Witty Profiles

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  1. xoAplusSxo xoAplusSxo
    posted a quote
    July 25, 2011 6:39pm UTC
    Looking at a girls Facebook status & thinking,
    "yup, they were on Witty"

  2. ximxalwaysxhere4youx ximxalwaysxhere4youx
    posted a quote
    July 25, 2011 2:59pm UTC
    "A wise girl kisses, but doesn't love;
    listens, but doesn't believe;
    and leaves before she is left."
    -Marilyn Monroe
    "A wiser girl girl loves to kiss,
    kisses her love, listens for the truth,
    and doesn't fear being left for she
    knows she is unforgettable
    and irreplaceable
    -My big sister <3

  3. foreverislongerwhenimmissingyou foreverislongerwhenimmissingyou
    posted a quote
    July 25, 2011 3:56pm UTC
    would anyone else die,
    if a love song on the radio was for you?
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  4. noahwood123 noahwood123
    posted a quote
    July 25, 2011 3:53pm UTC
    Have you ever thaught about..
    if someone famous has ever touched your money?

  5. pcelovekap pcelovekap
    posted a quote
    July 25, 2011 2:13pm UTC
    ADMIT IT. We've all tried to rap "Look at me now" by Chris Brown.

  6. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  7. iluvsummer iluvsummer
    posted a quote
    July 25, 2011 2:52pm UTC
    Something . We . Americans . Got

  8. veelovesyou veelovesyou
    posted a quote
    July 23, 2011 12:42am UTC
    life is short
    S M I L E W H I L E Y O U S T I L L H A V E T E E T H

  9. Never_Again123 Never_Again123
    posted a quote
    July 22, 2011 11:41pm UTC
    Those Weird Conversations You Have In Your Head When Youre Thinking...Only Me?
    n m f .

  10. ThatsSoMeee ThatsSoMeee
    posted a quote
    July 23, 2011 4:09pm UTC
    Hey you ,
    Yeah you
    You with the messy hair,
    The seemingly tired eyes
    The crooked smile,
    And the one who think they are unimportant.

  11. ThatsSoMeee ThatsSoMeee
    posted a quote
    July 23, 2011 3:34pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  12. Laureeeen Laureeeen
    posted a quote
    July 23, 2011 5:44am UTC
    Two people can
    look at the same
    thing and see it
    - Justin Bieber.
    n m f .

  13. cmwaffles13 cmwaffles13
    posted a quote
    July 23, 2011 8:41am UTC
    Dear Fourth Grader on Facebook,
    how are you in a "complicated relationship"?
    Sincerely, what'd he do, steal your animal crackers?


  14. itsforJosie810 itsforJosie810
    posted a quote
    July 22, 2011 11:15pm UTC
    When your phone doesn't have service;
    you raise it 6 inches in the air

  15. Althearose Althearose
    posted a quote
    July 23, 2011 10:56am UTC
    Don't like me?
    Blame my parents,
    they did it.

  16. EmptyGlassxx EmptyGlassxx
    posted a quote
    July 23, 2011 12:05pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  17. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  18. kooibear kooibear
    posted a quote
    July 22, 2011 10:50pm UTC
    True Love ♥
    Girl: What would happen if we broke up?
    Boy: I would go back with my ex.
    Girl: *crys* We're over! . . . (Later that day)
    Boy: *Knocks on door*
    Girl: *Opens door* I thought you were going to go back with your ex.
    Boy: You are my ex. ♥

  19. itsforJosie810 itsforJosie810
    posted a quote
    July 22, 2011 10:58pm UTC
    I know my family so well..
    I can tell who is
    walking down the stairs.
    not my quote

  20. rememberme1 rememberme1
    posted a quote
    July 22, 2011 11:41pm UTC
    when your eyes and a random person's eyes


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