Witty Profiles

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  1. MirandaaJeann21 MirandaaJeann21
    posted a quote
    November 4, 2012 10:00am UTC
    Where can I get layouts/backgrounds? :(

  2. MirandaaJeann21 MirandaaJeann21
    posted a quote
    November 3, 2012 9:58pm UTC
    I have screwed up 90% of my teenage life
    [X] Kissed someone before dating
    [x] Gotten a phone taken away at school
    [x] Gotten caught chewing gum
    [] Gotten caught cheating on a test
    Total so far: 3
    [ ] Arrived late to class more than 5 times
    [X] Didn't do homework over 5 times
    [X] Turned at least 2 projects in late
    [X] Missed school just because you felt like it
    [x] Laughed so loud you got kicked out of class
    Total so far: 7
    [X] Got your mom, dad, sibiling, etc to get you out of school
    [x] Text people during class
    [x] Passed notes
    [X] Threw stuff across the room
    [x] Laughed at the teacher
    Total so far: 12
    [x] Took pictures during school hours
    [x] Called someone during school hours
    [x] Listened to iPod, CD, etc during school hours
    Total so far: 15
    [X] Threw something at the teacher
    [x] Went outside the classroom without permission
    [x] Broke the dress code
    [X] Failed a class
    [x] Ate food during class
    Total so far: 20
    [x] Been called the worst student
    [X] Punished on a school trip because you behaved badly
    [x] Didn't take your stuff to school
    [x] Given a teacher the finger when they weren't looking
    Total so far: 24
    [x] Faked your parents signature
    [X] Slept in class
    [x] Cursed at a teacher behind their back
    [x] Copied homework
    [x] Got in trouble with the principal/vice principal/dean
    [X] Thrown food in the lunch room
    Total so far: 30
    Multiply by 3 for a total.
    Post as "I have screwed up __ of my teenage life."

  3. MirandaaJeann21 MirandaaJeann21
    posted a quote
    November 3, 2012 10:38am UTC
    i am 34%
    obsessed with
    my looks.
    i honestly dont
    know what to think :S
    I own:
    [x] hair straightener
    [x] curling iron
    [x] mousse
    [x] hairspray
    [ ] gel
    [x] other sprays
    [x] bobby pins
    [x] hair clips
    [x] hair ties
    [x] round barrel brush
    [x] blow dryer
    [x] mirror
    [ ] I have dyed my hair
    [ ] I have/had highlights
    TOTAL: 11
    Eyes: I own
    [] black eyeliner
    [] other color eyeliner
    [x] eye shadow
    [x] mascara
    []fake eyelashes
    [] eyelash curler
    [] eye shimmer
    [] contacts
    [] stunna shades
    [] eye makeup remover
    TOTAL: 2
    Lips/Teeth: I own
    [] clear lip gloss
    [] red or pink lip gloss
    [] lipstick
    [x] chap stick
    [ ] lip plumper
    [ ] electric toothbrush
    [ ] teeth whitener
    [] more than 15 lip glosses
    [x] toothpaste
    TOTAL: 2
    Complexion/Overall Face: I own
    [] blush
    [] moisturizer
    [] face wash
    [] bronzer
    [] makeup remover
    [x] face wipes
    [x] powder
    [] cover up
    [ ] blotting papers
    TOTAL: 2
    []nail polish/varnish
    [] filer
    [ ] cuticle remover
    [] nail hardener
    [] nail brush
    [] fake nails
    [] nail scissors
    [] special scissors to cut your nials
    TOTAL: 0
    Now multiply your number by 2
    Then repost as I am __% obsessed with my looks

  4. MirandaaJeann21 MirandaaJeann21
    posted a quote
    November 3, 2012 10:29am UTC
    Witty Survey:
    Cross Off the Things You Have Done
    Graduated high school
    Kissed someone
    Smoked a ciggarete
    Got so drunk you passed out
    Rode in a police car for something you didn't do
    Rode every ride at an amusement parkt an amusement park
    Collected something really stupid
    Gone to a rock concert
    Help someone
    Gone fishing why would you even have to ask??
    Watched 4 movies in one night.
    Gone long periods of time without sleep
    Lied to someone
    Snorted cocaine
    Dealt drugs
    Been in a car accident
    Been in a Tornado
    Done hard drugs
    Watched someone die
    Been at a funeral
    Burned yourself not on purpose
    Ran a marathon
    Cried yourself to sleep
    Spent over $200 in one day
    Flown on a plane
    Sat first class (1st seat ) on a plane
    Cheated on someone
    Been cheated on
    Written a 10 page letter
    Gone skiing
    Been Sailing
    Cut yourself on accident
    Had a best friend
    Lost someone you loved.
    Shoplifted something
    Been to jail
    Dangerously close to being in jail
    Skipped School
    Skipped a class
    Had Detention
    Got in trouble for something you didn't do
    Stolen books from a library
    Gone to a different country
    Dropped out of school
    Been in a mental hospital
    Been treated in a mental hospital
    Have watched all the Harry potter movies
    Had an online Diary
    Fired a gun
    Had a yard sale
    Had a lemonade stand
    Actually made money off of the lemonade stand
    Been in a school play
    Been fired from a job
    Taken a lie detector test
    Swam with dolphins
    Gone to seaworld.
    Gone to seaworld and seen Shamo
    Got absaloutly socked by Shamo.
    Voted for someone on a reality TV show
    Written poetry
    Read more than 20 books a year
    Written over a 30 page essay
    Gone to Europe spain & france
    Loved someone you shouldn't haveright now...
    Befriended someone you shouldn't have
    Used a colouring book over the age of 12.
    Had surgery
    Had stitches.
    Taken a taxi.
    Seen the Washington Monument
    Had more than 5 im's/chats online going all at once.
    Had a drug or alcohol problem
    Relative to someone with a serious alcohol/drug problem
    Been in a fist fight
    Gone surfing in California
    Had or have a pet hamster
    Pet a wild animal
    Used a credit card
    Did "spirit day" at your school
    Dyed your hair
    Got a tatto.
    Had something pierced
    Got straight A's.
    Been on Honor roll.
    Known someone with HIV or AIDS (Hearing Aids)
    Fell in love/ had or have a crush on your bestfriend.

  5. MirandaaJeann21 MirandaaJeann21
    posted a quote
    November 3, 2012 10:18am UTC
    click to see this quote

  6. MirandaaJeann21 MirandaaJeann21
    posted a quote
    November 3, 2012 10:11am UTC
    click to see this quote

  7. MirandaaJeann21 MirandaaJeann21
    posted a quote
    November 3, 2012 10:05am UTC
    Put your music player on shuffle
    Press forward for each question.
    Use the song title as the answer to the question.
    No cheating.
    1. How am I feeling today?
    Runaway Love.
    2. Where will I get married?
    Heart Attack
    3. What is my best friend's theme song?
    Blown Away.
    4. What is highschool like?
    If heaven wasn't so far away.
    5. What is the best thing that happened to me?
    Behind these hazel eyes.
    6. How is today going to be?
    Tear Drops On My Guitar.
    7. What is in store for this weekend?
    You Belong With Me.
    8. What song describes my parents?
    Teenage Dream.
    9. How is my life going?
    Sexy & I Know It.
    10. What song will they played at my funeral?
    Be Alright.
    11. How does the world see me?
    Daddy's Little Girl.
    12. What do my friends really think of me?
    Chasing Cars.
    13. Does someone absolutely love me?
    Good Time
    14. How can i make myself happy?
    Our song.
    15. What should I do with my life?
    17. What is some good advice?
    19. What does everyone else think my current theme song is?
    Kiss a girl.
    20. What type of men do you like?
    How to love,
    21. Will you get married?
    I should have kissed you.
    22. What should I do with my love life?
    Wide Away
    23. Where will you live?
    It wasn't me.
    24. What will your dying words be?
    Mr. Know It All.

  8. MirandaaJeann21 MirandaaJeann21
    posted a quote
    November 3, 2012 9:54am UTC
    - Name: Miranda Jean
    - Eye Color: Blue
    - Hair Style/Color: Long ; Wavy ; Blonde
    - Height: 5'4''
    - Clothing style: Sportie. I guess.
    - Best physical feature: Everyone likes my hair... Lol.
    - Your fears: Needles & losing my BestFriend.
    - Your guilty pleasure: Eating a lot. Lol.
    - Ambitions for the future: To be happy. Go to Arkansas for college & then come back to my hometown and raise my kids here or somewhere close.
    - Your first thoughts waking up: "Why is it soo early</3
    - What you think about most: Stupid stuff, like trying to predict what's going to happen.
    - What you think about before bed: Everything, anything.
    - You think your best quality is: I try to get along with everyone.
    - Single or group dates: Single.
    - To be loved or respected: Respect.
    - Beauty or brains: Brains.
    - Dogs or cats: Dogs.
    - Lie: Doesn't everyone.
    - Believe in yourself: I try to.
    - Believe in love: Somewhat.
    - Want someone: Yes.
    - Been on stage: No, well not a big stage atless.
    - Done drugs: Nope, and don't plan on it either.
    - Changed who you were to fit in: No.
    - Favorite color: Teal.
    - Favorite animal: Elephants.
    - Favorite movie: Mom & 16, Juno, A Law Abiding Citizen, & Cars.
    - Favorite game: Black Ops
    - Day your next birthday will be: Wednesday, June12th, 2013.
    - How old will you be: 15.
    - Age you lost your virginity: Forever Alone. ;D
    - Best personality: Trustworthy, Loyal, Honest, Nice.
    - Best eye color: BLUE.
    - Best hair color: Brown.
    - Best thing to do with a partner: Hang out and just talk, cuddle, hardcore kiss. <3
    - I love: Him. <33
    - I feel: Confused.
    - I hide: my feelings.
    - I miss: the past.
    - I wish: things/people didn't have to change.

  9. MirandaaJeann21 MirandaaJeann21
    posted a quote
    November 2, 2012 4:29pm UTC
    Ask me a question & I'll answer Honestly. <3 Or ask me advice, I'm good at that kind of stuff. (:

  10. MirandaaJeann21 MirandaaJeann21
    posted a quote
    November 2, 2012 3:44pm UTC
    follow for a follow? I promise I'll do them all.

  11. MirandaaJeann21 MirandaaJeann21
    posted a quote
    August 31, 2012 6:01pm UTC
    On Septemper 5th let's all put a big W on our hands to see who else is a wittian.
    Pass on the news.

  12. MirandaaJeann21 MirandaaJeann21
    posted a quote
    July 17, 2012 1:02am UTC
    kay guyss..
    every time that your in a big crowd , yell "AWOT"
    it stands for [ Any Wittians Out There? ]
    so we can see who eachother are.
    pass it on and sign your name:)♥

  13. MirandaaJeann21 MirandaaJeann21
    posted a quote
    July 8, 2012 12:00am UTC
    I don't like how people on witty
    say, "Sorry just needed to vent."I
    thought that was what witty was

  14. MirandaaJeann21 MirandaaJeann21
    posted a quote
    June 12, 2012 12:41am UTC
    Today's My Fourteenth Birthday. <3

  15. MirandaaJeann21 MirandaaJeann21
    posted a quote
    June 9, 2012 4:52pm UTC
    Favs for Confession <3

  16. MirandaaJeann21 MirandaaJeann21
    posted a quote
    June 1, 2012 11:46pm UTC
    Who agrees that gays and
    lesbains are still people and
    not just some type of
    Format by twilightgirl995

  17. MirandaaJeann21 MirandaaJeann21
    posted a quote
    May 13, 2012 9:34pm UTC
    After all you put me through, you would think i despise you but in the end i want to thank you cuz you made me that much stronger.
    - Christinia Aguilera
    Format by twilightgirl995

  18. MirandaaJeann21 MirandaaJeann21
    posted a quote
    May 13, 2012 9:31pm UTC
    Never get jealous when you see your EX with someone else,
    because our parent taught us to give our toys to the less forunate. <3

  19. MirandaaJeann21 MirandaaJeann21
    posted a quote
    May 13, 2012 9:27pm UTC
    You aren't going to be his first, his last, or his only.
    He's loved before, He will love again. But if he loves you now,
    what else matters? He's not perfect.. You aren't either.
    And the two of you will never be perfect.
    But if he can make you laugh at least once,
    cause you to think twice,
    and admits to being human and making mistakes,
    hold on to him and give him the most you can.
    He's not going to quote poetry. He's not going to be
    thinking about you every moment. But he will give you
    a part of him that he knows you can break.
    So, don't hurt him. Try not to over-analyze.
    Smile when he makes you happy, yell when he makes you mad.
    And miss him, when he's not there.
    I love you!

  20. MirandaaJeann21 MirandaaJeann21
    posted a quote
    May 13, 2012 3:05pm UTC
    Your real friend are going to be there by your side;
    even when you tell them to leave. (:


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