Witty Profiles

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  1. KaaiiEffers KaaiiEffers
    posted a quote
    May 6, 2011 3:38am UTC
    Sometimes when I'm bored
    I pretend to be a carrot :D

  2. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  3. imnotaguy imnotaguy
    posted a quote
    May 2, 2011 3:30pm UTC
    hey, im a guy.
    favorite this quote
    and ill write you a paragraph
    about how beautiful you are

    dont bother looking at my username either

  4. FunkyLilBugger FunkyLilBugger
    posted a quote
    May 2, 2011 7:13am UTC
    If you have ever self-harmed
    If you managed to stop
    I think we all need a little hope
    In our lives...

  5. whydoihatemyself whydoihatemyself
    posted a quote
    April 24, 2011 12:51am UTC
    30 Days of Taylor Swift
    Day 01 – The first Taylor Swift song you heard:
    Day 02 – When you became a Taylor Swift fan:
    Day 03 – Your favorite Taylor Swift song:
    Day 04 – Your favorite Taylor Swift music video:
    Day 05 – Number of Taylor Swift concerts you’ve been to:
    Day 06 – Your favorite Taylor Swift performance:
    Day 07 – Your favorite tumblr page/s of Taylor Swift:
    Day 08 – The Taylor Swift song that you most relate to:
    Day 09 – Your favorite Taylor Swift picture:
    Day 10 – Something that you miss about Taylor Swift:
    Day 11 – Your favorite Taylor Swift lyric:
    Day 12 – Your favorite video of Taylor Swift on youtube:
    Day 13 – Your favorite Taylor Swift album:
    Day 14 – Have you met Taylor Swift?:
    Day 15 – Your least favorite Taylor Swift song:
    Day 16 – Your favorite Taylor Swift magazine cover:
    Day 17 – A Taylor Swift song that you wish had a music video:
    Day 18 – Who would you want to do a duet with Taylor Swift:
    Day 19 – A Taylor Swift song that you would love to hear live:
    Day 20 – Favorite Taylor Swift quote:
    Day 21 – Something Taylor Swift related that you’re excited about:
    Day 22 – A Taylor Swift song that you can play/wish to play on an instrument:
    Day 23 – Five things you love about Taylor Swift:
    Day 24 – Which do you prefer: Taylor Swift’s blog, vlogs, or tweets:
    Day 25 – Do you own any Taylor Swift merchandise?:
    Day 26 – Your favorite Taylor Swift myspace Vlog:
    Day 27 – The Taylor Swift song that you never get tired of hearing:
    Day 28 – How Taylor Swift has influenced your life:
    Day 29 – Post anything that involves Taylor Swift:
    Day 30 – If you could say anything to Taylor Swift, what would it be?:

  6. autumnbabyyy autumnbabyyy
    posted a quote
    April 28, 2011 6:15pm UTC
    i have a heart on my wrist.
    fav. if you do because you know it means you wont commit suicide.

  7. wildberry101 wildberry101
    posted a quote
    April 28, 2011 6:19pm UTC

  8. sarahchamberlain22 sarahchamberlain22
    posted a quote
    April 28, 2011 6:43pm UTC
    Click the heart ;
    if you feel you're not pretty, or good enough
    and look in the mirror & know that you are♥

  9. wittyquotesgurl wittyquotesgurl
    posted a quote
    April 28, 2011 8:37pm UTC
    Hi, I am an ugly quote. You will probably just skip me. But for the ones who didn't skip me, thank you. If you are reading this, you don't judge things by the appearance. You only judge by the character, and how things and people truly are in the inside. Favorite this if you read this. Let's just see how many people don't judge by the appearance.

  10. mailman mailman
    posted a quote
    April 28, 2011 9:05pm UTC
    The star of the football team
    h a s a b l i n d d a d
    who always comes to his games,
    even though he can't see him play.
    One day, the dad gets sick and dies
    before the night of his son's big game.
    The team is expecting him to slack off,
    mourning the death of his father.
    But he played the best game he EVER had,
    making the winning touchdown
    &+ many amazing plays.
    The couch is amazed, so he asked,
    "How did you play so well even after your father has passed?
    The boy stares right at him, and says
    "This is the first time he has ever seen me play."


  11. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  12. LegallyBlonde24 LegallyBlonde24
    posted a quote
    February 20, 2011 7:36pm UTC
    I liked Justin Bieber
    he turned famous
    <3 if you agree

  13. shalala shalala
    posted a quote
    February 12, 2011 10:05am UTC
    &+did you know
    when youre waiting for a youtube video to load, you can press the down arrow and play snake


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