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  1. bananaz_12 bananaz_12
    posted a quote
    June 8, 2009 4:57pm UTC
    For Me.
    I lost my squash on the highway,
    I want it my way. But it married a cucumber.
    And some evil hairbrush got in the way.
    And chopped them into sushi.
    So let this be a lesson.
    For the next time you buy shoes

  2. bananaz_12 bananaz_12
    posted a quote
    June 8, 2009 4:13pm UTC
    &&We Try To Block Out
    the world but
    the truth is that
    it is
    Colors Suck.
    Thxx If U Fav.

  3. bananaz_12 bananaz_12
    posted a quote
    June 7, 2009 6:26pm UTC
    Just Cause I'm Cool Like That.

  4. bananaz_12 bananaz_12
    posted a quote
    June 7, 2009 6:17pm UTC
    Damn Boy,
    ur hawt.

  5. bananaz_12 bananaz_12
    posted a quote
    June 7, 2009 6:02pm UTC
    Funny Convo
    So here is the deal. Me && my friend were watching
    " the Climb" by Miley Cyrus
    Me: Ohh My God, she is soooo annoying!
    Friend: I wish she would like Vanish.
    Me: Me Too.
    Friend: Can She Get Any higher?
    Me: Dude, if she gets any higher she will go up into space, sufficate and die.
    Friend: That would be a happy day for all.
    omgg Soo
    Really Happened.

  6. bananaz_12 bananaz_12
    posted a quote
    June 5, 2009 10:06pm UTC
    You see
    America is like
    South America just without
    "South" Part.
    - Ellie,

  7. bananaz_12 bananaz_12
    posted a quote
    June 2, 2009 4:11pm UTC
    &&we are all teenage girls
    EVERYTHING is a big deal to us.
    Our phones break when we "didn't do anything".
    We think that guy you sit next to in bio. is your prince charming.
    We always think we're fat.
    Our hair never looks good.
    We all want that guy who never wants you.
    We've all pigged out eating "ben and jerry's" and watched "the notebook" crying with your best friend.
    Our rooms always a mess. don't bother making us clean it up.
    Chocolate is the answer to any question.
    Nothing is too personal to shout in the locker room.
    Walking out of the house without make-up is a challenge no matter how much you wear.
    We blame everyday of the month on PMS.
    There's always that one celebrity we love no matter how bad they act or sing.
    AIM talk is a must-know.
    We all love converse, even if you don't wear them.
    We MUST go to the bathroom in groups.
    Flirting is a habit.
    Our teddy bears always get squeezed too tight.
    Hugging is the key to our hearts.
    We get our backs stabbed by our best friends.
    We get our hearts crushed by our "crushes"
    && there's nothing you can do about it.
    Credit to xohotpinkx6 For the Quote
    Just added colors and fonts.
    I love this quote. Thxx.

  8. bananaz_12 bananaz_12
    posted a quote
    June 1, 2009 9:36pm UTC
    &&+ Im That Type of Girl
    Who Loses Her Phone in her hand,
    Dances randomly in the middle of class,
    Starts Cracking up in a moment of slience about something so stupid,
    Paints her fingernails all diff colors,
    wears whatever she feels like,
    isnt afraid to be weird,
    Breaks out into song in the middle of lunch and gets my whole
    lunch table singing "Dont Stop Believing"
    Walks into walls while texting,
    swears off at people in a diff language,
    Forgets things way too easy, but her phone number.
    Whose room is a huge mess and you would
    probably get lost in there.
    Stalks hawt guys in the mall and movie theaters.
    Makes random comments that doesnt even make since.
    Skips down the school's hall with my friends.
    well, i guess im
    just that type of girl.

  9. bananaz_12 bananaz_12
    posted a quote
    June 1, 2009 4:42pm UTC
    Kanye West died because he couldnt get Stronger.
    Lil' Wayne died because he choked on a Lolipop.
    Jordian Sparks died because she had No Air.
    Chris Brown thought he could live Forever.
    Fergie died because she was so Clumsy
    Leona Lewis died because she was Bleeding Love
    Danity Kane died because her heart was Damaged.
    T.I is just Dead And Gone
    Rihanna went to Rehab
    Beyonce died and got a Halo
    Katy Perry was Hot n Cold
    Taylor Swift lived her Love Story
    T-Pain got too Low
    Pink was Sober
    Lady Gaga got Poker Face
    The Veronicas?
    They Were Untouched.
    - Love This!
    Kinda Like One Of
    My Older Quotes.
    Colors R Weird.

  10. bananaz_12 bananaz_12
    posted a quote
    May 31, 2009 4:58pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  11. bananaz_12 bananaz_12
    posted a quote
    May 31, 2009 4:14pm UTC
    &&Something Hilariously Stupid My Friend Said,
    "Listen! Do You Smell

  12. bananaz_12 bananaz_12
    posted a quote
    May 31, 2009 3:24pm UTC
    20 things that girls want guys to know
    1. We love it when you cuddle with us
    2. A kiss on the cheek is a definate yes
    3. We want you to put your arm around us at the movies
    4. We dont care IF you are strongest guy in the world
    5. Size does not matter so dont tell us it does
    6. We dont always look our best so get over it
    7. We shouldnt have to plan everything
    8. We are always ready to talk so call us
    9. We are not pefect-like Barbie
    10. We love surprises
    11. The little things you do mean the most
    12. We are not always girly girls
    13. We can like boy stuff too
    14. Cursing & Fighting does not impress us
    15. Dont be mean to us to get our attention
    16. Dont tell us whos hot, we do not care
    17. We can tell when your not listening, So listen up
    18. When we say we are cold that is our invitation to get
    19. We need your advice so dont be afraid to give it to us
    20. When we say, 'i love you' we really mean it

  13. bananaz_12 bananaz_12
    posted a quote
    May 31, 2009 2:49pm UTC
    They Stick You With Those Names,
    or whatever.
    Whatever they like to use
    Because they need a label
    they need a name
    they need something to put the
    price tag
    on the back of.
    - Johnny Depp
    Colors Stink.

  14. bananaz_12 bananaz_12
    posted a quote
    May 29, 2009 5:14pm UTC
    You May Run With
    but i drink from the
    Milk Carton
    Who's The Rebel Now?
    Credit To disappearing_taco
    but i just had to steal.

  15. bananaz_12 bananaz_12
    posted a quote
    May 29, 2009 4:31pm UTC
    Something to think about.
    If A Store Is Opened 24 Hours a day,
    7 Days A Week,
    365 Days A Year.
    Why Are There Locks On The Doors?
    Just Occured To Me.
    Colors R Crapy. Srry

  16. bananaz_12 bananaz_12
    posted a quote
    May 28, 2009 6:53pm UTC
    Vince. Yeah! i can jump around all i want because i dont have "man boobs"
    Wooo! - Keeps On Jumping Around -

  17. bananaz_12 bananaz_12
    posted a quote
    May 28, 2009 5:34pm UTC
    i'm Confused. </3
    'nuff said.

  18. bananaz_12 bananaz_12
    posted a quote
    May 28, 2009 4:47pm UTC
    It Helps Keep You From Telling
    People What You Really Think About Them.
    - Haha. Truee!

  19. bananaz_12 bananaz_12
    posted a quote
    May 27, 2009 4:38pm UTC
    && The Angel Said,
    " I'm Living Life The Right
    Way, The Second Time Around"
    All Mine.
    Just Made It Up In
    Like 30 Seconds.
    Steal But Credit Please.

  20. bananaz_12 bananaz_12
    posted a quote
    May 27, 2009 3:49pm UTC
    When A Girl Is Quiet,
    a million things are running through her mind
    When a girl isn't arguing,
    She is thinking deeply
    When a Girl looks at you with eyes full of questions,
    She wonders how long you will be around
    When a Girl answers 'I'm Fine'
    It really means she isnt
    When a Girl stares at you,
    She is wondering when you will understand
    When a Girl lays on your chest,
    she is wishing you would be hers
    When a Girl wants to see you everyday,
    she wants to be pampered
    When a Girl says, ' i miss you'
    no one in the world really misses you more than her
    When a Girl says, ' i love you'
    she means it.
    ♥ ♥ ♥
    Sorry, The Colors


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