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JustBeMyself · 1 decade ago
You're a dream interpreter? Can you help me with this dream?
I'm entering my backyard and approaching my house through the back gate. It's sunny outside, like when the sun is just barely setting in the summer. As I'm approaching my house, I start to feel extremely terrified of entering it. So I hide inside this down staircase we have leading into the laundry room. Men suddenly run outside from my house, screaming. I can't understand them, but I know they're looking for me.
They're everywhere, but there is a path among them leading to the gate I entered through into the ally behind my house. I run as fast as I can, dodging their grabs. Once in the ally, I rush toward my aunt's house, who is one of my neighbors. There are puddles in the ally, as if it had been raining. But instead of calling out for a relative, I call out for a junior friend in my school, Xavier. Immediately, Xavier runs out from the backyard, waiting for me. He’s yelling, asking me what happened. The men chasing me had disappeared all of a sudden. Then I was on mute. I was telling him what was happening, but I couldn’t hear myself. When I was done, the audio was back on in my dream and Xavier hugged me, telling me I was to stay with him.
Blackout. When the dream came back, it seemed like much time had passed. I was crying and struggling against these three men. I think I may have asked how they found me because they led me to this closet. One of them opened it up. Xavier was inside, tied up to a chair and gagged with thick black rope. He was sweating and staring at me with wide eyes. I could only stare at him in disbelief. Then I woke up.
I know, this is long, but I hope you can help me with it.

dearmariaalltimelow · 1 decade ago
in every dream/nightmare i have my mom dies wtf is up with that

andythedandy9 · 1 decade ago
no, they were like horrible freaky looking bumps, and they scared the crap out of me. deformed looking..

andythedandy9 · 1 decade ago
had a dream last night, idk if it means anything though. but i had like these weird bumps on my arms, lol. and i was like WTF. but for some reason i was scared to let people see them. and some guy saw that i had them and called for the police to come and get me. so i tried to get out of the building i was in, and i was panicking trying to find my way out. mean anything?

antonia2014 · 1 decade ago
wat about me dieing all the time in my dreams?

antonia2014 · 1 decade ago
So ur a dream Interpreter? no one can give me an answer to this. ok so i was an actor on an idiana johns kinda movie and we were filming one scene where we were running out of the temple but i was so possed to get separated from my group and end up of top of the temple and one of the "indians" catches up and i jump off the top of the temple and live but everytime i have this dream i am on top of the temple and i am about to jump but the actor who plays the indian accualy stabs in the chest me and i fall off of the top witout any safty equipment to keep me from smashing into the ground. so i hit the ground and the actor who stabbed me comes down and stabbs me two more times in the neck and the center of my back. and my cousin is there and my ex boyfriend is there and this other girl who looks like more cousin's girl friend and she says something as i can start to watch the light get dimmer and dimmer then i die. other times i just get stabbed once and live or other times im just fallling and i end up on the floor in the morning from where i fell out of bed. so can anyone explain what this could mean. i keep dreaming about it and i dont like dieing everynight in my dreams.
sorry about all the wrong spelling

cookiemonsta1997 · 1 decade ago
In my dreams I keep dreaming that im going to marry my boyfriend .. We've liked eachother for four years but only been together a Month do you think the dreamin is a sign we are meant to be ?

andythedandy9 · 1 decade ago
thats wicked cool! okay, so on my first dream. do you think its failed aspirations, or unrealized achievements. is there some way i can know??? like...... predict the future or something? lmao

andythedandy9 · 1 decade ago
how do you know how to interpret dreams?
cuz your like, spot on dude.

andythedandy9 · 1 decade ago
okay, so i was with this group of people, idk why. but we were inside a HUGE building, i mean huge. and then suddenly no one could go outside, but the whole building was flooding. and my group of people got on this round/wheel/thing. lots of people wanted in, but no one else would fit in, so my group of people were safe. there was some water in the boat/round/thingy, but we were okay. this whole time though, througout the dream i had a baby in my arms. she was lovely, smiled and laughed a lot. someone tried to pass her to me from across the boat, but she slipped a little, when i picked her up, i thought she was dead, cuz there was no life in her. and i was like, nooo! then the dream ended. what does this mean?

andythedandy9 · 1 decade ago
thanks so much! ive been having a lot of weird dreams lately. can i ask another? if you dont mind i mean?

andythedandy9 · 1 decade ago
alright, heres one for you that i dont get. i was in the car with my family, and my dad was driving up, and we couldnt figure out which car to park by, then he said: the white one (white car) the pure one, we have to parallel park with it. then people came up to the windows of the car, everyone fell in love but me. what does this mean?


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