented. Shes Bizarre. Shes Intelligent.
    Shes Curious. Shes Special. Shes Amazing. Shes Creative. Shes Caring. Shes Insane. Shes Trustworthy. Shes Wild. Shes Crazy. Shes Silly.
    Shes Confident. Shes Boy Crazy. Shes Bubbly. Shes Random.
    Shes One of My Best Friends ♥

  18. jsz21 jsz21
    posted a quote
    April 21, 2011 2:08pm UTC
    ♥Man Am I tired O f..♥
    Being sick to my stomach over


  19. jsz21 jsz21
    posted a quote
    March 29, 2011 9:45pm UTC
    Okay so i know this isn't pretty but it needs to be addressed.
    So today, this man came to my school. He was the father of a victim of bullying, his story had no happy ending, his son killed himself due to bullying. You could hear the pain,horror and even a little bit of fear in the mans voice. How he got up and told this story beat me. His son was called names, got made fun of, rumors , and a girl even pretended to like him. The father had thought that he had the problem taken care of, instead of telling his parents when the bullying began again, he hid it. He began getting bullied in the 5th grade, it never really completely came to an end. This story this man told, touched me, i know corny but i never really thought about how much pain words can cause. This boy killed him self when he was only 13, leaving his family, leaving some of his friends, with no closer either, no note was left. So in all this, even more pain was caused, after he was dead,the bully continued to make fun of him, how could one kid be so heartless? i was wondering that the whole time. The father was so furious he wanted to go to the house and kill him. But then he though, this would wind up being regretted , the kid broke down in tears after the father told him to tell the truth and stop denying what he had done to his son. The boy began to break down in tears apologizing, that girl, the one who pretended to like him, she apologized too, and cried and cried in the fathers arms. This fathers name is John Halligan. He sons name Ryan. Ryan killed him self from bullying, cyber as well in 2003 , to be exact On October 7, 2003. Ryan could have had a real life , but some kids ruined it for him. Stop cyber bullying please, and stop regular bullying as well. Do it for that teenage boy , please. Do it for Ryan , Ryan Halligan .

  20. jsz21 jsz21
    posted a quote
    March 27, 2011 7:17pm UTC
    M aybe
    Its time to stop blaming
    the entire male population
    just because he made mistakes
    & i mean come on there has to be some
    good guys out there.....
    *my quote /not my format credit to jayciecutie01*


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