Witty Profiles

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  1. gray22 gray22
    posted a quote
    May 17, 2013 3:37pm UTC
    Ok so i've been thinking, and i've realized that the media is our dictator.
    Hold on a sec, hear me out.
    The media's idea of a perfect teenage girl is Average height, long hair, tanned and skinny.
    Mostly excluding all other girls from this mould which seems impossible to break.
    Lowering self estime and making girls damage their bodies just for the will to fit in.
    Self harming, starving, binge etc.
    However, if you think about it; Hit.ler had his version of perfect: Blonde hair, blue eyes, pure german.
    Excluding everyone else also lowering their self estime and making them feel, well, crap.
    People were terrified of breaking the mould in fear of death...
    The thing is now days, if you don't break the mould it could result in death. It's the pressure to be perfect, and everyone knows that if you put pressure on something it breaks.
    So what are you going to do? Are you going to fit the mould or
    are you going to rebel?
    ~Be your own kind of perfect. Because you are.~

  2. gray22 gray22
    posted a quote
    July 20, 2013 2:56pm UTC
    F a s h i o n s h o u l d b e a b o u t s h o w i n g w h o w e a r e o n t h e i n s i d e, o n t h e
    o u t s i d e .

  3. gray22 gray22
    posted a quote
    November 3, 2013 11:53am UTC
    So yesterday,
    i made a quote about books and what i think about them,
    lots of you commented on it saying that books get you through hard times
    and it made me really proud of being surrounded
    ((on witty mostly))
    by people like you,
    even if you disagreed with what i said about sports,
    you took it well
    and were really friendly.
    I've been on witty a while
    but for me that's one of the first times something like that has happened
    i really appreciated it.
    i really appreciate you guys.

  4. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  5. CharliesTheName CharliesTheName
    posted a quote
    November 2, 2013 9:39pm UTC
    Me: Oh my god why do you listen to this terrible music?
    My brother: Sorry I'd rather not be given music advice by someone who listens to Bowling for Soup
    Me: ...

  6. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    October 31, 2013 5:08pm UTC
    today for lunch my school didn't serve hot dogs called halloweenies and it's a wasted opportunity really

  7. Niichole Niichole
    posted a quote
    October 31, 2013 1:32am UTC
    "Airports see more sincere kisses than wedding halls.
    The walls of hospitals have heard more prayers than the walls of churches."

  8. Butterbear Butterbear
    posted a quote
    October 31, 2013 4:11pm UTC
    Steve has really out-done himself with the Witty logo today

  9. BravoSierra BravoSierra
    posted a quote
    October 31, 2013 3:39pm UTC
    Don't text me while I'm in the middle of texting you.
    Now I have to change what I was going to say.

  10. LaylaTheAwesome LaylaTheAwesome
    posted a quote
    October 31, 2013 8:31pm UTC
    F is for Fall Out Boy who saved rock and roll
    U is for Brendon Urie
    N is for no don't mention MCR
    Here in our emo community

  11. CookieMonster09* CookieMonster09*
    posted a quote
    October 27, 2013 4:35pm UTC
    you want a successful witty quote?
    you better work b/tch

  12. CookieMonster09* CookieMonster09*
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2013 6:43am UTC
    Tom Hiddleston: Sometimes I wish I was Loki so I'd make everyone just kneel
    Cheeky Interviewer: You don't have to be Loki to make me kneel
    Tom Hiddleston: oh

  13. I_Like_Your_Hair I_Like_Your_Hair
    posted a quote
    May 4, 2011 6:08pm UTC
    SimplePlan. Blink182. Paramore. FallOutBoy. CodySimpson. MayDayParade. TheReadySet. OwlCity. StereoSkyline. Akon. ForeverTheSickestKids. AllTimeLow. ADayToRemember. SimplePlan. Blink182. Paramore. FallOutBoy. CodySimpson. MayDayParade. TheReadySet. OwlCity. StereoSkyline. Akon. ForeverTheSickestKids. AllTimeLow. ADayToRemember. SimplePlan. Blink182. Paramore. FallOutBoy. CodySimpson. MayDayParade. TheReadySet. OwlCity. StereoSkyline. Akon. ForeverTheSickestKids. AllTimeLow. ADayToRemember. SimplePlan. Blink182. Paramore. FallOutBoy. CodySimpson. MayDayParade. TheReadySet. OwlCity. StereoSkyline. Akon. ForeverTheSickestKids. AllTimeLow. ADayToRemember. SimplePlan. Blink182. Paramore. FallOutBoy. CodySimpson. MayDayParade. TheReadySet. OwlCity. StereoSkyline. Akon. ForeverTheSickestKids. AllTimeLow. ADayToRemember. SimplePlan. Blink182. Paramore. FallOutBoy. CodySimpson. MayDayParade. TheReadySet. OwlCity. StereoSkyline. Akon. ForeverTheSickestKids. AllTimeLow. ADayToRemember. SimplePlan. Blink182. Paramore. FallOutBoy. CodySimpson. MayDayParade. TheReadySet. OwlCity. StereoSkyline. Akon. ForeverTheSickestKids. AllTimeLow. ADayToRemember. SimplePlan. Blink182. Paramore. FallOutBoy. CodySimpson. MayDayParade. TheReadySet. OwlCity. StereoSkyline. Akon. ForeverTheSickestKids. AllTimeLow. ADayToRemember. SimplePlan. Blink182. Paramore. FallOutBoy. CodySimpson. MayDayParade. TheReadySet. OwlCity. StereoSkyline. Akon. ForeverTheSickestKids. AllTimeLow. ADayToRemember. SimplePlan. Blink182. Paramore. FallOutBoy. CodySimpson. MayDayParade. TheReadySet. OwlCity. StereoSkyline. Akon. ForeverTheSickestKids. AllTimeLow. ADayToRemember. SimplePlan. Blink182. Paramore. FallOutBoy. CodySimpson. MayDayParade. TheReadySet. OwlCity. StereoSkyline. Akon. ForeverTheSickestKids. AllTimeLow. ADayToRemember. SimplePlan. Blink182. Paramore. FallOutBoy. CodySimpson. MayDayParade. TheReadySet. OwlCity. StereoSkyline. Akon. ForeverTheSickestKids. AllTimeLow. ADayToRemember. SimplePlan. Blink182. Paramore. FallOutBoy. CodySimpson. MayDayParade. TheReadySet. OwlCity. StereoSkyline. Akon. ForeverTheSickestKids. AllTimeLow. ADayToRemember. SimplePlan. Blink182. Paramore. FallOutBoy. CodySimpson. MayDayParade. TheReadySet. OwlCity. StereoSkyline. Akon. ForeverTheSickestKids. AllTimeLow. ADayToRemember. SimplePlan. Blink182. Paramore. FallOutBoy. CodySimpson. MayDayParade. TheReadySet. OwlCity. StereoSkyline. Akon. ForeverTheSickestKids. AllTimeLow. ADayToRemember. SimplePlan. Blink182. Paramore. FallOutBoy. CodySimpson. MayDayParade. TheReadySet. OwlCity. StereoSkyline. Akon. ForeverTheSickestKids. AllTimeLow. ADayToRemember.


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