Witty Profiles

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  1. xForeverLovedx xForeverLovedx
    posted a quote
    February 19, 2013 9:39pm UTC
    More Than Friends
    c h a p t e r / / s e v e n t e e n
    Amy's POV
    The party we held for Carson got over a few hours ago.
    Things became awkward after I told Carson no one could compare to him either.
    He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing ever came out.
    Then he just got up and walked over to Kenny.
    Cole is still over and I'm glad we're still friends.
    "So did anything happen between you and Carson?" He questions.
    "No!" I pout. "He thinks it's all in my head because he tried killing himself and I realized he could be gone forever. But I know I have strong feelings for him, I just never wanted to admit it."
    "He'll come around eventually, Amy. He loves you." Cole smiles slightly.
    I frown. "I'm really sorry about everything between us."
    Cole shrugs his shoulders. "It's fine. I can't really do anything about it, but hey, I'm going to get going. I'll see you later." Cole gets up.
    I wave to him and wait for him to close the door before I walk out.
    As soon as Cole leaves, my mom comes in my room.
    This obviously means she needs to talk to me about something.
    "Hello darling." My mom smiles, sitting down next to me on my bed.
    "Uh, hi. What do you need?" I question.
    "What? Your mother can't come in to say hello?"
    "Mom, what is it?" I glare at her.
    My mom smiles. "I just feel like your really upset about Carson. I know you're young, dear, but I do believe you love Carson. I've just been waiting for you to realize it."
    "Well I did. At the wrong time. And he's never going to believe me." I let a tear fall.
    "Awe, baby, don't cry. Talk some sense into him."
    "He won't believe me. I've tried."
    "Well, try harder babygirl." My mom smiles and walks out of my room.
    When she opens the door, I could just barely see Carson's head poking around the corner.
    He was listening.
    Maybe now he will believe me.
    Five minutes later, Carson walks in.
    "Hey Amy!" Carson smiles like he doesn't know anything.
    "Carson, hi." I mumble.
    "Can we talk about what happened at the hospital?"
    NOTE: Sorry for the lack of updating. Does anyone have the game Monster Pet Shop or KIK? Let me know.

  2. swimmergirl3796 swimmergirl3796
    posted a quote
    February 18, 2013 10:34pm UTC
    love at first sight?
    chapter 4
    That weekend, I decided I would do some shopping.
    Amy went home for the weekend, so I called up Bryan and asked him to come.
    "Why? I'm a guy. I hate shopping." he said, trying to get out of it.
    "Because I'll buy you lunch. Please?" I begged, and he said he was busy.
    I put on a white tank top and tucked it into a pink skirt. I slid on black flats and put on matching black jewelry. I grabbed my phone and looked at my background.
    It was the picture of Zayn and I from the other night.
    The night he didn't recognize me. Something clicked in my head.
    I opened my twitter account and typed a new message to Zayn. I attached the picture of us to the tweet and sent it to him. Maybe then he would remember.
    I grabbed my wallet and walked to the mall. It was right off campus, so it wasn't a long walk. It was a nice day anyway, so I didn't mind the commute.
    I went to a few stores and bought some outfits, then went to the food court.
    I got a smoothie and walked over to sit by myself at one of the tables.
    I scrolled through my twitter feed, like I normally did. I wasn't suprised when I saw that Zayn retweeted that picture of us. I was suprised however, when I looked up from my phone and saw someone sitting across from me. He was wearing a hoodie, jeans, and sunglasses.
    "Can I help you?" I asked, confused as to why this sketchy person was here.
    "Why didn't you tell me who you were the other day?" the guy asked.
    His british accent sounded familiar, and I looked more closely at him.
    "Why don't you tell me who you are now?" I questioned back, still confused.
    "Zayn." he replied, and I thought this was a joke. But then it made sense.
    Why would a celebrity want to be seen in such a public place? They wouldn't.
    Which explained the hoodie and sunglasses. So it really was Zayn.
    "Hi." I said, smiling. I couldn't believe this was happening. I was actually meeting him.
    "Sorry it's late, but here." he said, handing me a rose. For what?
    "Thanks for being my valentine." he said, and I smiled. I was pretty sure I was blushing.
    Right then, my phone started ringing. It was Bryan.
    I answered, and he said he needed me because he had an emergency.
    It sounded urgent, so I said a quick goodbye to Zayn, set my phone down to grab my bags, then ran off and made my way back to campus.
    I wish I had more time to talk with Zayn, but it was about time I had a reality check.
    "What's the big emergency?" I asked, bursting into Bryan's dorm room.
    "I know I didn't go to the mall with you, but can you still get me food?" he asked.
    "You're joking. That's the big emergency?" I asked. He nodded.
    "Bry, I was actually having a conversation with Zayn. You ruined it!" I exclaimed.
    "Well can I apologize over lunch? Please? I'm starving." he said, and I sighed.
    "What do you want?" I asked, caving in and getting ready to dial and order.
    "Chinese." he replied, and handed me a menu. I reached into a shopping bag and searched for my phone. But I couldn't find it anywhere.
    "Shoot! I left my phone at the mall." I said, remembering how I put it on the table.
    "Well on the bright side, thanks to me, Zayn has your phone." Bryan said.
    please let me know if you like it!

  3. sugarfreak sugarfreak
    posted a quote
    February 18, 2013 4:52am UTC
    Using Mr Parker
    ♥ Logan ♥
    C h a p t e r 45
    The last few months of school flew by and soon, I was graduating. Soon, Zach and I would be able to go out like a normal couple.
    I was so excited.
    On the morning of my graduation, I was all giddy and my mum had noticed. “What's got you so excited?”
    “I'm graduating!” I half lied. That wasn't a lie but it wasn't the total truth. Zach and I had organised for him to meet my parents after the graduation.
    How could I possibly be so excited but so nervous at the same time?
    “Oh, well you better start getting ready. Do you want me to do your hair?” she asked, kindly and I nodded my head eagerly. My mum started doing my hair and in 20 minutes she was finished.
    “Can you do my make-up as well?” I asked her, grinning sweetly.
    “Of course baby,” she murmured in deep thought as she started on my make-up. Soon I was dressed in a red strapless dress that reached just above my knee. My hair was done in a braid and my make-up with such simplicity it was stunning. “Close your eyes,” she told me and I closed my eyes. My mum placed something around my neck and I opened them to see a gorgeous locket shaped necklace with diamonds filling it. “I am so proud of you,” she told me, as she hugged me. Tears filled my eyes as my mum softly cried into my shoulder. “You've grown up so quickly, I remember when you were just a baby who couldn't even walk.”
    “I love you so much, Mum.”
    “I love you too, baby, I love you too.”
    “And always remember,” Courtney ended her speech. “It's not chance that determines where you'll end up, it's destiny.” Soon after, graduation caps were thrown in the air and laughter was floating through the air.
    “Finally!” Grace laughed as she gave me a hug. “12 years of school for a paper!”
    “And I wouldn't change any of it for the world,” I replied, honestly. After Grace and I spoke, I went to go find my parents though I kept an eye out for Zach.
    “Congratulations!” Justin shouted, engulfing me in a hug.
    “Thank you,” I murmured into his neck and then my mum kissed my cheek.
    “Congratulations, darling,” she said as my dad gave me a hug as well murmuring a 'congratulations'. We spoke for a little while until I spotted Zach and walked over to him, Justin by my side.
    “Hi baby,” Justin said in a girly voice and Zach and I chuckled.
    “Congratulations Logan!” Zach said enthusiastically.
    “Thanks,” I said, softly.
    “I want to kiss you so bad,” he said quietly so I was the only one that heard him.
    “What's stopping you?” I asked, seductively.
    “The fact that my uncle keeps looking at us.”
    “Oh, I'm sorry,” I muttered feeling bad about making him lie to his uncle.
    “Come on, babe, smile.”
    And I did.
    Want a reminder? Comment.
    Teaser: "Oh my gosh! Mr Parker?" A girl that used to be in the same grade as me cried out and then she saw me. "Logan?"
    Logans outfit: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=72776886
    {A/N I'm pretty sure there's going to be one chapter left and then the epilogue!}

  4. sugarfreak sugarfreak
    posted a quote
    February 17, 2013 12:20am UTC
    Using Mr Parker
    ♥ Logan ♥
    C h a p t e r 44
    “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh,” I muttered over and over again.
    “Calm down, Logan!” Justin cried.
    “I can't,” I muttered. “So many things could go wrong.”
    “You met Zachs parents yesterday, right?” I nodded. “It's exactly like that.”
    “No it isn't!” To sum yesterday up, it was a big success. His mum and dad loved me or so I hoped. Around the house, there were heaps of photos of the same girl. I'm assuming it was Ariella, she was stunning with dark brown hair.
    “I'll be with you the whole time,” Justin told, kissing my forehead. I sighed, nodding slowly. Zach couldn't exactly come with me because my dad or my mum had no idea I was dating anyone – especially my teacher.
    “Lets get this over and done with.” We were meeting my dads wife and their kid at a restaurant. Yes, they had a child. When my mum told me I was more than shocked. I have a 1 year old step-sister called Ali. His wife, Stacy was only 25. We arrived at the restaurant and I realised it was called Ella's.
    My thoughts flickered to what Zach had once told me. 'My dad also has a small restaurant called Ellas'.
    Just my luck.
    I groaned hoping not to see Zachs dad, Paul inside because that would only cause trouble. Apparently I was out of luck because Paul was right there, smiling. “Darling, hi!” he exclaimed.
    “Hi,” I muttered.
    “Hi Paul,”
    He asked, “Can I get you a table?”
    “No, someone is waiting for us.”
    “Okay, give me a call if you need anything.” I spotted my dad and Justin put his hand over my shoulder. In a baby seat was a little blonde girl and next to her was her mother in a bright pink flowy dress. When my dad saw us, he immediately got up, so did his wife.
    “Logan and-and Justin? Wow, you've grown.”
    “Hi Robby,” Justin said, politely.
    “Um, um, this is my wife – Stacy. Stacy this is Logan and Justin.” Stacy smiled.
    “Hi Logan, hi Justin, it's a pleasure to meet you two.”
    “Yeah...” my voice trailed off.
    “This is Ali,” my dad pointed at the adorable one year old who was giggling at the faces Justin was making.
    “She is so cute,” I grinned.
    “She is,” my dad nodded. “Now come on, lets order some food.” Justin and I sat next to each other opposite Stacy and my dad as we talked.
    “So Logan, what are you think of doing when you finish school?” Stacy asked.
    “I'm not sure,” I shrugged, honestly.
    “Oh yeah and do you have a boyfriend?”
    “Yeah, yes I do,” I smiled.
    Want a reminder? Comment.
    Teaser: Soon, Zach and I would be able to go out like a normal couple.
    {A/N This chapter is dedicated to purdygirl, it was her birthday yesterday & I believe it is still her birthday today in America. Happy Birthdy!}

  5. xForeverLovedx xForeverLovedx
    posted a quote
    February 16, 2013 10:16pm UTC
    More Than Friends
    c h a p t e r / / s i x t e e n
    Carson's POV
    I'm finally out of hospital, thank god.
    I'm going over to Mitch and Amy's because they are throwing me a party.
    It feels weird every one knows about me trying to committ suicide already.
    I made my way over to Mitch's house and slowly opened the door without knocking.
    This place is basically my own home.
    "WE LOVE YOU, CARSON!" A bunch of people scream when I walk in.
    I smile at every one here. Mitch, Amy, their parents, Kenny, Cole, Sammi, and a couple other people from school.
    I was quite surprised that Cole and Amy weren't next to each other.
    I'll admit I'm still sad about everything, but as long as she's happy, I'm happy.
    She means the world to me.
    "Hey, man." Mitch comes over to me and smiles.
    "Hey, dude what's up with Amy and Cole?" I ask.
    Mitch laughs. "They aren't dating, obviously."
    "Oh, god. Please tell me she doesn't really think she loves me."
    Mitch shrugs his shoulders and smirks, then walks off.
    I grab some punch and make small talk with Mitch and Amy's parents.
    Their mom hugs me like crazy which makes me feel a whole lot better.
    I sit down and soon enough, Sammi sits down next to me.
    "Carson, hi." She smiles big.
    "How are you, Sammi?"
    "Good, but I wish you would've accepted my invitation." She winks.
    "I just don't think it'd seem right while I'm deeply in love with someone else."
    Sammi sighs. "Why do you even love her? She's younger than you, and I'm like, the hottest girl in school? How can you not want me?" She asks.
    "Maybe because your looks aren't as good as your personality. No one could ever compare to Amy, I'm madly in love with her, and I will always will be. Honestly, I think you shoud leave."
    Every one got silent in the room and was currently staring at Sammi and I.
    Sammi looks around and then just runs out.
    Amy walks over to me and sits down.
    "No one could ever compare to you either, Carson."
    NOTE: EEEEEEEP! Sorry, I'm so sorry I took forever. Question, does anyone have MonsterPetShop on their ipod, iphone, or ipad? I need friends on there :p

  6. swimmergirl3796 swimmergirl3796
    posted a quote
    February 16, 2013 11:58am UTC
    love at first sight?
    chapter 3
    "Okay, that's it for class today. Have a good rest of the day." my professor said.
    I grabbed my bag and walked out of the building and started making my way back to my dorm. Before I crossed the courtyard, my friend Bryan stopped me.
    "Hey Bec. Happy Valentine's Day." he said, handing me a rose.
    "Thanks Bry. You're so sweet! What are you doing tonight? Amy and I want to go out. You and Kevin should come with us!" I said, and he nodded.
    "Sounds like fun. Where do you wanna go?" he asked.
    "There's this benefit concert a few blokcs down. We could go there." I said.
    He said that was good, and then I continued walking back to my dorm.
    "Amy, we have valentines!" I said, running into my room and hugging her.
    "Haha, who?" she asked, probably thinking I was crazy.
    "That really nice man that's always right outside of campus." I replied.
    "The one always asking for money? You're joking." she said back to me.
    "Yeah, I am. Bryan and Kevin are going with us to that benefit concert." I told her.
    "Sounds cool. Let's get dressed." she said, and I walked over to my small closet.
    I pulled out a red shirt and a black skirt with flowers on it. I tucked the shirt into the skirt and paired the outfit with some red ballet flats and cute nails. Amy wore a pink dress.
    "Okay, let's go!" I said, and walked out of our room, Amy behind me.
    We met Bryan and Kevin at the club where the concert was being held.
    "You two look gorgeous." they said as we walked in and sat down with them.
    "Thanks dude. You pumped for this show?" I asked, because I kknew I was.
    "Heck yeah! It's got Bon Jovi, Fun, and Maroon 5." Kevin said.
    "And some special guest the flyer said. But they're not announcing who the guest is until they actually get on stage. It's some big secret." Bryan added, joining the conversation.
    Fun opened the show, and they were amazing. Since the club was kind of small and low key, we had a great view of the stage. There weren't that many people there either.
    Aerosmith rocked the stage next, and I was in awe. 64 years and still killing those notes.
    Bon Jovi closed the show, or so I thought they did. Then I remembered ther was a special guest, and I started wondering who it would be.
    When they came on stage, I swear I stopped breathing for a few seconds.
    "Amy, is this a dream?" I asked, pinching myself. She just laughed and screamed.
    "How are you all doing tonight?" one of boys onstage asked, they heavy accent flooding my ears. I looked to his right, and couldn't believe what I saw.
    One Direction was on the stage. Zayn Malik and I were in the same room.
    After the concert, the members of all the band came out into the club and started talking with the people here. I talked to Adam Levine for a few minutes, then had a quick conversation with Jon Bon Jovi. The one person I wanted to talk to though looked busy.
    I walked over to him anyway and said hello when he was in between talking to people.
    "Hi love. Did you enjoy the show?" he asked, his eyes sparkling.
    "Yeah, you were amazing." I replied, biting my cheek to keep from smiling too wide.
    "What can I do for you? An autograph, a picture?" he asked.
    "Yeah, let's take a picture together." I said, and he smiled, taking my phone and opening the camera app, then leaning into my and snapping the photo. I thanked him, then walked away.
    He didn't recognize me. So much for that.
    you like?
    50+ for next chapter(:

  7. sugarfreak sugarfreak
    posted a quote
    February 16, 2013 5:50am UTC
    Using Mr Parker
    ♥ Logan ♥
    C h a p t e r 43
    On Sunday, I'd be meeting my dads family and I was so nervous already so on Saturday, I went to Zachs apartment and we watched a movie. After, he graded some papers and I helped. Time flew by when I was with Zach.
    “I want to take you somewhere,” Zach told me after we finished grading his year 9 papers.
    “Where?” I asked, smiling up at him.
    “It's a surprise!”
    “Will I like this surprise?”
    Zach smirked, “Yes.”
    “Okay, lets go!” Zach got into his car first and a minute later I did, we had to be careful nobody saw us because then everything would just go wrong. We were driving for ten minutes and I sang along to the music on the radio, ignoring Zachs chuckles.
    “Where are we going?” I asked him as he continued driving.
    “We're going to meet my family,” he grinned. My jaw dropped. “You wouldn't have come any other way and this way you don't need to be nervous about anything. I've told my parents everything and they already love you. They're not going to react the same way Blaze did.”
    “No, when they meet me they're going to hate me,” I muttered.
    “They'll love you, trust me.”
    “Nope, you lied to me!” I exclaimed. “Can't I meet them another time? Maybe one time when I'm dressed more appropriately? Or when I've rehearsed what I'm going to say in the mirror a million times?”
    “Too late, we're here.” We had arrived in front of a grey, two story house with heaps of colourful plants in the front. “There's something I haven't told you...” he said, his voice trailing off wearily.
    “What is?” I questioned.
    “My sister,” he choked. “She was taken... a year ago. She would be 19 today, we don't know where she is and we've been told to assume the worse. Please don't ask about her because her photos are around the house... a lot.”
    “Of course,” I nodded, hesitantly. “You know you could've told me earlier.”
    “Yeah... I just prefer not to talk about it.”
    “What was- what's her name?” I corrected myself.
    “Ariella. We call her Ella,” he smiled.
    “That's a pretty name,” I told him.
    “Yeah... now c'mon, lets go inside, knowing my mum she's probably staring at us from inside.” I laughed dryly and he grabbed hold of my hand. I knew about his family – everything except about his sister but I understood why he just didn't tell people that. His mum was a successful fashion designer and his father owned two small diners. Z&B and Ella's. Both named after his children.
    Zach knocked on the front door and immediately, a woman in her mid-forties opened the door, grinning.
    “Logan!” She cried, wrapping her arms around me.
    Want a reminder? Comment.
    Teaser: "I'll be with you the whole time," Justin told me, kissing my forehead.
    {A/N This story is getting way too long :( Anyway, hopefully, next week this time the story is finished. We meet or hear of Ariella in this chapter - she is playing the main character in my next story Beautiful Disaster, so she's Zachs younger sister }

  8. sugarfreak sugarfreak
    posted a quote
    February 14, 2013 3:33am UTC
    Using Mr Parker
    ♥ Logan ♥
    C h a p t e r 42
    I suggest listening to 'I won't give up' by Jason Mraz while reading this
    Love is a four letter word,
    love is something that is illustrated so simply.
    Some people think that when you find that special person that nothing could go wrong, nothing could break you apart but I don't think thats true. When you find that special someone thinks will break you apart, things will make you scream and things will make you smile but these things just make us stronger.
    Everything that Zach and I have gone through only shows how strong we are, we will over come anything that is thrown our way.
    I never really understood the word love, I would ponder and ponder but never had I thought that the person you fall in love with is would become that special to you.
    Quite honestly, I would give my left arm for Zach.
    I was lying with him on his couch and had just finished telling him what happened with my dad. We were sitting in comfortable silence, we didn't need to say anything to enjoy this moment. Our legs were tangled with each other and my head was on his chest, his heart beat was soothing.
    “You're amazing, you know that?” I blushed.
    “You're prettyvdamn amazing as well,” I told him. His eyes met mine, they were enthralling in the most amazing way. He didn't reply, he just smiled and kissed my forehead.
    “Tomorrow, at school, when I put up two fingers look around wherever we are for something written in green,” he told me.
    “What?” I asked, confused.
    “Just do it,” he demanded.
    “You're so weird,” I laughed.
    “If I remember, a couple of minutes ago you were telling me how amazing I am,” he winked and kissed me.
    I had never kissed anyone except Zach but I wondered would it still feel this special? Would I be left breathless and with my heart fluttering after each and every kiss? Would I feel the sparks and fireworks?
    I asked myself those questions, knowing the answer.
    I was sitting in Zachs class, we gave each other sly glances occasionally. “I'm going to hand Jackeline a paper and she's going to pass it back. I want everybody to write one thing down, something that you're too scared to tell your peers. You can write it anonymously, no one will know you wrote it,” Zach told the class.
    “Why are we doing this, Sir?” Somebody from the back called out.
    “Because,” Zach shrugged, leaving me curious. He handed Jackeline a piece of paper and she scribbled something on it, handing it back. Soon it came to me and I immediately knew what I would write.
    I love him in a way no one would understand
    I looked up at Zach and smiled, he put two fingers up and I remembered our conversation from when I was at this apartment. He told me when we were in class and he put two fingers up to look around and find anything written in a green pen. I looked around but couldn't find anything and then my eyes flickered to the paper. In green writing, right at the bottom, was written:
    I won't give up on us
    Want a reminder? Comment.
    Teaser: "Where are we going?" I asked Zach as he continued driving. "We're going to meet my family," he grinned.
    {A/N So, how many of you actually listened to the song while reading the chapter? I wrote it listening to it on repeat so yeah... (: What did you all think? How'd I do? HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! }

  9. xxHelloLovelyxx xxHelloLovelyxx
    posted a quote
    February 12, 2013 8:21pm UTC
    in his arms
    Chapter 39
    18. Get married.
    The beach was breathtakingly sublime.
    The beach here wasn’t like the beach on the lake. The beach on the lake was murky and muddy. The water was tainted and sticky.
    The beach here wasn’t like the beach on the Cape. The beach on the Cape was filled with golden sand and the water outstretched to a deep blue, and it appeared menacing.
    The beach here was completely new. The sands were white and pure, untouched by man. The waves in the sand were created by the lapping of the crystal blue water. The water itself was enough to make you lose your breath. It was peaceful, serene. It was perfect.
    “My gosh,” Morgan breathed. “Anthony, I mean, wow. Your uncle didn’t have to do this.”
    He shrugged. “I mean, he offered.”
    The houses weren’t exactly houses, rather small cottages. They were both only one bedroomed, with one bed. I felt my heart skip a beat as I scanned the bed. This would be the first time Anthony and I laid in the same bed together.
    The beaches we had were private, even from each other. Large shrubbery separated each beach for confidentiality; however, there was a dock that extended over the water that connected our houses.
    Anthony and I migrated out to the dock. Our feet dangled over the water, and I kicked it gently with my toes. I was still overwhelmed by the beauty.
    “We have sixteen days here,” he told me, his eyes scanning the horizon. “We go back when you need to start another dose of chemo.”
    I sat back, letting my unexposed body bathe in the foreign sunlight. It felt so warm against my skin.
    Anthony glanced over at me, smirking. “What are you doing?”
    “Sunbathing,” I hummed, laying back on the snug wooden dock. I casted a shadow over my eyes with my hand to look up at him. “Try it.”
    He snorted and laid back. He closed his eyes as he got comfortable. “Okay, now what?” he hummed.
    “We just lay here.”
    He rolled his head to look at me. “That’s boring.”
    “Just tan, Jesus Christ. It’s relaxing.”
    “We have sixteen days to relax,” he sighed. “This is our first day as a married couple. Can’t we do something a little more romantic?”
    I rolled myself over so I was laying on top of him. I rested my chin on his chest. “So, what did you want to do?” I teased.
    “Get a room!” I heard Morgan call from the porch of their cottage. She and Aidan burst into laughter as I rolled off Anthony, slightly embarrassed. He sat up with me.
    He cupped my cheek in his hand and, smiling, brought our faces together. I heard Morgan calling from her porch, but we ignored her. It was like our lips couldn’t be separated, like they were bound together by something unspoken. Not that I wanted to pull away.
    If I could’ve kissed Anthony Thompson for the sixteen days we were in the Bahamas, I wouldn’t have had a single complaint.
    Feedback please, my lovelies.
    *I don't notify, please don't ask.*

  10. swimmergirl3796 swimmergirl3796
    posted a quote
    February 12, 2013 3:28pm UTC
    love at first sight?
    chapter 2
    I stared at the screen for nearly ten minutes before Amy snapped her fingers at me.
    "He just asked you to be his valentine! Are you gonna reply?" she asked.
    "This isn't happening Amy. Things like this don't happen to me. It's fake." I told her.
    "It's definitely not fake. Maybe your luck is finally changing." she responded.
    For some reason, I still didn't believe that I could be this lucky. But I did need to reply.
    So I wrote: 'How can we be valentines if we're in different countries?'
    I waited a few minutes before his reply showed up on my screen.
    'You can be my virtual valentine:)' he wrote.
    I didn't reply, because I simply didn't know what to say.
    It was Zayn Malik, my celebrity crush. But then again, I didn't know him.
    I knew his favorite color, his favorite song, and a few other things.
    But nothing major. What i wanted to know was why he was talking to me.
    "Fine, don't reply. But you'll regret it." Amy said, walking over to her bed.
    my fingers hovered over the keyboard, wanting to type.
    But I couldn't do it. Maybe I should play hard to get..
    I don't know anything about playing hard to get. When Jake and I went out, things just came easily. He obviously liked me, so I figured I'd give him a chance.
    But I don't know how to talk to a celebrity. Like I said, this doesn't happen to me.
    I closed my laptop and went over to my bed, trying to get some sleep.
    I could barely fall asleep, but eventually I did.
    When I woke up the next morning, I checked my twitter account.
    I do need to reply, and I'm actually going to say something this time.
    Before I could type the message to him, I saw I had a mention.
    @ZaynMalik1D: Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Especially @BeccaJ_!
    I stared at the screen, making sure that my eyes were not deceiving me.
    It was one thing for him to direct message me, but another to tweet about me for millions of people to see and read. I clicked reply and typed a message.
    @BeccaJ_: @ZaynMalik1D same to you! xx
    After I favotired and retweeted his tweet, I logged out and got ready for my day.
    I don't have any classes today because my six classes fall on Monday and Tuesday. I'm a sophomore at the University of Miami, which is pretty cool.
    But not as cool as having your favorite celebrity talk to you via twitter.
    please tell me if you like it! it wil start to get exciting and longer within the next few chapters!50+ faves for next chapter(:

  11. swimmergirl3796 swimmergirl3796
    posted a quote
    February 11, 2013 1:20pm UTC
    love at first sight?
    chapter 1
    "Come on, you've got nothing to lose."
    Those were the seven words that convinced me to so something that would change my life.
    Something that I thought nobody would notice. So I listened to my best friend.
    It's February 13th, the day before Valentine's Day.
    And like every other year, I was spending this so called 'holiday' single.
    So my best friend Amy told me to tweet my favorite member of One Direction.
    I grabbed a piece of paper from the printer nearby and cut it into the shape of a heart.
    I wrote the words 'be mine' on the heart shaped paper and held it up to the webcam.
    I took a picture and tweeted it was a message saying 'need a valentine?'
    I got a few favorites and retweets, but nothing out of the ordinary.
    Amy and I spent the rest of the night watching Nicholas Sparks movies.
    And complaining about how we will probably be forever alone.
    After finishing off the tub of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream, we went back upstairs.
    "Why can't a guy like Noah love me?" Amy asked, fake crying.
    "Hey, you had someone who loved you, you just dumped them." I said.
    "I know." she said, then threw herself onto my bed and went through her messaged.
    I went into my bathroom to brush my teeth, when I heard Amy scream.
    "What? What's wrong?" I asked, panicking as I ran back into the room to see what was wrong.
    "He retweeted you!" she said, squealing. No way. She's fibbing.
    "You're lying. Let me see that." I said, reaching for her phone. Sure enough, he did.
    ZaynMalik1D retweeted me. He even added an 'xx' after my message.
    "Oh my god, this is crazy!" I said, running over to my computer to log onto my twitter.
    When I did, I saw that I had a direct message. Fingers shaking, I clicked on the blue number.
    From ZaynMalik1D: How is it possible that a cutie like you doesn't have a valentine?
    "Amy, you're not going to believe what he messaged me." I said, and she came over.
    We both squealed and I took a picture for proof. Then I messaged him back.
    Since it's his real account, he has his direct messages disabled, but I just clicked reply and it let me send a message to him. So I said 'how is it possible that you replied to me?'
    I still can't believe this is happening. A few seconds later, he replied.
    'I can't just ignore a pretty girl who tweeted me. Will you be my valentine?'
    let me know if you like it!

  12. xForeverLovedx xForeverLovedx
    posted a quote
    February 11, 2013 8:24pm UTC
    More Than Friends
    c h a p t e r / / f i f t e e n
    Amy's POV
    I can't believe I actually just told Carson my feelings for him.
    The worst part? He starts laughing. Hysterically laughing.
    "What's so funny?" I question.
    "Ames, you're being silly. You think you love me because I might've been dead. It's all in your head." He tells me.
    I give a little fake laugh. "Yeah, you're right!" I poke him in the shoulder.
    Even though he isn't right. I feel like I have been in love with him for so long but I just didn't want to tell him. When I found out that he is in love with me, I felt butterflies in my stomach, but I tried to tell myself I have no feelings for you.
    "Come here, Ames." Carson puts his arms out.
    I lean foward and hug Carson. Gosh, it felt so right.
    I don't even want to let go.
    "Amy, you've been hugging me for like five minutes." Carson laughs.
    "Sorry, I didn't realize." I blush.
    "Well, you better get going." Carson slightly smiles.
    "Okay, I'll see you later." I smile.
    I walk out of his room and see Mitch and Kenny waiting.
    "I tried to tell him. He laughed and said it is all in my head." I tear up.
    "Give him some time. He just overdosed." Mitch comforts me.
    "Look, I just need to go meet up with Cole. I need to end things." I frown.
    "I'll take you." Kenny offers.
    I knock softly on Cole's front door.
    This isn't going to be easy.
    I just told Cole that we're back together. I told him nothing is going on between Carson and I.
    It's going to seem like everything I said to him was a lie.
    Cole opens the door. "Amy, what are you doing here?"
    "We need to talk." I tell him.
    Cole lets me in and we both go and sit on his couch.
    "What is it, Amy? I heard about Carson." Cole tells me.
    I was surprised he actually cared.
    "Me and you, aren't working out anymore." I mumble.
    "You finally figured it out, didn't you?" He asks.
    I look up at Cole, confused. "What do you mean?"
    "Amy, I know you love Carson. They way you look at him, they way you act around him. I was just hoping you'd forget about him and fall in love with me. I'm not even going to be mad at you."
    NOTE: I'm really sorry I didn't do Carson's POV, I felt like it needed to be in Amy's. But you can pick the POV for the next chapter :D

  13. swimmergirl3796 swimmergirl3796
    posted a quote
    February 10, 2013 8:08pm UTC
    love at first sight?
    My name's Becca Johnson, and I used to be a nobody.
    That was before I decided to send a tweet that would change my life.
    Who knew that he would direct message me after I sent it?
    Who knew he would say what he did?
    This is my story of how one tweet changed my entire life.
    For the better.
    new story! let me know if you will read it!(:

  14. xxHelloLovelyxx xxHelloLovelyxx
    posted a quote
    February 10, 2013 7:27pm UTC
    in his arms
    Chapter 37
    I felt my breath get caught in my throat. I was freezing up, almost unable to speak.
    I felt like I did the first time we were introduced to each other.
    “Anthony,” I hissed lowly. “What are you doing?”
    He only smiled in return at me, playing with the box in his hands.
    “Look, Kaitlyn,” he began, looking to the floor, “Ever since I met you, I felt something special about you. I don’t know, you’re just different. And we’ve been through so much together in the short time we’ve known each other. I feel like everything I do, I do it with you. And if I’m not doing it with you, I want to be. You’re always on my mind. My life basically revolves around you now, and I love that. I love having someone to look forward to seeing, and someone who looks forward to seeing me. I love having someone to call at midnight when I can’t sleep. I love everything about you. Your compassion, your depth, your smile.” He flashed a grin at me, unlike one I’d ever seen before. I felt the color rising to my cheeks. “I love the fact that you never put yourself above anyone else, although I wish you’d realize that sometimes you deserve to be put first. I wish you would see yourself as I saw you. No one’s perfect, but you’re the closest thing. I love you, Kaitlyn.”
    I felt my heart skip a beat. That was the first time he’d told me he loved me.
    He opened the box, revealing a silver ring.
    There was a large square in the center decorated with multiple stones across it and along the sides as well. It was breathtaking. I covered my mouth with my shaking hands, feeling tears roll down my cheeks.
    “Will you marry me?”
    It took me a while to respond before I broke into laughter. “Yes! Yes!”
    He grinned widely, taking one of my hands from my face to slip the heavy ring onto my finger. I stared at it in admiration for a few seconds. I felt him press his lips to mine, and I clasped his head in my shaking fingers, only to be torn from the kiss by several bridesmaids who forced me down the aisle. I was shoved into a room off the lobby where Morgan stood, holding a plain white silk dress.
    “Hurry up!” she urged. “Get changed!”
    They had already gotten me a dress. Morgan ripped the necklace off of me and forced me into the v-neck dress. There were no designs on it, only elastic just below the chest. It hugged my thin body nicely, and I thought it made me look too skinny, but I hadn’t time to complain.
    As the music started and the bridesmaids began down the aisle, I overlooked the ring again. This was Anthony’s promise to me, together forever. Until death do us part.
    Morgan and I walked arm and arm down the aisle together since our father was not there to be with us. “Do you ever wish Dad was here?” I asked her gently.
    “He doesn’t deserve to be here,” she told me with a smile.
    Anthony seemed to stop breathing when he saw me. A half smile was spread across his lips as I was placed into his arms. He held my hands in his and kissed my fingers.
    I don’t think either of us were paying attention to what the Justice of the Peace was saying, we were both consumed by each other’s eyes and drowning in love.
    “I do,” Anthony murmured finally, bringing me back to reality.
    “Do you, Mrs. Kaitlyn—“
    “I do,” I told him. I wanted to say it before I forgot what to say. This obtained a chuckle from the people behind us, as well as the Justice.
    “Well, I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Martinez, and Mr. and Mrs. Thompson. You may kiss your brides.”
    I grinned widely, biting my lip as Anthony’s face moved closer to mine.
    I was his now, and he was mine.
    He was actually mine.
    *I don't notify, please don't ask.*

  15. xForeverLovedx xForeverLovedx
    posted a quote
    February 10, 2013 7:42pm UTC
    More Than Friends
    c h a p t e r / / f o u r t e e n
    Carson's POV
    I started writing my suicide note as soon as I got home.
    I didn't know who to adress it, so this is how it went
    Dear, well, eveyone,
    I think it's time for me to leave this place. I've lost every one around me. My parents, my brother, Mitch, and Amy. There really isn't a reason for me to be alive any longer. Amy, I understand you want to be with Cole, but you led me on so many times. I hope he treats you right because you deserve to be treated like you're the only girl alive. You're beautiful and it's true, I love you. And Mitch, I'm sorry I flipped out. We've been best friends for years, but it's time for me to go. I'll miss you Amy, Mitch, Kenny, and whoever else even cares for me.
    Love, Car.
    Then I walk over to my cupboard and grab my pills.
    Amy's POV
    Reading this note killed me.
    There's also one other thing that I realize.
    And I realized it too late.
    I like Carson, I might even love him.
    He might even be gone.
    I look over to see Mitch and Kenny silently crying, not saying a word.
    "Do you, uh, wanna go to the hospital?" Kenny asks.
    I nod my head and I start crying even harder.
    Mitch sat with me in the back of Kenny's car and hugged me.
    "He's going to be fine." Mitch whispers.
    "I love him, Mitch. I realized it too late." I cry to him.
    The car ride was silent to the hospital, and when we arrived I waited silently behind Mitch and Kenny ask they asked the lady what room Carson was in.
    I let Mitch and Kenny go in first. They came out 10 minutes later and they were smiling.
    "He's alive?" I ask, worried.
    Mitch nods and tears of happiness spill from his eyes.
    I open the door and Carson slightly smiles at him.
    "Gosh, Carson.. I'm so sorry." I whisper as I sit on his bed next to him.
    "It's fine. Mitch told me how you asked him and he tried lying. I guess you were going to find out sometime." Carson smiles.
    I smile back and Carson sighs.
    "What's wrong?" I question.
    "A failed suicide? There's going to be so much talk when I go to school."
    "Carson, everyone loves you. They're going to be relieved you're not.. dead." I could barely even say dead.
    "Look, I just want every thing to go to normal. You be with Cole, because I want you to be happy. I'll find someone else someday. You just being happy means the world to me."
    "Carson, I need to tell you something." I tell him kind of scared.
    "What is it, Ames?"
    The words tumble right out of my mouth before I can even stop myself.
    "I love you."
    NOTE: I decided to show what the note said for Carson's POV and then Amy's also. Please leave some feedback? I'm in love with this story.

  16. xxHelloLovelyxx xxHelloLovelyxx
    posted a quote
    February 9, 2013 7:41pm UTC
    in his arms
    Chapter 36
    Morgan, for the first time in her entire life, felt and looked absolutely beautiful.
    It was slightly indescribable; the feelings of watching your sister prepare to be married. She was my best friend, and I wanted her to be happy. But, in a way, I knew I was losing her.
    She allowed her hair to, over time, renew the auburn color it naturally expressed. She let it fall in native imperfect curls around her face and just below shoulder length. She decided today she would not wear much, if any makeup.
    She held true to that, only wearing glimmering pink lip gloss. She allowed earrings and a necklace that matched mine to hang from her body.
    Her dress was a spaghetti strap with floral lace patterns and beads at the top, and a silky texture from the lower chest down. It was slightly folded over to give off the impression that she was thinner than she actually was. She wore a thin veil that hung to the middle of her back.
    My face was decorated with more eye shadow than I was used to and a smidge of eyeliner. My lips were coated in a very pale grey-purple color that twinkled in the lighting. I felt awkward in my heels, I couldn’t walk right even without them.
    Morgan sent the bridesmaids out to mingle with people already at the wedding. Anthony wasn’t too familiar with everyone, so I hung by him, and then when Ben and his wife came in, we went over to talk to them.
    Benjamin smiled widely at me, greeting me with a gentle peck on the cheek, and his wife, whose name I had yet to learn, welcomed me with wide eyes, open smile, and outstretched arms.
    She was stick thin, but her hugs seemed to consume you. “Ah! I’m so excited to see you!”
    “It’s nice to see you again too!” I beamed. We all talked for just a short amount of time before I was dragged out of the conversation by another person, and another person.
    After talking to nine or ten different people, Anthony and I finally found some time to us before the wedding actually started. We stood around a large table decorated with fruit. “So, I talked to Ben for a little while.”
    “How is he?”
    “He was wondering if we wanted to participate in a charity.”
    My eyes snapped up from the strawberry I was eating. “What kind?”
    “A book drive. For little kids in hospitals, and for soldiers overseas.”
    My eyes went wide and a smile broke out on my face. “Oh my God, Anthony, that would be amazing!”
    He grinned. “Yeah, I liked it too. We’ll call him.”
    Everyone began taking seats on either side of the isle in the large ballroom. I sat next to Anthony, holding his hand in the front row, and my mother was beside him. His hands seemed clammy tonight, and I wondered why.
    After everyone was silent, nothing happened. No music, no Morgan. Nothing.
    Aidan cleared his throat, and suddenly everyone looked to him. “I have a friend who has a slight announcement to make before we proceed with the ceremony.” He winked to someone in my general direction.
    I felt Anthony’s grip break from mine as my head snapped around to look at him as he got down on one knee and pulled a small box from his pocket.
    Thank you, Nemo. I had to shovel your remnants off the back porch today. That took 2 hours.
    I just got in from sledding, so hello hot chocolate <3
    Oh and by the way I started writing my next short story. It's a lot worse than this one oops.
    *I don't notify, please don't ask.*

  17. xxHelloLovelyxx xxHelloLovelyxx
    posted a quote
    February 6, 2013 7:29pm UTC
    in his arms
    Chapter 33
    5. Go canoeing
    13. Have a bonfire on the beach.
    18. Visit Cape Cod.
    I looked over my bridesmaid dress once again, laid out on my bed.
    Morgan and Aidan were getting married in just a few days, and the more I looked at my dress, the more I loved it.
    They decided to rent out a ballroom in a hotel in New York City. The theme they wanted for their wedding was going to be elegant, and they wanted purple decorations everywhere.
    The dresses of the bridesmaids would be purple. I could’ve taken any purple dress of my choice, as long as it was a royal plum color. But I went with a simple, strapless dress that was tight around my chest, and then flowed out and went to about my mid-thighs. It was simple, no design on the front, but a wavy bout of silk fabric hung from the back. I was hoping that because it wasn’t tight, it would make me look heavier than I was.
    I loved the simplicity of it. I felt like it would match me. I didn’t want to stand out. I was bald and ugly; I didn’t want to be noticed. I didn’t deserve to stand out.
    I chose a necklace with a few diamonds hanging off of it and earrings to match to wear the day of, and silver heels.
    I smiled looking everything over. It drew my mind back to Number 18 on my bucket list; get married. I knew it would never happen, but if it should, I hoped it would be to Anthony.
    As Anthony entered my thoughts, I realized I had yet to invite him to the wedding.
    There was a gentle tap on my door, shattering my thoughts. “Come in.”
    It was Morgan, and Anthony by her side. She grinned at me. “You have a visitor.”
    I smiled up to him, but he failed to smile back. He only slid inside my room and shut the door behind him. His eyes were frantic and wide.
    He had Swimming to Chicago in his hands. We both managed to fall head over heels in love with it while on our vacation, and were about halfway done. “Oh,” I offered with a smile, “the book.”
    He glanced down on it. “Yeah, but that’s not why I’m here.”
    I was slightly surprised. “Oh. Well, what’s up?”
    “I’ve been keeping something from you.”
    He had my full attention. “What?”
    “There’s no easy way to say this,” he hummed, pacing. I swear I could hear his heartbeat from across the room. He rubbed the back of his neck with his palm. “I’ve rehearsed this in my head about fifty times; I don’t know how to tell you.”
    “What is it?” I demanded.
    He froze and his whole body stiffened as our eyes met. He finally relaxed and uttered so low it was barely audible, “My body isn’t responding to the chemo. The cancer’s taking over, and my only option is brain surgery.”
    You guys, this story's half over. ):
    I can't believe I'm already posting this chapter. Time goes by so fast.
    *I don't notify, please don't ask.*

  18. sugarfreak sugarfreak
    posted a quote
    February 6, 2013 12:27am UTC
    Using Mr Parker
    ♥ Logan ♥
    C h a p t e r 34
    I had never experienced anything like this, I was in pain but my body wasn't hurt. I was in pain, emotion wise. I had been in my bedroom since I left school early. I hadn't wanted to go back to classes after the episode with Zach, all I wanted to do was curl up in my bed at home. No one was there when I got to the house so I curled up on the couch and watched whatever movies I could find.
    My mum came home and when she saw me, she frowned deeply. “Logan, baby, whats wrong?” she asked.
    “I'm just tired,” I lied.
    “You don't look just tired,” she told me as she sat down next to me. “Are you going to tell me?”
    “I did something really horrible, mum,” I cried, softly.
    “Hunny, I'm sure whatever it is, it isn't that bad. Someday you'll probably look back at it and laugh.” I just shook my head as my mum wrapped her arms around me, hugging me tightly. “Its okay, everything will be alright,” she soothed.
    I wish she was right.
    “Justin's coming over for dinner tonight, c'mon, lets go and we can make our pizza,” she winked and I nodded. My mum and I made pizza together as we laughed about silly nothings. It was just like old times, before dad left and everything screwed up. Justin and Aunt Cassidy joint us for dinner and in one word, it was enjoyable. The dinner kept my mind off Zach but Justin kept giving me looks through it so I knew he must of heard something.
    Justin and I headed up to my room and when we had closed the door, he said, “I know you and Zach broke up. I called him but he didn't tell me why. Are you going to?” he asked, raising his eyebrow.
    “I was avbitch.”
    “Don't call yourself that, Logan, just tell me what happened.”
    “You know how we need money – my mum and I – well, my friends and I had this 'game', whoever dated Zach for a week would get five thousand dollars. I won.”
    “W-what?” Justin stuttered.
    “I know,” I sighed, shame clear in my voice.
    “Do you like him, at least? Did you ever have any feelings for him?”
    “Yes, yes I did.”
    “What's going on?!” Grace exclaimed when she came into my room.
    “Nothing,” I muttered.
    “Why'd you leave school? Did something happen with Mr Parker?” Tears silently fell as I explained what had happened with Zach. “Who do you think sent the message?”
    “Courtney, I'm sure of it. She used my phone earlier and she didn't look too happy about giving me the money.”
    “Why don't you just give back the money? You love him!”
    “I don't love him, its just a silly school girl crush,” I told her. “I was only with him for a week, its not possible.”
    “A weeks all you needed and I know I wasn't the happiest about your relationship to begin with but you both love each other. I know you guys do and you need to win Mr Parker back.”
    “I think it'd be easier to go to the north pole,” I muttered. “He hates me.”
    Want a reminder? Comment.
    Teaser: "A picture was sent to the whole school or you and Mr Parker kissing."
    {A/N Feedback? (: }

  19. xForeverLovedx xForeverLovedx
    posted a quote
    February 6, 2013 4:44pm UTC
    More Than Friends
    c h a p t e r / / t w e l v e
    Carson's POV
    I was currently walking over to Mtch and Amy's.
    I decided that I wouldn't go on a date with Sammi because it's not fair to her if I love someone else.
    I know me and Amy will never be together, but I know when another girl will be the right one to date.
    As soon as I arrive at Mitch's, I walk right up to Amy's room and open the door.
    Guess what I see? Amy and Cole kissing.
    "Sorry, my bad." I close the door quickly.
    I quickly walked into the bathroom and let a couple tears fall.
    I hate seeing her with Cole. I can't believe she got back together with him.
    It's official, I'm done talking to Amy.
    I can't do it anymore.
    How can I keep talking to her, acting like everything is fine, when I love her? How can I keep smiling, when Cole is the one that gets to hug her and kiss her? I really don't get how sometimes, she makes me think she likes me when I know she doesn't.
    "Carson, you in there?" Mitch's voice says.
    I wipe my tears. "Yeah, bro." I open the door.
    "I take it you found out?" Mitch questions.
    "Yeah, I'm done talking to her, Mitch. Sorry."
    "I understand, but she won't. Just ignore her and hopefully she gets the idea."
    "Bye, Cole!" I hear Amy's cheerful voice fill the living room.
    Instead of being in the basment, Mitch and I were playing COD in the living room.
    "Ignore her. Remember." Mitch whispers.
    As soon as he says that, Amy comes over.
    "Hi Carson!"
    I keep playing COD and don't say a word, but my face basically says it all.
    I look mad. I've looked mad ever since earlier.
    "Carson what's wrong?" Amy questions.
    I continue to ignore her.
    "Answer me now!"
    "Holy Amy, leave him alone!" Mitch yells.
    "I'll handle it quickly." I whisper to Mitch.
    I grab Amy's arm and drag her out to the kitchen.
    "What's wrong?"
    "I'm done with you. That's it. Don't talk to me anymore, kay Amy?" I tell her and then go to walk away.
    "Wait, Carson, is it because..?"
    I turn around again. "Because of what?"
    "Because you love me?" Amy asks sadly.
    NOTE: Alright whose POV next? Pick anyone. And please comment ONE name.

  20. xxHelloLovelyxx xxHelloLovelyxx
    posted a quote
    February 5, 2013 7:29pm UTC
    in his arms
    Chapter 32
    I awoke on the hardwood floor, alone and covered only by a white shirt. Anthony must’ve placed it on me when he woke up.
    I clothed myself with the garments that had been scattered around the area before I exited the room. Anthony sat on the porch, wearing a blue hoodie. “Hey,” I hummed, taking the seat beside him.
    “How’d you sleep?”
    His eyes twinkled briefly. “Perfect.”
    I felt my cheeks blush as I said, “Me too.”
    I contemplated what I would say next, but decided on, “What were you and Alex talking about yesterday morning, on the couch? You both were crying.”
    I saw his facial features tighten. “Nothing.”
    “That’s a lie.”
    “None of your business.”
    “Well, I’m sorry?” I breathed. “It’s just, you’re my boyfriend, and I’m kind of offended you won’t cry in front of me.”
    “I don’t want to upset you.”
    “It wouldn’t upset me. It’d prove to me you trust me.”
    His piercing blue eyes glared at me. “I trust you.”
    “What were you talking about?”
    “You wouldn’t get it, okay?” he sighed. “Alex has been my best friend forever. You haven’t had someone like that. Someone with a million memories. So, for him to see me like this, it was upsetting.”
    “Is that why you were crying? Because you’re sick?”
    He sighed. “I mean, me being sick does upset me, yeah. But I wouldn’t cry over it.”
    “Then why were you crying?”
    His eyes found mine. “We were talking about you too.”
    I felt hollowness in my chest and I averted his eyes. I couldn’t look at him. For what felt like forever, we looked out to the misty ocean as the sun rose behind us. No one said anything. Sometimes it was so quiet, apart from the waves and birds, that I questioned if we were even breathing anymore.
    Eventually, I noticed something sitting beside him. “What is that?” I murmured.
    He glanced to the book. “Oh, it’s another book. I don’t know, I just picked it up off the shelf.” He flashed a smile at me. “You inspired the reader in me.”
    “What book is it?”
    “Uh, Swimming to Chicago, by David-Matthew Barnes.” The cover depicted a male with a swimming cap over his head and goggles over his eyes as he splashed above the water.
    “I’ve never read anything by him.” Our eyes met. “This could by 99.”
    “Nah,” he said, placing it down. “We’ll choose something you like.”
    “Read the first page,” I encouraged. He glanced at me warily before picking up the book.
    “Chapter One,” he recited. “Summer started like seduction. They saw glimpses of it in late May, peeking through windows and dancing across every lawn in Harmonville. It snuck into their lives, flirting and tempting them with freedom from school, boredom, and homework. It was thick with promises of excitement, and hot possibilities of romance and s.x.”
    Please please please leave me feedback! (:
    *I don't notify, please don't ask.*


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