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  1. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  2. thisislife thisislife
    posted a quote
    August 1, 2011 12:33pm UTC
    you know what's one of the saddest sounds in the world? children playing. there is just something about sitting in your room with the windows open, listening to their joy and laughter. its like there is some sort of magic going on outside that you can no longer join in on. something you can no longer grasp. a secret club you cant remember the password to. and you realize that youve grown up.

  3. xlovedreamerx9 xlovedreamerx9
    posted a quote
    August 1, 2011 12:33pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  4. Mikay30 Mikay30
    posted a quote
    August 1, 2011 12:34pm UTC
    Want to know a secret?
    Today, I realized that the people who smile and laugh the most are the ones who are suffering the most.
    because laughter isn't the best medicine, it's the best disguise.
    I should know, of all people.

  5. SkrapaD SkrapaD
    posted a quote
    July 21, 2011 6:04pm UTC
    So I was watching Cyberbully the other day…
    And it really got me thinking.
    Why is it so easy to say a mean thing behind someone’s back…
    But so hard to say a nice thing to someone’s face?
    Why is it so easy to put down someone classified as a “nerd”,
    But so hard to compliment a popular person that isn’t a nerd?
    Bullying is wrong.
    And like it was displayed in Cyberbully, it could even get to the point where it could make someone want to take their own life.
    So coming from a person that has not only been a victim of bullying but has also been the bullyer…
    The next time you feel the need to say something negative about another person,
    And say something positive instead.
    Because what is putting down someone else for your own enjoyment going to get you?
    It’s gonna get you another hater, I can tell you that.
    So basically… be nice to people.
    One mean comment can easily end someone’s life…
    Just as one nice comment could prevent someone from killing themselves. <3

  6. SkrapaD SkrapaD
    posted a quote
    July 26, 2011 12:29am UTC
    That’s Okay,
    I don’t need a life.
    I have Sims to live my life for me.

  7. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  8. SkrapaD SkrapaD
    posted a quote
    July 30, 2011 11:04pm UTC
    I am the author of my own life.
    Unfortunately, I’m writing it in pen
    And I can’t erase my mistakes.

  9. ShortieE10 ShortieE10
    posted a quote
    July 12, 2011 10:06pm UTC
    I’m the kinda girl
    Who goes into Ulta wearing no makeup
    Just to try all the samples on in the bathroom

  10. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  11. l0vE123 l0vE123
    posted a quote
    July 11, 2011 9:34pm UTC
    I'm the kinda girl
    who will delete her entire password if she gets one single letter wrong. ♥
    cause you don't care

  12. psiloveyouxo psiloveyouxo
    posted a quote
    July 11, 2011 9:42pm UTC
    those lyrics
    that bring back painful memories

  13. xoCaitlynxo xoCaitlynxo
    posted a quote
    July 11, 2011 9:38pm UTC
    77% of girls think they're ugly
    50% of girls think they're fat
    100% of society should stop
    insulting girls for their apperances
    & maybe this percentage would drop

  14. SkrapaD SkrapaD
    posted a quote
    June 28, 2011 3:54pm UTC
    And when your hair dryer breaks, the song "whip My Hair" by Willow Smith really comes into use :)

  15. SkrapaD SkrapaD
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2011 10:24pm UTC
    -wish we had the body or hair of “that girl”
    -say “ew” when someone mentions an old boyfriend that didn’t last
    -finish eating the candy bar even if we feel like we’re about to fold over and puke
    -scream at the characters in those horror movies that always make the stupidest of decisions
    -sit around in a towel for a half hour after you get out of the shower
    -freak out and casually fix your hair when you see a hot guy
    -do “truth is” on facebook because you’re bored but really you just want to see how many popular people at your school will actually like it
    -then freak out when you have to do that popular person’s “truth is”
    -pass the front doors of the school during passing period and wonder “would I get caught if I just walked out those doors right now?”
    -has tried to keep a diary but it never lasts
    -have tried to write a book but stopped at like the second chapter
    -act like we hate our parents but wonder what we would do without them
    -have always thought “I look old enough, I could get into a club.” But really we would be kicked out before we could even find a spot to dance
    -has once had an imaginary boyfriend that we think would be crazy if he was actually real
    -are so glad we found witty profiles
    -and don’t know what we would do with out it :)

  16. SkrapaD SkrapaD
    posted a quote
    July 10, 2011 10:36pm UTC
    You’re 9…
    And you have a facebook and a twitter.
    When I was 9…
    I had a club penguin and a webkinz.

  17. SkrapaD SkrapaD
    posted a quote
    July 12, 2011 3:59pm UTC
    Yeah... I'm a rebel.
    I pay no attention to "CAUTION, slippery when wet!" signs.
    I chew gum in school.
    I run really fast in my underwear to get the news paper sometimes.
    I walk with my shoe laces un-tied.
    I pre-set the combination in my locker before I go to class knowing what the consequences may be if someone tried to steal something.
    I run at the pool when the sign clearly says "No running".
    I click "I agree" without reading the terms and conditions.
    I ride my bike with no helmet.
    I go on Google to look up the answers to my homework.
    I sometimes wear my gym shoes with no socks on.
    I open umbrellas in the house.
    I lied to Facebook what my real age was.
    I walk under latters.
    ... But ripping a tag off of a mattress is just something I WILL NOT do! :P


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