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  1. Witty_stories19 Witty_stories19
    posted a quote
    August 31, 2011 7:58pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  2. Witty_stories19 Witty_stories19
    posted a quote
    August 31, 2011 3:50pm UTC
    Hard Knock Life
    ~Chapter Eleven
    I had decided on a pair of dark blue short shorts and a black tube with swirl designs on the bottom right corner in sparkles. I looked in the mirror, my hair fell perfectly straight on my shoulders and my outfit fit perfectly with my body. I was quite skinny, but not nearly as skinny as I used to be... I had gone bulimic in 8th grade when a guy dumped me. I had always been the one to end the relationship, but he ended it... and I didn't coop well with that, so I starved myself. I ended up throwing up without forcing myself and couldn't stop... it was then that I realized how big of a mistake I made. I ended up in a special hospital for 2 months as they frantically tried to help my body stop throwing up. I had gotten to 78 pounds at age 14... it was horrible and my friends were so scared but they didn't tell everyone about it, I didn't need that pressure.
    I was pulled out of my thoughts as I heard the door bell ring. I ran down stairs and opened my door to find Damon casually leaning on the stone pillar smirking.
    "20 minutes on the dot." he teased.
    "Yeah yeah yeah, congratulations." I laughed rolling my eyes. I ushered him in and he glanced around my entrance and looked back at me as I shut the door. He looked amazing, white hollister V-neck complete with plaid shorts from american eagle. He had an interesting yet very familiar necklace on, with was a rope lined with sea shells all around it, it was very fitted on his neck.
    "So, when do we leave?" he laughed raising an eyebrow at me. I bit my bottom lip, he had realized that I had been staring at him. I lowered my head to look at my feet so my hair covered my face as I blushed.
    "I'm just waiting for Seli to text me so that I can walk over there. They are all excited to meet you." I added and looked up after I felt my face go back to normal color.
    "Alright, I brought money although I have no idea what we are going to be doing."
    "I told you, going to the fair, so pretty much just rides and sh*t. We might end up going midnightswimming, well some of us. Others aren't allowed to be out too late." I rambled. Dammit, too much info.
    "You're parents don't care how late your out... or who you have over?" he asked casually.
    "Well... my parents are never home really. My mom is a nurse and my dad is a... doctor." I couldn't tell him my dad was a drug dealer! He would probably walk out on me then.
    He gave me a weird look, did I make it obvious or something?
    "Alright, well I think swimming would be fun. Do you go in your pool or the ocean?" he brushed off the look and made it look like it was nothing.
    "Umm, usually the ocean... I guess. I just have a giant fear of sharks." I blushed. I felt my phone vibrate and told him we had to get walking. We started walking and talking about our interests and got to know each other quite a a bit before we reached my friends. Selina's mouth dropped and she raised her eyebrows and me and winked.
    "He's f**king hott!" she whispered in my ear as I introduced him to everyone.
    I smiled, he was a sight... wait, me and him weren't a thing. Was I starting to have feelings for him? I don't even know him!
    -Slow chapters:( so sorry.
    -Fave? comment? Follow? & any suggestions write me up and I'll add it!:)
    -Thanks readers?

  3. Witty_stories19 Witty_stories19
    posted a quote
    August 31, 2011 1:34pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  4. Witty_stories19 Witty_stories19
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2011 10:33pm UTC
    Hard Knock Life
    ~Chapter 9
    I quickly took a hot shower and put on a pair of pajama pants and lace tank top. I decided to grab a light white sweater and my book and read on my bedroom balcony that over looked the left side of my house. I walked out and there was a soft
    breeze, I breathed it in and sat down on the stone railing.
    “Wow, you again?” I heard a familiar voice laugh.
    My head shot up and sure enough, the guy that walked with me home was standing on the balcony directly across from mine.
    “Are you following me?” I rolled my eyes, trying to hide my excitement.
    “I’ve been here for two days and already being accused?” he smiled. He was casually leaning against his door frame, damn he looked good.
    “No…” I said narrowing my eyes, “but you still haven’t even told me your name.”
    “Nor have you told me yours.”He said raising an eyebrow, and taking out his phone.
    “True, be right back mystery person.”I said sarcastically running into my room. I heard my ring tone going and grabbed my phone and checked caller ID, Damon?
    “Hello?” I answered.
    “Hello mystery girl,” I heard him laugh.
    I gasped and walked onto my balcony, and there was the guy with his phone against his ear and a wide smile across his face.
    I hung up the phone and laughed, “Classy, how the hell did you get a hold of my phone?”
    “I have my ways, and now you know my name. Yours is Jess right?”
    “Yes sir, Jessica Gilbert.”I said proudly.
    His face went serious and he looked away, “I know.”
    There was a moment of silence as I watched him stare off into his backyard.
    “So, how old are you? Do you know what school you will be going to?” I asked trying to break the silence; I still really wanted to talk to him. But he didn’t say a word or look up.
    Why do you do that? I thought to myself, you ignore me when all I want to know if we’ll have the same class or something.
    Just then he looked up and smiled, “I’m turning 17 in 2 weeks on the 27th.”
    I counted the days exactly, I felt really weird but I randomly just decided to see exact. Fifteen days tomorrow, I smiled but I didn’t know what I was planning on doing. He laughed too as if he knew.
    We talked for a bit longer then my phone started to ring. He gave me a questioning look, and I checked to see who it was.
    “Hey, it’s Keith I have to take this, text me soon?” I asked.
    He nodded and disappeared into his room, I stood there looking to where he was standing then picked up the phone and went back into my room.
    -Slow chapter I know(N) but it'll get there:)
    Fave? Comment? Follow?
    Thanks Readers<33!

  5. Witty_stories19 Witty_stories19
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2011 9:18pm UTC
    Hard Knock Life
    ~Chapter eight
    His eyes were beautiful, he was beautiful. He was unlike anyone I had ever met in my life.
    "H-hello..." was all I could spit out. Why was I acting like this over a guy?! Guys act like this over me... that's how it has always been.
    He laughed, "are you lost?" he asked raising his eyebrows. He was enjoying my idiocy!
    "No, I am not lost." I pushed his hand off mine roughly and stood up straight.
    He laughed again, "where do you live?" he asked still amused.
    "On EntAvenue." I said proudly. In Woodstock, if you lived on that road you were considered rich and top news. I was one of the only teens that lived on that road, others were older people.
    "Oh, Ent huh? Wow, impressive. So do I." he had a strange smile on his face, it almost scared me. His eyes scanned my face, and he chuckled again. "We should get going then, I can walk you home."
    I nodded, it was all I could do, my brain didn't want to cooperate. We walked in silence for a good five minutes until I finally decided to break the silence.
    "So, umm... how come I have never seen you around?" I questioned. It had just occurred to me that I hadn't seen him around at all, yet he lived on my street?
    "I just moved here, two days ago." he stated without a flicker emotion.
    We talked little about anything, he seemed uninterested in anything I had to say. What's going on? What's his problem?
    We had turned down my street and walked a bit when I stopped. "This is where I live." I said flatly.
    He looked up and me and laughed, "My house is right there." he pointed at the house directly beside mine. A couple emotions flowed through my body at that moment, mainly eagerness and anger. I nodded and walked inside.
    "Hello?!" I shouted hoping to get a response, but all I got was my dog running up to me and jumping on me. "Hey girl," I smiled, she was the closest thing I had to family.
    -Slow chapter, the next one get's better(: Hope you like it!:)
    Fave? Comment? Follow?
    Thanks readers!<333

  6. Witty_stories19 Witty_stories19
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2011 5:32pm UTC
    Hard Knock Life
    ~Chapter Seven
    Nathan was on top of Brandon pounding on him. Keith was in a furious fight with some other kid, one of Brandon's friends I guessed. I didn't know what to do, I stood there in horror. I stumbled forward and tried to pull Nate away, but he turned around and struck me hard... then he looked up and saw it was me and his eyes grew wide. Everyone gasped.
    "Oh my God Jess," he said as he pushed Brandon away and picked me up off the floor. "Oh my... I am so sorry!" Nathan exclaimed pulling me to my feet and into his arms. I clutched my head and said nothing. I looked around and the fighting had all stopped, upside to that I guess. Keith came running over but Nathan stood there staring at me and shaking his head at himself.
    "We have to go," Nathan said flatly. He looked over at Keith, who was now surrounded by Mandy, Toria and Selina. I couldn't see Josh anywhere.
    We walked out the door, only our group. Nathan put me in his car, Keith in the back seat and the rest were going to be dropped off by Selina. We drove in silence for what seemed hours.
    "Wait stop, stop!" I screamed. Nathan slammed on the breaks, and turned to me.
    "What?" Nathan asked back, a little nervous.
    "I-I want to be dropped off here." I stuttered.
    "Do you even know where we are?" Keith asked like I was crazy.
    I looked around, no, I didn't really know where I was. It couldn't have been far from home though, and I needed to walk. "I'll find my way." I said flatly getting out of the car. I turned around and gave them a reassuring look, "I'll text you... I'll be fine." with that I turned and walked away.
    I heard them stay there for a minute and watch me walk away, then screech away. I didn't know what I was doing, at all. I whipped out my phone and texted Selina only to find 23 unread texts. I ignored them all and sent a message to Selina.
    I just wanted someone to talk to, and then I ran into someone who I hadn't ever seen in my life. Very, very good looking boy who looked to be about my age.
    He caught my arm so I wouldn't fall, "Hello," he smirked.
    -This chapter was sort of a free for all(: I hope you like it so far!
    Fave? Comment? Follow? & any suggestions write me up:)!
    Thank you readers<33! (:

  7. Witty_stories19 Witty_stories19
    posted a quote
    August 29, 2011 9:22pm UTC
    Hard Knock Life
    ~Chapter 6
    I spun around to find Brandon had followed me.
    "Brandon, let me go I have to find-" but he cut me off.
    "Find who? Mathews? That guy's a total moron." Brandon sneered.
    "Shut up Brandon! And let go of me!" I shouted.
    "Hey what's going on?!" Nate came up behind me and gave me a weird look. Then he saw the look on my face and his face when stone hard. "Brandon, why don't you just run along and leave Jess alone."
    "What are you her dad?" Brandon joked. Brandon was big, but when Nathan stood up by him he looked 10 times smaller. Nathan gave me a push and I ran out of the room looking for Keith again. I heard shouting from behind and it sounded like they started fighting, Not again! I kept running looking for Keith. I found him with a group of people, and a girl on his lap. I stopped dead in my tracks, my eyes welled up, what the hell?! I was crying over Keith?
    I swallowed the lump in my throat and walked up to Keith. He glared at me for a second till I nodded for him to come talk, he whispered something to the pretty blonde and followed me. I was going to talk about what happened with Brandon, but I decided to just tell him about Brandon and Nathan.
    "Keith, I-I, uhh, Brandon a-and Nate." I stumbled over my words. But Keith seemed to understand from the look on my face, and his eyes widened and jaw locked. We turned and started jogging to the house but my vision started to blur and I felt like I couldn't walk straight.
    "Jess, you're a little drunk. There's Mandy, stay back with her and I'll go settle this." Keith said and called Amanda over. He quickly ran into the house, but I had to go too.
    "Mandy come on. We have to go in there." I said walking to the house.
    "Keith said to just stay here though..."
    "No Mandy, I caused this, I'm going in there." I said urgently. She nodded and made sure I didn't fall over, we went into the house and it was a complete disaster.
    -Yay more drama?:) Short and boring though, sowwie:( I hope you guys are liking it so far though!
    Fave? Comment? Follow? & any suggestions, write me up and I'll fit it in(:
    Thank you beautiful readers<33!

  8. Witty_stories19 Witty_stories19
    posted a quote
    August 29, 2011 7:08pm UTC
    Hard Knock Life
    ~Chapter 5
    We got to the party a couple minutes early and it was already jam packed with students and friends. The minute we stepped in the house we were surrounded... typical. After talking to a couple friends Toria, Mandy, Selina and I managed to sneak out and decided to head to the pool.
    "Hey ladies! Headed to the pool." someone shouted from behind us. We turn around and sure enough, it's Greg, Preston High's biggest player. Though, he was extremely good looking, dark brown hair with highlights, perfect smile, steal grey eyes and very well built.
    "Yeah," Selina replied, eyes beaming. She had a thing for Greg for the longest time, oh Selina. We all got to the pool and stripped down into our bathing suits. We dangled our feet in the water when Greg picked up Selina and jumped in the pool with her in his arms. Me and Toria knew she loved it, we were all laughing. After Toria decided to join in and I told them I was going to go get something to drink and left. I found the soda, but I also found the alcohol...
    Keith's POV:
    Nathan, Josh and I had been surrounded by girls the minute we walked in. I realized that the girls had managed to sneak away so I did too to go looking for them. I searched the living room then decided to look by the pool. I then saw Selina and Greg holding hands and decided to ask them.
    "Nah man, last time I saw her was she was in the kitchen having a few beers."
    Greg said. Selina's head shot up and her eyes were wide... just like mine, but I guess she didn't see what Greg did.
    "Alright, thanks man." I said jogging away and heading towards the kitchen. sh*t she wasn't supposed to drink without Selina, Mandy or Toria around. I got to the kitchen and didn't see her so I headed to the living room. I found her... but I wished I hadn't...
    Jessica's POV:
    I had a couple beers and was tipsy already.
    "Hey Jess." Brandoncame up behind me and sat down beside.
    "Heeeey Brrrandonnn." I slurred back. Oh great, more drunk then I intended. We talked for a bit then headed to the living room and he sat me on his lap on the couch. I swung my leg over his and put my hands on his neck and forcefully kissed him. It was a hard make out and he ended up laying on me somehow. I heard someone say my name and looked up, it was Keith. Keith hated Brandon, sh*t! I pushed Brandonoff me but Keith was already walking away. I had to catch up with him.
    "Keith!" I called after him. I turned a corner and couldn't see him anymore.
    Just then someone grabbed my waist and started tugging me hard.
    - :o quite long, little more drama though:)! hope you enjoyed it!
    Fave? Comment? Follow? & any suggestions just post on my profile and I'll fit it in:) Thanks readers<33!

  9. Witty_stories19 Witty_stories19
    posted a quote
    August 29, 2011 6:13pm UTC
    Hard Knock Life
    ~Chapter 4
    I rushed out of the shower and ran into my closet to pick out the perfect outfit for the party of the summer. After a couple minutes of throwing items together I decided on a silver shiny, off the shoulder top and black short shorts. I straightened my hair pin straight and stuck some diamond earrings on. I went and grabbed my cell phone and got a text from Keith.
    Keith: heyy Jess:)
    Me: heeey keitherr(:
    Keith: youualmost ready? 'cause Immacome early:3
    Me: LOL, yeah I'm ready:) come over now.
    Keith: Alright, are your parents home?
    Me: Keith :/ when are my parents ever home?
    Keith: Right sorry... I'll be over in abit.
    Me: Okay, see yah in abit<3
    I glanced in the mirror one last time and went down stairs to wait. About 10 minutes later the door bell rang and Keith came in.
    "Hey," he smiled giving me a hug.
    "Heyy," I replied pulling away. We wandered into my room and sat down on my bed.
    "Jess, you do know it's a pool party too right?" Keith winked.
    "Oh damn!" I ran into my closet to find a good bathing suit. Keith came up behind me and grabbed one.
    "I like this one, it looks good on you." He smiled, I smiled back and turned around,
    "Then this one it is." I was a pearl white string bikini with strings hanging off he top and bottom. I walked into the bathroom and quickly threw it on. I walked out and Keith smiled, "It's time to go, everyone's waiting outside."
    "Alright alright, let's go." I laughed as he jumped up and ninja rolled outside of my bedroom door. I walked to my desk and pulled out some money and phone and walked outside my room. Keith was waiting by the stairs, he turned and started walking down so I jumped on his back and laughed as he ran down. We walked outside to find everyone there... including Jerrid.
    "Why is he here?!" I half shouted and whispered to Keith.
    "I have NO idea." he replied and put his hand around my waist. We walked towards the group and headed to the party, I still couldn't figure out why he was here though...
    - Sorry, next chapter is the party:) I promise, and more drama next!
    Fave? Comment? Follow? & any suggestions, write on my profile and I'll try to add them:) Thank you readers!:) <3

  10. Witty_stories19 Witty_stories19
    posted a quote
    August 29, 2011 3:57pm UTC
    Hard Knock Life
    ~Chapter 3
    "What is it?" Keith said, looking to where my gaze was set, his smile faded.
    "Hey," Jerrid sat down beside me without hesitation. We were friends yes, we always texted each other and skyped, but I hadn't seen him much since we broke up.
    "Hello." I replied flatly. I looked over at Keith who had a sort of annoyed expression on his face.
    "Listen Jess, can I talk to you... alone?" He added looking over at Keith.
    I looked over at Keith and shrugged. Keith nodded sternly and left to join the others. We sat in silence for a minute when Jerrid stood up and extended his hand to help me up. I took it and we started walking.
    "Listen Jess, I know we kind of... left everything hanging. But I just... I still want to be friends. Like before, we were best friends. I was thinking about it last night, and, well I miss you Jess." He said, slightly looking away.
    "Jerrid, I-I.. umm, I've missed you too." was all I could say. I did miss him a lot. He was my everything ever since I met him. I know it sounds sappy but it's true... I was going through a really tough time when I first met him. And he helped me through it even though he didn't even know me.
    He smiled, "And no matter what I'll always love you." My throat closed up and all I could do was nod and give a weak smile.
    "Hey Jess!" Toria shouted from the lake, she waved to signal for me to go to them.
    "Well, I have to go, I'll see you around." I smiled.
    "Yeah, you are going to the party tonight right? Lucas's party?" He asked still smiling.
    "Yeah I am. I pretty much have to attend parties." I sighed.
    "Well good, see you there." He laughed and walked away to his friends.
    I bit my bottom lip, and ran to my friends.
    "Hey guys, we should probably get going if we are going to make it to the party tonight." I said as I checked my phone for the time, 6:45, the party starts at 8. They all agreed and Keith walked me home since we lived on the same road. We planned to meet at my house to go to the party together. Keith didn't bring up Jerrid once, he didn't like him... that was clear. I got to my house and decided to shower.
    -Still boring:( but the party will be more interesting. Fave? Comment? Follow?
    Thanks Readers:)! Any suggestions write on my profile and I'll fit it in:)
    And soo sorry about the last two stories that you had to highlight, my computer hates me-__- But I hope you still enjoy them? :$

  11. Witty_stories19 Witty_stories19
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2011 4:57pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  12. Witty_stories19 Witty_stories19
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2011 4:42pm UTC
    Hard Knock Life
    ~Chapter One
    "No Selina, I don't feel like going to the beach today. I still don't feel good." I replied to Selina's begging over the phone. I was looking for something to wear in my walk in closet when my Blackberry rang and sure enough, it was Seli with plans for the day.
    "Jess come on! You need to get out. I've hardly seen you since..." she trailed off. I knew what she meant though, ever since my break up with Jerrid I've been a complete mess. I did my best to get over him, after all it was only 3 months that we had gone out, but everyone was telling me he was my first love, and it was true. No one made me feel the way he did.
    "Sel... ugh, okay maybe. What were you planning on doing to-"
    "Yay! That's my Jess! Okay meet us at Starbucks in an hour." she cut me off, totally thrilled.
    "Okay okay, what do I all need to bring... wait us?" I asked.
    "Yeah, our group hangouts, like we always used to do." I could hear her pouting over the phone.
    "Alright," I sighed. "We're going to the beach though right?"
    "You bet girl! Bring your cutest bikini and that sexy body of yours!"
    "Alright Seli, as you wish." I laughed and hung up.
    Now I really needed to find something to wear. I sat in my closet for a couple more minutes then decided on my white Hollister short shorts, a bright blue tub top with sequence and my purple string bikini that complimented my tan. I applied some water proof eye liner and mascara. I kept my dark brown hair naturally straight and glanced in the mirror, and sighed. Jessica Gilbert, PrestonHigh's junior golden girl as of September. I had always been the popular one, the one that every guy wanted to date and every girl felt superior if they made it with our group. But with great popularity comes drama and heartbreak. My family was rich because my mom was a nurse and my dad deals drugs. Neither of them are home very often so it was just her and her black lab Sahara. I glanced one more time in the mirror and left to Starbucks which was only a few blocks away. I scanned the place and smiled when I found my friends. All of my closest friends were there, Selina, Toria, Nathan, Amanda, Josh and Keith.
    They all smiled and signaled me to come over, and once I got there it was hug after hug.
    "Oh my gosh girl, it feels like forever since we seen you!" screeched Toria with pure joy.
    The guys came and gave me hugs too but before me and Nathan hugged we just looked at eachother. It used to be really awkward between us because we were best friends, then we dated and broke up later so we didn't know how to react around eachother. But we were clear of that now.
    "Missed yah Jess, you little devil." he chuckled messing up my hair and pulling me in for a hug. I smiled at everyone, it felt good to be reunited again.
    "So, where to now?" I asked.
    -I know boring start D: but I had to get some of the details in:) I hope you enjoy it as it gets more exciting. Like? Comment? Follow? :)
    Thanks you readers!:)

  13. Witty_stories19 Witty_stories19
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2011 2:53pm UTC
    click to see this quote


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