Witty Profiles

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  1. xxcorinne95xx xxcorinne95xx
    posted a quote
    July 9, 2012 7:13pm UTC
    So I wont give up,no I won't break down
    sooner then it seems life turns around
    and I will be strong,even if it all goes wrong
    when i'm standing in the dark I'll still believe
    someones watching over me

  2. Storieslike_WOAH Storieslike_WOAH
    posted a quote
    July 10, 2012 1:42pm UTC
    "Just a little
    GIRL .....
    chapter 3 PART 1
    i wake up and im very confused. Before i can ask where i am people rush over to me messing with a thing on my leg. One of them touchs my head. i screech
    "its ok its ok" the doctor says shaky with scares me.
    "wh-h-ee--rr-e a--m- i?" i ask freaked out.
    "your in the hospital and you have a broken bone and stiches on your head.
    "whats on my leg and what are stiches?" i ask and they look at me worried witch makes me worrie.
    "uh.. thats a cast witch helps your leg and stiches beacuse you hurt your head" he said being careful with the words he used at the end.
    "uhhhh?" i all i can get out before a women comes rushing in the room.
    "BABY!" is all shes yells and runs over to me but the doctors block her. i get very confused and look at a docter and he shugs his sholders.
    "Ma'am she cant see visitors yet" is all i hear before he whispers in her ear and she gets a worried face. when she leaves i ask
    "who was that?"
    "uhhhh you dont rememeber?" one says before another doctor elbows him gently.
    "that was your mother" the one that elbowed him said and shot him a dirty look.
    FEEDBACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5 favs to coutinued plz!!!!!?

  3. TheWrittenInfection TheWrittenInfection
    posted a quote
    June 26, 2012 7:52pm UTC
    Zayn: Dude, I wasn't that drunk
    Liam: Mate, you called yourself ugly
    Zayn: ......oh my God

  4. TheWrittenInfection TheWrittenInfection
    posted a quote
    June 23, 2012 12:33am UTC
    Harry: why would I ever push Louis off the bed?!
    Louis: that's an awful thing to say! *pushes Harry off the bed* heh heh heh!

  5. xlonglivex xlonglivex
    posted a quote
    July 9, 2012 3:45pm UTC
    I can't make you love me when you dont♥

  6. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  7. xxcorinne95xx xxcorinne95xx
    posted a quote
    July 8, 2012 5:37pm UTC
    Just Another Love Story
    Chapter 1
    As I stepped out of the airport I could instantly feel the Florida sun kissing my pale body. Bella was sort of tanned already but me I’m as white as a ghost.
    “Look at my granddaughter!” my grandma shouted from her car a few feet away from Bella and I.
    “Ava you look so grown up since the last time I saw you! Same to you too Isabella, now let’s bring you home and get you guys situated and all freshened up before we go out to dinner.”
    My grandma was the sweetest women I have ever known. My grandpa died when I was a born so I never met him. And after since he passed away a year later, she then moved to Florida. Her house was huge let me tell you that. She didn’t live right on the beach but she did live walking distance. Her house has a pool and about 6 bedrooms and 7 baths. Her basement was incredible as well, she had a game area and a workout area it was amazing! We pulled up to my grandma’s house and all you could see was Bella’s mouth drop open. Bella has never been to my grandma’s house before she’s has only meet her through our family functions.
    “Grandma, who’s that?” I said looking at the strange boy cutting my grandmas front lawn.
    “Oh, sweetie that’s Logan, he does work for me all year round now he lives a few houses down. He’s your age he’s such a sweet boy!” My grandma said cheerfully.
    My grandma stopped in front of the doors and right away Logan came to introduce himself.
    “Hey, I’m Logan.” He said smiling.
    “Hey, I’m Ava and this is my best friend Bella” Bella kept nudging me. She knew I have never had a boyfriend so she’s basically on a mission to find me one.
    “Well, I better let you unpack and get settled in but if you want someone to show you around ask you grandmother for my number.”
    “Thanks, that sounds great.”
    Obviously I have been to my grandma’s house before but never with a friend it’s always been with my family so I was always stuck inside or outside but the pool. We both decided to take the room with two twin beds and immediately started to unpack. As we got ready to go out to eat Bella said to me, “Ava, Logan is like beyond gorgeous!”
    And she was right. He had blond hair, blue eyes, tall, muscular and the list goes on and on.
    “I think he likes you.” Bella said jumping up and down with her curling iron in her hand.
    “Bella, I honestly don’t think someone can like somebody else that fast without getting to know them first.”
    “Well there’s this thing called ‘love at first sight’.” She said applying her mascara
    “Well I’m not here for a silly summer love story like those movies.”
    “Some things come when you least expect it…”
    Hey guys!
    Thank you all for the support!I do wish I had more people reading my story that is why im not really motivating to getting each chapter up faster!
    I changed the format a little I hope you like it!
    love you!

  8. Storieslike_WOAH Storieslike_WOAH
    posted a quote
    July 9, 2012 3:10pm UTC
    "Just a little
    GIRL .....
    chapter 2
    when the day is over i run up to my room. I sit there and just think....about everything that happened. "Today was the best day ever!" was all i could text Talli before my mom called me for dinner.I am about to say "Nothing could make this day bad" but then i look up from my feet and i cant believe what i see.
    "WHAT IS THIS MOM!" i yell angry
    "sweat calm-" is all my mo can get out before i yell
    "YOU NEVER CALL ME THAT DONT LIE TO WHOEVER THS MAN IS TELL HIM TO LEAVE!!!!!!" i screch at the top of my lungs
    "No now sit and eat your dinner!" she yells but softens it for that guy.
    i run up stairs yelling
    i lock my door and i sob into my pillow. i hoped my mom would come and tell me he left but when i creecked the door open he was there still holding hands with my mom.
    i pray to god that she will not let him replace dad. i prepare to jump out my window. i hold on to the end of the ledge to my window and let my feet fall so im hanging. luckly my house isnt that tall. so when i let go i fall on grass and soccer balls i left out. and i take off running to no where just to get away. I run for 20 mins. at least and then i start to slow down. after 3 mins of reasting i hear my mom calling my name. Half of my wants to run to her the other wants to get away. So i take off running again. since im in soccer i can ran like the speed of light. But after 14 mins of running i believe i trip over one of the park benchs.The next thing i know i see blood all over my face and then i hear my mom yell my name one more time and then i black out.
    sorry it took so long to post this chapter :( feedback plz 5 favs to countinue!!

  9. LandonIsWitty LandonIsWitty
    posted a quote
    July 9, 2012 9:02am UTC
    Scrolling through page 17 of the top quotes,
    And realizing you need to get a life...

  10. CutieandHottie CutieandHottie
    posted a quote
    June 15, 2012 10:43pm UTC
    Spongebob: Patrick! Can you hear me!?
    Patrick: No, It's dark in here!
    Me: LMFAO!
    Spongebob: Patrick! Can you HEAR me?
    Patrick: NO! IT'S DARK IN HERE!
    Me: -.-

  11. CutieandHottie CutieandHottie
    posted a quote
    June 15, 2012 10:52pm UTC
    Me: Sittin on da computer eating a waffle and drinking a monster.
    Brother: You're so FAT!
    Me: I'm not fat. my sexy-ness just overflows... A LOT!
    Brother: You're not sexy.. at all.
    Me: You're right. I've been sexy-fied.

  12. CutieandHottie CutieandHottie
    posted a quote
    June 16, 2012 5:53pm UTC
    I wanted to go to Chucky Cheese.
    I'm going to 7th grade.
    I begged my dad
    It didn't work.
    I don't want to grow up. I want to always be Daddys Little Girl.

  13. CutieandHottie CutieandHottie
    posted a quote
    July 6, 2012 11:55pm UTC
    Mom, Can I use The Computer? YES!!!
    Mom, Can I use The Computer? No.
    Mom, Can I use The Computer? No.
    Mom, Can I use The Computer? No.
    Mom, Can I use The Computer? No.
    Mom, Can I use The Computer? No.
    Read from bottom up. '>'

  14. CutieandHottie CutieandHottie
    posted a quote
    July 7, 2012 12:23am UTC
    "Why are you smiling? This is school. -_-"

  15. CutieandHottie CutieandHottie
    posted a quote
    July 7, 2012 12:05am UTC
    I'm and my grandparents. My grandmother who is 80 went to play bingo. I had to play. When another 80 year old yelled 'BINGO!" my grandma let off the F* bomb. -.-

  16. Storieslike_WOAH Storieslike_WOAH
    posted a quote
    July 7, 2012 12:25pm UTC
    "Just a little
    GIRL .....
    chapter 1
    ...stuck in the moment" I walk into the class room and see at least 23 kids in there.Every one is talking about summer.The classroom looks SO different since the last time i was here. i sit and play with the tabs on my binder untill the teacher calls me over.
    "Do you have any friends?" Mrs.Lax says rudely
    "No. i dont need any and dont want any." i say confindent
    "Same dont give me 'tude" Mrs.Lax says
    "i wasnt its ture i dont want any friends" i say losing some "'tude".
    "Well i will have to change that" she says with a evil look in her eye.
    i stomped over to my desk like a 3 yr old would do. Mrs.Lax yells at every one and tells them to sit down. She starts the lesson for today and all i hear is "BLAH,BLAH,BLAH!" the whole time.
    Now its lunch time.I sit alone untill the new girl i saw on the bus comes up and sits next to me.
    "Hi, im Talli" she has Red hair with freakles all over her face. I wish i had Red hair SOOO bad i love Red hair.
    "Hi, im Sam" i say shyly "So are you new here?" i ask even though i know the answer.
    "yeah... i moved here from texas" she says
    "Cool" i say
    the rest of the lunch we talk about our life and come pretty good friends. It turns out she loves soccer and will be on my team with me this year. Im so happy that i made a friend even though i didnt want one.
    "Well Sam, i think we will become really good friends but i got to get to class"
    "bye Talli?" i say forgetting her name
    "you got it!"
    Maybe this year will be Different!!!!
    feedback plzzzzz!

  17. Buki Buki
    posted a quote
    July 6, 2012 5:26pm UTC
    Cute guy: Hey.
    Me: Who paid you?

  18. BravoSierra BravoSierra
    posted a quote
    July 6, 2012 9:30pm UTC
    Mom: Can I see your witty?
    Me: What witty?
    Me: *clears internet history, throws laptop against wall, flees to Mexico and changes name to Juanita*

  19. Bravosierra* Bravosierra*
    posted a quote
    July 6, 2012 5:22pm UTC
    *Normal girls: OMG. My guy is with another girl. Wtf

  20. Emily Autopsy * Emily Autopsy *
    posted a quote
    July 7, 2012 11:10am UTC
    When im older i wanna get a tattoo of this on my back...
    Knife Goes Here


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