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Status: * every girl needs a little sparkle in her life *

Member Since: 18 Sep 2012 10:48pm

Last Seen: 20 Nov 2012 08:53pm

Gender: F

user id: 331275

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my name is Cailin and i am 17 years young.

this is actually my second account. i have been on witty for over two years. my original is asherluver16. 
this account is for me to post my
stories.  i hope you enjoy them and please leave feedback.

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.
~Henry David Thoreau


my main account

my fictionpress account
Keilyn Burns

my wattpad account



  1. asherluverwrites asherluverwrites
    posted a quote
    November 20, 2012 12:57pm UTC
    untold secrets
    chapter 10
    I decided not to tell Carlin and Rachel about the concert right away at school. I knew they would freak out if I told them and the last thing I needed was the whole school to know. However, when I saw Carlin and Rachel in school the following week, I started to reconsider my decision. They were acting really strange, like they were hiding something from me. I tried to ask how the concert was but all they would say was that it was fine or nothing special. At the end of the day I got fed up with it.
    “Guys, I know that Jake Hunter made a shout out to you guys,” I told them as we walked to our lockers. They stared at me and then looked at each other.
    “We didn’t want you to feel bad. You were already so upset about missing the concert and then to have that happen. We just didn’t want to make you feel more like you had missed out,” Carlin said about a moment of silence. “How did you know anyway?” she then added. I guess now was as good as any time to tell them.
    I glanced around me. “Come with me.” I led them back into school and up the stairs. We stopped on the top floor. Nobody was around.
    “I know about the shout out because Jake Hunter told me himself that he would do it.” They stared back at me like I had a third eye on my forehead. Then, laughter. Uncontrollable laughter.
    Finally Rachel spoke after catching her breath. “Jake Hunter told you?! No, seriously, how did you know?”
    “Do you want proof?” I asked.
    “Sure,” Carlin responded sarcastically.
    I whipped out my phone and scrolled through my contacts until I found his name. I pressed call and speaker. It rang for a few seconds and then—
    “Hello?” The voice on the other sounded groggy, as if he had just woken up. However, it was still angelic.
    “Hi, Jake,” I said, feeling the huge smile on my face. I knew I probably looked ridiculous, but I didn’t care. I was just happy to hear his voice directed at me.
    “Hey, Cailey.” His voice had perked up. “What’s up?”
    “My friends just wanted to thank you for the shout out the other night,” I told him. I handed the phone to Carlin. “Say ‘hi’ guys.”
    My friends looked at me in disbelief and then each let out a shaky “hello”. It was obvious in their voices how much they were freaky out, but Jake carried out a conversation with them in the most polite way ever, sounding as if he had no idea the effect that he had on them. He even put the rest of the band on at one point. I didn’t participate much in the conversation, just sitting back and enjoying it. It was great to watch my friends as their dreams came true through a single phone call. I didn’t mind not talking much. I knew that I would get my turn later that day.
    After a while the boys said they had to go, but not before promising to friend Carlin and Rachel on Facebook. When they hung up, Carlin and Rachel each had a hand on my phone. It was clear from their expression that neither of them wanted to let go. Finally they looked up at me.
    “Explain,” Rachel said. And I did. I told them all about Liam giving me the wrong room number, sitting in the hall with Jake, sneaking out, and the date. I left out that we kissed. It may have been implied, but that piece of information was mine and mine alone.
    Later that afternoon I was sitting in my room, working on an essay for English class, when my phone buzzed. It was a text from Jake.
    I really liked talking to your friends :)
    That sparked a conversation lasting well into the evening. We played the question game, asking each other random questions, getting to know each other. I told him about my fear of aliens, paranormal, and anything else vaguely scary. He told me how he can perfectly quote just about every line from Mean Girls and that he actually loves watching sappy romantic movies, as long as he has a girl to cuddle with. I also learned things about him that you would never find on TMZ, things that he only told those closest to him, like the fact that he was struggling to get his ADHD under control.
    Long after I went to bed and supposedly asleep, we were still texting. Finally at around midnight I had to say good bye. I was about to fall asleep.
    Sweet dreams :), I read and I was out.
    A/N: There is going to be a time jump of a few months starting in the next chapter.

  2. asherluverwrites asherluverwrites
    posted a quote
    November 20, 2012 12:54pm UTC
    untold secrets
    chapter 9
    I snuck back into the room at little after four in the morning. I quickly and quietly changed into my pajamas and crawled into bed. I didn't even care that I was missing the concert anymore because I had just done something that most girls dream about their entire lives, but never get to do.
    I was so worn out from the date that I fell asleep pretty fast, only to be woken up again five hours later at nine.
    "Time to get up," my mom said. "The wedding starts at three."
    "So I have to get up six hours early?" I responded wearily.
    "We have to go to the store and buy a gift still. And then we have to go to the salon and get our hair and nails done. We have busy day ahead of us."
    I rolled out bed and went into the bathroom to shower. I still had makeup on from last night. It was a good thing that Mom was too distracted to notice. I'm not normally the girl to break the rules, but then again, what happened with me last night wasn't normal either. I turned on the shower and climbed in, turning the temperature up high to wake me up. I threw on a pair of jeans and a cami. I didn't need to get into my dress until later.
    Mom dragged me to Target to buy Marissa's wedding gift. Dad and Liam were lucky. They got to stay at the hotel and watch the Red Sox game. I don't really care for the Red Sox, but I would have them over this.
    Suddenly, my phone buzzed in my pocket, alerting me of a text message. Finally, someone to talk, too!
    Hey, I had an amazing time last night, it read. It was from Jake.
    I texted back. Me too. What are you up to?
    Sitting on the tour bus, thinking of you. Oh my God! He was thinking about me. On my way to our concert in Madison Square Garden tonight.
    My best friends are going to see that. Carlin and Rachel.
    I'll give a shout out to them for you. I got to go. I'll call you tomorrow.
    "Cailey," my mom said, pulling me away from the message. "What do you think of this?" she asked, holding up a set of candle sticks.
    I nodded. "Sure."
    We bought them and then headed over to the salon. There, I got my hair curled and twisted into a really pretty half back do, and my nails painted dark blue to compliment my dress. I was going to wear the same one that I wore to the senior party.
    Later I sat in the church, praying… for it to be over. All I wanted was for the day to end so that I could go back to bed and then wake up tomorrow to have Jake call me. However, even though I was in a church, my prayers went unanswered. The ceremony lasted for three hours. It dragged on and on.
    Finally, we headed over to the most expensive hotel in town, which is where the reception was. There was no surprise there. Marissa only settled for the most expensive. The reception was pretty fun. I love my family (with the exception of Marissa), and they always like it when I tell them stories about myself. The only grandchildren my grandparents on my mom's side are me, Marissa, and Liam. They try not to play favorites, but it's clear that it's me.
    There was a lot of dancing. The music was really good. Marissa's new husband's brother, Kyle, asked me to dance. He was cute and everything, but I tried not to make him think I like him. When Untold Secrets came on, I couldn't help but smile. I knew that at this very moment, Carlin and Rachel were at the concert. They were probably freaking out. I could just picture their faces.
    "And I would just like to give a shout out to Carlin and Rachel, down in front, for being the best fans ever," Jake was probably saying into the microphone. And then they would scream louder than anyone else for the rest on the concert.
    As the night came to a close, I was exhausted. The day had been pretty long and I had gotten no sleep last night. We got back to the hotel at around one in the morning. I quickly put on my pajamas and passed out right then and there.
    I sat in the car on the ride home listening to my iPod. However I wasn't listening to Untold Secrets. For some reason I felt weird listening to them now that I had gone out with Jake. I know that's weird, but I couldn't help it. Instead, I was listening to Lady Gaga. Even though her music is not at all relaxing, I ended up falling asleep.
    "Cailey," my dad said, just as I was asleep, waking me up.
    "Yeah," I responded.
    "Why are you so tired?"
    "Uh… because I was up so late at the wedding."
    "But all day yesterday, you looked like you were going to fall asleep."
    "Um… I just had a long week and was bummed about missing the concert."
    "We're sorry about that honey," my mom said. "It was just really important to Marissa that you go."
    I almost laughed at that. "It's fine," I said, trying to hide, well, pretty much everything.

  3. asherluverwrites asherluverwrites
    posted a quote
    November 20, 2012 12:50pm UTC
    untold secrets
    chapter 8: part 2
    When we got to the club, it was just like the senior party, except with a lot more lights and cooler people in expensive clothes.
    Then I noticed something else there was more of. Cameras. I could not let my picture get taken, otherwise my parents would find out. And with Jake, our picture was bound to end up on the cover of People, headline "Jake's new mystery girl". That would NOT be good.
    "Don't worry," Jake said when he saw my face. "I'll drive aroud to the back."
    He drove around to the back of the building. There wasn't anyone there, except for a bouncer. It seemed pretty quite if it weren't for the music coming from the door. We got out of the car and walked over to the bouncer.
    "Good to see you, Mr. Hunter," the bouncer said.
    "You, too, Jimmy," Jake said, as they did some secret hand shake thing.
    "I would think that you would be at you hotel sleeping," Jimmy said. "Don't you have to leave early tomorrow?"
    "Yeah, but I really wanted to take this one out before I left." His face was in the light, so I could his smile. He had a beautiful smile, but in photo shoots he usually had a serious look. I cannot believe how much I have seen him smile just since I've met him. "This is Cailey."
    Jimmy stuck out his hand for me to shake. "Very nice to meet you, miss," he said. He opened the door behind him. "Why don't you guys go on in? Have a nice night."
    Jake thanked him, took my hand, and we walked in. There were colorful strobe lights everywhere. People were dancing everywhere. There was a refreshments area to the left of us. Bad Romance by Lady Gaga was playing.
    "She's not as self obsessed and desperate for attention as she may seem," Jake said into my ear, so I could hear him above the loud music. I gave him a confused look. "Gaga."
    "You know her?" I asked amazed.
    "Yeah I ran into her at the VMAs," he explained. "She's really nice and down to earth." I nodded. I couldn't really talk right now because I was still overwhelmed. "You wanna dance?" I nodded again.
    We danced for a little while. I was having a lot of fun, but I was starting to get kind of claustrophobic from all the people.
    "How 'bout we get out of here?" Jake asked. "It's too loud and crowded."
    We went back to the car and I was able to catch my breath, finally. We drove to a little park. It looked like no one was there. He took me over to an area on the river. It was pretty quiet. All you could hear was the river, crickets, and cars in the distance.
    We sat in silence on the bank for a few minutes just out at the water. Jake broke the silence.
    "Are you having a good time?"
    I leaned my head on his shoulder. He put his arm around me. "Yes," I replied. He leaned his head on mine. I had had boyfriends before but I had never felt so safe with someone before.
    I closed my eyes and we sat for a while. Jake started humming. It made me feel calm. I didn't recognize the tune. It must be a new song he was writing.
    "Thanks," he said after a while. I sat up, giving him a confused look. He laughed. "For being different. You know, than other girls, and not wanting to come out with me just because I'm famous."
    "I'm not saying I did, but how do you know I didn't?" I asked.
    "Because you were afraid of the cameras. Most girls would be dying for a shot to get their picture taken by the paparazzi with me." He looked down at his watch. "It's late. I should get you back before your family gets up."

  4. asherluverwrites asherluverwrites
    posted a quote
    November 20, 2012 12:48pm UTC
    untold secrets
    chapter 8: part 1
    I rolled over on the futon and looked at the clock. Half past midnight. I quietly got out of bed and went into the bathroom. I shut the door and turned on the light. I took my hair out of my ponytail and sprayed it with some water. I scrunched it with my hands just to give the mousse in it some more life. It dried after about a minute and my hair was now in twisty curls. I got my eyelash curler out of my drop-kit, did both eyes, and applied some mascara. I put deep purple liquid eyeliner on. It made me look not too Goth because I was wearing a black top. I turned to the back on the door to look in the full length mirror. I was already wearing my outfit since I was the last one in bed. I had on a black top with fluttery sleeves and a whitewashed denim miniskirt. On my feet were black peep toe wedges. I had laced long, thin sliver necklaces around my neck and had on star-shaped hoop earrings. I guess I was as ready as every would be.
    I turned off the light and left the bathroom. I picked up my phone and took a deep breath.
    All ready, I texted Jake.
    Be there in a minute :), he replied pretty quickly.
    I couldn't believe I was doing this. If I got caught, I could get in so much trouble. However, this was a once in a lifetime chance possible, and my parents would never let me go with their permission. They would think I was only doing because he was a big rock star. Even more, they would assume he was on drugs. They think all rock stars are. They wouldn't understand that I actually and genuinely like him. I really got to know him in those forty-five minutes.
    My phone buzzed in my hand. I'm here, the message read. I took another deep breath. Here goes nothing.
    I opened the door. Jake was there waiting for me. He was wearing skinny jeans and a blue plaid shirt. The shirt was slightly open at top to reveal a white undershirt and silver cross necklace. I felt like I was melting in his presence.
    "Hey," he said smiling. "You look awesome."
    "Thanks." I could feel my cheeks burning. They were probably on fire!
    "After you," he said, gesturing down the hallway. He was such a gentleman.
    He pulled door shut behind me and we walked towards the elevator. When the elevator opened, we stepped inside. Jake pressed the button for level two.
    "Why did you hit level two and not the lobby?" I asked, confused.
    "There's a back way from the second floor," he explained. "I don't want the paparazzi to bother us. Well, yet. Just to warn you, they will find us. I'll do my best to minimize picture though, okay?"
    I gave him a nervous smile. "Okay."
    When we got to the second floor, we snuck out a back stairway, into the parking garage. He put me in a corner and told me to wait there while he got the car from the valet. This date barely started and was already majorly thrilling from the sneaking around. I had always been one to follow the rules and do what I'm told. I had never even been grounded. However, if I got caught after this night was over, I was sure to be grounded for the rest of my life, but I didn't care.
    Jake pulled up in a cherry red Jaguar sports car. He rolled down the window.
    "Hop in," he said.
    I ran around to the other side and climbed in. The interior was black leather and very sleek. This car probably cost more than both my parents' cars and my house combined.
    "Whoa!" I exclaimed. "This car is amazing!"
    "I'm glad you like it," he said.
    "So where are you taking me?"
    "Ever hear of the club Ulimate Let Down?" he asked. That was one of the hottest clubs in Boston. It was impossible to get into. But I guess I you're Jake Hunter, any thing is possible.
    I nodded. "All right, let's go," he said.

  5. asherluverwrites asherluverwrites
    posted a quote
    November 20, 2012 12:43pm UTC
    untold secrets
    chapter 7
    When I got to the correct room (which was the same room as Liam's text, just one floor down), I just stood there in shock for a few minutes. I couldn't believe what had just happened. I wondered for a second if Liam had done that on purpose, to try and get me to forgive him, but he couldn't have planned this. Untold Secrets always keeps the hotels they stay at a secret, plus, we didn't know I wouldn't be checking in with them. Either way, I guess I would forgive him. Only a little though.
    I knocked on the door. It swung open fast, with my mom standing there.
    "Where have you been?" she said urgently. "We've been worried sick."
    "I went to the room Liam texted me. See." I took out my phone and showed them the text he sent me. Both my parents turned on Liam.
    "Why did you do that, Liam?" my dad said angrily.
    "I didn't!" Liam defended himself. He took out his phone and checked. "OH! Oh my God! I'm so sorry. I was texting really fast and hit the "2" instead of "3".
    Mom didn't look convinced. She looked like she was ready to ground him. I wasn't planning on telling anyone, but Carlin and Rachel, what had just happened. However, it wasLiam's mistake that led to it happening. I couldn't let him get grounded.
    "I believe him," I said, breaking the silence. Mom and Dad jumped at this.
    "You what?" Mom asked. "You never believe anything he says."
    "Well, I do this time. And even if it was on purpose, it's okay. In fact, thank you, Liam, for texting me the wrong room."
    Everyone was looking at me now as if I had grown an extra pair of arms.
    "Okay you will never guess who was in the room you sent me." They were still staring at me. I took a deep breath. "JAKE HUNTER!"
    They stared at me for another minute and then started laughing.
    "I'm serious," I defended. "I even got his autograph." I reached into my bag for the autograph. "Peter Hanson was there, too, and I got hi—." I couldn't believe it. Peter's autograph was not on the paper anywhere. Instead, there was a phone number.
    "Cailey, are you okay?" my mom asked worriedly.
    I grabbed my phone out my bag and dashed out of the room. I stood in the hallway for a couple seconds, building up the courage. Finally, I got up the courage. I dialed. It rang for a few seconds, then—
    "Hello." Omigod! He did. "Hello?"
    "Um, hi," I said weakly. I could feel him smiling through the phone.
    "Hi," Jake laughed. "I figured you would look at that paper again sooner or later."
    "I thought you went into the room to get Peter's autograph?"
    "Uh, yeah, I kinda lied. So I guess if your disappointed with what I really did…" he said jokingly.
    "I never said I was disappointed."
    "But why?" He was still joking around. "I lied to you. Why would you want to go out with someone who lied to you."
    "Well, you did it for a reas— Wait, what?!?"
    "What do you mean?"
    "You said go out with."
    "I guess I did…"
    It was silent on both sides on line for while. Jake finally broke the silence.
    "Well will you?"
    Omigod! How does he expect me to respond to this? Plus, isn't he leaving first thing tomorrow morning?
    "Cailey, you there?" Jake asked.
    "Um, yeah, I'm here," I responded weakly. "But aren't you like on tour? And you're leaving early tomorrow to get to New York for the show tomorrow night."
    "Which is why I was thinking tonight," he said, with a smirk in his voice.
    "Tonight after your family is asleep, send me a text and I'll come pick you up. I'll take you for a night on the town you will never forget."
    "Are you serious?" I was in shock.
    "Absolutely. Are you in?"
    I took a deep breath. "Yes."
    I went back into the room.
    "Cailey, are you alright?" my mom said worriedly.
    "I'm fine." I smiled. "Perfectly fine."

  6. asherluverwrites asherluverwrites
    posted a quote
    November 20, 2012 12:41pm UTC
    untold secrets
    chapter 6
    "No, I am not," the boy said, jokingly. "And you're not room service. So I guess we're both disappointed." He then smiled apologetically, as if realizing what he'd just said. "I mean, disappointed that my food isn't here yet, not disappointed to see you."
    I mumbled a few stray words here and there, mostly "ums" and uhs". Finally I managed to say, "I'm not disappointed either." I then recognized that I probably looked like an idiot stumbling over everything I said.
    "It's fine. I get it all the time." I bet he did. "I'm Jake. Jake Hunter.'
    I smiled this huge smile. "I know. I'm a fan." I didn't say huge fan, in hopes not to scare him off. I couldn't believe I was talking to Jake Hunter.
    "I think your boyfriend gave you the wrong room number."
    "Oh no, Liam is my brother. I, uh, don't have a boyfriend." He seemed smirk at that.
    "Jake what's taking so long?" a voice from inside the room called. I'm pretty sure it was Peter Hanson, the bands bassist.
    "Just a sec, Pete," Jake called back. I was right.
    "Who's out there," Peter said as he came to the door. He stopped when got to us, took one look at me, and smirked. He patted Jake's shoulder. "Take all the time you need, man." He then went back into the room.
    "Uh, sorry about that," Jake apologized. "Pete is the, um, how do I put this? The forward one of the group."
    I was going to say "I know", but that would look like I looked up their personalities on the internet (which I did, but I didn't want him to know that). Instead, I said, "I understand. Plenty of those types at my school."
    He just nodded his head. I was starting feel like an annoying, desperate fan.
    "I-I'll just be going. But can I have an autograph first?"
    "Yeah, sure," he said. I was pretty sure that I was just imaging things when I saw a look of disappointment on his face when I said I was going to leave.
    I reached into my bag for something for him to sign and write with. I noticed my iPod, and was tempted to give him that, but I didn't. I handed him the notebook I found and a pen. As he was signing, the song changed.
    Why don't you stay the same
    Everyone loves you the way you are
    You don't have to change for them
    You're perfect just the way you are.
    My favorite song.
    "This my favorite of our songs," Jake said, without looking up from the notebook.
    Oh. My. God! I thought. "Really me, too," I said, getting excited, but hoping I didn't sound it. However, he looked it. He looked up at me, with a I'm-getting-interested-in-you look.
    "You know this song?" he asked, with a confused and interested look in his eyes, his bright blue-green eyes. In person, his eyes were even more vibrant.
    "What do you mean?"
    "I mean like it was one of our first songs and it was only released on our EP album," he explained. "No one really knows it."
    "Well, I love it, because it helped me last year," I told him. "I moved last year and was new. I was trying to fit in with the popular crowd and be accepted. I heard this song one day and it made me realize that should find the crowd that was like me, people I can actually relate to. I met my best friends, Rachel and Carlin, and now the three are barely seen without the other two."
    "I wrote that song about when I moved."
    Before I knew it, we were talking like old friends, about anything and everything. We just sat there in hallway next to each other. He told me about how he got interested in music and started writing songs, stuff I didn't know, stuff he had never told anyone before. I told him about my friends and school. He actually really interested in my school life, probably because he hasn't been to school in over a year.
    It was really funny to be sitting there, with him shirtless. I had a huge crush on the guy (that was getting bigger as I actually got to know him), and I could barely resist reaching out to touch his abs. Once you could see them much clearer in person. His abs were perfectly toned and so were his biceps and triceps, and any other 'ceps there were. His tan was perfect and natural looking.
    We went on talking for so long, I lost track of time. My phone started ringing. My ringtone is one of their songs, and that made Jake laugh. I smiled shyly and answered it.
    "Hello?" I said.
    "Cailey, it's Mom. Where are you? Liam texted you almost forty-five minutes ago," my mom said urgently, on the other line.
    "Oh my God!" I said, freaked at the time. "Has it been that long? I'm sorry, but Liam texted me the wrong room number. What room are you guys in?"
    She gave me the right room number and we hung up. I turned to Jake.
    "I have to go," I said. "It was really cool to meet you."
    "Wait, before you go, let me see that autograph a sec?" he asked.
    I handed it to him and he took it into his room. He came back out a minute later and handed it to me. I put it in my bag.
    "I just figured that since Pete was here, you should have his, too."
    I smiled. "Thanks." He was so thoughtful. If I loved him before meeting him, that was nothing compared to what I felt now.
    "Well, uh, bye," Jake said, smiling sweetly.

  7. asherluverwrites asherluverwrites
    posted a quote
    November 20, 2012 12:30pm UTC
    untold secrets
    chapter 5
    When we got to the hotel, my Aunt Julia, Marissa's mom, greeted us.
    "Claire, hi!" she cried. She ran over and gave my mom a hug. "I'm so happy you could make it!"
    "Oh Julia, we wouldn't miss it," Mom replied.
    Aunt Julia turned to my dad. "Daniel, how good to see you!"
    She then saw Liam and me, and jumped as if she were just noticing us standing there for the first time.
    "Oh my God!" She was talking to us like we were eight (well Liam was). "Is that Liam and Cailey? My, oh, my! You two have grown so much since the last time I saw you." That was last month.
    I smiled. "Hi, Aunt Julia."
    I loved Aunt Julia because she was so bubbly and optimistic. Nothing like her evil daughter. Aunt Julia was my mom's younger sister and she always looked to my mom for advice. I really felt bad for her sometimes because of the things that Marissa put her through. Once when I was 12, she was up all night on the phone with my mom crying because Marissa had left a note saying that she had gone to live with her boyfriend, who had just moved two towns away. She was always doing stuff like that because she felt that since she was gorgeous and a cheerleader that rules didn't apply to her.
    Unexpectedly, Aunt Julia's phone rang. She said she would be right back and then walked away to a corner. When she came back she said that it was my Aunt Barbara. My cousins couldn't go to the rehearsal dinner because they were too young and their baby-sitter had cancelled because she was sick.
    "Cailey will do it," my mom volunteered.
    "Oh really that would be wonderful," Aunt Julia said excitedly. "Would you mind?"
    "No, it'll be fine," I responded.
    "Okay, great," she said. "Why don't you go get in my car and I'll drive you over. Let me just call Barbara back and tell her."
    At ten o'clock, Aunt Julia picked me up and drove me back to the hotel. It had been an easy night. It certainly took my mind off of Liam and Kora. My cousins, Billy and Becky, were well behaved kids. We played board games and watched "High School Musical". If only high school was really that fun.
    When I got to the to the hotel lobby, I realized I had left before my family had checked in so I had no idea what room we were in. I pulled out my phone and texted Liam, asking him for the room number. I would have texted my mom or dad, but they had no idea what texting was, and the reception in the hotel wasn't strong enough to make a call. So, sadly, I was stuck with Liam.
    He texted me back with the room number and I headed to the elevator. I punched in the floor and the doors closed. There were lots of people in the elevator though and I was heading to the top floor.
    I'm going to be in here a awhile, I thought to myself. Was it just me, or was the elevator music by Untold Secrets? At this time tomorrow, my friends would just be leaving the concert. I pulled out my iPod and went on to skip every Untold Secrets song, which was just about every other song.
    Finally the elevator reached my floor. I stepped out and checked my phone again to refresh my memory of the room number. As I walked down the hall, I realized my number was no where near the numbers around me. Had Liam given me a false number? If he had, he was so dead. And this time I wouldn't hesitate to tell mom and dad. If he was lucky, I wouldn't mention the incident with Kora.
    Luckily, he hadn't texted a false number. It was just the last room in the hall. I heard music and voices on the other side. I wondered why the music was so loud, because Mom and Dad would never let him play music that loud especially in a nice hotel. They must still be out and just let him come back alone. But then again, if he was alone then why did I hear more than one voice.
    I knocked on the door. No answer. I knocked again. Finally, I heard a response surface above the blaring music. Was that Untold Secrets?
    "Who is it?"
    "It's Cailey!" I shouted.
    "Um… No one's is here."
    I heard some mumbling and then footsteps. At last, the door opened. And standing there shirtless, with an amused smirk on his face was – not who I was expecting.
    "I think someone is messing with you," the shirtless boy said.
    "Oh my god… You are not Liam," was just about all I could get out.

  8. asherluverwrites asherluverwrites
    posted a quote
    November 20, 2012 12:28pm UTC
    untold secrets
    chapter 4
    I hate you
    For making me love you
    And for everything
    You did to me
    I had my iPod cranked up at full volume, blasting in my ears. I didn't care if I busted my eardrums. I wouldn't have to listen to Kora's mocking voice anymore. I hated her, but at the moment I hated Liam even more. It was his fault for what she said to me.
    Liam wasn't really helping himself right now. He kept tapping me. I was trying to ignore him, but in a minute he wasn't going to have face anymore. He was just lucky I hadn't told Mom and Dad what he did yet.
    He finally ripped my ear buds out of my ears.
    "What the hell!" I yelled at him.
    "Cailey," my mom said calmly. "We asked him to get your attention. You had your music so loud that you couldn't hear us."
    "I wasn't trying to drown you out," I said in a monotone voice. Then accusingly towards Liam I said, "I was trying to drown him out. If you really want my attention, he is notthe way to get it."
    "I said I'm sor—," Liam started to say, but I cut him off.
    "If you were really sorry then you wouldn't have done it in the first place! Of all the people in the world, you picked her!"
    "Cailey," my dad said, in a way that told me to apologize or be grounded. I did, but made sure they knew I didn't mean it.
    "What did you want anyway?" I asked.
    "We just wanted you to turn your music down," my mom stated. "You're going to kill your ears."
    That was the point, I said internally.
    The rest of the drive was silent. Mom and Dad had picked us up ten minutes after school got out and hit the highway. We were on our way to Boston for Marissa's wedding. We had to get there by five for the rehearsal dinner. Tomorrow was the wedding and the Untold Secrets concert that everyone would be going to but me. No thanks to Kora for not letting me forget.
    The past week had been torture. Apparently, Carlin and Rachel weren't the only ones going to the concert. Carlin and Rachel knew not to talk about it by now. However, everyone else didn't. Walking down the halls in between classes, in class, at lunch, everywhere, people were talking about what to wear, where to meet before the concert, their favorite songs by Untold Secrets, etcetera. I tried to drown out their words by listening to my iPod, but of course every other song on it is by Untold Secrets, so that didn't help. It seemed that no matter what I did, I was stuck.
    The worst was today, after school got out.
    Rachel, Carlin, Jason, and I were standing around, just talking, but not about the concert, thank God. Kora was getting into her car (with Liam for some reason) when she saw us. She got back out and came over to us, with Liam on her tail.
    "Hey, guys," she said, in a fake way. Then, directly at me, she said, "Cailey."
    Was it just me, or did something black just flicker in her eye? I knew her gears were turning. Another battle in this war was about to go down. I had to prepare myself because she could have anything. Guns, gas, or mines.
    "So, are you guys going to the concert tomorrow?" Nope. She was playing with grenades. I better put up my shields fast.
    Carlin and Rachel nodded. I didn't. General OMG-I-Love-Myself noticed.
    "What's that, Cailey? You didn't nod." The tone in her voice told me that something big was coming, a surprise-attack. "Aren't you going? Oh wait, you can't! You have to go to Boston to watch your cousin get married! And you don't even like her!"
    BOOM! Who knew she would have a nuclear bomb? I may have just lost the war.
    I held my ground, but it wouldn't last long. I had to get out of there fast.
    Suddenly, I looked over at Liam. His arm was around Kora's waist. Anger was boiling inside me. They were dating?! And even worse he had told her everything about why I couldn't go to the concert. Maybe he hadn't just told her about the concert! How much else did she know?
    I didn't know what to do. If I ran away, Kora would win. If I stayed, who knew what else she would say? I just couldn't win this battle.
    Luckily, Rachel saved me.
    "Cailey don't you have to wait for your parents? You know way over there?"
    "Um, yeah, I, uh, do have to go, uh, wait for them." The words barley stumbled out.
    "Well, if you have to," Kora said sarcastically. "I mean, we were having such a nice little talk."
    She beamed. I wasn't going to give her the satisfaction of totally embarrassing me. If I was going to lose, then I was going to lose in style.
    "Yeah, Kora, I do have to." Off to good start. "My cousin is getting married. I don't care how much she hates me. She's my cousin and I'm going to support her on a special day. That's what family does for each other." The last sentence was more for Liam than Kora, but she got the picture. "Like you said, nice talk. Bye."

  9. asherluverwrites asherluverwrites
    posted a quote
    November 20, 2012 12:25pm UTC
    untold secrets
    chapter 3
    I cracked my eyes open a sliver. Light flooded in and I quickly closed them again. I blinked a few times and the pain went away. I sat up a little in my sleeping bag and looked around.
    Carlin was fast asleep on her bed and Rachel was lying across from me in her sleeping bag. Carlin had this huge grin on face and I knew she was dreaming about Jason. I'm guessing they will go official at school on Monday.
    Rachel and I had spent the night at Carlin's after the party last night, because it went so late. We didn't want to wake our parents.
    Last night was by far the best party I've ever been to, and I've been to some awesome parties. I danced the whole night away with Rachel and Carlin even let us dance with her and Jason. As I predicted, the blonde guy rarely left Rachel's side. I danced with a few, too.
    Bzz bzz
    My phone buzzed at me from the top of Carlin's desk. I went over and grabbed it. It was a text.
    Cailey Dana Daniels!!! Get home this instant!!! This is your mother!!!
    I checked the number. Not my mom. My obnoxious brother, Liam.
    I know it's you, idiot. Now shut up I'm sleeping, I texted back.
    My brother, Liam, is older by two hours. We’re twins. He is the most annoying person ever and gets kick out of doing anything to embarrass me.
    I put my phone in my bag and went into the bathroom.
    I splashed some cold water on my face to wake me up, because I was still in a bit of a trance. I looked up at my reflection in the mirror. My blue-green eyes had some tired bags under them and my hair was messy. I grabbed Carlin's brushed and ran it through my hair. My hair was my favorite of my features. It was full and perfectly wavy. Lots of people thought I dyed my hair, because it was like ten different colors. If I had to describe it in one word I would say blonde, but it was actually more like light blonde, golden blonde, light brown, and dark brown. I really had no basic hair color, just lots of natural highlights.
    I went back into Carlin's room and my phone buzzed again.
    Whatever. Just don't hang out with my friends at parties anymore, Liam's text read.
    Oh that bothers you? I guess I'll have to hang out them more often. One of the many ways to surviving annoying siblings is to every now and then, annoy back.
    At breakfast, Carlin and Rachel were making plans on getting to the concert. I sat quietly, eating my bagel. I tried not to let it bother me, but it did. I put on a good face and offered up some words. As far as they could tell I was fine, just tired. They probably thought that I felt this was only a misfortune of luck. In reality, I was miserable. My favorite band was playing a concert near me and my best friends were going without me.
    Instead I was going to see my cousin, Marissa's, wedding. I didn't even like Marissa. She was older than me by three years, but always acted as if she was ten years older. Around family she always complements me, but as soon as we are alone, she trash talks me like crazy. She is basically a college version of Kora. It's bad enough to have a Kora in school, but at family events? Come on! I really pity the man she is marrying. There is no way she actually loves him. She's only nineteen. He probably comes from a rich family and she faked the whole love.
    "--, right Cailey?"
    Rachel pulled me out of my internal rant.
    "I'm sorry, what?" I asked.
    "Jason. Don't you think Carlin should take him to the concert?"
    "No," Carlin said. "I'm not going to take Jason just because Cailey can't go. This concert is friends strictly. Cailey, you are not going to be replaced by a hot guy, and Rachel you are not to be a third wheel. That's how it is going to be. Not another word about it!"
    Rachel and I smirked at each other. Boy, did we love her.

  10. asherluverwrites asherluverwrites
    posted a quote
    November 20, 2012 12:22pm UTC
    untold secrets
    chapter 2
    When we arrived at the club, it took everything we had to not stand there like idiots, mouths hanging open. You know those parties you see on TV that all the celebrities go to? This was probably one step down from that. There was a red carpet with velvet ropes on either side leading up to the doorway. On the outside of the ropes there were people with flashing cameras. As we walked up to the door, we could feel people taking our picture. It's a good thing Jason told us to dress up; otherwise we would have been way out of place.
    I was wearing a dress that extended halfway down my thigh. It was sky blue at the top and faded into a dark navy at the bottom. The straps were little silver chains and the front part of the dress kind of flopped in loose folds. I had on two inch navy heels and a small silver heart on a thin chain. I left my hair natural, in loose wave around my face. Carlin was wearing a deep maroon dress with a heart shaped neckline and Rachel was wearing a black and white floral print.
    The guy at the door was asking for people’s names and checking to see if they were on his list before letting them in. When we got to him, Carlin started to give him our names, but he cut her off. He waved us through as soon as he saw her. As we walked through, I turned and looked as his clip board. Clipped to it was a picture of Carlin. Jason must have given him a picture of her, so he would know to let her through. Score for her!
    "That must be what Untold Secrets feels like all the time," Rachel exclaimed. And it was true; that made us feel like celebrities.
    If I thought that outside the club was awesome, then I was not even close to prepared for the party inside. There was a huge dance floor in the center of the room, which was flashing all different colors. Behind it was a huge stage. The entire senior class was on the dance floor. On the stage was Black Ties, a new hip hop group that was slowly putting themselves out there. They explained the paparazzi. Red, green, blue, and purple lights were flashing everywhere, sparkling off the huge disco ball in the center of the ceiling.
    Now we were standing opened mouthed.
    "Hey guys." We turned around to see Jason behind us. His dark brown hair was perfectly tousled and his green eyes shinned. He was wearing navy-black jeans and a back button down shirt. He was really very hot, but we agreed he was all Carlin's.
    He turned to Carlin and gave her a shy sort of smile. "Hey Carlin."
    She beamed at him. "Hey," she shyly replied.
    We all kind of stood around awkwardly for a minute. I broke the silence.
    "So this party is amazing, Jason. How did you afford to hire out a club?"
    "My dad owns the place," he answered. "That made it pretty easy." We laughed. "So, Carlin, you wanna dance?"
    She nodded her head and they walked over to the dance floor.
    "Aw, our little girl is growing up," Rachel joked. "Next thing you know she'll be— oo mini hot dogs." She wandered off to the snack table, leaving me alone.
    I walked toward the dance floor to see how Carlin was doing. When I found her, she clearly didn't need me to help. She and Jason were dancing closely. I wandered toward the snack table to hang out with Rachel, but in the short period that we had been apart she had already made friends with a cute blonde senior. She had a way of always meeting a cute guy at a party. It very rarely went anywhere, but she would spend the whole party with him. However, with her long brown hair, naturally tan skin, and large brown eyes, guys were just naturally attracted to her.
    I started to look around for someone else that I might know when I heard the most dreadful voice behind me.
    "Oh my god! Cailey!"
    I turn around to see Kora and her posse.
    "How nice to see you!" she exclaimed with fake enthusiasm.
    I smirked. "You too, Kora."
    She looked over behind me. "I see that Carlin is dancing with Jason. How sweet." She suddenly changed from her fake smile to glower. "Just tell her to watch her back."
    And with a flip of her black hair, she turned and walked away, followed by her posse.

  11. asherluverwrites asherluverwrites
    posted a quote
    November 20, 2012 12:19pm UTC
    untold secrets
    chapter 1
    "Oh my god… You are not Liam."
    Okay, so you ever have one of those moments where you are like "okay I am totally dreaming, but cool dream"? Yeah, that is what is happening to me here.
    Now I am going to torture you by not telling you right away why I am all "OMG", but instead I'll start from how it happened.
    I'm here I'm with you
    I want you to know
    That I'm here for you…
    The lyrics of the song pour from my headphones into my ears, the beat pounding in my head. I walk through the school's front door and head toward my locker. As I turn the corner to the hallway mine is in, right on cue, my best friends Carlin and Rachel start squealing, as do I.
    "Oh my god!" Carlin cries. "Cailey, have you heard it!"
    "I'm listening to it right now for the, like, one hundredth time!" I respond.
    They both quit down immediately, rip the ear buds from the audio jack on my iTouch so the music can play out loud. As soon as it ends we all start screaming again.
    In case you're totally confused at this point we are talking about our favorite band, Untold Secrets. The three of us know EVERYTHING about them and we've been fans since practically the day they got signed. They started as a garage band in their hometown and about a year ago got signed by Zeus Records, the biggest record company in the country. They are now one of the top recording artists in the world.
    Untold Secrets has four members: Shane Brady, Emmet Collins, Peter Hanson, and, my personal favorite, Jake Hunter. They are ALL amazingly gorgeous, but Jake, the lead singer, is by far the hottest. He's tall and fit without being overly muscular. His hair is a rusty light brown with a few blond flecks, and he has bright teal eyes that seem to sparkle as if he's always laughing.
    So we're screaming because Untold Secrets just came out with a new song that was released to iTunes at midnight this morning. The three of us, of course, stayed up until then to buy it.
    "So you guys are still coming over to my house before the party, right?" Carlin asks.
    "Yeah," Rachel reassures her. "We need to make you look amazing for Jason!"
    Carlin's crush, Jason Lopez, is hosting the annual Senior Party this year and it's tonight at some club downtown. Last week, when he asked us to come, Carlin practically fainted on the spot. I will admit that he is probably the hottest senior in our school, but Carlin saw him first, and anyways, my heart belongs to Jake.
    Carlin answered the door with this grin on her face as if she was trying to hide something. As soon as we were upstairs, Rachel and I cornered her.
    "What is it?" we asked in unison.
    "We are going to see Untold Secrets!" she screamed excitedly.
    We both just stare at her, shocked.
    "How?" Rachel asked.
    "I was just listening to the radio and they had this unannounced contest, where the 96th caller would win three tickets to their concert in Madison Square Garden a week from today!"
    We all start dancing and cheering. We crank up the music. Carlin takes out her make-up, hair curler and straightner. We are having a blast getting ready when all of a sudden something occurs to me. I stop the music.
    "When did you say the concert is?" I ask Carlin, urgently.
    "A next Saturday, why?" she responds.
    "Ugh! I can't go. My cousin is getting married next Saturday. We're leaving Friday."
    "Cailey, don't weddings happen, like, during the day, and the reception is at night?" Rachel asks. "Just to the ceremony and skip the reception."
    "The wedding is in Boston," I answer grimly. "There's no way I'd be able to make it in time, and my parents wouldn't let me drive all the way from Boston to New York by myself anyway."
    They started to complain and say how they weren't going to go without me, but I cut them off.
    "Go without me. Don't let my going away, keep from having fun." I faked a smile. "Why don't you take Alexa? She's a big fan of them and nobody ever invites her anywhere."
    "Uh, Cailey, there's a reason for that. She's a big fan of everyone, and I mean EVERYONE," Carlin says. "Two weeks ago I was on eBay, and I found one of Kora's I'll-wear-it-once-then-throw-it-away shirts. Alexa was the seller."
    She looks at me for second. "The girl has issues."
    "Well, she's just a little… Yeah, don't take her," I laugh. "But you can't blame her. Kora's always saying how one day she'll be a famous supermodel, and Alexa believes anything she hears."
    Kora Davison, as awarded by Rachel, Carlin, and me, is Miss OMG-I-Love-Myself of the Year. Correction: of Forever. She thinks she's so fabulous just because her dad is rich and she has a big house (ok mansion, but who cares). She walks around the school every day with a huge crowd of wannabes behind her, making everyone in her path feel like an insect.
    "Whatever," I say. "Let's just focus on the party for now. We have all week to worry about it."

  12. asherluverwrites asherluverwrites
    posted a quote
    October 4, 2012 12:44pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  13. asherluverwrites asherluverwrites
    posted a quote
    October 4, 2012 12:38pm UTC
    spy my heart
    chapter 4: part 1
    Finally classes started up at ACE. With homework and college applications, came distractions. Distraction from my own emotions, and the depressing memories that caused them. I had gotten into all the classes I wanted and had multiple with Jasey and Belle. Entrepreneurship had to be my favorite class. The teacher, Mr. Keller was really cool and funny. We would be learning about business and how to started our business by making a business plan.
    The first day was going pretty well overall. Then I walked into AP English. I was excited for this class since we would be studying many of Shakespeare’s works (I’m a sucker for classical romance). I sat down and next thing I know, he walks in. No, not Luke. Mason.
    I didn’t want to think about him anymore. I never wanted to see his face again. Not after everything he put me through.
    “Hey, Ava.” I look up and there he is. Standing right there in front of me. “I’ve missed you.” Ugh! That smile. That sweet innocent smile. That smile that says everything is okay. That smile that lied to me for weeks.
    “Would you excuse me for a second,” I said, standing up and heading down the hall to the bathroom.
    I go over the sink and bow my head down. I feel sick to my stomach. After taking some deep, long breaths I look up to face myself in the mirror. I see the look of pain and despair on my face. I lose it. Before I know it, I’m crouch on the bathroom floor in fetal position bawling my eyes out. I was strong those many months when everything happened. I thought that I would be able to move and get over it. I told my friends and myself that I would be fine. And I believed it. I guess it is possible to lie to yourself.
    Everything came rushing back. His touch. His voice. His eyes. His lips. His kisses. His hugs. His lies.
    Last year my mom went to the doctor with stomach pains. She walked out with the knowledge that she had cancer. Luckily they had caught it early, so it looked like she had a pretty good chance. However, that didn’t prevent me from worrying like crazy. I needed someone to be there for me more than anything. And Mason was there. Or at least he said he was. When he was around me, he seemed like he was genuinely trying to make sure I was okay. When he wasn’t with me, he was with her. I don’t know who she was. All I know is that she is part of the reason that my heart got broken.
    I don’t know how long I was on the bathroom floor but after while Belle came in.
    “Ava?” she asked, concern in her voice. “Are you okay?”
    I took some shaky breaths. “I have to change English classes.”
    “Why?” she asked.
    I took a deep breath. “Because Mason is in that class and I refused to submit myself to seeing him every class,” I said quickly in one breath.
    “Did he say anything to you?”
    “That he missed me.” My response was so quiet that even I could barely hear it.
    Belle helped me up and washed the salty tears from my face.
    It turns out that I had been in the bathroom for the entirety of the period because the bell as Belle walked me back to class. Mason gave me a worried look as I walked into the room. I immediately put on my poker face and looked straight ahead.
    Luckily my next class was studio art. I may love graphic design, but that love stems from my passion for drawing and painting. The teacher explained that our first three assignments would be a self-portrait, a two point perspective, and a still life. These pieces were needed in our portfolios in order to apply to art school. I may not being applying to art school, but what my teacher doesn’t know won’t hurt her.
    I wasn’t really sure what I wanted to do for any of them, so I took out my sketch book, grabbed a mirror and started sketching myself. Most of the other people in the class seemed to also be starting with the self-portrait. The difference was most of them were starting with a structure. They drew the basic shape of the face and then lightly sketched in lines where the feature would be. I knew that most artists did this, but I never had. I always started with the left eye and then filled in the rest of the features based on that.
    The bell rang again and I was off to my final class, calculus. You may like to know that I hate math. I may be okay but I never understood how I was able to stay in honors math course my whole life. I must be magic or something, because I sit there in class, ask questions, get an answer, and still don’t understand. I somehow manage to always get by with at least a B-.
    By the time I got to class there was only one seat left. And who was this seat next to? Luke. Great, I thought to myself, rolling my eyes. I’ll just have to get here faster from now on so that I can get a better seat.
    “I hope you like where you are currently sitting, because these are your seats for the rest of the year.”
    I choked on my own breath and almost fell out of my seat, but Luke caught my arm. I wished that he had just let me fall.
    I stared at my teacher in shock. He must have seen the look of panic on my face. “I hope that won’t be a problem,” he stated. Then looking directly at me, he asked “Will it?” Clearly a rhetorical question, but I shook my head.
    “Good. Now we are going to be jumping right in to work today. Are first unit involves limits. Now a limit is when…”
    The teacher droned on and on. I let my hand fly back and forth across the page in my note book, copying down everything that he wrote on the whiteboard. Every now and then I looked over and notice that Luke didn’t even a notebook out, let alone the fact that he wasn’t taking notes. I wondered if he was stupid or a complete genius. It made me feel better to assume that he was an idiot.

  14. asherluverwrites asherluverwrites
    posted a quote
    September 19, 2012 9:13pm UTC
    spy my heart
    chapter 3: part 2
    “Hey, where have you been?” Jasey asked as I approached her.
    “Luke just kissed me,” I responded.
    “I knew it!” she practically screamed. “There was no way you would have been able to resist him! He is just too – too perfect!”
    “I didn’t like it! He forced it on me!”
    Just then Belle walked over. She took one look at my face and knew something was up. “What happened?”
    Before I could respond, Jasey answered for me. “Luke kissed Ava and now she is in love with him!”
    “I am not in love with him!” I shouted. “I don’t even like him as a person any more. I ask him about where he came from and next thing I know his mouth is attacking me!”
    “Attacking you?” Belle and Jasey said at the same time.
    “Okay so he didn’t exactly attack me, but I didn’t want him to kiss me. That was the last thing I wanted. I don’t want a boyfriend right now. I don’t need a boyfriend right now.”
    They both looked very unconvinced. However, I knew what would. “Mason.” Their eyes widened with shock. That got their attention.
    “Okay so maybe I see your point there,” Jasey said, Belle nodding in agreement. Finally, they understood.
    “Well I’m going back to the room and crawling into bed. If anyone needs me – on second thought, don’t need me.”
    When I got back to my room I had a text waiting. Sorry. It was from Luke. Seriously? The guys forced a kiss on me and all he can do is shoot me text saying sorry. Wow. Either this was a total dirt bag and a very socially awkward turtle. Doesn’t matter which one he is because I want nothing to him.
    I scrubbed my face down and braided my hair to the side. I kept staring at me lips in the mirror, remembering that less than an hour ago they had been kissing someone else’s. Or their lips had been kissing mine. Next thing I know I’m remembering my last kiss before even that. The name that shut Jasey and Belle up earlier. The boy that promised me everything. That said, “I’m here with you through thick and thin.” Mason.
    AN: I have a couple of questions for you guys.
    1) What do you think will happen with Luke and Ava?
    2) Who is your favorite character?
    3) Do you think that Ava has any secrets? If so, what are they?

  15. asherluverwrites asherluverwrites
    posted a quote
    September 19, 2012 11:56am UTC
    spy my heart
    chapter 3: part 1
    I woke up the next day at around nine. Today everyone was allowed off campus to get ready for the dance. Jasey, Belle, and I were going back to D.C. to get our nails, hair and make-up done. I had my hair curled and twisted into a waterfall braid.
    We got back with an hour to spare before the dance started. Along with the other girls in the dorm, we got dressed and took pictures. Some of the dresses were really pretty. Everyone was complimenting my dress. It wasn’t nearly as expensive as some of the other dresses, but it was pretty. I had allowed Jasey and Belle to help pay for my hair and shoes, but I wouldn't let them help with the dress. I had been able to find one that was affordable for me. I was grateful that my friends were willing to help me with money, but sometimes I just wanted to pay myself.
    The three of us met the guys outside. We took a group picture and pair pictures then went over to the dance hall. The school had a huge dance hall for dances, parties, and classes. The room was done up really cool. It was set up like a night club, with flashing lights, blaring music, a DJ, and a "bar".
    As we walked up to the door, Luke leaned in. "You look great tonight," he whispered into my ear.
    I smiled at him. "Thanks. You don't look so bad yourself." He really didn't. He looked amazing in his suit. He was wearing a gray suit that had a sort of metallic look to it with a skinny black tie. He had a very Neal Caffrey look to him. In other words, he looked sexy.
    Alex and Derek grabbed Jasey and Belle by the wrists and pulled them onto the dance floor way into the crowd. I stood on the sidelines with Luke, watching everyone. "DJ Got Us Falling in Love" by Usher came on, one of my favorites.
    "That's it," Luke said. "I'm tired of standing here. We're dancing." And he pulled me onto the floor.
    He was a really good dancer. I love to dance, but I didn't want to be the one to start dance dancing. Once he pulled me out there I was having so much fun. At the same time I was mad… for giving me more reasons to like him.
    After an hour of dancing, "Cooler Than Me" came on. I hate that song. I stopped dancing. Luke tapped me on the shoulder.
    "I hate this song," he said. "You wanna step outside and get some fresh air?" I nodded.
    "I hate that song, too," I said once we were outside. The air was warm. The stars were out. It was a perfectly beautiful night. I looked up and saw the constellation Andromeda.
    "Which one's your favorite?" Luke asked, noticing me looking.
    "Andromeda," I said, pointing to it. "I love the Greek myth behind her."
    "Which one is that again?"
    "Her mother had made Poseidon angry," I explained. "So he sent sea monsters to terrorize her father's kingdom. The only way to get rid of the monster was to sacrifice Andromeda to it. She was chained to a rock in the sea when the hero Perseus found her. He rescued her and killed the monster, and then they fell in love."
    "So basically he saved her from a mess that was her father's problem?"
    "Yeah, I guess."
    "Interesting," Luke said. He sounded as if he knew something that I didn't. I gave him a confused look.
    Suddenly, I realized I had just been given the perfect opportunity to try and learn more about him because we were all alone.
    "So, um, you don't really talk much," I said.
    "What do you mean?" he asked.
    "I mean, I feel like I don't know anything about you."
    "I told you guys. I'm from Florida. My parents sent me here because they heard it was really good, and they didn't like my old school."
    "You and I both know that's not the whole story," I said giving him a serious look. "Maybe you really are from Florida, but I know there is more to you that."
    He looked at me, a mischievous look in his eye. “You’re smart.” He paused and then, “You’ll figure it out.”
    “Oh no! You’re not going to get off that easily! If you want to be friends with us then—”
    I was cut off by his lips being forced against mine. His lips felt really good against mine. I was just about to kiss him back when I remembered that I didn’t want a relationship. Beside I barely knew this guy!
    I pushed him away and slapped him. I turned on my heel and marched back inside, furious and confused.
    AN: hey guys! Please give feed back and let me know what you think!

  16. asherluverwrites asherluverwrites
    posted a quote
    September 19, 2012 12:05am UTC
    spy my heart
    chapter 2: part 2
    Jasey and Belle let me sleep in the next day. I woke up at around ten thirty. Jasey and Belle were already up and out to who-knows-where. I got up and showered. I then slipped in a pair of baby pink Soffes and an Aeropostale T-shirt. I curled up in front of the TV and put in Die Another Day. We hadn't finished watching it yesterday. It had just gotten to my favorite part, when the ice hotel is melting, when my cell phone rang.
    "Hello?" I said.
    "Hey, it's me."
    "Luke? How did you get my number?"
    "Jasey gave it to me," he answered. "She wanted me to check and see if you were up."
    "Well I'm up. I'm also watching Die Another Day and it just got to my favorite part."
    "Oh, you're a James Bond fan? Cool."
    "Yes and we get very aggressive when we don't get to watch our favorite scenes, so unless you want to die…"
    "Alright, alright. I'll talk to you later. Bye." He laughed as he hung up the phone.
    On Friday, Jasey, Belle, and I got permission to leave the school grounds and we went to the city. We were going shopping for the dance tomorrow. At ACE, the back to school dance was almost as big as prom. Almost. The main differences were that at prom we wore full length dresses while tomorrow we would all wear mini dresses. Also, everyone could go the back to school dance while only juniors and seniors were allowed at prom.
    I picked out a strapless pale blue dress. The material was sparkly and clung to my body. It has ruching on the sides and a V-dip in the chest lined with rhinestones lining it. Jasey and Belle got the same dress, but Jasey's was red and Belle's was silver. It was strapless and satin, with a big bow on the hip. It looked amazing on both of them. They had no problem wearing the same dress. They had almost a twin sisterly bond that way.
    We put our bags in the car and went over to the Reflective Pool in front of the Lincoln Memorial. We bought some ice cream and just relaxed.
    "So I hear you going to the dance with Luke," Jasey piped up.
    "Only as friends," I said. "He doesn't really know anyone yet, let alone girls. He only knows us and you two aren't exactly available."
    "And…he likes you!" Belle shouted.
    "Why would he like me?" I asked.
    "Why wouldn't he?" they said in unison. They did that a lot.
    I rolled my eyes. "I'm going to the Spy Museum. You guys coming?"
    The Spy Museum was one of my favorite places to go in D.C. I had a thing for spy stuff. All that sneaking around and gaining information unseen, it fascinated me. I loved all the cool gadgets they use and the disguises and cover stories. It seemed so unreal to me, like the stuff of movies or TV. But it was real. I could be surrounded by spies and not know it.
    That was my favorite part. Not knowing who was really who they said they were or who was in disguise. It was kind of a game for me. Sometimes I would see someone and just create this whole story in my head where they were a spy and they went on this amazing adventure. It was usually hot guys, because what teenage girl wouldn't like to be the focus of a crime and be saved by a dashing spy.
    AN: hey guys! Please give feed back and let me know what you think!

  17. asherluverwrites asherluverwrites
    posted a quote
    September 19, 2012 12:02am UTC
    spy my heart
    chapter 2: part 1
    I lay in bed the next morning trying to fall back asleep. I had had another one of those dreams. Those dreams that are so wonderful that you never want to wake up. This one was of my dad. I never knew him. I know absolutely nothing about him. I guess it pains my mom too much to talk about him.
    In the dream, we were a family. It was my mom, my dad, a little boy (who I think was my brother), and I. We were having a family game night. I think that it was a look at what my life would have been like if my dad hadn't died. I would have had a brother, we wouldn't be struggling and most important, I would live at home.
    "Ava, Ava, Ava," Jasey shouted, jumping up and down on my bed.
    "What!" I shouted.
    "Get up! Get up! Get up!" I kicked her off. "Come on! We're all at the pool."
    "No. I'm going to stay right here and sleep."
    "Luke is there," she said in a taunting voice.
    "And I care why!"
    "Because he is totally hot, likes you, and he is totally HOT!" She went over to my dresser and started rummaging through my drawers.
    "I don't care if he is hot. I don't want a boyfriend."
    "Yeah, right," she said as she threw one of my bikinis at me. "Now get changed. That one looks the best on you."
    Jasey and I walked down to the pool and went over to where Belle and the guys were. There was a bunch of other people around. As we got closer, I realized it was because Belle was telling about her summer. Belle always went on the coolest vacations, and people always wanted to hear about it. This past summer she had gone to Hawaii.
    We sat down and listen for a while. When she was done, they went away. Now it was Luke's turn to talk. We wanted to know about our new friend, however, it didn't seem like he wanted to talk that much. All he said was that he was from Florida and his parents weren't happy with the school he was at, so they sent him here to ACE.
    Jasey, Belle, Derek, and Alex then decided to go swimming. I was still really tried and I figured that if I wore sunglasses, I could get away with sleeping. For whatever reason, Luke didn't want to go either. I was starting to get the feeling that this guy didn't tell anybody anything.
    I lay there quietly. I kept feeling like he would start talking to me, but he didn't. As much as I hate to admit it, he was good looking. Even more I hate to admit that I wanted him to talk me.
    All of a sudden someone sprayed cold water at me. I opened my eyes to see Jasey shooting me with a water gun. I jumped up.
    "I'm gonna kill you," I said as I chased her. Someone handed me a water gun and I sprayed her. Everyone at the pool was starting to join in the game. Luke joined to and he and I had blast squirting each other. I know you may think this is flirting, but I not.
    By the end of the day, most of ACE's students were soaked and worn out. Jasey, Belle, and I went back to our dorm to shower. We got dressed in sweats and hoodies. We met the guys out front. We walked over to the bonfire pit together. Every night a couple of people gather around the bonfire to hang out and sing songs together. It's sort of like camp.
    After a while Jasey and Belle got tired, so Alex and Derek took them back to the dorm. I was having too much fun to leave though. Luke and I were singing our hearts out.
    Suddenly, I felt a chill and I shivered a little.
    "You cold?" Luke asked.
    "A little," I said. "But I'm fine." He took off his coat and started to put it on my shoulders. "I'm fine, really."
    "No you're not," he insisted and put it around me.
    He was cute as much as I hate to admit it. And sweet too. Really sweet. As mysterious as he is, I liked him. I'm not saying I like liked him. Just he was a good friend.
    At around eleven, we both started to get kind of tired, so we walked back. He walked me to my dorm building. I said good night and started to go inside.
    "Ava, wait," Luke said. I turned around. "The end of summer dance is this Saturday. I don't really know anyone yet except you, Derek, Alex, Jasey, and Belle. And since you're the single one, I was hoping you would go with me."
    I sighed. "I'm not really looking for a relationship right now," I confessed to him. "Sorry."
    "I'm not asking you out," he replied. "I'm asking as a friend."
    Good. He only wanted to be my friend. “Yeah, sure. It’ll be fun.”
    AN: hey guys! Please give feed back and let me know what you think!

  18. asherluverwrites asherluverwrites
    posted a quote
    September 18, 2012 11:24pm UTC
    spy my heart
    chapter 1: part 2
    ACE was about three miles outside of Washington D.C. It was hidden by the woods, but once you got past the gates, it looked like small city, on a huge piece of property. The girls’ dorms were on the west campus and the boys’ dorm on the east campus. The buildings in the center were classrooms and offices for the faculty. Behind all that were a huge pool, tennis courts, gyms, etc.
    We actually don't start class for another week. Everyone is given a week to come and get settled in. During this time, everyone is partying just like college kids would. Being my senior year, I had a lot to look forward to.
    Jasey and I went our room. Belle was already there. She ran up to us and gave us each a huge squeeze. Belle was one of those girls that had a look to her that was so sophisticated. However, she was the opposite. She was crazy and fun loving, but when it came to business, she was all it. She had long straight black hair with light brown highlights and bangs. She had olive-toned skin and light brown eyes. She was about the same height Jasey. In other words: short. With the exception of height, Jasey looked the opposite of Belle. She was very pale skinned with lots of freckles. Her hair was light brown with blonde highlights. It was very curly and she had side bangs. Her eyes were about the same color as mine, blue-green, but not as bright in color.
    We all went into the bedroom and set up our double-sized beds and put our clothes away. The front room was already set up with a couch and chair facing the 48 inch, flat screen TV. We sat down and turned on the TV. Jasey popped James Bond: Die Another Day into the DVD player. The three of us were obsessed with James Bond. Pierce Brosnan was my favorite James Bond actor.
    About half an hour into it, Belle got a text.
    "Derek and Alex are all settled in," she said. "They want us to come over."
    Derek Garza and Alex Gilroy. Probably the most popular guys on campus, and Belle and Jasey's boyfriends. I really only like Alex. Derek kind of hates me. We used to go out in freshman year. I broke up with him after about a month, without really giving him a good reason. I broke up with him because I learned that Belle liked him long before he and I had started dating, but I couldn't really tell him that. Her friendship was more important than my relationship.
    "Awesome," Jasey said excitedly. "Let's go."
    When we got to their room Jasey walked right in without knocking.
    "Babe, hey!" Alex said as he went over to hug her. "Yo, Derek, the girls are here!" he called to the back room.
    "Hey, Bells," Derek said, as he came out of the bedroom. He gave her a quick kiss. "What's up Jasey?" He just looked at me with a blank stare. "Ava."
    I rolled my eyes and Belle giggled. "You guys are impossible."
    "So how was your summer, guys?" Alex asked.
    "Boring," I said without hesitation. "But when is it not?"
    We all started laughing.
    "What about you, Belle?" Derek asked.
    "Oh it was fine. I went to Hawaii with my family," she said. "I spent every day at the –"
    "Hey, guys where are the towels?" a voice from the other room shouted, cutting her off.
    "The cabinet," Alex shouted back.
    Jasey, Belle, and I gave the two of them a confused look.
    "That's our new roommate," Derek explained. "His name is Luke. He just transferred here."
    Suddenly, someone walked out of the bedroom, with nothing but a towel around his waist. He had short, dirty-blonde hair that stuck up a little in the front. His eyes were deep blue. He had a light tan, and killer abs, not that I noticed. I was going to assume that he was Luke.
    "Oh, I didn't realize we had company," he said surprised. “I should probably put pants.” That would be nice. He went back to the bathroom and came back out a minute later.
    "Sorry, Luke," Alex said. "We invited our girlfriends over to hang out."
    "Which one is single?" Luke said, jokingly. "Because I see two of you and three of them."
    Derek answered this time. "This is Belle and that's Jasey. Stay away from them and your safe."
    He had purposely not introduced me.
    "What am I? Invisible?" I said in a joking voice, though I wished inside he wouldn't hate me. "I'm Ava," I said offering my hand for him to shake.
    He said hi to everyone and he sat down. We all started talking about random stuff, mostly catching up. I didn't talk that much, because there wasn't much to talk about in my life. I couldn't help but let my eyes wander to Luke constantly. He was gorgeous. However, I had promised myself no more relationships until after graduation. I was done with boys for now.
    I think…
    AN: hey guys! Please give feed back adn let me know what you think!

  19. asherluverwrites asherluverwrites
    posted a quote
    September 18, 2012 11:21pm UTC
    spy my heart
    chapter 1: part 1
    Beep! Beep!
    My eyes fluttered open. I lay in bed for a few more minutes, trying to comprehend what day it was. After a few minutes, I realized it was August 23, my last day of summer vacation.
    Thank God! I thought to myself. Alleluia!
    I hated summer. Those ten months of school and learning were heaven to me. During the summer I never got to see any of my friends. Sure I hung out with a lot of people and went to lots of parties with people in my neighborhood. The parties were okay and the people were nice, but for me it was all boring. I don't want you to think that I'm snob because I go to a private school and am bored around people in my neighborhood. But the truth is that I just don't really fit in at home. Most teens can't wait for summer vacation, because of all the parties and places to go. However, I prefer to be at my school, ACE, with my friends.
    "Ava," my mom called from downstairs. "Your flight leaves in two hours! We have to leave in ten minutes."
    I quickly got up and got dressed. I was wearing dark skinny jeans, a black cardigan, and black striped toms. Well, knock-off toms. I went into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and hair. One of my nicknames was "Golden Girl", one, because I was a genius, and two, because my hair was gold. It extended about half way down my back in wavy layers. I applied a little mascara to my blue-green eyes and headed downstairs. I grabbed my carry on bag and cell phone. My mom was already waiting in the car, with it running. I locked the door behind me and checked the back of the car to make sure all by bags were there. All six bags were there. I climbed into the passenger seat.
    "You have everything, Ava?" my mom asked.
    "Yep, I triple checked," I replied.
    "All right, let's go."
    I sat on the plane staring at my laptop screen. I was working on a new design. I enjoyed using words to create images in Photoshop. I had even sold a few of my designs. I had pretty awesome career and future ahead me. I wanted to be an advertising executive. I just wished I had someone to talk to about it at home. My mom had too much on her plate to deal with it. She was always working because she was the sole provider for us, ever since my dad died. He died when I was just a few months old. I have no idea what he looks like because every picture mom had of him burned in a house fire.
    All of this was why my mom allowed me to go to boarding school. Mom loved me, but she had to work too many jobs to support us, so she wasn't home much. That always worried her. She knew I was a good kid, but she always seemed to worry about my safety. So when ACE approached us with a full scholarship, we accepted.
    "The captain has turned on the seatbelt sign. Please return to your seats and prepare for landing," a voice said over the intercom.
    I packed up my laptop and put my back under the seat in front of me. After we landed, I headed to baggage claim. There I met up with Carl, a security guard from my school, and my ride to there. He grabbed my bags and put them in the back of the limo and I climbed in the back.
    "Hey, hey!" a voice greeted me from the inside. "Welcome to D.C."
    "Jasey, hey!" I said excitedly. Jasey was one of my best friends. She was also one of my roommates at school, along with our other friend, Annabelle, who we just call Belle.
    Jasey hugged me and I settled into my seat.
    "How was your summer?" she asked.
    I shrugged. "It was okay. I'll helped my mom around the house. I hung out with a few people, but I get really bored with them. So how your summer?"
    "Um, you know, it was boring. Nothing really happened."
    "Jasey, you and I both know that is not true," I told her. My friends were always trying to protect me from certain things, like that fact that they had a lot more than me. They understood my situation and didn't want to rub it in my face, but the truth was, I was used to it. I didn't mind hearing about their fabulous lives outside of school. To be honest, it was really interesting to hear about all the places they go.
    "Okay, so I went to Paris," Jasey admitted.
    "Now was that so hard."
    AN: hey guys! Please give feed back adn let me know what you think!


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